Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609 - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    %/. A. ot B sent C. send D. sendin%0. A. in B. since C. for D.durin

    . A. ot B. came C. returned D. arrived

    TEST I- Choose the best answer:1. Are you $oo#in for my sister?< She isn't at home now. She _____ to the $i rary.

    A. went B. oes C. has one D. is oin2. (hi$e I was swimminyesterday afternoon3 someone e$se _____ my c$othes.

    A. stea$ed B. was stea$in C. was sto$en D. sto$e!. She said shemet you once at the "i$ton $ast year _____ since

    A. have you met her B. had you metC. did you meet D. have youmet

    %. I can't remem er the name of the man _____ I ave you themoney.A. who B whom C. whose D. which

    . "ere is the address to _____ you shou$d write.A. which B.whose C. whom D. who

    ). (e had a river _____ we cou$d swim.A. in which B. on which which D. at which

    ,. I won't e a $e to very much ut I'$$ do the est _____ I can.A.that B. who C. what D. when

    /. It is in this house _____ he was ornA. that B. where C. whichD. what

    0. (ho _____ the icyc$e?A. invents B. was invented C. inventedD. did invented

    1 . Do you sti$$ have a headache? < o3 it _____ I am a$$ riht now.A. went B. has one C. oes D. is oin

    11. I $i#e your car. "ow $on _____ it?A. have you had B. did youhave C. you have had D. do you have

    12. I ou ht a new &ac#et $ast wee# ut I _____ it yet.A.didn't wear B. not weared C. haven't wear D. haven't worn

    1!. -his is the man _____ my rother is oin to marry.A. whose B.who C. which D. whose dau hter

    1%. -han# you for _____ me a out the meetin this afternoon.A.remind B. to remind C. remindin D. remem erin

    1 . "e cou$dn't o far ecause he was afraid of _____ A. to f$y B.f$yin C. e f$yin D. f$y

    1). I can't he$p _____ at her mista#e.A. $au h B. $au hin C. $auhed D. to $au h

    1,. "e cou$dn't stand _____ for her so $on .A. to wait B. waitinC. wait D. waited

    1/. It's not worth _____ a ta= home.A. ta#in B. to ta#e C. ta#eD. too#

    10. Are you interested in _____ foot a$$.A. p$ay B. to p$ay C.p$ayin D. p$ayed

    2 . -here are many _____ in this city.A.poo$ swimmin B.swimminpoo$ C. swimmin D. swimmin poo$s

    21. Don't _____ in c$ass said the teacher.A. spea# B. ta$# C.te$$ D. say

    22. A $ot of trees _____ in the arden at the moment.

    A. is rown B. is ein rown C. are rown D. are ein rown2!. -he$etter _____ y her for 2 minutes.

    A. was written B. has een wrote C. has written D. has eenwritten2%. -his church _____ in 1 th century.

    A. ui$t B. has een ui$t C. was ein ui$t D. was ui$t2 . A road toschoo$ _____ ne=t month.

    A. is oin to widen B. is oin to e widenedC. is oin to widened widened

    2). An inte$$i ent $ife _____ on other p$anets.A. is $i#e$y to ediscovered B. is un$i#e$y to e discoveredC. $i#e$y to e discoveredD. un$i#e$y to e discovered

    2,. (ho _____?A. was this oo# written B. wrote this oo# yC. wasthis oo# written y D. this oo# was written y

    2/. If it _____ fine tomorrow3 we'$$ o shoppin .A. was B. wereC. wi$$ e D. is

    20. If it stops _____3 we'$$ o campin .A. rain B. to rain C.rainin D. rained

    ! . If I _____ you3 I wou$d for et to uy that house.A. was B.were C. am D wi$$ e

    !1. A person who studies phi$osophy is a _____.A. physician B.phi$osopher C. physicist D. physica$

    !2. -he visitors found the story very _____.A. amuse B. amusedC. amuses D. amusin

    !!. -he $itt$e vi$$a e is very uiet and _____ A. peace B.peacefu$$y C. peacefu$ D. peace$ess

    !%. 9u$ia sin s _____ than Susan does.A. more eautifu$ B.eautifu$$ier C. more eautifu$ D. more eautifu$$y

    ! . "e is today _____ than yesterday.A. happier B. more happy C.more happier D. happi$y

    !). Do not ive up ecause of _____.A. fai$ B. to fai$in C.fai$ure D. to fai$

    !,. aster3 whose _____ of a cure for a ra ies made him _____ wasa @rench scientist.A. discover+ famous B. discovery+ fame C.

    discovery+famous D. discovered+ famous!/. In the wor$d todaythere are more than ! _____ peop$e spea#in ;n $ish as their firstornative $an ua e.

    A. mi$$ions B. thousand C. i$$ion D. mi$$ion!0. I am out ofwor#. I et _____ every wee# ut isn't much.

    A. enefit unemp$oyment B. emp$oyment enefitC. unemp$oymentenefit D. enefit unemp$oyed

    % . I'm rea$$y _____ $oo#in throu h the Situations acant co$umnecause there are app$icants for every &o .

    A. fond of B. ored C. fed up D. tired ofII! Read the followingpassage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps:-here are manyways of spendin free time >%1 Austra$ia. Some peop$e are >%2of ridin inSnowy *ountain or ridin a surf oard in Eueens$and.:thers $oves $ove watchin #an aroos and#oa$as >%! wi$d forests.*y sister says she on$y en&oys >%% Sydney from the s#ywa$#.But Imyse$f $i#e >% to the Sydney :pera "ouse >%) the reatopera sin ers of the wor$d >%, . If you


  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    are >%/ with $istenin to the opera sin in 3 >%0 wi$$a$ways e at $east two > three othershows to suit your taste.%1.A. in B. at C. of D. for%2. A. tired B. interested C. surprised D.fond%!. A. at B. in C. to D. of%%. A. watch B. $oo#in C. watchin watch% . A. to o B. went C. oin D. o%). A. which B. that C.where D. at where%,. A. e B. can C. can e D. was%/. A. ored B. fedC. tired D. interested%0. A. it B. that C. there D. this

    . A. and B. or C. with D. toTest 3

    I- Choose the best answer:1. I can't reach the phone ecause I_____ a ath.

    A. am havin B. have C. was havin D. e havin2. Don't turn off the$i ht. I _____ a report now.

    A. read B. is readin C. am readin D. e readin!. "e _____ hishouse at seven a.m each day.

    A. $eft B. $eaves C. $eave D. is $eavin%. (hen she _____3 I wasreadin upstairs.

    A. was comin B. is comin C. came D. comes. *y mother is coo#innow. She a$ways _____ dinner for my fami$y.

    A. coo#s B. coo#ed C. coo#in D. is coo#in). I _____ in ;n $andfor a few wee#s now.

    A. has een stayin B. am stayinC. have een stayin D. stay

    ,. It _____ hard a$$ day $ast Sunday.A. rained B. was rainin C.has rained D. has een rainin

    /. If he #new the facts3 he _____ us what to do.A. to$d B. wi$$te$$ C. wou$d te$$ D. te$$s

    0. 8et's hurry upF (e must finish _____ the wa$$ efore teno'c$oc# this mornin .A. to paint B. paintin C. paint D. painted

    1 . If you _____ wor# hard3 you'$$ fai$ the e=am.A. not wor# B.don't wor# C. won't wor# D. wor#

    11.I must say that my reat passion in my $ife is _____.A.studied B. to studyin C. studyin D. studies

    12. "e'd rather _____ oo#s _____ watch - .A. read+ than B. read+to C. readin + to D. readin + than

    1!. (ou$d you mind _____ me to ta#e these chairs away.A. he$p he$p C. he$ped D. he$pin

    1%. *r. 5ent has een out of _____ for a year.A. a wor# B. thewor# C. wor# D. wor#s

    1 . I am sorry I can't he$p you now. I'm usy _____ my $ B. G C. with D. for

    1). She is very _____ up with doin the same thin everyday.A.ored B. tied C. hate D. fed

    1,. she doesn't en&oy $oo#in _____ the chi$dren.A. for B. inC. after D. at

    1/. -he $on wa$# is tirin . (e are very_____of the $on wa$#

    A. ored B. fed C. tired D. hated10. "is friends are surprised_____ his success.

    A. in B. with C. at D. for2 . "e was orn _____ 2nd *ay 10/,.

    A. in B. on C. at D. since21. She has een teachin _____ schoo$for ten years.

    A. at B. in C. on D. with22. *y father has een wor#in in a an#_____ we moved here.

    A. for B. durin C. since D. in2!. I stopped in *aid Stone _____my sister owns a shop.

    A. which B. who C. where D. that

    2%. Severa$ uests _____ cars were par#ed outside were uestionedy the po$ice.A. who B. which C. that D. whose

    2 . icaso3 _____ wor#s inspired many artists3 $ived unti$ he wasa ripe o$d a e.A. who B. that C. whose D. which

    2). "e _____ to stop drin#in y the doctor.A. was advised B.advised C. is advised D. e advised

    2,. A $ot of new machines _____ y the farm.A. was ou ht B. haseen ou htC. have een ou ht D. have ou ht

    2/. -he price of wheat e=ports _____ y the overnment.A. isincreasin B. are increasedC. wi$$ e increased D. have eenincreased

    20. (e _____ y her ecause she doesn't fee$ we$$.A. can't he$p B.can't e he$pin

    C. can't are he$ped D. can't e he$ped! . "is success is_____.

    A. surprise B. surprised C. surprisin D. surprisin $y!1. (eshou$d _____ this road for etter use.

    A. wide B. to widen C. width D. widen!2. "e fina$$y _____ infindin a new &o .

    A. success B. succeeded C. successfu$ D. successive!!. -here isa _____ etween the orth and the South.

    A. different B. differ C. different$y D. difference!%. -he orthcan e characteriHed as _____3 coo$er3 hi$$ier.

    A. more industry B. industria$C. more industria$ D. moreindustria$$y

    ! . eop$e in the orth say they wor# much _____ and spea# moredirect$y and honest$y.A. more hard B. more hard$y C. more harder D.harder

    !). -his par# is very _____ to visitors.A. attract B. attractionC. attractive D. attracted

    !,. "ere3 in fine weather3 can e seen hundreds of _____ peop$ewho have escaped for whi$e fromthe noise and ust$e of the town.

    A. $uc# B. un$uc#y C. $uc#y D. $uc#i$y!/. In the wor$d today3there are to ) $ivin $an ua es3 of which ;n $ish is y far the

    _____ used.A. wide$y B. most wide$y C. most wide D. widest

    !0. "e went to wor# as a driver on the Ita$ian front where hewas _____ wounded.A. ad B. ad$y C. worse D. adder

    % . I $i#ed the -< shirt _____ he was wearin .!

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    A. what B. which C. who D. whoseII! Read the following passageand choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps:

    o writer in American $iterature is >%1 or more $oved thanSamue$ 8on horn C$ements. >%2 in*issouri in 1/! 3 he rew >%!on the an# of the *ississippi river and $ater adopted the>%%*ar# -wain. -he >% environment inspired the two nove$s>%) made him famous. -omSawyer and "uc#$e erry @inn 8ife on the*ississippi 3 to$d of his adventures on the river>%, of thatperiod.*ar# -wain's $ife as a writer started durin the Civi$ (ar.At that time he >%/ as a newspaperman in evada and Ca$ifornia.>%0 short story -he ce$e rated 9umpin @ro of Ca$averasCounty wasan immediate > and his new career e an.%1. A. more fame B.famous C. more famous D. fame%2. A. was orn B. orn C. is orn D. eorn%!. A. up B. of C. to D. with%%. A. pen name B. surname C. nameD. rea$ name% . A. vi$$a e B. city C. river D. town%). A. where B.who C. whose D. which%,. A. ships B. trains C. oats D. p$anes%/. A.wor#s B. wor#ed C. is wor#in D .was wor#in%0. A. one's B. their C.his D. our

    . A. success B. successfu$ C. succeed D. succeedinTest 4

    I-- Choose the best answer:1. ;very year thousands of peop$e_____ in their homes.

