8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions (2024)

Blog Mental Health Therapy Somatic Exercises 8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions

8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions (1) Written by Jeremy Mukhwana8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions (2) Reviewed by Sachini Akuretiya8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions (3) Reviewed by Teodora Ghiur

5 months ago

Experiencing traumatic events doesn’t always leave visible scars. In some cases, they etch themselves deep within our nervous system, provoking defence and survival mechanisms such as anxiety that can persist long after the event itself has passed.

This persistent internal turbulence is more than just psychological; it’s somatic, rooted in the body. This happens because we don’t just process events mentally – we also live them through sensations, emotions, images, or implicit memories. Somatic techniques can help individuals reestablish a sense of safety and calm in their own body.

These exercises, grounded in the understanding of the body’s intrinsic wisdom, invite us to tune into our physical sensations and movements as pathways to healing.

In this blog post, we share eight somatic exercises that are specifically designed to alleviate anxiety. Each exercise will be accompanied by step-by-step instructions to ensure you can safely and effectively practice them at home.

Is Anxiety a Somatic Disorder?

Anxiety can also manifest in physical symptoms, but it is not classified as a somatic disorder. For instance, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is often associated with symptoms like restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and muscle tension (1). This is sometimes referred to as somatic anxiety or somatization. While these physical symptoms are very real, they originate from the individual’s anxiety and are not due to a separate physical disease.

It may be confusing to tell anxiety apart from a somatic disorder due to the shared symptoms.

Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD), is characterized by excessive focus and anxiety about physical symptoms that cause significant emotional distress and problems with daily functioning (2).

In both cases, whether it’s an anxiety disorder with somatic symptoms or a somatic disorder, the person’s quality of life can be significantly impacted. The good news is that both types of disorders are treatable, often through a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness techniques, medication, and, in some cases, somatic exercises.

Running a never-ending rat race, shoving trauma further and further away, falling into self-harming thought patterns, living life that’s eclipsed by constant anxiety and fear – this is what an average person goes through every day. Not addressing it will only pull you deeper into a downward spiral. and help you regain that long-lost internal balance!

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What Are 4 Symptoms of Somatic Anxiety?

Somatic anxiety refers to the physical symptoms of anxiety, which can manifest in various ways.

Here are four common symptoms:

  • Restlessness or agitation: This could mean feeling “on edge” or unable to sit still. It can also involve a sense of discomfort or unease that prompts constant movement or fidgeting.
  • Fatigue or increased tiredness: Despite not doing any physically exhausting activities, individuals with somatic anxiety might feel persistently fatigued or easily tired. This isn’t just regular tiredness; it’s a kind of exhaustion that doesn’t go away with rest or sleep.
  • Muscle tension or pain: This involves persistent muscle discomfort, often in the form of stiffness or aches. The tension may be widespread or localized to specific areas like the neck, shoulders, or back.
  • Difficulty concentrating or ‘brain fog’: People experiencing somatic anxiety often find it hard to focus or concentrate on tasks. They might feel as if their mind is ‘foggy’ or filled with cotton, making thinking and decision-making more challenging than usual.

Remember, everyone’s experience with anxiety is unique, and somatic symptoms can vary from person to person. If you’re experiencing these or any other troubling symptoms, it’s important to seek help from a healthcare professional.

Can Somatic Therapy Help With Anxiety?

Somatic therapy is an integrative approach to anxiety treatment that recognizes the profound connection between body and mind. This therapeutic approach was developed by researchers like Peter Levine and Stephen Porges, who observed that people responded to highly stressful events with somatic symptoms (8). It is based on the understanding that unresolved emotions linked to experiencing a traumatic event and/or stress can manifest as physical symptoms in our bodies.

By focusing on bodily sensations, rather than solely on cognitive processes, somatic therapy offers a body-centered approach to healing and wellness.

Research and clinical observations suggest that somatic practices can indeed be effective in managing anxiety (5). Here’s how:

Body Awareness

Somatic therapy encourages a heightened consciousness of the body and its internal sensations (6). This helps individuals recognize the physical manifestations of their anxiety, such as a racing heart or tense muscles.

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Stress Reduction

The techniques used in somatic therapy can reduce stress within the body (7), which is often a result of anxiety. This includes exercises that promote deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and grounding techniques.

Emotional Processing

Somatic therapy allows individuals to process unresolved emotions that are often stored in the body following traumatic events and enhance one’s ability to regulate emotions (4). This can lead to a decrease in anxiety symptoms as individuals learn to better self-regulate when encountering those emotions.

Mind-Body Connection

Somatic therapy emphasizes the connection between the mind and body through enhancing internal awareness of the body and its functions (4). By working on this interplay, individuals can learn to better manage their anxiety.


