The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)

Rentals Mobile Homes Rentals Rentals Fe, N.M., Oct. 1, 1979 THE NEW MEXICAN 1 Merchandise 93 Rental Services 95-For Sale 1977 REDMAN MOBILE HOME 14x60, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Ex cel lent condition. $10,000. Call 471 5795 after 5 30 1976 Wayside 14x80, split level, front kitchen, 2 full baths, 3 bedrooms, stove 4 refrigerator, fenced In yard, at 303 Country Club Garden.

471 6675. 1972 12X65 2 1 bath, utility room $2000 down, taka over $96 00 per month. Call 622 0142 14X52 2 bedroom, carpeted, 2 large porches, appliances, large kitchen. $8000, will negotiate. Call 983 3088 days, evenings 47 1 3626.

1978 WAYSIDE SPLIT LEVEL, furnished, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, storm windows, 2 air condl tloners. Call 471-4713. BRAND NEW 1978 14x70 Trailer, bedroom, 1V bath, completely hooked-up and ready for Immediate occupancy at Down's Trailer Park. $15,998 983 739t or 983 7263 One year tree space rent Included. 97 For Rent UNFURNISHED MOBILE HOME FOR RENT IN PECOS.

2 BEDROOM CALL 757 8505. ONE BEDROOM I 40 trailer ideal for single or couple. Located In Tesuque. Call after 6. 982 1447,988 3847.

22 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER for-rent. Space 122 Mountian View Trailer Park, after 3 P.M. 983 7793. 99 MOBILE HOME "ROYAL CREST" Los Alamos, 1976 Cen tury, 14 70 3 bedrooms bath, large, dinette 4 kitchen, storm windows, insulation package, 16 covered porch.

160 sq. storaoe shed. Pitched roof and skirted After 5 672 9586. 100 Antiques ANTIQUE TOWN and Country furniture. Stop by and browse Open daily by chance or appoint ment.

401 Rodeo Road. 982 1972 ANTIQUE FRANKLIN Stove, brass ornaments, beautiful condl tlon. Screen and Irons, old brass scuttle. 988-3449. LOVELY ANTIQUE Diningroom suite, spiraled chairs, sideboard, screen, silver, cupboard.

By ap-polntment 988 4085 after 6 00 PRIVATE PARTY HAS ORIEN TAL RUGS to sell Persian, Pakistan, Cashmier, Brass from China and Morocco, Silver cof feetea service, cake plate, other Items. 758 4382. ANTIQUE KELIM rug, approx. 9X13 for sale at appraisal value. 983 3838.

PRIMITIVE SALEM ROCKER $140. German Free Swinger anti que clock $300. Call 754 2988. Red River, New Mexico. ANTIQUE AUCTION Saturday, oct.

13TH 1:00 PM Preview 1:00 pm Friday, Oct. 12, 1979 LA FONDA HOTEL (New Mexican Room) Over 3650 pieces of bric-a-brac and turn of the century furniture. Lamps, clocks, crystal, stained glass, china, tins, toys, trunks, prints, crocks, primitives and much more. Sale conducted by: HOT SPRINGS TRADING CO. 93 Rental Services LANDLORDS REALTORS FREE Qualified, pre screened tenants ready now to fill your vacancy I FREE Service to landlords.

ACTION HOME RENTALS IF YOU WANT RESULTS Sell your real estate with classified ads you get your money's worth! Csll 982-4451. Mobile Homes 95 For Sale 14X74 HERITAGE, 2 bedroom, full bams, fireplace, thermal drapes. 672 9887 or 662 51 19. 8X16 SELF CONTAINED Shasts Trailer. 471 8486.

V.A. F.H.A. CONVENTIONAL, large selection of 1980 energy saving homes. 2 4 3 bedroom 12-14 4 double wide's. Call collect Campbell Mobile Home.

11300 Central Ave. S.E. (505 296-5502. REALLY NICE 14X72 mobile home. 3 bedroom, 2 full bams.

For more Information call 662-2470 anytime. MUST SELL 1976 Crescent Mobile Home 14X70, 3 bedroom, 2 bam, $5,000 down orartd assume payments. $135 per month. Call 982 0271; after 6 00 471-7242. 1973 HENSLEY.

