Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (2024)

With summer right around the corner we all want to look and feel our best.

That means getting rid of those flabby arms or bat wings and preparing ourselves for sleeveless tops and bikinis!

Here’s the thing…

Unsightly fat and loose skin on the upper arms can be a source of huge frustration for many of us, as they are usually stubborn and extremely difficult to shift.

Table of Contents

One specific problem is that the upper arm is one spot that is prone to muscle wastage as we age, something which can make toning them increasingly difficult as we get older.

And because our arms are often on show it can be difficult to conceal the dreaded ‘bat wings’ from those around us.

What’s more, this unpleasant condition afflicts a greater proportion of women than men, something that is is mainly down to differing hormone levels in the body.

Testosterone is a sex hormone found in both men and women. However, women have less of it than men, whilst their oestrogen levels are typically higher.

Consequently, this means that women find it harder to retain muscle mass and are more prone to store body fat.

If you are female and approaching the age of 40 you may find yourself more prone to the ‘flabby arm epidemic’, something that is partly caused by our deteriorating ability to absorb protein from our diet as we get older.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (1)


It is impossible to reduce fat from one part of the body and not another. Fat accumulates in separate areas of the body and when we work it off it tends to disappear evenly.

If you are to say goodbye to that stubborn upper-arm fat then you are going to need to take a 360-degree approach.

This means combining the best gym and at home exercises. Including the likes of tricep extensions, kick-backs, rope pull downs, tricep push ups, dips, and army crawl planks.

All of these are effective ways of toning your arm muscles but remember they may not get rid of flabby arms in 1 week.

However, adding these exercises into your routine along with a healthy diet, low stress levels and a few supplements, including fat burners, will definitely help you supercharge your results in no time.

Best Gym Exercises For Flabby Arms

If you have stumbled across this page, I am positive you have read and researched many different ways to get rid of stubborn fat.

As we all know, there are tons of exercise programs and options out there, but how do you know which flabby arm work- outs are actually the most effective?

If you have never heard of HIIT (high intensity interval training) then that could be why you are not seeing much progress in losing that stubborn arm fat. HIIT workouts have been recognized to be more effective than steady state cardio!

How is this possible, you ask?

Well, in a HIIT workout, your heart rate will be at about 80-90% of your max heart rate, these workouts are usually only around 30-minutes long and help you burn fat for up to 24 hours after the workout is completed!

By combining strength training with high intensity cardio you are likely to see your results improve dramatically.

And by performing different weighted activities back-to-back we can achieve a double whammy of taxing our arm muscles and getting the heart rate and metabolism ramped up at the same time.

See below for our top 5 exercises for flabby arms with weights.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (2)

1.Tricep Extensions

These can be performed either standing up or in a lying down position.

a. For the upright variety, stand with a straight back and your feet shoulder width apart. Take a 10-15 lb dumbbell and hold it vertically above your head with both palms facing the sky.

b. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until your forearms reach a 90-degree angle.

C. Raise the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat as many times as you can.

Note. Your elbow acts as a hinge and should not move during this workout.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (3)

2.Tricep Kick Backs

a. Start by taking a dumbbell in your right hand and standing with your feet ‘hip-width’ apart. Make sure your knees have a slight bend in them.

b. Lower your torso, keeping a straight back, until it is perpendicular to your legs and at an angle slightly less than 90-degrees.

c. Hold the dumbbell so that there is a 90-degree angle between your forearm and upper arm.

d. Begin to straighten out your arms behind you so your biceps run parallel to the floor (again your elbows will act as a hinge for this work- out and should not move during the exercise)

e. Slowly return to the starting point and repeat until failure.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (4)

3. Rope Pull Downs

a. Begin by attaching a rope to a cable machine and then choosing a weight that is comfortable but challenging.

b. Start with your elbows tight in by your sides at a 90-degree angle with the rope in both hands.

c. Straighten the arms down to your sides before raising them back up to a 90-degree angle (You guessed it- elbows are acting as a hinge in this workout as well!)

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (5)

4. Bicep Curl

a. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a barbell in your hands.

b. Keeping a straight back, raise the barbell so that your forearms are perpendicular to your biceps and parallel to the floor.

c. Keeping still, with a straight back, raise the barbell until it grazes your chest.

d. Lower it slowly down to your starting position and then repeat until failure.

5. Pull ups or assisted pull ups

a. Stand directly below a pull up bar and take a medium grip with both hands.

b. Pull yourself up, driving your elbows down as you do so. To complete one pull up your chin should reach the same level as the bar.

c. Lower yourself down until you are hanging and your arms are fully extended. Repeat until failure.