Through somatic therapy, individuals learn to self-regulate their emotional and physiological states, which can empower them to manage their anxiety more effectively.

Bottom-Up Approach

Unlike cognitive behavioral therapies that work from the “top down” by challenging thoughts related to anxiety, somatic therapy works from the “bottom up” using the body as an entry point to explore sensations and related thoughts and feelings. It reduces stress and anxiety, through reconnecting with the body, regulating the nervous system, and processing underlying emotions. (3).

Read more:Somatic Therapy Exercises: Your 2023 Guide To Overcoming Traumatic Memories.

8 Somatic Techniques for Anxiety

Somatic exercises are body-oriented techniques that help manage and reduce feelings of anxiety. These somatic practices focus on creating a mind-body connection to help you become more aware of your internal sensations and emotions. These exercises can involve deep breathing, mindfulness, movement, and touch.

Some examples of these exercises include:

Healing hands

This involves placing your hand on an area of your body that’s experiencing a change or shift, such as tension or discomfort, and then breathing deeply.

  1. Identify an area of your body where you feel tension or discomfort.
  2. Place one or both of your hands on this area.
  3. Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of your hand(s) against your body.
  4. Continue this exercise for a few minutes, or until you start to feel a sense of relief or relaxation.
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Grounding essentially means tuning into the present moment and your immediate environment. By focusing on our physical sensations we can create a sense of safety and security even when anxious.

  1. Close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your feet against the ground or floor.
  2. Feel the contact between your soles and its surface, noticing how it feels differently in different areas of your foot.
  3. Imagine the ground or floor supporting you, like a solid foundation that can’t be moved.
  4. Continue this exercise for as long as you need to, concentrating on the physical sensation of your feet against the floor.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

This technique involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body to release tension and reduce stress.

  1. Start by tensing each muscle group for five to ten seconds, focusing on the feeling of tightness in your body as you do this.
  2. Slowly release the tension and relax each muscle group, noticing how it feels different from when it was tense.
  3. Continue this process with different muscle groups until you feel a sense of relaxation throughout your body.

Voo Breath

The Voo breath involves taking a deep breath in, and then making a long “voo” sound as you exhale. The vibration created by this sound is believed to stimulate the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in the body’s parasympathetic nervous system – the system responsible for rest and digestion responses. Stimulating the vagus nerve can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and fear responses.

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Ensure your environment is quiet and peaceful.
  2. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. Try to fill your lungs completely.
  3. As you exhale slowly through your mouth, make a loud, low-pitched “voo” sound. Feel the vibration of the sound in your body, particularly in your chest and throat.
  4. Continue this process for a few minutes, or until you start to feel more relaxed and grounded.


Using gentle pressure on the skin can help reduce tension in our body and ease anxious thoughts or feelings. This doesn’t have to be a complicated process – it could simply involve rubbing your hands together, or caressing your arms and legs using slow, circular motions.

  1. Choose an area of your body that you would like to focus on.
  2. Gently massage the area using soothing circular motions with your fingertips or palms.
  3. Focus on the sensation of your hands as you do this, noticing the warmth and pressure.
  4. Continue this exercise for a few minutes or until you feel calmer and more relaxed.

If you’ve dipped your toes in meditation before but couldn’t sit through a session because of all the thoughts buzzing in your head, impulses snatching away control or all the overwhelming feelings that start bubbling up the minute you sink into the silence, it’s only because you didn’t have the right guidance. !

Butterfly Hug

This self-soothing technique involves crossing your arms over your chest and lightly tapping your shoulders, mimicking the motion of a butterfly’s wings. The idea is to create a sense of safety and security.

  1. Cross your arms over your chest, with one hand resting on each shoulder.
  2. Gently tap the top of each shoulder a few times with your fingertips.
  3. Continue this motion for as long as you need to, focusing on the physical sensation of your hands against your skin.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Breathing exercises for anxiety are a great way to relax and reduce stress. Diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing, is one of the most effective forms of deep breathing for reducing anxiety.

  1. Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest.
  3. Breathe in through your nose, ensuring that your stomach rises more than your chest.
  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth, allowing your stomach to fall. Repeat this for several minutes.

Pursed-lips Breathing

This particular breathing technique can be used to reduce feelings of breathlessness or shortness of breath, which is commonly associated with anxiety. It helps slow down our breathing rate and increase lung capacity.

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.
  2. Breathe in slowly through your nose for two seconds, counting “one-two” in your head.
  3. Purse your lips as if you were blowing out a candle, and then exhale slowly for four seconds. Repeat this process for several minutes.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can panic attacks result in somatization?

Yes, panic attacks can have somatic manifestations. This means that the anxiety and fear associated with panic attacks can cause physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and trembling. These physical responses are the body’s reaction to perceived danger or threat.