3 BEDROOM. 1 baths. Partly furnished. $13,000. Call 471-2683.

"I960 MODELS" VA-FHA CONVENTIONAL FINANCING Large selection of I960 Model Energy Saving Homes, 2 4 3 bedroom IT'S U't 4 double-wldes, call collect 1 CAMPBELL MOBILE HOMES 11300 Central E. (505) 296-5502. SCOTTY'S SALES Single 4 Double by Bella Vista. Energy-saving mobile homes. 455-7007.

Open Sundays 1-5PM. 8x28 SELF CONTAINED Mobile Trailer, very nice. $2,900. 471 4474. 1972 UNITED 12X52 two bedroom, clean, cooler, skirting, $5000.

Will move to Santa Fe. 757 6545. 3 BEDROOM 2 COMPLETE BATH, 1978 model, excellent con-ditlon. Small down, take over payments. 471-4285.

1975 LANCER 14X74, 2 bedroom, 14 bath, fireplace, thermal payne windows, set In Viliitas, $17500. Financing available. 982-4088 aftr 5:30 471-0306. 1971 FLEETWOOD 14X70, fully carpeted, patio covered, skirted, set up in excellent park, air conditioner, 2 bedroom, 14 bath, excellent condltlon.Call 471-2331. 1972 ASTRA 12 50 2 bedroom, partially furnished with room alt conditioner and storage shed Set up in quiet Tesuque Park.

$4500 Call after 4 M. 982 8173. 10 55 MELODY MOBILE HOME 3 bedroom 116 bath, partially furnished, fully skirted. Located in quiet park on southwest side. 471-7537.

HAVE AN EMPTY HOUSE OR APARTMENT fou need to rent? Read the "want to rent" column for prospective tenants. 66 Rooms for Rent EASTSIDE GALISTEO near Peralta. Furnished house, Larg private room. $144 13 utilities 983 5573. SLEEPING ROOM tor rent private entrance and bath 471' 88 Bus.

Prop. NEW COMMERCIAL building Space available for retail, office and warehouse. Flexible square tootage 983 3217. COMMERICAL BUILDING for small tuslness, retail, office or storage. 957 sq.

Berry Street 983 3217. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 4 1X10 square feet building on Air port Rd. Includes large wort area and 2 small apartments Can rent separately or as one Unit. Call 983 2771 400 SQ. Janitor, utilities parking, downtown area.

983 4504. DOWNTOWN For lease: choice eastside Palace location, zoned 1700 sq. ft plus parking. WALKER I. DICKERSON An All Broker Office The Agency In La Posada 982 01 18 2100 SQ.

FT. on Carrillos Rd behind Artesanias. Attractive building. $700 00. FRANK GOMEZ, 982-2514.

1,000 SQ. FT. Industrial warehouse with high overhead doors for $300 per month. Near new building. Call CENTURY 21 BLUE CHIP REALTY 982-1953 Vidal J.

Garcia 471-2044. 1800 SQ. FT. Prime C-2 Location with high ceilings and concrete floors allows for heavy machinery. Machine shop, motor rebuilding or heavy carpentry ok Loading dock and falght door.

$450 per month. YABLON REAL ESTATE t-1 982-4255 89-Offices BLUE CHIP PLAZA 1040 DON DIEGO Nice small office conveniently located with plently of parking. 300 sq. ft. area.

$175 per month in eluding 'utilities. Call 988 4425 or 983 3589 after 5. BLOCK FROM CAPITAL Newly remodeled, 2 units, 650 sq ft. In each $250.00 per month. 982 9145.

FOR RENT office with large ad loining area for work, storage or Studio. Available now. 1600 sq. ft on San Mateo Lane. A-1 SELF STORAGE, 983 8038 CENTRALLY LOCATED 1,640 sq.

ft. Price office space, air con dltloned, ample parking janitorial service. Reyes Padilla Realty, 982 3656. NEW COMMERICAL building Space available for retail, office and warehouse. Flexible square footage.