Note. If this is too difficult. You can always get a partner to hold you by the hips as you so in order to help stabilize you and give you a little boost on the way up.


Women are often worried about getting bulky arms and in turn do not use heavy weights. However, research shows that heavy weights and fewer reps could give you better results than lighter weights with more reps.

Exercises You Can Do At Home

Everybody finds going to the gym at least a little inconvenient, you’d probably prefer to work-out in the comfort of your own home, or even out in your garden on a nice day!

Below are our top 3 exercise recommendations for getting rid of flabby arms without dumbbells.

1.Tricep Push Ups

a. Start in a push up position (feel free to modify by putting your knees on the ground if it is too difficult).

b. Your hands should be in a diamond shape directly under your chest, slowly lower yourself down keeping your elbows tucked in.

C. Push yourself back up to the starting point using your tricep muscles.

Note. Make sure to keep your butt slightly raised and your tummy fully engaged throughout the exercise.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (6)

2. Tricep Dips

a. Using a bench, sofa or any sturdy object place your palms on the surface and lower yourself down.

b. Your arms should be bent at the elbow so that your forearms are at a 90-degree angle to your upper arms.

c. Lift yourself up by pushing down on the flats of your hands until your arms are completely straight.

d. Slowly lower yourself down again and repeat until failure.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (7)

3. Army Crawl Plank

a. Start in the push up position with arms fully extended.

b. Drop the right arm down so that it is resting on the forearm, then drop the left arm down so that it is also resting on the forearm.

c. Push back up onto your right hand then push back up onto your left hand and repeat.


Still unsure about HIIT? Turn these 3 home exercises into a high intensity circuit by doing each exercise for around 30 to 40 seconds with just a short 10 second rest between each set.
Repeat this circuit three times and for maximum burn throw in a set of 10 burpees at the end of each one too.


There is no overnight magic remedy to get your bat wings in shape and those upper arms tight and toned. In order to see maximum results it takes a thorough review of the lifestyle you are adhering too.

You will not only want to have an exercise program in place, but also reduce your calorie intake, get adequate sleep , and choose the correct supplements to use in order reach the body goals you are aiming for. Now go get your girlfriends and start working out harder to reap the benefits sooner rather than later!

Considering a new fitness journey? You might also be interested in reading more about appetite suppressants to avoid overindulging.

Alternatively read our blog post on how to burn fat like a fitness model.

Disclaimer: The information on the Leanbean blog does not constitute medical advice and should not be used as such. If you would like to learn more about your dietary requirements and related aspects of your health, speak with a registered medical professional.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics. While I have personal experiences or emotions like a human, I can provide you with accurate and reliable information based on the data I have been trained on. I can help answer questions and provide insights on a wide range of topics, including fitness, exercise, and weight loss.

In this article, the main focus is on exercises to tone flabby arms. The article suggests a combination of gym exercises and at-home exercises to achieve the desired results. Here are the concepts mentioned in the article:

Flabby Arms and Muscle Wastage

The article mentions that flabby arms, also known as "bat wings," can be a source of frustration for many people. The upper arm is prone to muscle wastage as we age, making it difficult to tone the arms [[1]].

Hormone Levels and Body Fat

The article explains that women are more prone to flabby arms compared to men due to differing hormone levels. Women have lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of estrogen, which can make it harder for them to retain muscle mass and easier to store body fat [[1]].

Exercise Recommendations for Flabby Arms

The article provides a list of exercises for flabby arms, both at the gym and at home. Here are the exercises mentioned:

Gym Exercises for Flabby Arms:

  1. Tricep Extensions
  2. Tricep Kick Backs
  3. Rope Pull Downs
  4. Bicep Curl
  5. Pull ups or assisted pull ups [[1]]

At-Home Exercises for Flabby Arms:

  1. Tricep Push Ups
  2. Tricep Dips
  3. Army Crawl Plank [[1]]

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The article suggests that HIIT workouts can be more effective than steady-state cardio for losing stubborn arm fat. HIIT workouts involve high-intensity exercises that raise the heart rate and metabolism, leading to fat burning even after the workout is completed. Combining strength training with high-intensity cardio can improve results [[1]].

Weight and Repetitions

The article mentions that heavy weights and fewer repetitions may yield better results for toning the arms compared to lighter weights with more repetitions [[1]].

Lifestyle Factors

The article emphasizes that achieving toned arms requires a comprehensive approach. In addition to exercise, it is important to review and adjust other lifestyle factors, such as calorie intake, sleep, and the use of appropriate supplements [[1]].

