Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (2024)

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (1)

Are you tired of covering your teeth and feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your smile?

At Parkway Dental in Albuquerque, NM, Dr. Michael Haight offers a comprehensive suite of cosmetic dentistry services.

Cosmetic dentistry treatment can dramatically transform the appearance of your teeth and create a stunning smile.

Experience the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Find Custom Treatment Options

Whether you wish to brighten your smile or improve the alignment of your teeth, you can count on Dr. Haight to provide cosmetic treatment tailored specifically to your unique dental goals.

Feel Confidence About Your Smile

A beautiful smile not only makes a lasting impression on others, but can also provide a major boost in confidence that helps you experience greater enjoyment and success in your personal and professional life.

Stop Hiding Your Smile

If you cover your mouth when you laugh, keep your lips closed for pictures, or generally avoid showing your teeth, a cosmetic dentist can transform the appearance of your smile.

Dramatic Smile Makeover Results
With Fast, Affordable Dental Bonding

View More Bonding Photos

Start Planning Your New Smile
Contact Our Dental Practice

Dr. Michael Haight is a skilled dentist with 25 years of experience in the dentistry field. He works hard so that youcan enjoythe many benefits of a beautiful smile that complements all of your best features. He is well known in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico for his excellent cosmetic results. In fact, smile makeovers constitute 35-40% of all services provided at Parkway Dental.

As an experienced dentist, Dr. Michael Haightis adept at providing high-quality dental care and improving our patients' oral health.

To request your dentistry appointment at our Albuquerque, NM, practice, please contact us online or call us at:

(505) 298-7479

I'm Ready for My New Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (4)

"I don’t think you could find a better dental office" 5-Star Reviews

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (5)

Daniel Vasquez


Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (6)

I like everything about how this office has evolved over time. I love how they do text message confirmations for scheduling. I love how I’m able to pay my bill online. I love having the friendly and courteous staff every time I visit this office. I don’t think you could find a better dental office in the Albuquerque area

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I love going to the dentist now! This team is super organized and efficient, and the staff stays current on the latest technology and ways to maintain dental health.

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What Conditions Can a Cosmetic Dentist Treat?

A dentist can perform a single cosmetic treatment or a combination of dentistry treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile. Some of the conditions we can treat include:

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (9)

Tooth Discoloration

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (10)


Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (11)

Misshapen Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (12)

Chips and Cracks

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (13)

Wear and Tear

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (14)


Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (15)

Broken Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (16)

Missing Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (17)

Excess Gum Tissue

Veneers Correct A Wide Range of Tooth Flaws

At Parkway Dental, we can upgrade your smile with dental veneers. Veneers conceal cosmetic imperfections like stains, chips, or minor misalignment. We can use our advanced technology to preview your results on the computer and fabricate your custom-made veneer in our own office.

Hear More From Our Expert Team

More Cosmetic Dentistry Services

At Parkway Dental, we provide a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services to help our patients from Albuquerque and other areas of New Mexico achieve their dentistry goals.


Veneers are thin porcelain shells designed to permanently cover the front of your teeth and conceal minor imperfections to give your smile attractive symmetry. This cosmetic option is an ideal way for dentists to mask multiple dental flaws at once. For example, tooth discoloration can be masked, the size and shape of the teeth can be changed, and alignment issues can be addressed. This enables dentists to achieve a complete smile makeover with just one treatment.

More About Veneers


If you desire straighter teeth but do not want braces, Invisalign® clear aligner trays are the solution for you. They are made from a patented material known as SmartTrack™ designed to gradually reposition your teeth without excessive force. Each tray is worn for two weeks and then replaced with the next aligner in the series. As long as they are worn for at least 22 hours a day, you can remove them as needed to eat, drink, and smile for pictures.

Ask Us About Invisalign

Tooth-Colored Fillings

If you have a cavity, our dentists can restore the structural integrity of the tooth with a resin filling tinted to match the natural color of your tooth. The great benefit of tooth-colored fillings compared to silver fillings is that they produce a natural and seamless appearance. After treatment, no one can tell you have had a cavity treated.

More About Fillings

Laser Gum Contouring

If you are unhappy with excess gum tissue or an asymmetrical gum line, laser gum contouring is a reliable solution. We can precisely trim the gum tissue to completely reframe your smile. Our Albuquerque practice can combine this dental care option with other treatments, such as veneers or teeth whitening, to dramatically improve your smile.

More About Gum Contouring

Teeth Whitening

We provide both at-home and in-office teeth whitening treatments for patients with minor to moderate dental staining. If you are interested in whitening your smile in the comfort of your home, we provide teeth whitening kits that include a customized tray and professional-strength whitening gel. We are also excited to offer SHEER White! wax whitening strips. At-home treatments can deliver results in about one to two weeks if trays or wax strips are used daily. If you are looking for immediate results, our in-office treatments include Zoom! Whitening and Sinsational Smile®.