983 3217. PRESTIGIOUS DOWNTOWN Of flee Space for lease in Jefferson Place. Utilities, parking and janitorial service provided. Flex Ible floor plans and sizes available. Chaparral Realty, 982-3509.

TWO NICE SUITES on Luisa street. Can be used as one and one small 2 room Plently of park Ing. Call 988 8059, for details. SINGLE SUITE CARPETED, utilities and separate entry Paneled with parking anc separate entrance. Receptlor and copy service available.

$12; month. 432 Paseo de Peralta. 982 2845. NEW OFFICE BUILDING foi rent on St. Francis Drive, Firs National Bank, Building com plex.

Reception area, 2 offices kitchenette and conference room available mid October. Call 983 2816. IDEAL SU ITE for architect or at torney or you. Near capitoi private entrance and bathroom Newly remodeled. Skylights beamed ceiling, carpeting.

55 sq. ft. $375.00 includes ampu parking and utilities. 471 5646. NEAR CAPITOL, new remodeled carpeted, single of flee.

$165.00 includes ample park ina and utilities. 471-5646. 89-Offices DOWNTOWN 211 EAST PALACE Zoned 3, 1300 sq. ft. plus base good parking WALKER 8.

DICKRSON An All Broker Office The Agency In La Posada 982 0118 NEAR CAPITOL 510 GAL I ST EO STR EET Zoned C-1, 1,000 sq. good park Ing WALKER! DICKERSON An All Brokar Office The Agency In La Posada 982 0118 RENT A DESK. Desks, chairs flies, tables etc. Weekly Monthly Annually or outright purchase oaa nti 1 988 1327 AVAILABLE SOON La Casa Small Office Service Center has space available month to month. Rental include conference room with wet bar, sauna, utilities, janitorial ser vices, ample parking, and recep tion services and personallzeo telephone reception.

Office from $150 month. Also telephone reception. Office from $150 month. Also available- Identity packages at $75 month which pro vide businesses with base ser vices and benefits described above, exclusive of a private of flee. 236 Montezuma, 982-0094 OFFICE SPACE available for lease Nov.

1 In Associated Con tractors of New Mexico Building 510 Sq. Parking, Carpeted 4 Air Condlflned. $300 00 per month Including utilities Call 982 2639. REASONABLE RENT 1 room suite, all utilities furnished, plenty of parking. Koury's Real Estate, John J.

Koury, 1416 Cer rlllot Road. DOWNTOWN OFFICE Space available for rent. 310 sq. ft. Low rent.

Call David Barker at 982 9836. DOWNTOWN OFFICE space available for rent. 665 sq. ft. with parking.

Call David Barker at 982-9836. 90 Leases UPSTAIRS IN EL CENTRO 800 square foot office, parking provided In city lot. Price to be negotiated on basis of use IH LEACH INC. 988 91 Want to Rent 3 Bedroom unfurnished house Under $300 Call 471 4777. SANTA FE COLLEGE OF Naturopathic Medicine looking for rentals, houses, apt.

for students and instructors. 982-5911. ARTIST NEEDS room for studio use. Running water, heat, 22C wiring needed. Call 983 5087.

EMPLOYED PROFESSIONAL woman needs sunny apartment or guesthouse unfurnished $160 $225. Prefer eastside. 471-8763 evenings. RESPONSIBLE PARTY seekng combination private residence and studio. Must be sunny.

Ap prox 1500 sq. ft. Excetleni References 983-8910. ARTIST MOTHER, son. Inspired, reliable seeks eastside occupan cy near downtown for $215.

Car share for caretake with references 982 1172. WANTEO THREE bedroom with den or 4 bedroom, two bath within two miles from Ernies Restaurant on Canyon Rd $400 CK or less month, will sign lease Very responsible family. Cal Claudia 982 4274. COUPLE DESIRES 2 bedroom home with privacy. Call 983-7007.

92 Roommate Wanted YOUNG PROFESSIONA woman seeks same to share fur nished house. Non smoker $150 00 plus Utilities. 471 3471 keep trying ROOMMATE WANTED to Share 3-bedroom Bellamah Area home Working gentleman preferred $150 00 monthly plus depoit. In terested party call 471 5616, after 5 pm. ROOMMATE WANTEO TC SHARE charming adobe Nambe Acreage own room, vigas latillas, fireplace the worksl $200 471-2563.

