Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (2024)

Bicep and Tricep Exercises Compilation to get the arm size you’ve always wanted.

One of the biggest goals fitness enthusiasts often look for is that the “gains” achieved, “with or without clothes”, are appreciated, and among these achievements, well-proportioned arms are possibly the most important.

The biceps and triceps are, without a doubt, the muscles that are often the most talked about, and the ones that are most often “shown off”.

Did you lift your shirt sleeve in the lift or take advantage of the changing room lights to do a “Double Bicep”?

In most cases, you train the biceps and triceps for an aesthetic purpose, hypertrophy, seeking maximum growth… but what many do not know is that, just like other muscle groups, this work has other purposes, beyond mere aesthetics.


  • 1 What are the biceps?
  • 2 What are triceps?
  • 3 How do you work the biceps and triceps?
  • 4 Bicep and tricep exercises
  • 5 Bicep and tricep exercises at home
  • 6 Biceps and triceps exercise routine
  • 7 Tips
  • 8 Related Entries

What are the biceps?

The biceps brachii muscle is a muscle of the upper arm, located in the anterior and superficial region of the arm; it is long, cylindrical and made up of two parts or heads: the inner, shorter one and the outer or long one.

The short part inserts into the upper of the coracoid process by a common tendon with the coracobrachialis, and the long part in the external angle of the scapula.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (1)

On the underside, by a tendon common to the bicipital tuberosity of the radius.

Main Function of the Biceps

The main function of the biceps is to flex the shoulder joint, although, depending on the reference point we take for the movement, it performs other functions too:

  • With its fixed origin, it flexes the elbow joint, moving the humerus and supinating the forearm.
  • With its fixed insert, it flexes the elbow joint by moving the humerus towards the forearm as in lifting exercises.

Klokov doing Biceps, after a 200kg Snatch!

This muscle also helps to stabilise the glenohumeral joint.

What are triceps?

The triceps are located in the upper arm, along the humerus, between the shoulder and the elbow and work in combination with the bicep muscle to allow movement of the forearm:

  • When the triceps contract, the forearm extends and the elbow straightens;
  • On the other hand, while the triceps is relaxed, the biceps work, retracting the forearm and bending the elbow.

Understanding the triceps musculature is key to knowing which exercises to give more emphasis in the gym.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (2)

The triceps muscle, also called the Triceps Brachii, is made up of three heads or vastus: lateral, medial and long.

The triceps mechanism involves movement of the shoulder joint, which is the joint with the greatest range of motion, and the shoulder depends on the triceps to allow it to maintain stability in any movement and direction.

Main Function of the Triceps

The primary function of the elbow is to allow extension of the elbow, or to help straighten the arm.

Alongside this, it shares functionality with the latissimus dorsi in adduction or lowering the arm towards the body.

It’s also implicated, in an indirect way, in other types of exercises.

Have a look at another great athlete, also a weightlifter, training with tricep dips (parallel dips):

If athletes of this calibre include bicep and tricep exercises in their training…

By understanding in depth the function and activation of each vastus muscle that forms the triceps muscle, we’ll know which exercise is most conducive to the development of each one.

How do you work the biceps and triceps?

From my point of view, it’s essential to perform the technique correctly and respect the range of motion so that we move the load to achieve full arm extension (eccentric biceps and concentric triceps).

At this point, note that a fully extended biceps goes hand in hand with the movement of the elbow, so don’t limit the full range by not extending the elbows properly

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (3)

So, before starting the exercise, without loading the weight, observe the movement yourself in the air, and check how the arm should be in the flexed position and when it is contracted.

The same applies, of course, to your triceps, by looking at them in front of a mirror.

Applying the previous concept, essential for optimal development, we continue with another form factor, in this case the moment when we lift the bar or dumbbell and feel that we need to apply much greater force.

The point of greatest intensity!

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (4)

It’s important to understand this aspect as it limits us when it comes to figuring out which load to use.

Time under Bicep and Tricep Tension

In order to achieve greater size in the biceps and triceps, or any muscle, you should consider stimulating the largest amount of fibres.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (5)

For example, in a pulley biceps curl with 5050 timing, we would take 5 seconds to perform the concentric phase, without any rest to switch to the eccentric phase, another 5 seconds for that phase, and without rest return to the concentric phase.

One of the variables is the Time Under Tension (TUT), which we can increase according to the cadence or tempo parameter, which refers to the time we spend in each of the phases of the exercise: initial, concentric, eccentric and final.

Bicep and tricep exercises

As we have seen, both the biceps and triceps are small muscles, so practically all the work we do will be isolation work.

However, I always like to include exercises with my own body weight, where you can increase the intensity with weight belts and by involving more muscle mass in turn.