    A. #i$$ B. is #i$$ed C. wi$$ e #i$$ed D. are #i$$ed

    2. Comin into the room3 he saw *ary where he _____ her.A. $eavesB. $eft C. was $eavin D. had $eft!. I have searched everywhere forthe pen I _____ yesterday.

    A. $oosed B. $ost C. $ose D. $osed%. (hi$e I was wa$#in toschoo$3 I _____ an accident.

    A. was seein B. see C. seen D. saw. David ... the - set at themoment.

    A. was repairin B has repairedC. is repairin D. has eenrepairin

    ). "e _____ his homewor# for 2 hours.A. have did B. has do C.has done D. did

    ,. "e _____ for 8ondon two years a o and I _____ him since.A.$eaved+ haven't seen B. $eft+ didn't see

    C. $eave+ haven't seen D. $eft+ haven't seen/. (hen the teachercame in3 we stopped _____.A. to ta$# B. at ta$#in C. ta$#in D.ta$#

    0. "ow $on a o _____?A. has this house ui$t B. was this houseui$tC. this house ui$t D. this house was ui$t

    1 . I want you _____ me a$one.A. $eave B. $eavin C. $eft D. to$eave

    11. eop$e in ew Jea$and spea# _____.A. @rench B. Spanish C. ;n$and D. ;n $ish

    12. "e is tryin to ive up _____.A. smo#in B. smo#e C. smo#es D.smo#ed

    1!. (e are tired of _____ for the weather to c$ear.A. wait B.waitin C. to wait D. to waitin

    1%. *y father is fond of _____.A. finishin B. fished C. fishesD. to fish

    1 . *y rother hates _____ ear$y.A. to et up B. ettin C. to et D.ettin up

    1). She'd $ove _____ to the party with me.A. oin B. to oin C.oes D. to o

    1,. It is $i#e$y that $ife _____ etter in the future.A. to e C. wi$$ e D. must

    1/. I'd rather _____to the cinema toni ht.A. don't o B. not to oC. not oin D. not o

    10. Are you ready _____ the e=am?

    A. for B. on C. to D. with2 . ;$ephants in this Hoo _____ twicea day.A. are feed B. are feedin C. are fed D. is fed

    21. -hat church _____ y a fire in 10 .A. destroyed B. wasdestroyedC. was destroyin D. has een destroyed

    22. "e _____ since we $eft schoo$.A. wasn't seen B. didn't seeC.hasn't een seen D. haven't een seen

    2!. A new schoo$ _____ in the city at present.A. is ui$t B. isui$din C. is ein ui$t D. e ui$t

    2%. *y - _____ has ro#en down twice.A. I ou ht $ast month B.that I ou ht $ast monthC. which I ou ht it $ast month D. which I ouht $ast month

    2 . *y father ou ht a motor i#e _____ costs two thousanddo$$ars.A. which B. of which C. who D. whose

    2). Ann _____ chi$dren $earn very we$$3 is our math teacher.A.who B. whose C. which D. that

    2,. -his is the shop _____ I often uy my oo#s.A. which B. thatC. where D. when

    2/. Da$at3 _____every visitor wou$d $i#e to spend their ho$iday3is a famous resort.A. where B. which C. that D. whose

    20. -he story is very _____.A. interest B. interestin C.interested D. interests

    ! . Chi$dren wi$$ need _____ educationA. we$$ B. etter C. #indD. uic#$y

    !1. "e used to drive _____ than he does now.A. carefu$ B. morecarefu$ C more carefu$$y D. carefu$$y

    !2. Isaac ewton3 _____ theory of ravitation is we$$

  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    !,. Ann spea#s ood ;n $ish ut am spea#s it _____.A. we$$ B. oodC. etter D. worse

    !/. *ary opened her oo# _____.A. care B. carefu$ C. carefu$$y$ess

    !0. (ou$d you $i#e to o _____ with us this afternoon?A. to swimB. swimmin C. a swim D. to swimmin

    % . I a$ways wanted to e a reat _____.A. science B. scientificC. scientist D. invention

    II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fillin the gaps:Ban #o#3 the >%1 of -hai$and3 is a city ofcontrasts. It is an e=citin 3 crowded3 modern >%2 3and at thesame time3 a city that is fu$$ of history. -he >%! of Ban #o#are usua$$y noisy and

    crowded >%% peop$e. Some are >% food3 others are se$$inc$othin 3 cassette tapes3 f$owers3 orsouvenirs. isitors >%) therice mar#ets3 the >%, temp$es and architecture3 and the ni ht$ife.-hey >%/ en&oy the food3 the shoppin and the >%0-hai peop$e. ;veryone seems to smi$e> .%1. A. capita$ B. city D. town%2. A. country B. town C. city D. vi$$a e%!. A.roads B. paths C. ways D. streets%%. A. for B. at C. with D. a out%. A. se$$ B. so$d C. ein so$d D. se$$in%). A. $ove B. to $ove C.$oved D. are $ovin%,. A. eautifu$$y B. eauty C. eautify D.eautifu$%/. A. a$ready B. a$so C. not D. yet%0. A. friend$y B.friend C. eauty D. eautifu$$y

    . A. where B. there C. when D. whichTEST "

    I-Choose the best answer:1. *ary $ives in a sma$$ apartment_____ the round f$oor.

    A. under B. y C. in D. on2. *y sister can _____ si= $an ua esf$uent$y.

    A. spea# B. te$$ C. say D. ta$#!. I'm so _____3 mumF Can I havesomethin to drin#?

    A. thirty B. hun ry C. thirsty D. an ry%. _____ -om's sisterKsirthday3 9ohn?

    A. (hen's B. "ow does C. what's D. (here's. "e $ives _____ thesea.

    A. on B. at C. in D. near). "e doesn't have _____ e=perience ofwor#in in an office.

    A. much B. some C. an D. the,. Do you mind _____ the coo#in?

    A. doin B. to do C. for coo#in D. to coo#in/. -hey ave _____$oo#in for her when it rew dar#.

    A. out B. up C. in D. away0. She is one of those who _____money.

    A. en&oys to spend B. en&oy spendin C. en&oy tospend D. en&oys spendin1 . I spent ha$f a year _____thisoat.

    A. to ui$d B. ui$t C. ui$din D. with ui$din11. I have never hadany $i#in for ca#e3 _____?

    A. have I B. haven' t I C. did I D. didn' t I

    12. David's house is _____ to the river.

    A. near B. ne=t C. etween D. in front1!. -here is a movie _____the foot a$$ match.

    A. after B. ehind C. at D. on1%. _____ paper is decorated paperthat is used to cover presents.

    A. (rap B. (raps C. (rapped D. (rappin1 . "enry is e=cited _____$eavin _____ India.

    A. in+ at B. a out+ at C. a out+ to D. a out+ for1). -he museumis the _____ away of the two ui$din s.

    A. far B. farther C. further D. farthest1,. -he fi$m at theCenter -heatre is a _____ one.

    A. to ore B. oredom C. orin D. ored

    1/. 9ac# $oves his parents' house _____ he was orn.A. which B.who C. whose D. in which10. I'm afraid I'm not very ood _____$oo#in after anima$s.

    A. for B. in C. at D. a out2 . I'm worried _____ ta#in my ora$e=am.

    A. a out B. that C. of D. to21. -he ;n $ish $an ua e _____ ina$$ over the wor$d.

    A. spea#s B. was spo#en C. is spo#en D. has een spo#en22. 8astni ht when I _____ my homewor#3 the $i ht _____ out.

    A. did+ went B. doin +went C. did+ was oin D. was doin + went2!.If I _____ a ird3 I _____ in a ca e.

    A. was+ won't $ive B. am+ won't $ive C. were+ shan't $ive D.were+ wou$dn't $ive2%. I can't o ecause I _____ my wor# yet.

    A. don't finish B. am not finish C. haven't finished D. haven'tfinish2 . (hy don't you _____ e=tra $essons in the evenin ?

    A. ta#e B. ta#es C. to ta#e D. ta#e to2). Do you $i#e pop music?_____.

    A. I wou$d B. 4es3 a $ot C. o3 I $i#e it D. 4es3 we are2,. -hedo with white paws _____ to 9oan. She $oves it very much.

    A. e$on B. is e$on in C. e$on s D. e$on in2/. A$most everyday weo for a wa$# _____ after $unch.

    A. a$on the sea B. a$on the shore C. in the each D. in thesand20. -he "arrisons are trave$$in to aris _____p$ane.

    A. y B. on C. throu h D. in! . _____do you and your rother ofteno to schoo$? < (e cyc$e.

    A. "ow B. "ow far C. "ow $on D. "ow y!1. *r 5ent's f$at is _____the third f$oor of the ui$din .

    A. at B. on C. in D. under!2. (here is au$a? < She _____.

    A. is in her room studyin B. studies in her roomC. in her roomis studyin D. was in her room studyin

    !!. "e's $aHy. "e never does _____ wor#.A. some B. any C. no D.a

    !%. It was a orin wee#end. I _____ anythin .A. didn't B. don'tdo C. didn't do D. doesn't do

    ! . (ou$d you $i#e to come _____ my car?A. in B. y C. on D.with

    !). 7sin on$y a pen with $ue in#3 Sue _____ a eautifu$ pictureof a ird.

    A. drews B. drawed C. drew D. drawn

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    !,. She ives her chi$dren everythin ....... they want.A. whereB. who C. what D. G

    !/. _____? < It's a out three mi$es from the house to thesupermar#et.A. "ow B. "ow often C. "ow far D. "ow $on

    !0. -e$$ me _____ there is anythin specia$ that you wou$d $i#eto do.A. that B. which C. so D. if

    % . I have an _____ to a party toni ht.A. invite B. invitationsC. invitation D. invited

    II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fillin the gaps:;arnest "emin way was orn in :a# par#3 a sma$$ town>%1 the state of I$$inois. As a oy hewas often ta#en on freuent$y huntin and fishin trips >%2 his father to *ichi an3 the$oca$e

    of many his stories3 and >%! he soon ot ac uainted with the$ife of the Indians and suchvirtues as coura e and endurance3>%% were $ater revea$ed in his fiction. After schoo$"emin way>% as a newspaper reporter and then &oined a vo$unteer amu$ance unit >%) in(or$d (ar I. After the war he came home >%,a hero. "e $ived for severa$ years in aris afterthat. "e &oineda roup of e=patriated American writers who considered >%/ a $osteneration.In aris he pu $ished -hree Stories and -en oems >102!and In :ur -ime >102% >%0 hisown e=periences of $ife arerevea$ed3 and which rou ht him > immediate$y.%1. A. at B. in C.on D. ehind%2. A. with B. for C. y D. to%!. A. where B. which C.that D. when%%. A. that B. which C. who D. it% . A. wor#s B. waswor#in C. has wor#ed D. wor#ed%). A. ta#in part B. ta#e part C. tota#e part D. too# part%,. A. an B. $i#e C. as D. the%/. A .they B.them C. their D. themse$ves%0. A. in which B. in that C. where which

    . A. famous B. fame C. famed D. famous$yTEST #

    I Choose the best answer:1. *any wi$d anima$s are now in dan erof _____.

    A. death B. disease C. surviva$ D. e=tinction2. If doctors cou$ddiscover the ____for cancer3 they cou$d save mi$$ions of peop$e's$ives.

    A. success B. reason C. remedy D. effect!. :ne of the worst_____ that man#ind has ever had i s cancer.

    A. situation B. diseases C. conditions D. accidents%. (e wou$d_____ $un cancer if peop$e ive up smo#in .

    A. finish B. et rid of C. #i$$ D. cance$. *ar# went to the party_____ he wasn't invited.

    A. ecause B. in spite of C. however D. a$thou h). -his shirt is_____ sma$$ for me to wear.

    A. so B. very C. too D. most,. -housands of peop$e _____ einemp$oyed in the te=ti$e industry.

    A. have B. are C. has D. is/. If she _____ so conceited3 we'd$i#e her more.

    A. weren't B. isn't C. hasn't een D. wou$dn't e0. I received a$ot of presents _____ my ei hteenth irthday.

    A in B. on C. at D. durin1 . am fee$s _____ ecause he did veryad$y on his $ast test.

