Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (2024)

Unlike other identity management solutions, Okta is not simply a toolkit that you use to connect your web applications to your user directories. Instead, Okta "integrates" applications into its identity management service for you, and you simply deploy these pre-integrated applications to your users as necessary. You can authenticate these users against your own user store (e.g. Active Directory or LDAP) or you can use Okta as the user store. This document describes the various ways Okta integrates applications into its service.

Okta: Enterprise Identity, Delivered

Okta is an enterprise grade identity management service, built from the ground up in the cloud and delivered with an unwavering focus on customer success. With Okta IT can manage access across any application, person or device. Whether the people are employees, partners or customers or the applications are in the cloud, on premises or on a mobile device, Okta helps IT become more secure, make people more productive, and maintain compliance.

Integrating Applications with the Okta Service

Unlike other identity management solutions, Okta is not simply a toolkit that you use to connect your web applications to your user directories. That takes too much of your time and resources. Instead, Okta “integrates” applications into its service for you, and you simply deploy these pre-integrated applications to your users as necessary. You can authenticate these users against your own user store (e.g. Active Directory or LDAP) or you can use Okta as the user store. Okta is unique in providing quick, feature rich integrations with web based and native mobile applications, whether these are in the cloud, on-premises or on your smartphone or tablet. These integrations are delivered as a part of the Okta service and include both SSO and user management capabilities. This document describes the various ways Okta integrates applications into its service.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (1)

Okta: Managing Access across Any Application, Device or Person

Cloud, On-premises, and Mobile Applications

It is useful to start with a distinction between cloud, on-premises and mobile apps.

For typical cloud based applications (e.g. Salesforce, Google Apps, Workday, etc.), these integrations are delivered as a part of Okta’s Application Network. Administrators simply select from Okta’s list of thousands of supported applications, use a simple wizard answering basic questions about their specific instance of the applications (such as URL and administrative IDs) and Okta handles the rest.

All technical details (such as SSO protocols and user management API implementations) are encapsulated in the service and continually maintained by Okta on your behalf. These applications may use a standard like SAML or OpenID, they may use a proprietary API, or they may use Okta’s Secure Web Authentication (SWA) protocol.

Many of the most popular on premises web based applications (Oracle Apps, Lawson, Jira, etc.) are also included in the Okta Application Network. For custom developed on-premises web based applications Okta provides a range of integration options as well. Secure Web Authentication integration for SSO can be easily added, Okta has SAML toolkits that can be used to SAML enable your apps, and Okta also supports provisioning and deprovisioning into applications that expose user management APIs publicly.

Okta also provides easy access to mobile enterprise applications from any device. Whether your enterprise apps are HTML5 web apps optimized for mobile platforms or Native iOS or Android apps, Okta has a solution. Any web application in the Okta Application Network can be accessed with single sign on from any mobile device. Mobile web apps can use industry standard SAML, or they can use Okta’s Secure Web Authentication SSO technology. Native applications like Box Mobile can be integrated using SAML authentication for registration and OAuth for ongoing use.

Single Sign-On to ANY Application

Okta creates a seamless user experience by providing single sign-on to ALL of the web and mobile applications users need. Users log in once, and can then launch each application without having to re-enter credentials. It is important to note that this SSO experience only works well when ALL applications are covered; if some applications cannot be supported then it’s not truly singlesign on. For this reason, Okta employs several methods to enable SSO into different web applications.

Okta first establishes a securely authenticated session with the user’s browser. Once this session has been established, Okta can authenticate the user to any connected application using one of two SSO integration methods. Okta’s SSO integrations can either be federated (i.e. supporting a standard such as SAML or another proprietary federated authentication protocol) or they can leverage Okta’s Secure Web Authentication (SWA) to perform a secure, form-driven post to the application login page, signing in the user automatically on their behalf.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (2)

Standards based SSO

There are multiple Standards-based ways to do SSO. Because Okta is a cloud service, we have the ability to add support for any standards, i.e. we are not forced to choose one standard or another.

Okta supports numerous federated SSO protocols including standards such as SAML (1.1 and 2.0). Some application vendors only support proprietary federated SSO protocols, but Okta supports those as well so that you don’t have to worry—it just works. If an application needs authorization support for OpenID, Okta can easily add support for that application too.

Every time Okta adds a new application to its network, every one of our customers immediately gets access to that application; this is why Okta can spend its engineering resources to support all authentication standards.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (3)

Configuring Google Apps for SAML 2.0 SSO

Secure Web Authentication (SWA) for SSO

For web applications that do not provide support for federated single sign-on Okta has developed our Secure Web Authentication (SWA) technology.