More About Teeth Whitening

Dental Bonding

If you want to address minor imperfections but do not feel ready to commit to veneers, bonding can be an affordable way to experience similar results. Bonding can hide imperfections and help your smile look healthy and even. Dr. Haight will first tint composite resin to blend with the natural shade of the tooth and then begin sculpting the resin to conceal damage. For patients who have had past addiction issues and still wear the scars in their smile, bonding has proven to be a successful way to restore an attractive appearance.

More About Dental Bonding

Porcelain Crowns

For patients with cracked, stained, decayed, or broken teeth, a customized porcelain crown can cap the treated tooth and completely restore aesthetics and function. Crowns can also replace a single lost tooth in conjunction with a dental implant. Using CEREC® technology, we can provide patients with a custom crown in a single visit. This restorative dental care option can improve the health, function, and appearance of your smile.

More About Crowns

Porcelain Bridges

Dental bridges replace one or several consecutive teeth, filling a gap in your smile. They can be attached to adjacent teeth or to dental implants. During a consultation at our Albuquerque practice, we will determine which tooth replacement option best suits your needs.

More About Bridges

Smile Makeover

Dr. Haight can provide an entire smile makeover by combining a number of cosmetic treatments into one plan. He will conduct a detailed consultation to better understand your needs before making a digital mockup that allows you to preview your results.

More About Smile Makeovers

Ready to Transform Your Smile? Request a cosmetic dentistry consultation today.

Being comfortable and confident with your smile isimportant. Dr. Haight is a skilled cosmetic dentist who combines patient-focused care with experience and state-of-the-art technology to help people throughout Greater Albuquerque achieve the stunning smile of their dreams. From the moment you walk through our doors, you will experience the highest level of personalized care. We want you to feel like a person, not just a patient.

Ready to take the next steps toward a dazzling smile? Wondering if cosmetic dentistry treatments are right for you? Request a consultation today by contacting us online or by calling our dental practice in Albuquerque, NM, today.

(505) 298-7479

Request a Consultation with Our Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (27)

Helping Create Unforgettable Smiles in New Mexico

"The best. Wouldn't go anywhere else. I play Charlie on the CBS soap Bold & Beautiful, hence my teeth are very important. Michael and his wonderful staff are unparalleled in dental expertise, knowledge and patient comfort, all while using absolute state of the art equipment. I have my choice of many dentists in ABQ and Los Angeles. Michael and Parkway have been my choice for 10 years now."
Dick Christie

Do You need to improve the strength and appearance of your teeth?

Consider Natural-Looking Dental Crowns

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers and protects a compromised tooth. At Parkway Dental, we manufacture crowns in-house in a single appointment with our CEREC® technology. Crowns can last for 15 years or longer with proper care.

Learn More About Our Technique

Advanced Technology For Dazzling Results

Our Albuquerque dental practice uses state-of-the-art technology and the most effective techniques in dentistry to provide excellent dental care and better patient comfort.

In addition to CEREC technology, our practice uses digital scanners, eliminating the need for messy and often uncomfortable putty impressions. Other technology includes laser dentistry and 3D cone beam technology.

Do You Have Oral Health Issues and Cosmetic Goals? We can help.

If you have issues that impact your oral health and function, these concerns must be addressed before cosmetic treatment can proceed. Dr. Haight offers comprehensive restorative and general dentistry so you can get all the dental care you need in one location.

Whether you are missing most or all of your teeth, or just have a simple case of gingivitis, we are equipped to help. Restorative dentistry options like dental implants, extractions, periodontal care, and restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures are available from Dr. Haight. Once your smile has a healthy foundation, we can move forward with giving you the beautiful smile you envision.

"Dr. Haight Is gentle, thorough, and competent" More 5-Star Google Reviews

Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (28)

B Spencer


Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (29)

Hands down, THE BEST DENTIST I've ever used (I'm old -I've seen my fair share). - and I've had a ton of work done by him. I've been seeing Dr Haight for about 4 years now and he's done cleanings, fillings, implants, and crowns for me. Each visit was pleasant and the staff is amazing. You wont be sorry booking an appt. BTW - Brush and floss. :)

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Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (30)

Debbie Reynolds


Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (31)

Dr. Haight is gentle, thorough, and competent. His staff is professional and friendly. Their covid precautions are perfect. Highly recommend this office, I've been a patient for 3 years. They even took care of a veneer problem over Xmas break last year.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Albuquerque, NM - Cosmetic Dentist (2024)


Do cosmetic dentists fill cavities? ›

Cosmetic dentists can use their skills to perform fillings that not only restore the tooth's function but also blend seamlessly with the natural appearance of the patient's teeth.