What Is the Difference Between Somatic and Cognitive Anxiety?

Somatic anxiety refers to the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, and shaking. It’s the body’s physiological response to stress or fear.

On the other hand, cognitive anxiety refers to the mental or emotional aspects of anxiety, including feelings of worry, fear, or dread. These two types of anxiety often occur together, as mental stress can trigger physical symptoms and vice versa.

How Long Do You Do Somatic Exercises?

The length of time for doing somatic exercises can vary depending on the specific exercise and the individual’s comfort level.

For example, some exercises can be done in shorter intervals throughout the day. You may want to start off with short practices as your body’s ability to tune into bodily sensations increases. As you become more comfortable with holding more intense sensations, you can gradually increase your practice’s length. The key is to practice regularly and consistently for the best results.

If these feelings or emotions are significantly impacting your well-being, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a qualified somatic therapist or mental health professional for personalized guidance and interventions.

Read more:Somatic Experiencing Therapy: A Guide to Getting In Touch With Your Innermost Self.

The Bottom Line

Harness the power of mind-body connection with these 8 somatic exercises. Each exercise comes with detailed, step-by-step instructions to help you effectively manage and reduce your anxiety levels. We encourage you to embrace a holistic approach to mental health and wellness.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circ*mstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics, including mental health therapy and somatic exercises. I can provide you with information related to the concepts mentioned in this article. Here's what I found:

Is Anxiety a Somatic Disorder?

Anxiety is not classified as a somatic disorder. However, it can manifest in physical symptoms, which are sometimes referred to as somatic anxiety or somatization. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is often associated with symptoms like restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and muscle tension. These physical symptoms originate from the individual's anxiety and are not due to a separate physical disease [[1]].

Can Somatic Therapy Help With Anxiety?

Somatic therapy is an integrative approach to anxiety treatment that recognizes the connection between the body and mind. It focuses on bodily sensations and offers a body-centered approach to healing and wellness. Research and clinical observations suggest that somatic practices can be effective in managing anxiety. Somatic therapy encourages body awareness, stress reduction, emotional processing, mind-body connection, and self-regulation. It works from a "bottom-up" approach, using the body as an entry point to explore sensations and related thoughts and feelings [[2]].

8 Somatic Techniques for Anxiety

The article mentions eight somatic exercises specifically designed to alleviate anxiety. Here are the techniques along with brief descriptions:

  1. Healing hands: Placing your hand on an area of your body experiencing tension or discomfort and breathing deeply [[3]].
  2. Grounding: Focusing on the sensation of your feet against the ground or floor to create a sense of safety and security [[4]].
  3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): Tensing and releasing different muscle groups in your body to release tension and reduce stress [[5]].
  4. Voo Breath: Taking a deep breath in and making a long "voo" sound as you exhale to stimulate the vagus nerve and reduce stress [[6]].
  5. Self-Massage: Using gentle pressure on the skin to reduce tension and ease anxious thoughts or feelings [[7]].
  6. Butterfly Hug: Crossing your arms over your chest and lightly tapping your shoulders to create a sense of safety and security [[8]].
  7. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Practicing deep belly breathing to relax and reduce stress [[9]].
  8. Pursed-lips Breathing: Breathing in slowly through your nose and exhaling through pursed lips to reduce breathlessness or shortness of breath associated with anxiety [[10]].

Please note that these exercises are summarized, and it's important to follow detailed, step-by-step instructions to practice them safely and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

The article also includes some frequently asked questions related to anxiety and somatic exercises. Here are the answers provided:

  1. Can panic attacks result in somatization? Yes, panic attacks can have somatic manifestations, such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and trembling. These physical responses are the body's reaction to perceived danger or threat [[11]].
  2. What is the difference between somatic and cognitive anxiety? Somatic anxiety refers to the physical symptoms of anxiety, while cognitive anxiety refers to the mental or emotional aspects, including feelings of worry, fear, or dread. These two types of anxiety often occur together, as mental stress can trigger physical symptoms and vice versa [[12]].
  3. How long do you do somatic exercises? The length of time for doing somatic exercises can vary depending on the specific exercise and individual comfort level. It's recommended to start with shorter intervals and gradually increase the practice's length as you become more comfortable with holding intense sensations [[13]].

Remember, if you're experiencing significant distress or symptoms related to anxiety, it's important to seek guidance from a qualified somatic therapist or mental health professional for personalized guidance and interventions.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions (2024)


8 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety, with Step-by-Step Instructions? ›

A somatic approach to self-soothing involves turning attention directly toward the body's present moment experience of anxiety, and bringing in our internal resources - breath, sensation, movement, touch - to help regulate the nervous system and relax the musculature.