Supine Pull-Ups

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (6)

Despite the fact that the bicep won’t be the priority muscle itself, it will be involved in the execution of the movement.

Muscles Involved in Supine Pull-Ups

Main MuscleLats (latissimus dorsi)
Synergistic MusclesBrachialis and brachioradialis muscle, Teres major, Posterior deltoid, Rhomboid, Levator scapulae, Middle and lower trapezius, Pectoralis major (sternal) and minor
Dynamic Stabilising MusclesBiceps brachii, Triceps (long head)

Bar Curl

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (7)

The quintessential biceps muscle exercise, and probably the most performed in any gym on the planet 🙂 .

It’s a completely isolated exercise, and despite its simplicity, some still work it in such a way that what they exercise everything but the biceps.

Muscles Involved in the Barbell Curl.

Main MuscleBiceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesBrachialis and brachioradialis
Stabilising MusclesAnterior deltoid, upper and middle trapezius, levator scapulae, wrist flexors

Curl 21.

This is really just another type of barbell curl, either with a straight or EZ bar, although I prefer the latter. The aim here is to lengthen the TUT, and of course, muscle endurance, dividing the exercise into parts, 7+7+7.

Hammer Curl

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (8)

This exercise, known as the Hammer Curl, aims to maximise the work of the biceps brachii.

Muscles Involved in the Hammer Curl.

Main MuscleBiceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesAnterior deltoid, Pectoralis major (sternal) and minor, Romboid, Levator scapulae, latissimus dorsi
Dynamic Stabiliser MuscleBiceps brachii
Stabilising MuscleLower trapezius

Inclined Bench Curl

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (9)

Possibly one of the most isolating exercises, if worked correctly, that can be achieved for the biceps.

Muscles Involved in the Incline Bench Curl

Main MuscleBiceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesBrachialis and brachioradialis muscle
Stabilising MuscleAnterior deltoid, wrist flexors

Below are the best triceps exercises:

Tricep Dips

On parallels

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (10)

Depending on the width of the grip, we’ll put more emphasis on the triceps (tighter grip) or on the chest (more open grip).

With parallel triceps dips, we are essentially working the 3 tricep heads.

It’s hugely important to try and keep the elbows as close to the torso as possible, and of course, activate the scapular retraction.

Between benches

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (11)

We have the following variant: between benches or any other support, or for beginner level with just one.

It’s important to keep the hands as close together as possible in order to influence the activation of the triceps, especially the long head.

Muscles Involved in Tricep Dips

Main MuscleTriceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesAnterior deltoid, Pectoralis major (sternal) and minor, Romboid, Levator scapulae, latissimus dorsi
Dynamic Stabiliser MuscleBiceps brachii
Stabilising MuscleLower trapezius

Tricep Press

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (12)

Also known as Close Press.

One of the main motivations for training the triceps with this exercise is that we can move quite high weights (of course not as high as in a conventional bench press), applying a lot of work to our target muscle.

We need choose a grip that allows us to execute the range of movement, because if we choose a very narrow grip, it will be very difficult.

Muscles Involved in Triceps Press

Main MuscleTriceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesAnterior deltoid, Pectoralis major and minor, Rhomboids
Dynamic Stabiliser MuscleBiceps brachii

Tricep Push-Ups

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (13)

We can do two things to facilitate the positioning of the hands.

A Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC) exercise will therefore have more “functional” connotations. During the execution of the exercise, you need to maintain maximum proximity of the hands, for greater emphasis on the triceps brachii.

For greater intensity we have two options:

  • Add a weight: by means of discs placed on the back.
  • Raise your feet: by placing them on a bench or support.

Muscles Involved in Tricep Push-Ups

Main MuscleTriceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesAnterior deltoid, Pectoralis major and minor, Anterior deltoid,
Dynamic Stabiliser MuscleBiceps brachii (short head)
Stabilising MusclesRectus abdominis, Obliques, Quadriceps

Unilateral French Press

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (14)

This is a variant of the French Press, but executed unilaterally with dumbbells.

It’s an exercise to isolate the triceps muscle, and if we add a high load, we can assist ourselves with the opposite hand to avoid any risks (dumbbell on the face).

Muscles involved in the Unilateral French Press

Main MuscleTriceps brachii
Dynamic Stabiliser MuscleBiceps brachii (short head)
Stabilising MusclesAnterior deltoid, pectoralis major (clavicular) and minor, Teres major, Extensor carpi ulnaris and Flexor carpi ulnaris

Tricep Extension with High Pulley

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (15)

This is an excellent exercise to isolate the 3 tricep heads.

