The 10 Most Hated Sit-down Restaraunts - YTread (2024)

- Hello. I enjoy a cozy sit-down restaurant, unless said restaurant turns into a fight club at night, or has poisoned chicken wings, or harasses its staff, or turns them into mixed martial arts fighters. Because I guess that's something we do now. I have a morbid curiosity and I really want to show it to you. So, let's take a look at the 10



sit-down restaurants. And obviously, this is not a reflection of the staff who work at these restaurants. You do a hard job and I really hope these restaurant chains treat you well. And obviously we can't account for all the local restaurants on the planet.

I'm just going by surveys and general reputation and hope your local restaurants give you a better experience. Anyway, let's get started. For number 10, Applebee's. When I asked my community on Twitter, I discovered that Applebee's is popular for being unpopular. - Excuse me, I think my steak is overcooked. - This is Applebee's. It was definitely overcooked. - Applebee's, drink your blue drink and shut up. - But no one really explained to me why. In case you're not familiar, Applebee's is a full-service bar and grill and I found that it has an average reputation of two stars in very similar types of reviews.

Common revisions included. - "The service was sh*t." - "I waited more than 30 minutes for such and such and it came out cold." - "My sauce tastes like garbage." - Well, not that last one, you get the idea. But aside from these regular reviews, what caught my attention is how many people mentioned being sick afterwards. tracks customers who suffer from food poisoning. And according to their 2023 statement. - "Applebee's has had many reported cases of food poisoning. The


commonly reported symptoms are nausea and diarrhea. But the most recent outbreak was E. coli and affected seven people in Minnesota." - Applebee's customers also frequently reported nausea and vomiting on the website and almost exclusively these reports had one food in common.

The only stomach spoiler: Parmesan chicken wings. So if you have a day where you feel groggy, maybe avoid the Applebee's wings that day. And whether it's true or not, Applebee's is also famous for microwaving many of its foods. Amber worked as a cook for Applebee's and said. - "Some of the food comes frozen. But our steak, chicken and ribeyes are cooked to order." - And here are some of the most ridiculous and mean-spirited reviews of Applebee's. - "Parking (duck quacking) sucks." - "Why is the urinal so low?" - "Our waitress gave me a slice of lemon.

I didn't ask for a slice of lemon! One star. And the waiter didn't remember my water." - As you can see, some of these reviews aren't worth a damn. So take this list with a grain of salt and let's have some fun. Now, why don't we go to number nine, Waffle House? When I think of Waffle House, I tend to think of a humble roadside diner where you can enjoy a nice breakfast all day, 24 hours a day. So what would put Waffle House on the list of most


restaurants? Two words, "Fight Club." But first let's address some customer issues.

According to many reviews, some of the food at Waffle House is pretty mediocre and sometimes they apparently overcharge customers. The Consumer Affairs website had quite a few complaints like this, like those from Catherine or Lori. - "I ordered takeout from Waffle House. The menu price was $10.75, but they charged me $13. Outrageous! The food stunk too. The waffle was mushy and the bacon was overcooked!" - Well, you'll have to put away your bacon when the sun goes down. (cymbal crash) But that terrible joke leads us smoothly to the real problem with Waffle House. Have you ever heard of "Fight Club"?

No, not the Edward Norton and Brad Pitt movie, Waffle House Fight Club. Apparently, after dark, some Waffle Houses have a reputation for turning into fight spots. So much so that it has even been joked about in Waffle House job interviews. It has often been asked of potential employees. - "Can you fight?" - I'm serious. Search Waffle House for fights or blood, sweat and syrup and you'll see plenty of videos, memes and stories of violent fights involving Waffle House. The former employee, Halie, is even known as the Waffle House Avenger. She was even filmed removing a flying chair from her face during a fight.

And apparently this wasn't even the worst thing she'd seen as a Waffle House employee. When Haley was interviewed, she said. - "I've probably cleaned blood off every surface of a Waffle House." - Yowza, nothing against regulated boxing, but this sounds dangerous and a recipe for disaster. Inspired by her time at Waffle House, Halie has become a mixed martial arts fighter. Hey, good for her. But why is Waffle House so famous for these types of fights? Halie had a very simple answer for this. - "After nights out and alcohol, people become impulsive and turn into little children." - You see, Waffle Houses have been open 24 hours a day for many years.