    A. happy B. happi$y C. unhappy D. unhappi$y

    11. I $i#e $istenin to the music pro ramme _____ the radio.A. aove B. in C. throu h D. on

    12. She's scared of $ivin _____ her own in a i city.A. y B. onC. for D. in

    1!. -here are more than ) $ivin $an ua es3 _____ which ;n $ishis the most wide$y used.A. of B. for C. a out D. on

    1%. ;n $ish is re arded as an effective _____ of internationa$communication.A. method B. so$ution C. resu$t D. medium

    1 . It is said that _____ is etter than cure.A. hea$th B. remedyC. prevention D. sur ery

    1). 4ou can use my te$ephone _____ you pay for the ca$$s youma#e.

    A. as $on as B. a$thou h C. however D. whereas1,. I $i#ed theoo# very much _____ I didn't have enou h money to uy it.A. ecauseB. whi$e C. ut D. un$ess

    1/. 8ife in the city is much more _____ than that in thecountry.A. e=pense B. e=penses C. e=pensive D. e=pand

    10. (e were p$annin to have a picnic ut _____3 it was raininheavi$y.A. fortune B. fortunate$y C. fortunate D. unfortunate$y

    2 . -he _____ is the p$ace where a particu$ar species of anima$sis norma$$y found.A. ha itat B. surroundin C. re ion D. area

    21. -he _____ of this city has increased rapid$y in the recentyears.A. num er B. popu$ation C. crowd D. tota$

    22. -he ir$ _____ photo was in the paper today $ives in ourstreet.A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

    2!. "ave you ot a _____ carpet than this?A. cheaper B. cheap C.cheapest D. the cheapest

    2%. (hen I _____ my new house3 I _____ for a te$ephone.A. wasuyin + as#ed B. were uyin + were as#inC. ou ht+ as#ed D. ou ht+ wasas#in

    2 . She _____ to o on a diet.A. advised B. advises C. advisin D.was advised

    2). A$ice started p$ayin tennis _____.A. for 2 years B. since 2years C. 2 years a o D. in 2 years

    2,. (hat wou$d happen to our $ives if the forest did not_____.A. destroy B. e=ist C. ta#e p$ace D. occur

    2/. *any species of rare anima$s have a$ready ecome _____.A.disappeared B. dan erous C. e=tinct D. decayed

    20. She wi$$ e disappointed _____ she ets the &o s.A. ut B.un$ess C. ecause D. if

    ! . (e don't $i#e that fi$m. It is very_____.A. ore B. ored C.orin D. oredom

    !1. "e is startin _____ @rench.A. to $earn B. $earnin C. $earnsD. $earnt

    !2. 9ac# doesn't mind _____ at ni ht.A wor# B. wor#s C. wor#inD. to wor#!!. -here are fifty _____ for this &o .A. app$icantsB. app$y C. app$ications D. app$yin!%. *y sister is _____ at coo#inthan I am.A. ood B. we$$ C. etter D. ad$y

    ! . *y mother is _____ doin her housewor# now.)

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    A. usy B. usy with C. usy in D. usy to!). Loma used to e a _____usinessman.

    A. successive B. success C. successfu$ D. success!,. "er unc$eis a _____ on that ship.

    A. sai$ B. sai$or C. sa$e D. sai$er!/. -he do 3 _____ had eenvery uiet3 sudden$y started ar#in .

    A. who B. whose C. which D. it!0. 4ou must ive _____ smo#in ifyou don't want to et $un cancer.

    A. in B. on C. y D. up% . (e've made reat _____ in economy inthe past few years.

    A. resu$t B. effect C. usiness D. pro ress

    II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fillin the gaps:(i$$iam Sha#espeare was the >%1 writer in the ;n$ish $an ua e. "e was orn in 1 )% inStratford< upon< Avon.>%2 the a e of ei hteen he married Anne "athaway3 >%! was eihtyears >%% than himse$f. A few years $ater he moved to 8ondon3>% he wor#ed as a actor anda p$aywri ht. Sha#espeare >%)thirty seven p$ays and 1 % sonnets >a #ind of poem . "ismostfamous p$ays are the four reat tra edies < :the$o3 *ac eth3"am$et3 and 5in 8ear.Sha#espeare died in Stratford >%, 2! Apri$1)1)3 ut his p$ays are sti$$ very popu$ar today.-hey have eentrans$ated into different $an ua es3 and many of them have een>%/ intofi$ms3 oth in ;n $ish and other $an ua es. Sha#espeare'sp$ays are a out the reat issues of$ife < $ove3 hatred3&ea$ousy3 power3 am ition3 >%0 and so on. So3 his p$ays are&ust re$evanttoday as they were in the si=teenth > .%1. A.reat B. reater C. reatest D. reat$y%2. A. at B. in C. on D. y%!. A.whom B. who C. whose D. which%%. A. o$d B. e$der C. e$dest D.o$der% . A. which B. where C. when D. p$ace%). A. write B. writesC. written D. wrote%,. A. in B. on C. at D. y%/. A. did B. done C.made D. ma#e%0. A. death B. died C. die D. to died

    . A. days B. months C. years D. centuryTEST $

    I Choose the best answer:1. -hat uestion was _____ for a chi$dto answer.

    A. such difficu$t B. so difficu$t C. much difficu$t D. toodifficu$t2. I _____ any difficu$t so far.

    A. don't have B. aren't havin C. haven't had D. didn't have!.*ore than ha$f of the wor$d's periodica$s are printed _____ ;n$ish.

    A. in B. y C. of D. with%. "ow _____ su ar _____ there in the&ar?

    A. much+ are B. much+ is C. many+ are D. many+ have. 4our rotherisn't _____ to &oin the po$ice force.

    A. enou h ta$$ B. too ta$$ C. so ta$$ D. ta$$ enou h). (e are_____ of app$yin for &o after havin so many refusa$s.

    A. fri htenin B. ored C. fri htened D. orin,. I don't thin# thiscompany can afford _____ any new staff this year.

    A. to emp$oy B. to emp$oyin C. e emp$oyin D. to have emp$oyed/.I don't #now why she avoids te$$in us the _____ a out whathappened.

    A. true B. truth C. tru$y D. trust

    0. -his is the est fi$m I've _____ seen.

    A. a$ready B. ever C. never D. &ust1 . "e passed thee=amination _____ he hadn't een studyin serious$y.

    A. ecause B. however C. un$ess D. a$thou h11. ;ach of thestudents _____ made to answer severa$ uestions.

    A. was B. are C. were D. have12. (e $earn forei n $an ua es_____ #now more a out other peop$es and countries.

    A. so that B. in order to C. &ust as D. for we1!. un -au hasa $on each3 which is very ood _____ swimmin .

    A. in B. for C. at D. with1%. I p$anned to have a swim thismornin ut the weather is so _____.

    A. disappointed B. ored C. uninterested D. disappointin

    1 . She doesn't $oo# _____ as she rea$$y is.A. o$der B. much o$dC. so o$der D. as o$d1). 4ou shou$d te$$ your son _____ foot a$$ inthe street. It's very dan erous.

    A. not p$ayin B. don't p$ay C. mustn't p$ay D. not to p$ay1,.It's an hour since he _____3 so he must e at the office now.

    A. $eft B. had $eft C. was $eavin D. $eaves1/. _____ is theforce of the earth to attract everythin to it's center.

    A. o$$ution B. ;arth ua#e C. Atmosphere D. 6ravity10. *r. Ba_____ from his wor# two years a o. ow he $ives on his pension.

    A. stopped B. retired C. ave up D. finished2 . (hat _____ theweather $i#e durin your ho$idays there?

    A. does B. did C. was D. are21. (ho'$$ $oo# _____ the do s whi$ewe are away ho$iday?

    A. for B. after C. forward to D. out22. "e usua$$y spends hourson the river without _____ anythin .

    A. to catch B. catch C. cau ht D. catchin2!. -his e=ercise is_____ than the one we did yesterday.

    A. easy B. more easy C. easi$y D. easier2%. 4ou'$$ sure$y havean accident if you don't stop drivin so_____.

    A. dan er B. dan erous$y C. dan erous D. to endan er2 . eop$e inSpain spea# _____.

    A. Spain B. Spainese C. Spainish D. Spanish2). *y rother -am3_____ raduated from the 7niversity of @orei n 8an ua es3 now wor#sforan import

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  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    A. I come here B. I came here C. I have come here D. I wi$$ comehere!2. "e e an $oo#in for a &o _____.

    A. si= months a o B. for si= months C. si= months D. since si=months!!. 9immy is not _____ to o to schoo$.

    A. youn enou h B. o$d enou h C. enou h o$d D. enou h youn!%. -hehost fi$m we saw on - $ast ni ht was not _____ at a$$.

    A. fri hten B. fri htened C. to fri hten D. fri htenin! . *oremoney _____ in education.

    A. shou$d e invested B. shou$d investC shou$d to e invested D.shou$d ein invested

    !). ;ach par# in 8ondon has its own _____.

    A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. to attract!,. Anna$oo#s very _____ in her new dress.A. attract B. attractive C.attraction D. to attract

    !/. am fee$s _____ ecause he did very ad$y on his $ast test.A.happy B. unhappy C. happiness D. unhappiness

    !0. ever put _____ unti$ tomorrow what you can do today.A. offB. for C. in D. down

    % . I'm not very #een _____ p$ayin chess.A. of B. on C. with D.for

    II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fillin the gapsI have a$ways wanted to o fishin . 8ast summer3 I wenton a trip to -aiwan. >%1 the $ast dayof my vacation3 I wentfishin on a eautifu$ $a#e. 7nfortunate$y3 I didn't catch >%2fish3 and I

    ot ored. I decided to o >%! . (hen I stood up3 my wa$$et>%% my poc#et and into the water.It had a$$ my money3 mypassport3 my p$ane tic#ets< everythin . I >% into the $a#e to$oo# >%)it3 ut I didn't find anythin . -he ne=t mornin 3 Iwasn't a $e to $eave the hote$. I had >%,money to pay the i$$and no p$ane tic#et or passport to o home. So what did I do? Ica$$ed my

    oss and as#ed >%/ some money. I have >%0 had > a terri$e e=perience.%1. A. at B. on C. in D. durin%2. A. any B. a C. anD. some%!. A. swim B. swam C. swimmin D. to swim%%. A. out of B.out C. of D. into% . A. &ump B. &umpin C. to &ump D.&umped%). A. for B. after C. into D. out%,. A. any B. much C.some D. no%/. A. G B. for C. after D. to%0. A. ever B. sti$$ C.never D. &ust

    . A. so B. too C. a$so D. suchTEST &

    I- Choose the best answer:1. I don't mind you ....... home $ateas $on as you don't ma#e so much noise.

    A. o B. to o C. oin D. went2. -he ir$ ....... photo was in thepaper today $ives in our street.

    A. who B. whom C. which D. whose!. -he ....... of this city hasincreased rapid$y in the recent years.

    A. num er B. popu$ation C. crowd D. tota$%. -he ....... is thep$ace where a particu$ar species of anima$ is norma$$y found.

    A. ha it B. surroundin C. re ion D. area. *y youn er rotherwou$d $i#e to ecome a computer .......

    A. pro ram B. pro rammer C. to pro ram D. pro rammed

    ). -he $aHy student fe$t ... a out his comin e=amination ecausehe had hard$y $eant anythin ata$$.

    A. easy B. easier C. uneasy D. not easy,. @orei ners who $earn;n $ish norma$$y have difficu$ty with its .......

    A. pronounce B. pronunciation C. pronounced D. pronouncin/. -hecompany is not ta#in on any new ....... this year.

    A. to emp$oy B. emp$oyer C. emp$oyee D. emp$oy0. -he o$d coup$ehave saved a $ot of money for their .......

    A. retire B. retirin C. to retire D. retirement1 . I admire the....... use of co$or in her paintin s.

    A. effection B. effective C. to effect D. effectin

    11. ;n $ish is a ....... easy $an ua e for Swedes to $earn. B. to compare C. comparative$y D. comparison.12. (e wa$#edto the ....... us stop in ten minutes.