When SWA is enabled on an application, end users see an additional link below the application icon on their Okta home page, and through this link users can set and update their credential in the secure store for that application only. The credential is stored in an encrypted format using strong AES encryption combined with a customer specific private key. When a user subsequently clicks the application icon, Okta securely posts the username/password to the app login page over SSL and the user is automatically logged in.

SWA can optionally be made even easier for end users; admins can require the username and password that is used for SWA-based apps to be the same as that user’s Okta credentials, removing one more step for end users (they are no longer prompted for the initial password entry).

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (4)

Configuring Google Apps for SWA-based SSO

SAML Toolkits for SSO

For custom web applications that are not in the Okta Application Network, Okta also provides integration toolkits to easily enable these applications to support SAML. The SAML integration toolkits are available for .NET, Java and PHP platforms.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (5)

Using Okta’s SAML Toolkit to enable SSO for on-premises web applications

Single Sign-On for Active Directory Authenticated Web Apps

Most enterprises have on-premises web applications that can easily be integrated into Okta’s SSO solution. Many companies also have on-prem web applications that use Active Directory credentials for authentication. These applications are not using Integrated Windows Authentication, but instead require the user to enter their AD credentials when they sign in via a browser. When Okta is configured to delegate authentication to Active Directory, signing in to these internal web applications can also be automated.

The behind-the-scenes steps that enable SSO for AD authenticated internal web applications (shown below) are:

1. Okta is configured to delegate authentication to AD.

2. Customer has on-premises apps authenticating to AD.

3. User logs into Okta with AD credentials.

4. User accesses App 1 and App 2 with SWA using AD credentials.

5. App 1 and App 2 authenticate user against AD.

Okta can leverage its Secure Web Authentication protocol to automatically log users into these internal web applications. When an internal web application is configured to delegate authentication to AD (the same source to which Okta delegates authentication), Okta captures the user’s AD password at login and automatically sets that password for that user in any applications that also delegate to AD. This allows users to simply click a link to access these applications, and then be logged in automatically. Note that Okta synchronizes the AD password securely; if the password subsequently changes in AD, this event is captured on login to Okta and immediately updated in the secure password store for that application, ensuring that the next login attempt will be successful.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (6)

Okta enables SSO for AD authenticated internal web applications

Enabling User Management

User management is defined as the provisioning of new accounts for new users, deprovisioning of accounts for deactivated users, and keeping user attributes synchronized across multiple directories as necessary. Okta’s user management features enable the service to automatically manage user accounts within applications, saving you time and money and ensuring correct access privileges are always up to date. User management is bidirectional, so accounts can be created inside the application and imported into Okta, or account information can be added to Okta and then pushed to the corresponding applications.

There are three core areas of user management functionality that Okta provides:

1. Bulk user import (from a variety of sources)

2. Ability to natively create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) users within Okta

3. Password synchronization / password push (across multiple directories)

For user management integrations Okta supports OAuth 2.0 based authentication, and if an application supports lesser known standards such as SCIM or SPML, Okta can leverage those for user management as well. Similar to SSO access, Okta does the work of connecting to these APIs for you; there is no “connector” work for you to do yourself. To enable user management you simply configure Okta with credentials for your API user and select the features that you would like. Everything else is handled by the Okta service, including continuous automated testing and (if necessary) updates as the capabilities of the application inevitably evolve.

On-premises applications can also be integrated into Okta to enable user management. This can be done in one of two ways: leveraging Active Directory or using web services to manage user accounts in applications:

• For enterprises that on-board users via an HRMS like Workday, Okta can support user management into on-premises applications by using Active Directory as a meeting point. You can configure Okta to mange accounts in your Active Directory instance, and Okta will create and update users in AD based on user accounts in Workday. This information can then be used by any on-premises web application that uses Active Directory as its user store.

• Alternatively, Okta’s can support user management for any on-premises web application that has a web services API that can be made available to the Okta service via a publicly addressable connection. Okta will make calls to that application’s web service to create new user accounts, update attributes, and deactivate users as needed based on the user assignment rules configured in the Okta service. Okta can provide detailed examples of web services APIs as well.


Single-sign on and user management are key requirements of any enterprise adopting cloud and mobile applications alongside their existing web-based on-prem applications. SSO, as the name implies, only truly works when all applications are covered, and therefore any credible SSO solution must support a variety of methods to integrate all the web and mobile applications you need to run your company. Okta uniquely enables SSO into any web or mobile application using open standards, or proprietary APIs, or Secure Web Authentication (SWA) and by SAML-enabling on-prem web applications. Additionally, user management comes pre-integrated for all of the cloud applications that support this functionality, and on premises apps can be easily incorporated via AD integration or by provisioning and de-provisioning directly to supported APIs.