93 Rental Services RENTALS HOUSES, APTS, CABINS MOBILES NORTHILL apt. 1 br. unf crpt. views, plaza, super nice $200 79-34A) 988-9837 PRIVACY spt. 1 br.

crpt. drpt. prkg.e 1915 CerrHIoe Road LA CIENEGA 2 br. turn, washer-dryer, yrd, Indtcpd. 8175 (244MH) 988-9837 IAIAALLRIGHT se.

2br. unf llv. rm. din rm. tile ba.

adobe $250 Pd (79-36H) 1915 Cerrillos Road ASPEN STROLL apt. atudio furn. views Indscpd E-side, $175 (79-167A) 988-9837 GALISTEO STREET 1 br. llv. rm.

din. rm. kit. adobe preh. prko.

$175 (79-567A) 1915 Cerrillos Road COUNTRY BOY 2 br. apt. llv. rm. din.

rm. kit. adobe, grdn, views, Tesuque $165 79-12A) 988-9837 COUNTRY LIVING, apt. 3 br. adobe, views, grdn, fishing, kids Ok $165 604A) 1915 Cerrillos Road COLLEGE OF SF 1 br.

studio furn. crpt. drps. yrd. pets ok $175 Pd (79-71A) 968 9837 COUNTRY LIFE 1 br.

apt. unf. Irg kit. crpt. preh.

yrd. pet, kids Ok $130 79-456A) 1915 Cerrillos Road SOLITUDE apt. 1 br. furn. llv.

rm. din. rm. comb, pets ok country $95 (619A) OLD PECOS TRAIL apt. 1 br.

unf grdn. preh. pet, kids ok $100 (0115A) 1915 Cerrillos Road ADOBES GALORE! duplex apt. 1 br. llv.

rm. din. rm. kit tile ba. fp, yrd.

Canyon Rd. $200 (79-15A) 988-9837 BRICK apt. 1 br. llv. rm.

din. rm. kit. capitoi, preh. fned.

$185 (604A) 1915 Cerrillos Road LAST CHANCE hse. 1 br. adobe, den, Irg. ww dryer, greenhouse pet, kldS Ok $225 (445H) 988-9837 MOUNTAINS mob. hme.

2 br. furn. crpt. drps. wdryer, Tesuque $150 (79-091MH 1915 Cerrillos Rod ADOBE hse.

1 br. remod. prkg, kids ok $165 (79-456H) 988-9837 EASTSIDE 1 br. hse. furn adobe Ig.

kit. preh. yrd. prkg. Canyon Rd.

$135 79-03H) 1915 Cerrillos Road NOW RENTING hse. 3 br. furn. tile ba. kit.

adobe, vigas, preh pet, kids ok $250 79-45H) 988-9837 apt. 1 br. llv. rm. din.