    A. near B. nearer C. ne=t D. nearest1!. She can't app$y .......the &o ecause she doesn't have enou h ua$ifications.

    A. in B. for C. to D. at1%. *ore than ha$f of the wor$d's....... are printed in ;n $ish.

    A. period B. periodic C. periodica$s D. periodica$$y1 . Didanyone as# you to ma#e a ....... at the reception?

    A. spea#in B. speech C. to spea# D. spea#1). *ar# -wain was ornin *issouri ....... 1/! .

    A. on B. for C. in D. at1,. "e won't pass the e=am ....... hewor#s hard.

    A. if B. un$ess C. or D. whether1/. -hey are the chi$dren....... won the match yesterday.

    A. whose B. who C. whom D. which10. (e wou$d o campin .......the weather were fine.

    A. a$thou h B. if C. ut D. however2 . "e has ....... in ivin upsmo#in .

    A. to succeed B. successfu$ C. unsuccessfu$ D. succeeded21. :n aspaceship ravity is Hero and everythin seems to.......

    A. f$y B. f$yin C. f$oat D. f$oatin22. It's the ;n $ish $an ua e....... is used as an officia$ $an ua e in %% countries.

    A. which B. that C. who D. whom2!. A person who teaches atuniversity is a .......

    A. teacher B. $ecturer C. professor D. student2%. (hat's thep$ace ....... you stand and wait for a train?

    A. when B. where C. which D. that2 . ietnam is a

    A. deve$op B. deve$oped C. deve$opin D. to deve$op2). hone the....... if the $i hts don't wor#.

    A. e$ectric B. e$ectrician C. e$ectrify D. e$ectricity2,. Iorrowed the money ....... the an#.

    A. to B. of C. for D. from2/. (e ....... Betty since she movedto our nei h orhood.

    A. have #nown B. had #nown C. are #nowin D. #new20. Do we....... attend the dance?

    A. ou ht B. have ot to C. must to D. have to

    ! . *y sister is ...... than me.0

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    A. much o$der B. much e$der C. most o$der D. more o$der!1. 4oushou$d hear 8ucy p$ay ....... uitar.

    A. the B. one C. some D. a!2. Betty ....... a $ot of presents onher irthday.

    A. was iven B. ave C. was ivin D. was een iven!!. I'm rea$$y$oo#in ........ Christmas this year.

    A. after B. out for C. into D. forward to!%. ....... can come tothe c$u . 4ou don't need to e a mem er.

    A. Someone B. ;very C. ;ach one D. Anyone! . -he do must the vet.

    A. ta#en B. e ta#en C. e ta#e D. ta#e

    !). *y nephews spea# @rench rea$$y .......A. ood B. etter C.we$$ D. est!,. -here is ....... food $eft ut not enou h foreveryone.

    A. $itt$e B. a $itt$e C. few D. a few!/. ... $u a e is this?< It's 5aren's

    A. (hat B. (hich C. "ow much D. (hose!0. ....... have you eenp$ayin the f$ute? < Since 1002.

    A. (hen B. Since C. "ow $on D. "ow $on a o% . -he meetin wi$$start when everyone .......

    A. wi$$ arrive B. arrives C. is arrivin D. wi$$ e arrivinII-Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in thegaps:Steven Spie$ er was orn in :hio. "e is one of the most >%1fi$mma#ers in recent times3 andin his >%2 he has earned mi$$ions>%! do$$ars. "e has een ma#in movies >%% 10)1. "is first

    fi$m was a war movie3 Escape to Nowhere 3 >% was made when hewas on$y 1!. "e studied;n $ish $iterature at Ca$ifornia State7niversity and then wor#ed in the te$evision division>%)7niversa$ Studios in "o$$ywood for seven years.In 10, 3 hemade the movie Jaws 3 which >%, very successfu$3 and >%/ himrich and famous.Since then3 he has made more than ! movies3inc$udin the o=< office hits Close Encountersof the Third Kind 3Indiana Jones, ET, and Jurassic Parkura . "e has a$so directed>%0 seriousmovies3 $i#eSchindler's List and Savin Private !"an 3and he has produced a $ot of hit movies.In 100%3 he formed a new"o$$ywood studio3 Dreamwor#s. Lecent$y , Dreamwor#s has een>*icrosoft to produce interactive computer ames and videos.%1. A.success B. unsuccess C. successfu$ D. unsuccessfu$%2. A. &o C. wor# D. profession%!. A. of B. in C. wor# D. a out%%. A.a o B. for C. since D. in% . A. who B. whom C. whose D. which%). B. at C. into D. near%,. A. were B. is C. are D. was%/. A. toma#e B. made C. ma#es D. ma#e%0. A. some B. much C. more D.most

    . A. wor#ed B. wor# C. to wor# D. wor#inTEST 1'

    I- Choose the best answer:1....... ei ht musicians in theand.

    A. -hey wi$$ consist B. -hey are einC. -here is D. -here wi$$e

    2. (e are very ratefu$ ...... your he$p.A. to B. at C. with D.for

    !. "e ....... wear a pair of $asses.

    A. used to B. used C. use D. use to%. Do you remem er *rs6oddard3 ....... tau ht us ;n $ish composition? < I certain$ydo.

    A. who B. whom C. that D. which. It was too sma$$. It wasn't.......

    A. enou h i B. i enou h C. fair$y i D. rather i). -here is toomuch noise in this room. I can't understand what .......

    A. is the professor sayin B. is sayin the professorC. that isthe professor sayin D. the professor is sayin

    ,. Don't for et ....... home as soon as you arrive at yourdestination.A. to ca$$ B. ca$$in C. havin ca$$ed D. to e ca$$ed

    /. -hey wanted to #now if the woman had died of the rare......

    A. i$$ness B. pain C. ache D. hurt0. ew4or#3 -o#yo and aris area$$.......A. i cities B. capita$ cities C. centra$ cities D. in;urope

    1 . I'$$ see you .......A. short B. after C. ne=t D. $ater

    11. 6o and sit ....... Lichard.A. eside B. ne=t to C. y D. a$$are correct

    12. -his is the oy ...... father is an architect.A. who B. hisC. whose D. which

    1!. I ...... ;n $ish for ) years now.A. am studyin B. wi$$ havestudiedC. have een studied D. have een studyin

    1%. *y unc$e has iven up .......A. smo#e B. smo#in C. to smo#eD. smo#ed

    1 . "ave you een "o Chi *inh city?A. 7nti$ you not B. A$readynot C. Sti$$ not D. ot yet

    1). I've ot a new rammar oo#. < .......A. "ow many cost? B."ow much price?C. "ow much is it? D. "ow much you pay?

    1,. At four o'c$oc# *r "uchinson sti$$ had some ...... to do inhis arden.A. wor# B. &o C. effort D. ta#e

    1/. "e has a$ways een enerous and he sti$$ .......A. has een B.was C. is D. has

    10. -han# you for ....... me.A. invite B. invited C. invitin D.invitation

    2 . -he $esson is ....... difficu$t that no ody can understandit.A. so B. such C. very D. a $ot

    21. -hat um re$$a is .......A. our B. our's C. ours D. toour

    22. (hat ....... to the e ar?A. did happen B. was happened C.happenin D. happened

    2!. $ease smo#e in the ....... room.A. smo#e B. smo#es C. smo#inD. smo#ed

    2%. (e've ot ....... food in the house.A. p$enty of B. p$enty C.$ots D. very much

    2 . 7p to now I ....... a $ot of information a out her.A. wou$d$earn B. have $earnt C. have $earn D. wi$$ $earn

    2). *rs Smith3 ....... hus and is a dip$omat3 ives coo#in$essons.

    A. whom B. who C. whose D. who's1

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    2,. "e was arrested. "e .......A. escaped B. was cau ht C. wasstopped D. was seen

    2/. "e heard a noise ....... comin from the ar.A. which was B.who was C. that is D. which is

    20. I $ive a few yards ....... the us stop.A. off B. away C.from D. with

    ! . (e ....... in this vi$$a e 1 years a o.A. have $ived B. were$ivin C. used to $ive D. $ived

    !1. I have a $ot of oo#s3 ....... which I haven't read.A. manyof B. most of C. some of D. a$$ are correct

    !2. I'm sorry. I haven't ot any money. I've ....... my wa$$et athome.

    A. missed B. $eft C. $et D. for otten!!. If someone ....... intothe store3 smi$e and say3 *ay I he$p you?A. comes B. came C. wou$dcome D. cou$d come

    !%. -he chi$dren have one .......A. for shoppin B. to shop C.shoppin D. to ma#e shoppin

    ! . 8ife on earth ....... destroyed un$ess nuc$ear tests stop.A.wou$d e B. wi$$ C. wi$$ e D. is

    !). -he doctor succeeded ....... the patient's $ife.A. when hesaves B. savin C. to save D. in savin

    !,. She eats too much and now she is .......A. wei hed B. wei htC. overwei h D. overwei ht

    !/. 8ots of peop$e ....... yo a to re$a=.A. ive up B. ta#e up D. ma#e

    !0. -he peop$e ....... thou ht he was a it stran e.A. which hewor#ed with B. with which he wor#edC. with whom he wor#ed D. hewor#ed with

    % .A musician is a person ....... music.A. who p$ays B. whose C.who p$ay D. which p$ays

    %1. Do you #now a ood ....... to paint my house?A. paintin B.paint C. who D. painter

    %2. $ease don't touch anythin ...... the po$ice arrive.A. whenB. if C. un$ess D. unti$

    %!. -hese app$es are different ....... the ones you ou htyesterday.A. from B. with C. at D. a out

    %%. "e spent a $ot of time ...... readin oo#s.A. on B. at C. inD. no word is needed

    % . -hey treat women ....... more e ua$$y than peop$e in theorth. A. very B. too C. so D. much%). *any (e$sh peop$e spea# ;n$ish as their ....... $an ua e.

    A. home B. first C. fami$y D. mother%,. ;ven if you can't stopdrivin a$to ether3 at $east try to cut .......

    A. off B. down C. up D. out%/. -he crowd at a foot a$$ match areoften .......

    A. e=cite B. e=cited C. e=citin D. ein e=cited%0. If there....... ravity3 water wou$dn't run down hi$$.

    A. aren't B. isn't C. wasn't D. weren't. 4our rother is veryta$$. (hat is his e=act .......?

    A. siHe B. $en th C. hei ht D. measure

    TEST 11

    I- Choose the best answer:1. ....... a$ready $eft y the time Iarrived.

    A. "e is B. "e has C. "e was D. "e'd2. "e is ood ....... a$$sports.

    A. at B. in C. into D. with!. I fe$t fri htened. It was .......e=perience.

    A. fri htenin B. a fri htenin C. the fri htenin D. one frihtenin%. I don't want ....... mi$# today.

    A. some B. any C. no D. many

    . If you ....... someone e$se3 who wou$d you $i#e to e?A. can eB. have een C. are D. cou$d e). "ow $on wi$$ it ....... to etthere?