Application Integrations Whitepaper | Okta (2024)


Who is Okta's biggest competitor? ›

Top Competitors and Alternatives of Okta

The top three of Okta's competitors in the Single Sign-On (SSO) category are OneLogin with 40.77%, OneAll with 22.31%, AWS Single Sign-On with 5.12% market share.

Does Okta monitor your activity? ›

We use Personal Data, such as contact data, Ancillary Data and other metadata, about you and your use of our products, services, and offices to verify accounts and activity, monitor suspicious or fraudulent activity, assist our customers in their monitoring of suspicious or fraudulent activity, and identify violations ...

Is Okta IdP or SP? ›

Okta acts as the SP and delegates the user authentication to the external IdP. The external IdP authenticates the user. The IdP sends a SAML assertion back to Okta. Okta validates the SAML assertion from the external IdP and, if necessary, enforces MFA.

How many apps does Okta integrate with? ›

Securely connect your users to applications in minutes with out-of-the-box integrations for 6,500+ cloud, on-prem, and mobile apps. Manage application single sign-on (SSO) and the user lifecycle, including advanced onboarding and offboarding, device, and license management options.

Can Azure replace Okta? ›

Okta Workflows has no replacement in Azure AD

IT admins can have different things that happen when a user account get created or terminated, so there is automation where Azure AD does not have a feature that directly compares.

Why choose Okta over Microsoft? ›

Okta's adaptive MFA provides strong authentication across all applications, and supports more third-party MFA factors like U2F, YubiKey, Smart Cards, Google Authenticator and more. Okta requires no on-premises MFA servers, and is easy to use for both administrators and end users.

What are the disadvantages of Okta? ›

User experience limitations: While Okta provides a user-friendly interface, some users may find the user experience less intuitive or visually appealing compared to other identity and access management solutions.

Has Okta ever been breached? ›

The support system breach, which occurred between September 28 and October 1, 2023, was initially detected and reported to Okta's security teams by BeyondTrust on October 2nd, after BeyondTrust security teams detected an identity-centric attack on an in-house Okta administrator account.

Does the government use Okta? ›

The Okta Identity Platform provides modern, centralized, and secure identity and access management for U.S. federal agencies.

Does FedEx use Okta? ›

Okta Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication allows FedEx to add contextual verification requirements for users.

Does Okta use SAML or OAuth? ›

Secure single sign-on often uses SAML as the protocol of choice, but Okta also provides several other options, including a Sign-in Widget, Auth SDK (a JavaScript-based library), Social Login, and an Authentication API for any client.

Why is Okta called Okta? ›

The full story: “Our name, Okta, comes from a meteorological term,” said Okta CMO Ryan Carlson. “An 'okta' is a unit of measurement used to describe cloudiness. The number of oktas in the sky can range from zero to eight: if it's zero oktas, it's a clear blue-sky day; eight oktas means it's completely overcast.

Why is Okta so popular? ›

Okta's popularity stems from being one of the first solutions to push a cloud-based Identify as a Service offering. Other Identity providers, such as AD and Ping, started as legacy on-premise Identity Providers that required customers to install software onto servers on their infrastructure.

What cloud does Okta run on? ›

Okta Customer Identity Cloud, powered by Auth0, is a neutral, independent CIAM solution that gives you more freedom. Activate on our multi-tenant public cloud with AWS or deploy to a single-tenant private cloud using AWS or Azure. Learn more about each provider on Auth0 by Okta.

What platform does Okta run on? ›

Supported platforms and browsers
PlatformVersionsSupport policy
macOSMonterey (12) Ventura (13) Sonoma (14)Major OS versions released to the public within the last three years
Windows10 (1709, 19H2, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2) 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)All Microsoft Windows Desktop versions above Windows 10, version 1709
3 more rows

Is Okta the market leader? ›

Okta has market share of 26.86% in identity-access-management market. Okta competes with 26 competitor tools in identity-access-management category. The top alternatives for Okta identity-access-management tool are OneLogin with 49.65%, Gigya with 6.08%, DIGIPASS with 5.07% market share.

What is the competitive advantage of Okta? ›

"Okta, Inc.

The company's integration with 7,000 other software vendors and system providers is a competitive advantage that enables rapid and seamless implementations.

Why is Okta better than Duo? ›

Integration and compatibility

In addition, Okta integrates well with notable business applications such as Slack, DocuSign, Workday, Zendesk and AWS. In comparison, Duo integrates with many platforms but tends to lean more toward the Cisco ecosystem.


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