rm. comb, capitoi pet? ok (79-340A) RENT AMERICA TO LIVE? 988-9837 Vm The following agencies may charge clients a tee for fttelr services. ACTION HOMES We Have Rentals MOVE TODAY ROOM 3 bdrm unf hse kids 4 pets ok no lease cozy trplce $225 982 3840 KIDS OK fine 4 rm unf hse nr shops mod appli quiet area $125 3840 WON'T LAST super 2 bdr home no Ise unf kids ok $165 call 962 3840 NR SANTA FE unique 3 rm home kids pets ok finely turn $150 takes COUNTRY HOME comfy 2 bdrm home no lease kids pets fine $100 bills pd call now 982 3840 BY THE WEEK custom 3 rm bills pd nr shops deep crpts $45 moves ya 982-3840 OUT AWAYS homey 2 bdr shade nr shops 4 schools kids ok $175 982 3840 FAMILY MINOEO Brite3bdhse unf kids ok big workshop no lease $350 rents PLAZA CLOSE Prime 2 bdr abode unf newly painted kids 4 pets ok $200 won't last 982-3840 HEY STUDENTS roomy 4 frm apt turn bills pd fned yrd $195 no lease 982 3840 NOW OR NEVER Prime5rm unf hse kids fine chefs kitchen $140 call 982-3840 BIG 4 ROOMY 3 bdrm hse modern furn plush crpts wood frpice kids 4 pets ok $275 noves 962-3840 BILLS PD quiet 3 rm abode fned yrd pvt patio mod furn $189 today 982 3840 PLANT LOVERS Big 3 or 4 bdrm hse no Ise greenhouse kids 4 pets ok cozy frplace S300's rent today FAMILY NEEDED on 5rm abode newly furn deep crpts no lease $180 nr shops 982 3840 PLAZA AREA turn 4 rm apt no Ise $175 close to everything call now 922 3840 COUNTRY MANOR unique 5rm hse unf $150 rents kids 4 pets fine call 982-3840 DOWNTOWNER super 2 bdrm unf apt kids ok $225 must see call 982 3840 SINGLES CHOICE cozy 3 rm abode mod furn pets ok $185 rents today 982-3840 RENT TODAY flashy 5 rm furn hse bills pd chefs kttchen $185 kids fine 1508 Cerrillos 1-7 982-3840 Classified Ads Get Fast Results 100 Antiques EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN Cafe Antiques and Second Hand In Rlnconade 45 miles North of Santa Fe Open 7 4, cl oses Thursd ay 579 4 2 62 CHURCH PEWS white oak with cushions, good condition, call 987 9674 mornings only 101 Appliances FOR Malor Appliance 4 Televl sion Repeir and a good selection of guaranteed used appliances 4 televisions call Woody's Horn Service, 982 0963. RECONDITIONEO MAYTAG Washers 4 Dryers Guaranteed. THE MAYTAG SHOP 135 Lincoln 987 5563 FOR MAJOR Appliance 4 Television Repair and a good election of guraranteed used ap pllancea 4 television call Woody's Home Service, 982 0963.

1978 17 cu ft frostiest Sears refrigerator. Used 1 year. $250 Call 983 9435 SEARS HEAVY duty gas clothes dryer. Excellent condition. White $85 471 0575 LIKE NEW MAGIC CHEF elec trie range, double oven exceptional $450 Call 754 2988 Red River, New Mexico.

A REFRIGE RATORFREEZER. corning stove 982 4715 after 7 only WILL TRADE chest freezer for small apartment size freezer Call 983 4162 after 6 DISHWASHER GE PORTABLE white, excellent condition $75 Also GE electric rage, 27 inch drop In, ventilletlng hood, yellow $50 988 2691. CORNING ELECTRIC STOVE top, like new $185 988 4237. 102 Art, Crafts Sup. HIGHLAND PARK MODEL 8EDC Lapidary unit (includes 2 grinding wheels, 2 sanding wheels and buffer).

Also, Cov Ington 3" belt Sander Both units $400 00. phone 471 5927 Of 753 3684. R.C GORMAN LITHOGRAPH "The Pottery Keeper" 1977 tram ed $1600. Taos 758 4895. PRIVATE COLLECTION Of framed paintings by well known local artists, oils, water colors, etchings, llthos, prints, posters and photographs Call Norma at 962-1370 or 983 9133 103-Building Materials VIGAS, PEELED and dry, also split cedar latillas.

672-9887 or 662 5119. WANTED TRUCKER with truck to haul adobe brick Call 471-7153 Albert Nlblack. 701 Airport Road SAVE $300 to $1000. On your Cedar roof; shingles, or shakes any type. Write Lakeside Wholesalers.

Drawer L. Frltch, Texas 79036. Call 806 857-24)1 Free delivery In the five state area. RAILROAD TIES 8 ft. lengths, $6 50 up, 2 footers $3, 9-footers $10, other lengths, cedar posts, flagstone, old beams, 12 ft.

vigas. 902 4010 DOORS, 3 wood panel, 1 glass panel, 1 double, 1 pair louvred half door, 1 screen door Reasonable 988 4237. 106 Furniture SCANDINAVIAN LEATHE Chair and ottoman from Centerline. Tan with chrome swivel base, $400. 983 2829 FOR SALE Couchhideaway bed, good condition $65 Call 983 9232, BEAUTIFUL BRONZE CHANDELIER with over 70 prisms $150.

value for $90 00. Breakfst wet bar with imitation marble formica worth $350 00 for $225 00. Call 471 2272. If no answer leave message at 471-7217. KING SIZE BED, frame, box spr-Ings and mattress.