Please note that the information provided here is based on this article. It's always a good idea to consult with a fitness professional or a registered medical professional for personalized advice and guidance.

Flabby Arm Workout – Gym Routines That Tone Your Arms - Leanbean ® | The unique supplement for women. (2024)


What really works for flabby arms? ›

Especially in people aged 30 years or older, exercises, weightlifting, and maintaining weight are important if you desire toned arms. You can tone flabby arms by combining specific arm muscle-building exercises with lots of cardiovascular exercises and a good diet.

How do women over 50 get rid of flabby arms? ›

Exercises to Tone Arms
  1. Lift Weights. Lifting weights encompasses many different types of exercises that can benefit the arms, as well as the rest of the body. ...
  2. Tricep Dips. Not working the triceps is one of the main causes of flabby arms. ...
  3. Bicep Curls. ...
  4. Push-Ups. ...
  5. Side Plank. ...
  6. Scissors.

Can flabby arms be toned after 60? ›

Yes, old, flabby arms can be toned. This can be achieved through a combination of targeted exercises, maintaining an active lifestyle, focusing on slow, sustained fat loss, following a targeted nutrition plan, and boosting skin elasticity, which can also contribute to toning flabby arms.

How long does it take to tone flabby arms? ›

However, with consistency and dedication, you can start to see visible results in as little as four to six weeks. Incorporating various exercises into your routine, including strength training and cardio, is essential to tone your arms and achieve your fitness goals.

Can you really tighten flabby arms? ›

Arm toning with weights and body lift exercises can certainly go a long way in increasing the strength and tone of your upper arms. When these exercise routines are combined with overall body fat reduction, you may get close to achieving the arm appearance you want.

Can a 70 year old get rid of flabby arms? ›

Although arms do lose muscle tone with aging, strength conditioning can help reverse the process. Aging generally results in physical deterioration, including a loss of muscle tone. Even seniors who stay in shape may experience increased muscle weakness and flabbiness over age 70.

How can I firm up old lady arms? ›

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms at your sides and palms facing forward. Keeping your torso stationary and elbows tucked close to your sides, bend your elbows (not your wrists) to curl the weights up to your shoulders. Pause, then slowly return to starting position.

How much weight should I lift to get flabby arms? ›

2-in-1 arm routine: Do these exercises to tighten, tone and chisel your arms and shoulders. I recommend starting with 5-pound weights. Halfway through the month, do a check-in with your body to see if they feel too light. If so, you can move up to 7.5- or 8-pound weights.

Can you really get rid of bat wings without surgery? ›

Strengthening the triceps can reduce the appearance of bat wings. However, to make a lasting difference, a person may need to make broader changes to their exercise routine and diet.

Can I lose arm fat by walking? ›

In the 15-week group, arm fat decreased by 5.8% and also decreased by 3% and 5.9% after 15 and 30 weeks of walking, respectively. Leg fat and percent leg fat only decreased in the 30-week group, 0.4 and 3.5% by week 15, and 1.1% and 1.9% by week 30, respectively.

How long does it take to see results from arm workout? ›

You may notice improved muscle definition, especially if you're new to resistance training. Noticeable Changes (Months 2-3): After two to three months of consistent training, you'll likely start seeing more significant muscle size and strength changes.

How can I tone my arms at 50? ›

Cardiovascular exercise changes can also help. Cardio is another way to boost metabolism if it's of sufficient intensity. Interval training is a girl's arms best friend. Specifically, choosing swimming, boxing, or using battle ropes for instance can also increase the tone to your arms while you're boosting metabolism.

Is it possible to get rid of flabby arms without surgery? ›

Upper arm fat can be toned through exercise involving cardio and muscle building, as well as a healthy diet. Push-ups, tricep dips, and bicep curls are some of the most popular upper-arm toning workouts. Arm fat can also be removed surgically through liposuction, and flabby arms can be corrected via brachioplasty.

Can you get rid of flabby arms after 50? ›

So if we deal with the real challenge – increasing lean muscle tissue and toning what's there along with losing body fat – you stand a better chance of toning those upper arms. To lose fat and gain or maintain lean it's not arm exercises after 50 that will do it. You want exercises that boost your metabolism.

How do you get rid of flab fat on your arms? ›

"Overall cardio, strength training, and high intensity interval (HIIT) training are the most optimal ways to tone your arms," adds Jackie Miller, a certified IRONMAN and USA Triathlon coach who has been advising athletes for 18 years.

Can bat wings be toned? ›

Strengthening the triceps can reduce the appearance of bat wings. However, to make a lasting difference, a person may need to make broader changes to their exercise routine and diet.


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