What are the cons of cosmetic dentistry? ›

Cosmetic dentistry has certain negative impacts on your teeth and gums. Your teeth may become more temperature sensitive after whitening. Additionally, foods and beverages like berries and wine that might discolor your teeth must be avoided.

Is there a difference between esthetic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry? ›

In other words, aesthetic dentistry is more comprehensive than cosmetic dentistry. Another significant distinction between cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry is the overall aim. Aesthetic dentistry takes advantage of current medical procedures to offer you a more natural, healthy appearance.

What are the top cosmetic dental treatments? ›

Cosmetic Dental Procedures You Should Consider
  • 1.Teeth Whitening. One of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments for improving your smile is teeth whitening (or bleaching). ...
  • 2.Porcelain Veneers. ...
  • 3.Dental Bonding. ...
  • 4.Invisalign Braces. ...
  • 5.Dental Implants. ...
  • 6.Composite Fillings.
Dec 28, 2022

Can a dentist fix a mouth full of cavities? ›

Regain your smile with a full mouth reconstruction

If you have severely decayed teeth, broken teeth or missing teeth, there are procedures and treatments to help you. Your dentist has the knowledge and training to restore your mouth to have the appearance you have been wanting.

Can a dentist fill all cavities at once? ›

People who require multiple fillings often ask how many tooth fillings can be done at once. Technically, there is no limit to the number of filling you can get in one session. However, dentists do not recommend having more than three fillings at a time. Your mouth needs time to heal after the dental fillings procedure.

What are the disadvantages of smile makeover? ›

The main con of getting a smile makeover is that there is potential for discomfort. A lot of the procedures involved in the process can induce sensitivity or slight feelings of pain. Two procedures that are known to cause discomfort are dental implant placement and gum reshaping, both of which require oral surgery.

Does cosmetic dentistry damage teeth? ›

Some whitening products available over-the-counter can damage dental enamel, which does not come back, leading to painful dental sensitivity. Even some in-office procedures cause permanent changes. For example, veneers require removing a small amount of the tooth and its enamel to allow the veneer to be placed.

Is cosmetic dentistry permanent? ›

One common question that arises when considering cosmetic dentistry is whether the results are permanent. While cosmetic dentistry procedures can offer long-lasting effects, it's essential to understand that they may not be entirely permanent.

What is another name for a cosmetic dentist? ›

In sum, prosthodontists are highly specialized cosmetic dentists with professional training in restorative dental procedures.

What is cosmetic dentistry also known as? ›

In other words, cosmetic dentistry is primarily focused on the appearance of your smile; for this reason, it is also known as “aesthetic dentistry.” Some of the most common services performed by cosmetic dentists include teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, crowns and bridges.

How important is cosmetic dentistry? ›

Cosmetic dentistry is important because in life, there are so many factors that cause teeth to chip, or to become discolored. Cosmetic dentistry fixes all of the imperfections you may see in yourself.

What is the most serious dental procedure? ›

Top 5 Most Complicated Dental Procedures
  • Root Canal Treatment. A root canal treatment involves removing infected tissue from the pulp of a tooth. ...
  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction. ...
  • Gum Lifts. ...
  • Maxillofacial Surgery.
May 10, 2023

Which dental treatment is the most expensive? ›

List of 4 Most Expensive Dental Procedures
  1. Dental Implants. If you have lost teeth due to a dental extraction procedure, you can fill the gap with dental implants. ...
  2. Gum Surgery. It is always said that oral health is as important as dental care because gums keep teeth in their place. ...
  3. Dental Crowns. ...
  4. Braces.

What teeth treatment do celebrities get? ›

Porcelain veneers are the cornerstone of modern cosmetic dentistry, and they're extremely common among celebrities looking to achieve a beautiful smile. A porcelain veneer is a thin, ceramic, tooth-colored shell that's placed over a natural, healthy tooth.

Why would a dentist choose not to fill a cavity? ›

What kind of cavity doesn't need to be filled? If you have a very small cavity limited to the enamel (or outer layer) of your tooth, you may not need to get a filling. This is especially true if you have had very few cavities in the past and practice good oral hygiene.

What is the difference between a regular dentist and a cosmetic dentist? ›

A general dentist cares for the basic dental needs of your whole family, while a cosmetic dentist concentrates more on the aesthetics of the patient's smile. Both cosmetic and general dentists can fill a cavity.

Can you get veneers if you get your cavities filled? ›

Porcelain veneers offer a safe and effective way to hide cavities and improve the appearance of your smile. By following the proper steps, Porcelain Veneers can be safely placed over existing cavity fillings with minimal risk of complications.

What do dentists do with big cavities? ›

To repair a cavity, a dentist removes the decayed tooth tissue and then fills the space with a filling material.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.