    A. cost B. $ose C. ma#e D. ta#e,. o ody has ....... done thisefore.

    A. any B. can have C. have D. ever/. -here isn't ....... food inthe house.

    A. none B. no C. some D. any0. "e ....... on his history studiesa$$ yesterday mornin .

    A. used to wor# B. had wor#ed C. was wor#in D. has wor#ed1 . "owfast did he drive? ....... ! 1 mi$es an hour.

    A. At B. (ith C. -o D. By11. "e sometimes ....... in ed unti$noon.

    A. stay B. is stayin C. stays D. stayin12. (hat has happened....... this poor man?

    A. with B. on C. for D. to1!. *y friend3 "er ert3 has a$ways eenfat. "e ....... sti$$ fat.

    A. was B. has C. has een D. is1%. -hat vi$$a $oo#s very o$d.(hen ...... it ui$t?

    A. was B. does C. did D. is1 . (i$$ you ....... to finish yourhomewor#?

    A. e a $e B. capa $e C. a $e D. opposite1). "e spea#s ;n $ish.......he spea#s @rench.

    A. ooder than B. worst than C. etter than D. more etter than1,.(hat did he find? < "e was surprised at what .......

    A. did he find B. he find C. he found D. he has found1/.;veryone is ....... his est.

    A. ma#in B. sayin C. wor#in D. doin10. (ine is made .......rapes.

    A. from B. of C. on D. with2 . (e can $ive ....... nothin utwater for a out one month.

    A. y B. for C. on D. with21. (ar and eace ....... the $on estoo# I've ever read.

    A. are B. were C. is D. was22. 8itt$e oys $i#e .......trees.

    A. c$im B. c$im in C. swin from D. havin a swin2!. I'm terri $ysorry. '-erri $y means .......

    A. uite B. uiet C. very D. e=treme$y

    2%. A ....... teaches or does research in physics.11

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    A. physicist B. mathematician C. chemist D. physician

    2 . I've ot no money. Can you ....... me five pound.A. $end B.orrow C. rent D. do

    2). Bi Ben is the ....... c$oc# in 8ondon.A. famousest B. mostfamous C. more famous D. famouser

    2,. I sha$$ e ready ....... a moment.A. for B. in C. with D.on

    2/. "ave you ever one a road? < o3 .......A. I never have B.I have never C. I have D. I have ever

    20. @red was sent to schoo$ ....... the a e of si=.

    A. at B. in C. on D. from! . (hat's the name of the son.......those ir$s are sin in ?A. what B. whom C. who D. which

    !1. Is this fi$m worth .......?A. to see B. seein C. see D. tohave seen

    !2. It was so $ate that I ...... ta#e a ta=i.A. have to B. wasto C. must D. had to

    !!. It was made ...... copper.A. y B. from C. of D. in

    !%. (e spent the ....... days on the each.A. few $ast sunny B.$ast few sunny C. $ast sunny few D. few sunny $ast

    ! . $ease drive....... 4ou are ma#in me nervous.A. s$ow B. mores$ow$y C. more s$ow D. s$ow$ier

    !). A machine can wor# 1 time as fast as any person ......A. canB. wor# C. did D. cou$d

    !,. *ary wou$d $end me some money if I ....... her.A. as# B. amas#in C. wi$$ as# D. as#ed

    !/. 4ou wi$$ not succeed ....... wor#in harder.A. un$ess B. ifC. without D. a$thou h

    !0. If you hurry3 you wi$$ e there ....... midni ht.A. unti$ B.whi$e C. on D. y

    % . ....... does he ca$$? < :nce a month.A. "ow se$dom B. "ow$on C. "ow soon D. "ow often

    %1. I'd rather ....... campin with them.A. went B. oin C. o oin

    %2. I'd $i#e to than# you ....... what you have done.A. y B. GC. for D. on

    %!. (e won't o out ....... it stops rainin .A. if B. if not C.un$ess D. when

    %%. She is the woman ....... I wrote.A. to whom B. whom to C.who D. whose

    % . -he house ....... five months a o.A. has comp$eted B.comp$eted C. was comp$eted D. has een comp$eted

    %). ....... did 8ucy come? < By train.A. (hen B. "ow C. (hyD. (here

    %,. ....... a ood wee#end.A. *a#e B. Spend C. ass D. "ave

    %/. It $oo#s ....... than it rea$$y is.

    A. hi h B. hi her C. much hi h D. far hi h

    %0. A fi$m fan is a person who ....... fi$ms.A. ma#es B. sees C.en&oys seein D. possesses

    . -im is in Austra$ia. "e went ....... Austra$ia si= months ao.A. to B. in C. at D. into

    TEST 1I- Choose the best answer:1. Annette is a short st orywriter. She ....... severa$ oo#s of short stories3 and she .......severa$ rewardsfor her oo#s.

    A. wrote+ won B. has written+ won C. writes+ win D. has written+has won2. At the moment3 she ....... a detective story.

    A. writes B. wrote C. is writin D. has written!. 8inh ....... in"anoi ut her rother *inh ....... in -hai uyen.

    A. $ives+ is $ivin B. $ives+ $ives C. $ivin + $ivin D. $ive+$ivin%. I have to $eave efore seven3 so .......

    A. can you B. do you C. are you D. have you. *y rother is not#een ....... pop music.

    A. to $isten B. $istenin to C. on $istenin D. on $istenin to).4ou ....... etter e carefu$ not to miss the train.

    A. wou$d B. shou$d C. did D. had,. It is written ;n $ish3 whichis not systematica$$y phonetic that ....... difficu$ties to foreiners.

    A. causes B. ives C. ma#es D. does/. Isaac ewton was an ;n $ishphysicist ....... theory of ravitation is famous throu hout thewor$d.

    A. which B. who C. whose D. that0. ....... amon youn peop$e isnow a serious pro $em in many countries in the wor$d.

    A. emp$oy B. emp$oyment C. unemp$oyed D. unemp$oyment

    1 . 9ohn is from ;n $and. "e is not used ....... on the ri ht side of the road.A. to drive B. to drivin C. of drivin D. drivin11.I'm $ad. I've succeeded ....... persuadin him to phone her.

    A. in B. at C. with D. of12. It rained so ....... that afteron$y ha$f an hour everywhere was f$ooded.

    A. heavy B. heavier C. heavi$y D. more heavi$y1!. Are you free....... Saturday evenin ?

    A. in B. at C. on D. for1%. "is father was a farmer who diedefore his son's irth. "is mother3 unc$e and randmother too#care....... him

    A. for B. after C. of D. in1 . "is son ecame famous ....... thea e of 21.

    A. with B. at C. for D. in1). In 1))0 Isaac ewton was appointedprofessor and e an ivin $ectures ....... mathematics.

    A. on B. for C. in D. with1,. "e wasn't interested in ......unti$ he rew o$der.

    A. mathematics B. mathematician C. mathematica$ D. mathemat1/.4ou $oo# ....... in a new dress.

    A. more eautifu$ B. eautify C. eautifu$$y D. more eautifu$$y10."is first ....... e=periment was carried out in 1) /.

    A. physics B. physician C. physica$ D. physicist2 . ....... whoinvented the steam en ine3 was a famous Scottish inventor.

    A. 9ames (att B. @araday C. *. Curie D. ;instein21. If you $etan o &ect off your hand3 it wi$$ certain$y .......

    A. fa$$ B. f$y C. run D. move22. If our sources of ener y ends3our $ife .......

    A. wi$$ destroyed B. destroys C. wi$$ destroy D. wi$$ edestroyed

    2!. *ary $oo#s very ......12

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    A. success B. successfu$ C. successfu$$y D. sad$y2%. Chi$drenen&oy ...... in the river.

    A. swim B. swimmin C. swam D. to swim2 . I ....... many youn mensince I came here in 9une.

    A. has seen B. saw C. have seen D. see2). S$eep is ....... toour hea$th.

    A. necessity B. necessary C. necessari$y D. necessitate2,. @oota$$ is one of the most ....... ames of ;n $ish peop$e.

    A. popu$ar B. popu$ar$y C. popu$arity D. popu$ariHe2/. (e....... ;n $ish as an effective means of communication.

    A. spea# B. have C. study D. find20. She tried to wor# that she cou$d pass the e=am.

    A. hard$y B. harden C. hard D. hardship! . -he peace .......:=ford once #new has een swept.

    A. which B. who C. whom D. where!1. -hose are your shoes3.......?

    A. aren't those B. aren't you C. aren't they D. are not they!2.If man continue cuttin down forests3 the $ife on the earth.......affected.

    A. wi$$ e B. wou$d e C. cou$d e D. wou$d have een!!. "yde ar#has Spea#ers' corner ....... one may say anythin one p$eases.

    A. which B. that C. when D. where!%. ;n $ish ....... in manyparts of the wor$d.

    A. spea#s B. is spo#en C. is spea#ed D. is spo#en! . Someone hassto$en my icyc$e. *y icyc$e .......

    A. has sto$en B. has een sto$e C. has een sto$en D. has eensto$en

    !). A+ An ....... is a person who ives $ectures3 especia$$y at auniversity or co$$e e.A. story te$$er B. orator C. $ecturer D.spea#er!,. I'm fed up with ....... the same - pro ramme every niht.

    A. watch B. watchin C. to watch D. watched!/. "e'd $i#e to uy a...... newspaper.

    A. wee# B. wee#dy C. wee#$y D. day!0. A person who studies $ifeof p$ants and anima$s is ca$$ed a ......

    A. eo$o ist B. physicist C. io$o ist D. chemist% . -his is myfriend3 ...... I went to the Hoo yesterday.

    A. with whom B. whom C. who D. whose%1. -he earth moves roundthe sun without .......

    A. stopin B. stop C. to stop D. stoppin%2. She is ....... tocome from city.

    A. $i#e$y B. $i#e C. seem D. a$i#e%!. I don't #now where.......

    A. does she come B. she does comes C. she comes D. is shecomes%%. *ichae$'s afraid ....... spiders.

    A. a out B. from C. for D. of% . I remem er ....... himefore.

    A. to have seen B. saw C. to see D. seein

    II- Read the following passage and choose the bestanswer:*ercury is the sma$$est mem er of the sun's fami$y. It ison$y !.1 mi$es across. It is a$so thesun's swiftest p$anet. Itsyear$y &ourney round the sun is on$y / days.*ercury a$ways#eeps one side towards the sun. :n this side it is a$ways day3 onthe other sidea$ways ni ht. (e on$y see the $i hted side.*ercuryappears to us $i#e a ye$$owish oran e star. -he nearest p$anet tothe sun3 it is a$ways seennear the sun3 either &ust eforesunrise or soon after sunset. eop$e sometimes ca$$ mercurythemornin star or evenin star.

    *ercury is ha$f the siHe of the earth. Because it is much $ihter3 it has much $ess ravity. If you canvisit *ercury in aspaceship3 you wi$$ find it a stran e wor$d. Its $ow ravity ma#esyou fee$ very $i ht.If your wei ht on earth is 1 pounds3 your weiht on *ercury is on$y 2, pounds.8oo#in at the sun from *ercury3 youcan see that it's much more ri$$iant than it is seen from theearth.And the ye$$ow centre of the sun appears three times i er from*ercury.:n its $i hted side3 *ercury's temperature is a out ! derees centi rate. But the dar# side ise=treme$y co$d3 ut 1 de reese$ow Hero so mercury is pro a $y the co$dest as we$$ as the hottestofthe p$anets.%). A. *ercury is .......

    A. the sun's fastest p$anet B. the co$dest p$anetC. the hottestp$anet D. a$$ are correct

    %,. (e cannot see the dar# side of *ercury ecause .......A. itmoves very fast.

    B. it a$ways appears &ust efore sunrise or soon aftersunset.C. it a$ways #eeps one side towards the sun.

    D. it is too far for us to see.%/. (hen can we see *ercury? <(e can see it ......

    A. &ust efore the sunset B. &ust efore sunriseC. afterthe sunset D. oth A and C are correct

    %0. (hy do we wei h much on the earth than on *ercury? <Because .......A. *ercury is nearer to the sun.B. *ercury has ot$ess ravity than the earth.C. *ercury is much hotter.D. none arecorrect.

    . (hy does the sun $oo# i er when it is seen from *ercury? <Because .......

    A. *ercury is the sma$$est p$anet of the sun.B. *ercury isnearer to the sun.C. *ercury is a $i ht p$anet.D. It on$y ta#es*ercury // days to move round the sun.

    TEST 1(I- Choose the best answer:1. -he city is now crowded withpeop$e who ...... for emp$oyment.