As a night bird, these would be very useful on my midnight walks, but I don't really feel like getting into an unnecessary fight. I plan to keep these teeth as long as possible. I noticed that a sociologist from the University of Texas also gave his opinion on Waffle House's reputation. Michael said. - "At this point, Waffle House is a meme. And as such, it's a place where people understand that certain things can happen and behave accordingly. A place where certain norms are suspended, where you can go a little further. " - But you don't want people to get hurt.

So hopefully this reputation will be cleared. But until then, I'm not so sure about wearing my usual shirt and pants to Waffle House. Perhaps armor would be more appropriate. Personally, I recommend that you continue fighting in the boxing ring or the martial arts dojo. Number eight, Denny's. When some Americans think about going to breakfast, they think about Denny's. Denny's has been popular for decades, whether for late-night meetings or early-morning business meetings. Some people have even gotten married at Denny's. Look, we might laugh, but since the average cost of a wedding in the US is $30,000, they have the last laugh.

They get a cheaper wedding and pancakes, what's not to like? But unfortunately, Denny's has a pretty bad reputation among many people. In the past, this bad reputation was due to very understandable reasons. But let's start with the service today. When I looked at the American customer satisfaction index, Denny's was at the bottom of the list in 2022. And sadly, satisfaction was declining. But a survey can only tell us so much. What did people have to say? Let's look at some reviews. Gary's review of Denny's in Arizona was quite insightful. -"I understand this is Denny's, but even the most basic diners need to have standards!

I ordered a burger, it was soaked in grease and burned to a crisp. The fries were greasy too." -I found it interesting that in his review there was an unspoken rule that if it's Denny's, your standards have to be lower. Hm, what did Fate say? -"The waitress made a mistake with the order. She forgot the cutlery, she didn't serve the coffee again, they didn't even take my toast." - Oh no, not the toast. How will you get through the day without toast? Joking aside, the Denny's I reviewed had mixed reviews for its terrible service, poorly cooked food, and questionable cleanliness.

But now we come to the worst of Denny's reputation, which began back in the day. You see, in 1994, Denny's paid out $54 million in racial bias lawsuits. And in 1994, that's a lot of money. In 1991, they were also known for asking African American customers to pay before receiving their meals. Oh wow, that's really bad. And you might be thinking, yeah, but that was years ago. But sadly, this trend still occasionally shows up at Denny's. For example, in 2020, a waitress ignored four African-American customers and served two Caucasian men who entered after them first. She then made these African Americans pay before they ate.

But a Caucasian customer who had not been asked to pay for his meal in advance reported this behavior. And in a since-deleted post, she criticized Denny's for its racial bias in its restaurants and was good to him for not standing idly by. 20,000 reactions on social media and 8,000 comments later, Denny's issued this statement. - "We are deeply disappointed and outraged by the situation that took place at our restaurant. Denny's has zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind." - Even my community reported that their local Denny's refused service to two African American truck drivers. Ugh, this one ended a bit depressing.

I wonder if Nin and Boo are back from Hello Kitty's church yet? - Yes, you should come. - Yes. - Yuck. No, why did I look for that stupid cat? And for seven, lucky seven, Chili's. When asked on Twitter what people's most hated sit-down restaurant was, Chili's was a surprisingly common response. For example, this comment from Sophie. -"Chili served me raw food twice in the same meal when I was a kid. First, a pizza that they couldn't reheat because he had already taken a bite, which is fair." - No, that's not fair. Bitten or not, don't give a child a cold, raw damn pizza.

Could they really not save the $1 expense required to heat up another pizza for the child? - "Then they gave me chicken strips that were pink inside. I haven't been back since. - I don't blame you, that's terrible. I wouldn't ever go back either. The Consumer website was full of one -Star reviews also said James - "I ordered the steak and chicken combo to warm up. The chicken was like a wet sponge in my mouth. The portion was very small, very poor for the price of $18." -Ron was no happier when he got cold food too.-"First, they completely forgot about my appetizer.