Muscles Involved in High Pulley Tricep Extension

Main MuscleTriceps brachii
Synergistic MusclesNone
Muscle StabilisersLats, Teres major, Posterior deltoid, Pectoralis minor, Lower trapezius, Rectus abdominis, Wrist flexors
Antagonist Muscle StabilisersSpinal erector

Bicep and tricep exercises at home

If you don’t have much time to go to the gym, or if your time there is more often spent doing multi-joint exercises and you “miss” an arm training, you can always add arm training at home.

  • Among these, tricep curls or tricep dips using a support (chair…) are very effective.
  • For the biceps, having a set of adjustable dumbbells at home like these would be ideal.

Dumbbell training for bicep and tricep exercises at home is quite inexpensive. In our blog you can find our guide to Dumbbell Home Training

Biceps and triceps exercise routine

We can include these exercises according to our training schedule:

  • Whether we opt for a Torso-Leg or Full-Body distribution, we’ll train with a frequency of 2 or 3.
  • For a split routine, we would dedicate a full day to biceps and triceps exercises. In this case, the training volume would be higher.

The following proposed programme is shown for a 3-day distribution corresponding to a full-body effort:

  • Day 1

    A) Every 2min X8

    • Alternate: 12x Supine Pull-Ups / 15x Dips

    B) Every 90″ X6

    • Alternate: Close Press / Hammer Curl (both fail-1, increasing the load)


    • For A) it would be 8 sets and for B) 6 sets in total.
    • In the odd sets we would do the pull-ups or close presses and in the even sets we would do the dips or close presses
    • We’ll work with time windows of 2min and 90s, that’s to say, the exercise has to be performed in this time and the remaining time would be rest.
  • Day 2

    A) Complete 2 Supersets (on both failure-1, increasing the load) with 75-90″ rest periods:

    • Unilateral French Press + Incline Bench Curl

    B) Complete 2 Supersets (on both failure-1, increasing the load) with 75-90″ rest periods:

    • Triceps extension on high pulley + Curl with EZ-bar
  • Day 3.

    A) Complete 20 15 10: Dips with added weights

    B) Complete 20 15 10: Triceps curls


    • In A) we increase the load as we decrease the repetitions.
    • In B) we must manage to perform the repetitions prescribed in order to be able to rest.

    C) Complete 3 sets by increasing the load of the Curl 21.


Finally, we will leave you with a few notes on how to get the most out of these exercises:

Mind-Muscle Connection

Something as simple as it is effective, and which seems to be attracting interest, as shown by some studies.

Maintaining concentration when training period is something no one can ignore.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (16)

But how about also focusing on how we are training, and visualising each muscle contraction…

The mind-muscle connection is tremendously important, as well as breathing in accordance with the exercise, noticing each gesture, movement, how the lungs open and contract with each breath of air at the same time as the bloodstream flows to the area in action.

Bicep and tricep exercises with added weights

As we have seen before, if you’re looking to add more intensity to your arm training, adding weights at the most suitable weight is a good idea.

I recommend a weight belt as a tool when using discs/dumbbells as it will save you from having to juggle with a weight between your legs…

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (17)

We can also use discs in other types of exercises

Want to know why you should include Bicep Curls in your routine? Have a look at this post where we tell you why.

Related Entries

  • Do you know the Platón Curl? This is an alternative biceps exercise… continue reading.
  • Be sure to include the chest dips in your routine as recommended here.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (18)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Fitness Enthusiast Introduction

I'm a fitness enthusiast with a passion for strength training and bodybuilding. Over the years, I've dedicated myself to understanding the intricacies of muscle development and exercise techniques. My expertise stems from both personal experience and extensive research in the field of fitness and anatomy. I've trained and worked with individuals to help them achieve their fitness goals, focusing particularly on bicep and tricep exercises. My depth of knowledge and first-hand experience in designing workout routines for arm development allows me to provide comprehensive information on the concepts related to bicep and tricep exercises.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises Compilation

The article you've provided covers a wide range of topics related to bicep and tricep exercises, aiming to help fitness enthusiasts achieve well-proportioned and strong arms. It discusses the anatomy and functions of the biceps and triceps, how to work these muscles effectively, various exercises for biceps and triceps, routines, tips, and related entries.

What are the biceps?

The biceps brachii is a muscle of the upper arm, consisting of two heads: the inner, shorter one and the outer, longer one. Its main functions include flexing the shoulder joint, flexing the elbow joint, supinating the forearm, and stabilizing the glenohumeral joint.

What are triceps?

The triceps brachii, located in the upper arm, is made up of three heads: lateral, medial, and long. Its primary function is to allow extension of the elbow and to assist in adduction or lowering the arm towards the body.

How do you work the biceps and triceps?

Proper technique and respect for the range of motion are essential when working the biceps and triceps. Understanding the concept of time under tension (TUT) is crucial for stimulating muscle fibers and achieving greater size in these muscles.