    A. are $oo#in B. is $oo#in C. $oo# D. were $oo#in2. (hat .......when I phoned $ast ni ht?

    A. you were doin B. did you do C. were you doin D. you doin!. Itis 1 p.m. I ....... for two hours.

    A. am studyin B. was studyin C. studied D. have een studyin%. I....... a very ood pro ramme on - $ast ni ht.

    A. saw B. see C. see D. was seein. (hi$e I ....... this mornin 3I $ost my money. I don't #now how.A. shopped B. was shoppin C. amshoppin D. shoppin

    ). 8ast wee# the po$ice ....... A$an in his car ecause he....... at over ei hty mi$es an hours.A. stoped+ drove B. wasstoppin + drivinC. stopped+ was drivin D. stopped+ drove

    ,. (hat's that sme$$? < Somethin ...... in the #itchen.A. areurnt B. are urnin C. urns D. is urnin

    /. "e ...... thirty ci arettes a day.A. smo#e B. smo#ed C. issmo#in D. smo#es

    0. "e spends two hours a day ....... the piano.A. to practise B.practise C. practisin D. practised

    1 . If we don't stop ....... down trees3 forests .......

    A. to cut+ wi$$ disappear B. cuttin + disappear1!

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  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    A. are you studyin B. did you studyC. you have studied D. haveyou studied.

    /. I ....... her since we ...... students.A. have #nown+ are B.#now+ are C. #new+were D. have #nown+ were

    0. -his is the p$ace ...... I met her five years a o.A. where B.which C. that D. whom

    1 . "e is the est teacher ....... has ever tau ht at ourschoo$.A. who B. whom C. that D. which

    11. I saw a $ot of peop$e and horse ...... went to mar#et.A.they B. that C. which D. who

    12. *y father is a person ...... opinion I respect most.

    A. who B. whom C. whose D. that1!. It is in this house ....... Iwas orn.A. where B. which C. that D. in which

    1%. "e used to orrow my pen.A. *y pen used to orrow y him. B. *ypen was used to orrow y him.C. *y pen used to e orrowed y him. D.*y pen was used to e orrowed y him.

    1 . o ody has seen him since then.A. "e wasn't seen since then.B. "e has een seen y no ody.C. "e has seen them since then. D. "ehasn't een seen since then.

    1). Chi$dren are doin their homewor# now.A. Chi$dren's homewor#is done now.B. Chi$dren's homewor# is ein done now.C. Chi$drenKs'homewor# are ein done now.

    D. Chi$dren's homewor# is ein done now.1,. (hen did they ui$tthis house?

    A. (hen this house was ui$t+ B. (hen is this house ui$t?C. (hendid this house ui$d? D. (hen was this house ui$t?

    1/. A person who teaches at schoo$ is a ......A. student B.teacher C. professor D. $ecturer

    10. "ow $on did you spend ...... this $etter?A. writin B. wroteC. to write D. write

    2 . *y sister can't he$p you now. She is usy .......A. coo#in coo# C. with coo#in D. coo#

    21. Are you afraid ....... oin out at ni ht?A. of B. in C. forD. on

    22. Are you tired ....... wa$#in $on ?A. at B. in C. with D.of

    2!. (e spent our $ast summer ho$iday in Da$at ...... a B. on C. at D. for

    2%. "e has een teachin at schoo$ ...... $ast year.A. in B. sinceC. for D. G

    2 . "e is tryin to ive ....... smo#in ut I thin# he can't.A. upB. off C. in D. over

    2). I $earn ;n $ish ad$y ut he $earns it ....... than me.A. ad$yB. more ad$y C. etter D. worse

    2,. :f the two sisters3 *aria is the .......A.more inte$$i enceB. inte$$i ent C. more inte$$i ent D. most inte$$i ent

    2/. If you eat too much3 you'$$ e .......

    A. wei ht$ess B. underwei ht C. overwei ht D. wei hter

    20. "er unc$e is a ....... on that ship.A. sa$er B. crew C. sai$D. sai$or

    ! . "e cou$dn't o far ecause he was afraid of .......A. to f$yB. f$yin C. e f$yin D. ein f$yin

    !1. -he c$imate in ;n $and is ....... than in ietnam.A. co$d$der C. co$dest D. as co$d

    !2. *ary is ....... her father.A. as c$ever as B. so c$ever asC. c$ever than D. as c$ever

    !!. -hat is the ....... story I've ever heard.A. more unusua$ B.unusua$ C. unusua$ D. $ess unusua$

    !%. If she #new it3 she ....... to come with us.

    A. wi$$ refuse B. wou$d refuse C. refuses D. wou$d refused! . IfI have time3 I ....... this oo# tomorrow.A. read B. wi$$ read C.wou$d read D. wou$d have read

    !). I'm worried ....... ta#in my ora$ e=am.A. a out B. that C.of D. to

    !,. *any famous peop$e did not en&oy immediate ....... intheir $ives.A. succeed B. success C. successfu$ D. successive

    !/. A$ ert ;instein3 one of the reatest ....... of a$$ timeperformed ad$y in most of his hi h schoo$courses.

    A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientists!0. -homas;dison3 the ....... of the $i ht u$ made him famous.

    A. invent B. invention C. inventor D. inventin% . 9ames (att3whose invention is the steam en ine3 was a famous Scottish ........

    A. en ineer B. mechanic C. musician D. e$ectricianII- Read thefollowing passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps:-he$eadin causes of >%1 in many deve$opin countries are now heartdisease3 cancer3 accident3f$u3 pneumonia etc. *oreover ci arettes3a$coho$3 physica$ inactivity and overeatin a$so add to thecauses ofsevera$ of these #i$$in diseases. *edicine has $itt$e he$p tooffer3 however3 to persons>%2 can not rid >%! ha its harmfu$to their hea$th. Sur ery is the on$y >%% to offer any chanceofsurviva$ for peop$e >% $un cancer.A$thou h psychiatrists triedto stop peop$e >%) drin#in 3 they haven't een very >%, .either havedoctors. "ow then >%/ our hea$th improved? -he answeris simp$e3 thou h perhaps not veryp$easin . :rdinary persons can doit >%0 . -hey > a $e to ma#e ood advances in the preventionofdiseases.%1. A. die B. died C. death D. dead%2. A. who B. whose C.which D. when%!. A. up B. with C. of D. off%%. A. means B. way C.road D. path% . A. y B. in C. with D. of%). A. of B. from C. withD. for%,. A. succeed B. success C. successfu$ D. succession%/. A.can B. must C. needn't D. does%0. A. yourse$f B. itse$f C.themse$ves D. theirse$ves

    . A. is B. was C. were D. areTEST 1"

    I- Choose the best answer:1. $ease wait for whi$e. -he mana er....... usy now. "e ....... to one of the staff.

    A. is+ ta$#s B. has een+ ta$#s C. is+ is ta$#in D. was+ ista$#in2. (here .......3 -om?

    A. are you oin B. you are oin C. you oin D. do you o1

  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    !. (e ....... the town at a out four o'c$oc# yesterday.A. was$eavin B. $eft C. $eave D. had $eft

    %. She ....... some ca#es.A. &ust eats B. has &ust ateC. &ust has eaten D. has &ust eaten

    . If there ...... your he$p3 I wou$dn't succeed in my wor#.A.wasn't B. wou$dn't e C. were D. weren't

    ). If I ....... you3 I wou$d he$p her with money.A. am B. was C.were D. had een

    ,. I met her whi$e she ....... to her office.A. drove B. drivesC. was drove D. was drivin

    /. *y father ....... in that factory since $ast year.

    A. is wor#in B. was wor#in C. wor#ed D. has een wor#in0. (hen hecomes3 I ...... you.A. phone B. wou$d phone C. wi$$ phone D. am ointo phone

    1 . I a$ways read the newspaper whi$e I ....... for the us.A. amwaitin B. wait C. wi$$ wait D. was waitin

    11. She ....... her homewor#.A. a$ready did B. a$ready done C.a$ways has done D. has a$ready done

    12. If it ....... fine tomorrow3 we'$$ o to the each.A. wi$$ eB. is C. was D. e

    2!. "is oss made him ive up the &o .A. "e was made ivin upthe &o y his &o .B. "e was made to ive up the &o y hisoss.C. "e was made to e iven up y his oss.

    D. -he &o was made to e iven up y his &o .1%. *y motheris feedin the fow$s.

    A. -he fow$s are oin to e fed y my mother.B. *y mother is havinthe fow$s fed.C. -he fow$s are fed y my mother.D. -he fow$s are einfed y my mother.

    1 . -hey are oin to open a new schoo$ in the city.A. A newschoo$ is ein opened in the city.B. A new schoo$ is oin to open inthe city.C. A new schoo$ is oin to e opened in the city.D. -hey areoin to have a new schoo$ opened.

    1). "e'd rather ...... up $ate toni ht.A. stay not B. doesn'tstay C. stayed D. not stay

    1,. -he ...... I et to #now you3 the ....... I understand.A.most+ $east B. more+ $east C. more+ $ess D. much+ $ess

    1/. -he man went ac# to the town ....... he was orn.A. which B.where C. that D. who

    10. -his is the co$or - ....... I ou ht yesterday.A. which B.who C. whose D. whom

    2 . -he days ....... I $ived far from my fami$y were the saddestones.A. which B. where C. that D. when

    21. Chi$dren shou$d have a short rest ....... noon.A. on B. inC. at D. for

    22. "e was orn ....... a sma$$ vi$$a e not far from the B. in C. on D. with

    2!. "e was very an ry ....... his $aHy students.

    A. for B. a out C. with D. at2%. Lice is ....... on thefarm.

    A. row B. rew C. rowed D. rown2 . owadays3 ;n $ish .......wide$y a$$ over the wor$d.

    A. spea#s B. is spo#ed C. is spea#ed D. is spo#en2). (ou$d you$i#e ...... with me?

    A. to dance B. dance C. dancin D. danced2,. (hat does she oftendo ....... the evenin ?

    A. at B. on C. in D. for2/. *y parents $et me ....... $ate onSunday.

    A. et B. to ettin C. to et up D. et up

    20. ....... $ecturer often ives ....... $essons.A. orin + oredB. ored+ orin C. ored+ ored D. orin + orin! . It isn't easy tostart $oo#in for a+ an ....... at my a e.

    A. wor# B. &o C. occupation D. unemp$oyment!1. "e comes from(e$$in ton. "e spea#s .......

    A. Lussian B. @rench C. ;n $ish D. Spanish!2. ow I am fri htened....... app$yin for a &o .

    A. of B. on C. with D. for!!. (ho ou ht this dictionary

    A. to B. for C. at D. with!%. (hat is hard$y ....... to An$o< Sa=on?

    A. reco niHe B. reco niHin C. reco niHa $e D. to reco niHe! . "edoesn't teach mathematics3 he teaches po$itics. "e's a .......

    A. writer B. phi$osopher C. po$itician D. physicist!). Do you#now who ....... radio?

    A. made B. did C. invented D. produced!,. 6ravity is the forceof the earth to ....... everythin towards its centre.

    A. attract B. push C. f$oat D. fa$$!/. "e had a father whosehard wor# cou$d ....... feed the fami$y.

    A. hard B. hard$y C. harder D. harden!0. "e used to run fasterthan he ....... now.

    A. is B. used to C. does D. do% . I'd $i#e to stay at homeinstead of ...... to the cinema.

    A. o B. went C. to o D. oinII- Read the following passage andchoose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps:A$ice is 1/ years o$d andshe comes >%1 ;n $and. She is now in "anoi and >%2 ietnamese.Shecame to "anoi >%! 9u$y so she >%% there for si= months.A$ice >% she $i#es "anoi very much.She $i#es >%) shoppin andcyc$in around the town. >%, month she wi$$ o to "o Chi *inhcity>%/ a friend of >%0 . A$ice hopes she > many $ettersfrom ;n $and.%1. A. from B. in C. to D. ac#%2. A. studies B.studyin C. wi$$ e studyin D. is studyin%!. A. on B. at C. in D.for%%. A. is B. has een C. wi$$ D. was% . A. says B. te$$s C.spea#s D. shouts%). A. to o B. oin C. o D. went%,. A. ne=t B. $astC. this D. that%/. A. meet B. meetin C. to meet D. wi$$ meet%0. A.she B. hers C. her D. me

    . A. receive B. wou$d receive C. is received D. wi$$ receive


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    TEST 1#I- Choose the best answer:1. Ban #o# is ....... capita$of -hai$and.