Then my main refrigerator came out cold, like ice cream. The manager didn't care and didn't apologize, terrible service." - How hard is it to remember to put a piece of chicken in the microwave before serving it to customers? Thanks to Denny's, they may have a lot of microwaves. but at least They really use them. But with all these complaints, I'm starting to wonder: is something else going wrong at Chili's? And unfortunately, I didn't like what I found out, I wasn't wrong, there were a surprising number of sexual harassment complaints. from former Chili employees. Out of respect, I won't go into too much detail, but there were cases like Alex who took to social media about harassment and working conditions at Chili.

I don't have that many stories to tell from actual employees who have worked. in their establishment and that they have not been heard about the accusations of SA - O Emily, who was relentlessly harassed by her manager for two years and when Alex expressed his and Emily's stories on social media, it generated hundreds of stories from the. Chili employees, and stories of intimidation, harassment and exploitation poured in. The clear message here is that the hate towards Chili's comes from both sides of the counter, man I'm sorry I have to stop. ending these segments with painkillers. Hey, what are you two looking at up there? - It's a Hello Kitty sanctuary, let's go see it. - Yes. - You want to go to Japan because, okay, I'll go.

Number six, Shoney's. You know, when you're a picky eater or maybe your family and friends are, a buffet can usually satisfy those cravings and expectations, but apparently Shoney's can't guarantee that it's also clean, tasty and warm. But what's my point? Yelp reviews in particular have not been kind to Shoney's. They know them as the roadside all-you-can-eat buffet, serving cold chicken burgers and just having a drink served in a dirty cup that you waited for 30 minutes from a waiter who apparently never cared enough to drink your order until you arrived. I basically had to do a dance to get his attention.

But don't take my word for it. Let's hear what Yelp customers said. According to Ryan's review. - "Wow, my expectations were low, but holy sh*t, this place sucks. Imagine eating something tasteless. That's what you get from the BBQ bacon burger here at Shoney's, the worst burger ever!" - Mashed also ranks Shoney's as one of the worst all-you-can-eat restaurants. Like these reviews, they had some pretty bold claims. - "A lot of their food is disgusting. It's not the ingredients or the recipes, it's just that everything is so stale. It's not unusual to see sauce with plastic wrap on top or dry macaroni and cheese." - TripAdvisor reviews were also not very kind to Shoney's.

This is what Tiara said. - "My peach cobbler was rock hard, my filling was stuck together. My corn was too sweet and the fruit was sour. Basically everything was canned except the chicken. #shutitdown." - #turn it off? I wonder if that ever succeeded. Not that it mattered, because apparently that's what happened to many of Shoney's restaurants. Some were evenhorrible in one way or another, whether due to the large number of staff who seem to not want to be there or the lack of enough staff to serve customers." - Many of these complaints are often due to exhausted staff and long waits .

In Colorado, the Boulder review is a good example of this. - "It took 25 minutes for the waitress to tell us that they were short staffed and the manager had to cook. 20 minutes later something in the kitchen caught fire and the whole restaurant was smoking and one of our orders was wrong." - I mean, I feel like it's a little more worrying that the restaurant was on fire than that your order was wrong. The IHOP from Los Angeles was pretty popular. What does Yelp say about them? Ugh, wouldn't you know? Longer wait times. "This place is a nightmare for Uber drivers.

They just made me wait like an animal. Just let me know I'll have to wait 45 minutes. Don't come here. Very slow service. They will make you wait hours just to get your food. Worst thing I've ever seen." - I think we can safely say that one of the biggest problems in a restaurant can be long wait times. It might explain some people's frustration with the staff and the staff's frustration. It's true though that some of their stores were literally on fire while they were serving customers. So I hope you understand if I'm a little more worried about IHOP's working conditions than about the delay of your pancakes.

But I would love to know, how has it been for you? Have you had a better experience than these reviewers? Maybe you've even worked at one of these restaurants and have an inside story. favorites, so feel free to chat below. AndAs always, thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time. - Yes. - Today's member question is from Danielle Asarmiento, they ask: "What's your favorite food or meal?" Favorite junk?" While I don't have a favorite food, my favorite meat to cook is chicken. And for red meat, I have kangaroo meat. It's low in fat and possibly the most sustainable red meat on the planet, except maybe rabbit meat?

I appreciate hunting for meat. My favorite junk food is probably Cadbury Caramello chocolate. Here in Australia we have the Caramello Koala. Like most people, I also really enjoy the Snickers bar. Some delights.

The 10 Most Hated Sit-down Restaraunts - YTread (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.