Bicep and tricep exercises

The article provides a comprehensive list of exercises for both biceps and triceps, including bar curls, hammer curls, inclined bench curls, tricep dips, tricep press, tricep push-ups, unilateral French press, and tricep extension with high pulley. It also emphasizes the importance of mind-muscle connection and the use of added weights for increased intensity.

Bicep and tricep exercises at home

For individuals who prefer training at home, the article suggests exercises such as tricep curls and tricep dips using a support for effective arm training. It also recommends using adjustable dumbbells for bicep and tricep exercises at home.

Biceps and triceps exercise routine

The article outlines a sample exercise routine, including specific exercises and sets for a 3-day full-body effort, focusing on biceps and triceps exercises. It provides detailed instructions for each day's workout, emphasizing the importance of increasing the load and managing repetitions.


The article concludes with valuable tips, including the importance of mind-muscle connection, utilizing added weights for intensity, and related entries on alternative biceps exercises and chest dips.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide to bicep and tricep exercises, covering anatomy, workout techniques, exercises, routines, and valuable tips for maximizing the effectiveness of arm training.

Bicep and Tricep Exercises: ✅ Which are the BEST? (2024)


Which is better biceps or triceps? ›

The biceps is thought to be the stronger of the two, but the triceps is the larger muscle. The two muscles need each other in order to function properly. These muscles can experience similar injuries and recover with similar treatments. There are plenty of exercises that target both muscles individually or as a pair.

What is the number 1 best bicep exercise? ›

Concentration Curls

Maybe not, but the focus you'll put on training your biceps during concentration curls is unmatched. This increased mind-muscle connection during the concentration curls could be part of the reason why it has been rated as the best bicep exercise in several studies [3, 4].

Is it best to train biceps and triceps together? ›

Yes, you can definitely work out biceps and triceps together in the same workout session. In fact, training both muscle groups together can be an effective way to maximize your time in the gym and achieve better overall upper body strength and muscle development.

What is the overall best tricep exercise? ›

While both of these are great triceps exercises for building mass, the Triceps Extension beat them out as the clear winner. That's because the Triceps Extension can be done with either dumbbells or a barbell, and allows for progressive overload directly to the triceps using heavier weight load.

Do triceps make arms look bigger or biceps? ›

Well-developed triceps will make your arms look bigger because they will be bigger. The triceps are the largest muscle on the back of your upper arm. You see people working their biceps all the time but it is the triceps that must be developed if you are working to get a big set of “guns”, not just your biceps.

Which muscles grow faster biceps or triceps? ›

In general, biceps would be easier to develop, because the triceps muscle has 3 heads where as the biceps muscle has two heads, hence their names. That being said, the biceps require less of a variety of angles and movements to isolate each head of the muscle group to fully develop it. That's not factoring in genetics.

What exercise grows biceps the most? ›

The best exercise for growing the bicep muscle is any variation of the curl. Curls are best done using a barbell and weights or a set of dumbbells. If you're training in the gym, sitting at a bench or using the preacher curl machine can help to further concentrate tension on the bicep muscle, leading to bigger gains.

Is 3 exercises enough for biceps? ›

If you are doing a dumbbell arm workout at an advanced level, especially for an experienced lifter, doing 3-4 different bicep exercises should be adequate for muscle growth. You will likely want to experiment with different curl variations and incorporate intensity techniques for an advanced workout.

What is the best and fastest way to build biceps? ›

If you want to come equipped with a couple of sleeve-rippers then you have to work for them – but not for very long. Short 20-minute bursts of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are the best way to blow up your bi's as they target your larger muscle fibres.

What is the 5 10 20 method? ›

Years ago I developed a rep scheme for super sets known as the 5/10/20 method. In it's simplest form, this is a 3 exercise superset for a single muscle group where you do 5 reps of the first exercise, 10 of the second, then finish up with 20 reps on the final exercise.

Do pushups work the biceps? ›

A standard pushup targets your pectorals (chest muscles), deltoids, and triceps. However, by shifting the positioning of your hands, you can make the biceps more engaged in the exercise. By engaging your core and activating your glutes, the pushup move can enhance more than just your upper body.

What is the king of all tricep exercises? ›

Close Grip Bench

This exercise is the king of all multi joint tricep exercises.

What exercise builds triceps the fastest? ›

What Are The Best Tricep Exercises?
  • Overhead Tricep Extension.
  • Tricep Dips.
  • Skull Crushers.
  • Tricep Pushdown.
  • Close-Grip Bench Press.
  • Diamond Press-Ups.
Jun 30, 2019

Are biceps the most attractive muscle? ›

In a survey of over 100 college women across the country, a majority ranked arms as the biggest turn on. Women feel it's a sign that you take good care of your body and admitted they love to see a hint of a man's biceps through his t-shirt or sweater.


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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.