    A. a B. one C. the2. 8isten to what I am sayin 3 .......?

    A. don't you B. wi$$ you C. do you!. -here are ....... oys inour c$ass.

    A. no B. not C. none%. -his oran e tastes .......

    A. sweet$y B. sweety C. sweet. -he man ....... we met on thetrain was the president.

    A. that B. who C. which D. what). I too# the wron oo# .......mista#e.A. y B. of C. with

    ,. -he weather is ....... today than yesterday.A. much etter B.very etter C. too etter

    /. "ave you read ....... chapter of your oo#?A. third B. thethird C. a third

    0. *y watch is s$ow and ....... is my rother's.A. ;ither B. -ooC. So

    1 . Did you do your .......?A. homewor# B. home wor# C.homewor#s

    11. *y rother and I are not at a$$ .......A. $i#e B. $i#e$y C.a$i#e

    12. Susan is the ....... of the two ir$s.A. prettier B.prettiest C. pretty

    1!. (e are a$$ sorry ....... 9ane. She $ost a$$ her money.A.with B. for C. to

    1%. I don't want much su ar in my coffee. 9ust ....... p$ease.A.few B. $itt$e C. a $itt$e

    1 . ....... without mi$# is yours.A. the coffee B. a coffee

    1). -om and ....... are oin to the irthday party to ether.A. IB. me C. myse$f D. my

    1,. I $i#e watchin ....... on - .A. a foot a$$ match B. foot a$$C. a foot a$$ D. foot a$$s

    1/. -he picture he ave you is more va$ua $e ....... the one heave me.A. over B. a ove C. to D. than

    10. -he doctor made me ....... in ed for a wee#.A. stayin B.stay C. stayed D. to stay

    2 . o ody is ready to o3 .......?A. are they B. isn't he C. ishe D. aren't he

    21. -o #now is one thin 3 ut to do is .......A. another B. otherC. some D. the other

    22. ;ither of the men ....... off duty.A. are B. were C. haveeen D. is

    2!. Since 10, -im ....... in 8ondon3 and he is sti$$ therenow.A. was wor#in B. wor#ed C. have wor#ed D. has een wor#in

    2%. *athematics ....... not an easy su &ect for everyody.

    A. wi$$ e B. are C. is D. aren't

    2 . It ta#es a $on time to $earn a new $an ua e3 .......?A.isn't B. doesn't it C. is it D. does it

    2). "e divided the money etween you and .......A. I B. me C. myD. mine

    2,. (hen you ....... your wa$#3 you may $eave the room.A. do B.did C. have done D. had done

    2/. owadays my father ....... to wor# y us.A. has one B. used toC. went D. oes

    20. "e is ....... important person.A. a B. an C. the D. any

    ! . It ta#es ha$f ....... hour to wa$# from here to thestation.

    A. a B. an C. the D. for!1. Some peop$e used to ...... incrowded uses and donKt mind it at a$$.A. ridin B. ride C. rode D.ridden

    !2. A$$ the furniture in the house ....... o$d

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    . -o in&ure means to .......A. to destroy B. hurt C.cure

    TEST 1$I- Choose the best answer:1. If he doesn't ....... hisways3 he'$$ end up in trou $e.

    A. mend B. repair C. correct D. restore2. 4our father usua$$yhas $unch at home3 ....... he?

    A. hasn't B. does C. did D. doesn't!. -here ....... no rain heresince $ast month.

    A. is B. has een C. was%. "aywood is the vi$$a e .......

    A. where I was orn in B. which I was ornC. in which I was orn D.which I was orn there. *r 9ones ....... decided to ca$$ a meetin ofthe c$u tomorrow.

    A. has B. wi$$ e C. has een D. is ein). -here is now much....... water in the $a#e than there was $ast year.

    A. sma$$er B. fewer C. $ess D. $esser,. -rave$ y car is veryfast now3 ecause there are many .......

    A. motorway B. motorsway C. motorways D. motorsways/. -he $iftis not wor#in now. It is out ....... order.

    A. of B. in C. for D. y0. - wor#ed in aris ....... the war.

    A. etween B. when C. amon D. durin1 . -here are two temp$es and....... of them are very o$d.

    A. one B. a$$ C. oth D. each11. I am ri ht3 .......

    A. am not I B. aren't I C. am I D. isn't it12. If you sit in the....... you'$$ catch a co$d.

    A. drou ht B. drau ht C.drift D. drawin1!. A$$ his chi$drenspea# ....... 6erman.

    A. f$owin B. aff$uent C. f$uent D. we$$1%. Can you te$$ me.......?

    A. which oo# you want to uy B. which oo# you want to uy itC. youwant to uy which oo# D. you want which oo# to uy

    1 . ot on$y my son ut a$so I ....... tired from wa$#in so B. are C. am D. were

    1). -he us ....... come out hive since si= o'c$oc#.A. won't B.hasn't C. didn't D. haven't

    1,. ....... when you drive.A. Do carefu$ B. Do e carefu$ C. Becarefu$$y D. Do e carefu$$y

    1/. ....... don't $i#e ;n $ish.A. Some student B. Some ofstudentsC. Some of the student D. Some of the students

    10. I'm very poor. I haven't ....... money $eft now.A. any B.none C. some D. no

    2 . -here is on$y one student in the c$assroom ....... his$esson.A. prepares B. to prepare C. was preparin D. preparin

    21. 8ife without ....... wou$d e du$$.A. a $au hter B. an $auhter C. the $au hter D. $au hter

    22. *y unc$e's office is on .......

    A. third f$oor B. the third f$oor C. f$oor three D. three'sf$oor2!. -he po$ice have a$ready found the ....... &ewe$s.

    A. stea$ B. sto$e C. stea$in D. sto$en2%. -he est anima$s in theshow was the ....... do s.

    A. dancer B. dancers C. dancin D. danced2 . -ry a ain. Don't ive....... hope.

    A. out B. up C. on D. off2). It's dar# in here. $ease turn....... the $i hts.

    A. on B. out C. over D. off2,. Did you $i#e my friend? < erymuch. She's ....... charmin as you said she was.

    A. as B. very C. more D. too

    2/. -hursday is the ....... day of the wee#.A. five B. fivth C.fiveth D. fifth20. (e hear you ....... to an three days a o.

    A. have one B. went C. had one D. is oin! . *ost students....... hard for the $ast few wee#s.

    A. were wor#in B. wor#ed C. had wor#ed D. have een wor#in!1.Lead ....... on the oard p$ease.

    A. a first sentence B. first sentence C. first sentence D. thefirst sentence!2. either of the two ir$s ....... my student.

    A. is B. are C. have een D. has een!!. She has her own friends3she doesn't want .......

    A. our B. ours C. our's!%. I am ....... in the story.

    A. very interested B. interested C. much interested! . .......time wi$$ they spend in Ban #o#?

    A. "ow much B. how many C. "ow $on!). 4ou have tea for rea#fast3....... you?

    A. haven't B. don't C. won't D. have!,. I am sure the answer tomy $etter ....... y ne=t @riday mornin .

    A. wi$$ come B. has come C. is comin D. was comin!/. Before itwas so$d the ro#en machine was c$eaned and .......

    A. $oo#ed for B. put ri ht C. #ept up D. iven ac#!0. *ary'swatch ....... at ). .

    A. finished B. stopped C. ended% . -his is ....... e$ephant Ihave ever seen.

    A. the most i B. most i C. the i est D. the i est%1. (eddin rins are made of .......

    A. o$d B. a o$d C. the o$d D. o$ds%2. ....... you an ry withhim?

    A. Do B. (hy C. "ave D. Are%!. -here are two ....... in the wordpretty .

    A. -s B. - C. -- D. -'s%%. (hose e$t is it? < It's my.......

    A. sister B. sisters C. sister's D. sisters'% . -he sma$$er theroom3 ....... furniture it needs.

    A. a $itt$e B. the few C. the $ess D. the $east%). If I say thatI'd rather wait3 I mean that I .......

    A. prefer to wait B. $i#e to wait C. refuse to wait D. promiseto wait%,. (hat .......F -he rain has not stopped a$$ day.


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    A. a weather B. the weather C. weather%/. "ave you ever heardthis son sun ....... in -hai$and?

    A. sin in B. sin C. sun D. san%0. aria is sic# ut eter is.......

    A. ood B. we$$ C. so. *ary $i#es watchin - ....... does9ohn.

    A. so B. either C. neither D. norTEST 1%

    I- Choose the best answer:1. "e ....... watch - in the evenin.

    A. often doesn't B. don't often C. doesn't often D. oftendoesn't

    2. I $i#e ....... tennis ut I wou$dn't $i#e ...... with her.She's such a ad $oser.A. to p$ay+ to p$ay B. p$ayin +to p$ayC.p$ayin + p$ayin D. to p$ay+p$ayin!. (hi$e he was paintin thecei$in 3 he ....... down.

    A. fa$$s B. was fa$$in C. fe$$ D. fa$$en%. 8et me drive now. 4ou....... since ear$y mornin .

    A. drove B. have drove C. was drivin D. you have een drivin. Areyou used ...... with chopstic#s?

    A. to eatin B. to ate C. to eat D. eatin). A shop which se$$soo#s is a .......

    A. newsa ent's B. stationer's C. $i rary D. oo#shop,. I'm afraidof ...... home a$one at ni ht.

    A. to stay at B. stay at C. stayin at D. stayin/. *ay I watchthe ame ...... we are havin $unch?

    A. whi$e B. durin C. etween D. &ust0. She cou$dn't reach thephone ecause she ...... a ath.

    A. had B. had een havin C. was havin D. is havin1 . It is 1 p.m3she ...... for near$y four hours.

    A. is studyin B. was studyin C. studies D. has een studyin11.-he thin I hate most a out ....... is the oredom.

    A. emp$oy B. unem$oyed C. emp$oyment D. ein unemp$oyed12. Indeve$oped countries unemp$oyed peop$e can et .......

    A. emp$oyment B. enefit C. emp$oyment enefit D. unemp$oymentenefit1!. "er ....... inc$ude swimmin and readin .

    A. interestin B. interests C. interested D. interest1%. As# him....... in. Don't #eep him standin at the door.

    A. to come B. come C. comin D. came1 . ....... you wor# hard3you'$$ fai$ the e=am.

    A. If B. (hi$e C. Because D. 7n$ess1). @orests wi$$ disappear....... we stop cuttin down trees.

    A. un$ess B. if C. when D. who$e1,. I found it ....... to $earn;n $ish y myse$f.

    A. easy not B. not easy C. easi$y D. more easi$y1/. -hee$ectricity fai$ed whi$e she ....... our dinner.

    A. is coo#in B. has coo#ed C. was coo#in D. has een coo#ed10.-he po$ice must try to catch those men who ....... dan erous$y.

    A. drive B. drove C. is drivin D. drives2 . If I ....... you3 Iwou$d for et to uy that car.

    A. am B. have een C. was D. were21. "ow much is it. <.......

    A. It's cost M 1 B. -hey are M 1 C. -his is M 1 D. It's M 122.-here is ....... water in the cup.

    A. many B. few C. a few D. much2!. I ran the e$$ ut there was....... at home.

    A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone2%. -hey made her wor#harder.

    A. She was made to wor# harder. B. She was made wor# harder.C.She was made wor#in harder. D. She is made to wor# harder.

    2 . It started to rain at 2 o'c$oc# and it is sti$$ rainin .A.It has een rainin at 2 o'c$oc#. B. It has een rainin since 2o'c$oc#.C. It has een rainin for 2 o'c$oc#. D. It has een rainin in2 o'c$oc#.

    2). -hey don't use this room very often.A. -his room is veryoften used. B. -his room isn't very often used.C. -his room is usednot very often. D. -his room isn't used very often.

    2,. -hey needn't finish their wor# toni ht.A. -heir wor# isn'tneed to finish toni ht.B. -heir wor# needn't to e finished toniht.C. -heir wor# needn't e finished toni ht.D. -heir wor# isn'tneedn't to finish toni ht.