What are somatic exercises for anxiety? ›

Somatic Practices to Reduce Anxiety
  • Get grounded. Feel your feet. ...
  • Extend your exhale. Take a moment to notice your breath, without trying to change anything. ...
  • Feel your skin. It may sound a bit odd, but it can be helpful to remember that you have skin. ...
  • Engage your large muscles.
Jan 20, 2016

How can I do somatic therapy by myself? ›

Here are a few grounding techniques to try at home:
  1. Run water over your hands. ...
  2. Move your body in ways that feel most comfortable to you. ...
  3. Focus on your breathing while you control how you inhale and exhale. ...
  4. Tense and relax different parts of your body. ...
  5. Play a “categories” game with yourself.
Jul 21, 2021

What is the somatic approach to anxiety? ›

A somatic approach to self-soothing involves turning attention directly toward the body's present moment experience of anxiety, and bringing in our internal resources - breath, sensation, movement, touch - to help regulate the nervous system and relax the musculature.

Is there a free somatic exercise app? ›

SomaShare is a free app that brings practical, easy-to-follow tools and a communal space to support people in deep healing and transformation.

What is somatic workout for beginners? ›

Choosing to move your body in any way that feels good to you, focusing on the inflow and outflow of the breath, noticing how it feels to tense and relax parts of the body, and grounding by feeling the connection of the body to the ground and/or chair are some examples of somatic exercises,” she says.

How do I start somatic exercise? ›

A 6-step somatic exercise:
  1. Notice. Inhale and exhale. ...
  2. Identify. Identify at what point in time and/or which part of your body began experiencing disturbance or stress.
  3. Replay. Replay the scenario from calm state to stressed state, in slow motion (as if watching a slow movie). ...
  4. Tune in. ...
  5. Healing hands.
Aug 8, 2018

What is the most effective somatic technique? ›

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy: This therapy uses physical bi-lateral actions (eg. following a therapist's pen or finger side-to-side) while recalling traumatic experiences to create new brain connections to those memories.

Where is trauma stored in the body? ›

Trauma is not physically held in the muscles or bones — instead, the need to protect oneself from perceived threats is stored in the memory and emotional centers of the brain, such as the hippocampus and amygdala. This activates the body whenever a situation reminds the person of the traumatic event(s).

What does a somatic release feel like? ›

You may take a deep sigh and notice an ability to breath easily, or you may feel like you've dropped a huge brick from your heart. Clients often express a lighter feeling after their body has properly sequenced through an event or emotional experience.

What are 4 symptoms of somatic anxiety? ›

Symptoms typically associated with somatization of anxiety and other psychiatric disorders include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, chest pain, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, and headache.

What is the best medication for somatic anxiety? ›

GAD is a common anxiety disorder, and it often presents with somatic symptoms. SSRIs that are FDA-approved for anxiety include sertraline (Zoloft) and immediate- and extended-release paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR).

What is the difference between cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety? ›

The key difference is in the manifestation of the symptoms; where somatic anxiety tends to find an outlet in the body, with symptoms expressed physically, cognitive anxiety symptoms more typically occur within the brain. Unlike somatic symptom disorder, cognitive anxiety symptoms might include: Depersonalisation.

What is a somatic workout routine? ›

Somatic movement is moving with full-body awareness, focusing more on how you're feeling rather than meeting a specific fitness goal. It's a way to connect your emotions to how you're feeling physically. When done regularly, somatic movement can benefit both the body and mind in profound ways.

What is somatic stretching? ›

Somatic stretching involves intentional body movements during which you focus your attention on your inner experience. Many of the ways that our body reacts to stress are involuntary. These reactions often arise from our fight-flight-freeze response.

What is a somatic exercise? ›

Somatic movement is moving with full-body awareness, focusing more on how you're feeling rather than meeting a specific fitness goal. It's a way to connect your emotions to how you're feeling physically. When done regularly, somatic movement can benefit both the body and mind in profound ways.

What is the difference between yoga and somatic exercises? ›

The main difference between traditional Hatha Yoga and Gentle Somatic Yoga (GSY) is that in GSY our main intention is to not stretch a muscle. Instead, in GSY we intend to reprogram and strengthen the brain-to-muscle connection. We accomplish this through a technique called pandiculation.

What does a somatic workout look like? ›

Somatic exercises can largely vary from grounding techniques to breath work, body scans, yoga or dancing, says Lyons. "They all have the intention of slowing down and increasing and connecting to the movements, sensations and feelings housed in the body," he adds.

What are the core exercises for anxiety? ›

Strengthening your core through workouts such as sit-ups, planks, bicycle crunches and push-ups are not only great for overall fitness but are also a key contributor to managing the detrimental effects anxiety has on our mental health and wellbeing.


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