    2/. ....... her recent$y?A. "ave you saw B. "ave you seen. C.Did you see D. Do you see

    20. I on$y had a day to visit a$$ the tourist ....... there.A.attractions B. attracts C. attractive D. attractive$y

    ! . "e fai$ed the e=am ...... he was $aHy.

    A. un$ess B. if C. ecause D. whi$e!1. (e visited the coasta$vi$$a es which ...... y the storm.

    A. destroy B. destroyin C. destroyed D. were destroyed!2........? < -hirty pounds.

    A. (hat you want for that B. "ow much is itC. "ow much it costsD. (hat the price

    !!. I'm afraid of $ivin ....... my own in a i city.A. in B. forC. y D. on

    !%. "e a$ways comp$ains ...... his $aHy students.A. on B. a outC. of D. with

    ! . In the i cities3 we have to put up with ...... and ad air.A.overcrowdin B. overcrowd C. crowd D. crowded

    !). (e sha$$ need to use our rains more and more ....... thefuture.A. at B. for C. in D. on

    !,. "is friends persuaded him ....... smo#in .A. to ive up B.ivin up C. ive up D. ave up

    !/. @resh air is of reat ...... to our hea$th.A. used B. use C.usin D. usefu$

    !0. -his farm rows rice. -his is a ..... farm.A. rowin rice B.rice rown C. rice rowin D. rown rice

    % . *rs 8an3 ....... chi$dren $earn very we$$3 teaches us ;n$ish.A. whom B. who C. who's D. whose

    %1. Bo is a ....... driver. "e a$ways ets an accident.A. carefu$B. ood C. care$ess D. care$ess$y

    %2. *arconi a$so $oved to do e=periments with .......A.e$ectricity B. e$ectrician C. e$ectrica$ D. e$ectric


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    %!. Ann is ....... than her sister.A. pretty B. more pretty C.prettier D. pretti$y

    %%. "e is a very carefu$ wor#er. "e does everythin ......A. careB. carefu$ C. carefu$$y D. care$ess$y

    % . 4ou ....... to uy the house un$ess you save some money.A.are a $e B. aren't a $e C. wi$$ e a $e D. won't e a $e

    II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fillin the gaps:(i$d anima$s >and wi$d p$ants and the wi$d p$aceswhere they $ive are serious$y threateneda$most everywhere. :nespecies has ecome e=tinct in each year of this century. Butmany#inds are now in dan er. 8ac# of attention wou$d $ead to therapid advance of process ofe=tinction.A$ready many #inds of wi$danima$s has een so reduced in num er that their ro$e in the

    ecosystem is for otten. Anima$s $i#e the reat apes3 the wha$es3sea$s etc thou ht to e indan er of e=tinction.But even moreimportant3 perhaps3 than individua$s #inds of anima$s and p$ants3who$e ha itatsare in dan er of vanishin marshes are ein drainedNand the wor$d forests3 especia$$y thetropica$ forests are ein cutdown to satisfy man's need of tim er and paper.%). (hat wou$dhappen to the human ein s if the wi$d $ife vanished?

    A. many species wou$d uic#$y ecome e=tinct.B. the human $ifewou$d e serious$y threatened.C. species wou$d o on dyin out.D.tropica$ forests wou$d e cut down.

    %,. (hat is more important than individua$ #inds of anima$s andp$ants?A. the vanishin of who$e ha itats.B. the e=tinction of manyspecies.C. the rapid advance of the process of e=tinction.D. man'sneed of tim er and paper.

    %/. (hat does the writer caution us a ainst?A. cuttin down thetropica$ forests. B. huntin wi$d anima$s.C. drainin mashes. D.destroyin our environment.

    %0. (hat wou$d happen if we cut down forests? Cuttin downforests wou$d cause .......A. the chan es of temperature B. thef$oodC. oth A and B are correct D. none are correct

    . to threaten in the passa e means ......A. to po$$ute B. to ivefear to C. to vanish D. to poison

    TEST 1&

    I! *RA++AR A D STR CT REChoose the word or phrase (A, B, C, orD) which best completes each sentence. Circlethe letter youchoose.1. 4ou had a headache yesterday3...............?

    A. hadnKt you B. do you C. didnKt you D. did you2. *y son wasi$$. "e has een in hospita$...........*onday.

    A. since B. from C. on D. after!. *aria hasnKt visited her homein Spain..................

    A. for many years B. since many yearsC. many years since D. manyyears a o

    %. 9im is two years ................than -om. A. o$d B. e$der C.o$der D. e$dest

    . 4ou had etter .................much in c$ass. A. not ta$# B.not to ta$# C. donKt ta$# D. hasnKt ta$#ed). Is there................who can spea# Chinese? A. someone B. anyone C. noone D. everyone,. (hatKs the matter? "avenKt you started.................?

    A. &ust B. yet C. a$ready D. recent$y/. "ow manyp$ays......................?

    A. did Sha#espeare write B. has Sha#espeare writtenC.Sha#espeare wrote D. Sha#espeare has written

    0. If you donKt ta#e these pi$$s3 you................. A. notfee$ we$$ B. donKt fee$ we$$

    C. wi$$ fee$ we$$ D. you wonKt fee$ we$$1 . (e are very..............after schoo$ A. tire B. tirin C. tired$y D. tired11.-heir parents are as strict as ................. A. we do B. our C.ours D. we are12. Do you #now .................? A. who is *arieCurie B. who *arie Curie is

    C. who was *arie Curie D. who *arie Curie was1!. -he chi$drenwere ored..................the fi$m A. at B. for C. y D. with1%."ave you ot any A. to B. of C. y D. for1. (hat time do you et up..............the mornin ? A. at B. on C.for D. in1). ewton was orn ...................Decem er 2 th31)%2.

    A. in B. on C. at D. from1,. "e wor#ed .............than hisrother.

    A. more hard B. hard C. harder D. more hard$y1/. She doesnKten& the dentist

    A. o B. to o C. oin D. went10. I hate as#in my

    A. for B. to C. my D. a out2 . She isnKt a student.She..................schoo$ two years a o.

    A. $eave B. $eavin C. $eft D. has $eft

    II! ./CAB 0AR A D E23RESSI/Choose the best answers21. DonKt readthat oo#. ItKs................

    A. ore B. orin C. ored D. oredom22. -he $earnin more a out the su &ect.

    A. interest B. interestin C. interested D. interests2!. -hat manspea#s ;n $ish very..................


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    A. ood B. we$$ C. etter D. est2%. I have ou ht a present for mymother and now I need some O.. .

    A. paper wrappin B. wrap paperC. wrapped paper D. wrappinpaper

    2 . In Britain unemp$oyed peop$e can et ...................enefitA. unemp$oyin B. unemp$oyedC. unemp$oyment D. unemp$oy

    2). *y unc$e $ives in ;n $and ut he spea#s .................A.@rench B. @rance C. ;n $and D. ;n $ish

    2,. Issac ewton was an ;n $ish physicist3 whose theoryof............ .

    A. ravitation B. re$ativity C. evo$ution D. di estion2/. Aperson who studies $an ua e is a..................A. io$o ist B.physicist C. $in uist D.mathematician

    20. Ivan av$ov3 whose .............on di estion made him famous3was a Lussian scientistA. invention B. theory C. wor# D.deve$opment

    ! . 9. (att was a Scottish ....................A. invent B.inventor C. inventer D. invention

    III! READI * C/+3RE4E SI/ Read the following passage carefullythen choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which youthink is bestsuited to each gap

    A. *ichae$ @araday3 the reat ;n $ish physicist was orn....>!1 ... 1,01 in 8ondon. "isfami$y ...>!2 ... very poorand he didnKt $earn...>!! ..... (hen he was 1%3 he wor#ed ina

    oo#shop ....>!% .... he had a ood chance to read oo#s. "e....>! .... to some ta$#s a outscience. :ne day *ichae$ went toa ....>!) ..... y "umphry Davy3 ;n $andKs ....>!,....scientist of the time. "e $i#ed his ta$#s very much3 and....>!/ .... months $ater he ecameDavyKs $a oratory assistant.8i#e Davy3 he ecame....>!0 e$ectricity. "e spent a $otoftime...>% .... it and at $ast he saw that e$ectricity cou$d emade y a machine. "e died in1/),.!1. A. on B. at C. in D. since!2.A. is B. was C. een D. e!!. A. much B. many C. more D. most

    !%. A. that B. where C. when D. and! . A. o B. use to o C. usedto o D. used to oin!). A. spea# B. te$$ C. ta$# D. discussion!,. A.reat B. reater C. reat$y D. reatest!/. A. few B. a few C. $itt$e D.a $itt$e!0. A. interest B. interested C. interestin D. interest% .A. to study B. studyin C. study D. studied

    B# Read the following passage carefully then choose the answer ($, %, C, or & ) which you think is correct

    *r. Smith is %. 7nti$ $ast year he was a mana er in a factory."e had wor#ed for the samecompany since he $eft schoo$. "e had aood &o . (hen his company had to c$ose ecause ofdifficu$ties3he ecame unemp$oyed.

    P ItKs funny rea$$y. I donKt fee$ o$d ut itKs easy to start$oo#in for a&o at my a e. IKminterested in $earnin a new s#i$$ut no ody wants to train me. IKm tired of sittin around thehouse.(hen I was with my company I was ored with doin the same thineveryday3 utnow I rea$$y en&oy doin the &o a ain.Q

    %1. *r. Smith used to wor# in a............

    A. factory B. schoo$ C. hospita$ D. supermar#et%2. Since he $eftschoo$ had wor#ed for..........

    A. many companies B. two companies

    C. one company D. no companies

    %!. "is &o was ...............

    A. ad B. ood C. not ood D. very ood

    %%. *r. Smith is

    A. a mana er B. a teacher C. out of wor# D. trainer

    % . "e ecame unemp$oyed ecause ..............

    A. he didnKt $i#e his &o B. his company had to c$oseC. hewas ored with his &o D. no ody wants to train him

    %). "e finds it is...............

    A. difficu$t to start $oo#in for a &o at his a e

    B. easy to start $oo#in for a &o at his a e

    C. not difficu$t to start $oo#in for a &o at his a e

    D. very easy to start $oo#in for a &o at his a e

    %,. o ody wants to train him ecause he..........

    A. is o$d

    B. is tiredC. doesnKt fee$ o$d

    D. is interested in $earnin a new s#i$$

    %/. Because he is unemp$oyed3 he a$ways .............

    A. $earns a new s#i$$ B . does the same thin everyday

    C. sits around the house D. oes to his company

    %0. (hen he was with his company3 he had to..........

    A. do a $ot of thin s B. sit around the house

    C. $earn a new s#i$$ D. do the same thin everyday

    . ow he rea$$y en&oys..............21

    $$ $

  • 8/10/2019 Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609


    A. doin a &o a ain B. doin nothin at a$$

    C. ein a mana er a ain D. wor#in in a factory a ainTEST '

    I! *RA++AR A D STR CT REChoose the word or phrase (A, B, C, orD) which best completes each sentence. Circle

    the letter you choose 1. (hat time ..................onte$evision?

    A. is the news B. are the newsC. is news D. are news 2. -hat oyis etter ..............math than I am A. in B. at C. for D. with!.PDonKt coo# a mea$ for meQ3 he said P IKve a$ready.......Q A. eatB. eatin C. eaten D. ate%. -he room is empty3 ut I fee$ watchin me. A. some ody B. any ody C. no ody D.every ody

    . I #now that she the $i rary at the momentA. wor#s B. is wor#in C. wor#ed D. has wor#ed). She $oo#svery.............when I to$d her the news A. happi$y B. happinessC. happy D. was happy,. I havenKt seen -om........three months A.since B. for C. unti$ D. efore/. It is veryco$d...............winter. A. on B. in C. at D. since0. -hechi$dren were ored....................the fi$m A. in B. y C. withD. of1 . *y rother spea#s ;n $ish very...........

    A. ad B. ad$y C. worse D. worst11. -he ir$ ta$

Cac Dang Trac Nghiem 12 Hay 9609 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.