$)00 983 838). KING SIZE water bed Fuitwood finLsh w4h4 drawers in bottom u-, 5880 after 5 30 Used Cars BARGAIH SPECIALS 113 Livestock-Pasture ORSESHOEING. Dwane Fleget 471 4031 or leave message 1983 6311. EGISTERED HALF Arabian gelding for sale 4 years. 156 hands.

$500 00. Tack $200 00. 983-1309 114 Mach. Tools AUTO SERVICE EQUIPMENT tor sale Grayco air operated car wash 2 engine analyzers, floor ack, spark plug cleaner, more, will trade 983 9531. 115 Miscellaneous FOR SALE NAUGHAHYDE ECLINER, $75 or Best Otter.

Good condition. 471 4014, call alters 00 METAL PLATES great extra insulation for your attic tor garage, a roof on a doghouse, or siding on a shed. Many other uses. 008" thick 25 cents per plate The New Mexican, 202 E. Marcy.

FOR SALE 11x17 ITEK Camera Good Condition. Cali 983-4788 ROUGH MILL BEAMS 4 8'S. 4 10'. A specialty. Cured Spruce, Also vigas.

Norton HIM Wood, 701 Airport Rd. 471-2456 or 983 1737. WOODEN BENCHES FOR SALE 983 6504 MOBIL TIRES Cushion 78, Poly-cord tubeless, 2 ply, 78 13, $35 each, plenty of tread, call 988-5900 SILVER BULLION, .999 pure, stamped and sealed bars in 50 and 100 troy oz. weight. Write LA.

PO Box 1183, Santa Fa, 8750). COINS Silver and gold. Buy and sell 988 5287. MARQUETTE ENGINE Analyzer Model 40 276, two Auto Air Service Centers, Pullman Vac Mobile, Atlas Tire Machine, coffee and snack vendor. Los Alamos Exxon, 662 6100.

$1 00 OCTOBER BREAKFAST SPECIAL, 2 Buckwheat pancakes, 1 egg, coffee or tea. Out Side In Restaurant, 319 Guadalupe, 7-00 a m. 11-00 a Tuesday through Friday. Also tasty whole food lunches and dinners. 982 2898.

FT POOL TABLE complete with balls and cue sticks, excellent condition. $160. Call 983-1406. THREE MOBILE HOME axles, complete with tires and brakes. Call 982-1956 between and 5 pm ask for Roland.

LANDSCAPING, HAULING, Leveling, Motor Grader Work, roads etc. Red gravel, other kinds, black din, manure. Very reasonable, free estimates. 20 years experienca. Ernest Ullbarrl Trucking, 471 77)5.

3 BICYCLES, ladies 10 speed. childrens 10 speed, little girls bike, good condition. 988-4085 after 6 00 p.m. NICE COLLECTION 79 Case-In display case all new. Phone 968-4085, after6.00 p.m.

2 BOOKCASES, BAR with stools, adding machine, typewriter and miscellaneous items 982 9572. PARSLEY, SAGE, rosemary and thyme 2 oz. set $2.00 Herbs, P.O. Box 166, Cerrillos, 87010. DINETTE SET WITH china Cabinet $150 2 dressers $40.

each, carpet sweeper $5. pole lamp $10. Swag lamp $15. 983-7526. THREE WOOD stoves converted from 55 gallon steel drums $40 00 each.

All three 00. 982 5441. ROPING SADDLE, Blanket and bridle, good condition. $200. Jim Beaver 982 2214.

FOR SALE: New 24' diameter, 32' high, double stitched canvas teepee with 9' Interior liner. Poles are available Paid $875. Will take $450 471 2642. KING SIZE BEO, frame, box spr Ings and mattress. $100.

983 838). APPLES: RED DELICIOUS, wine saps, romes pick your own $5.00 40 pound box or 15 per pound at Rio En Medio 3 m11 ho En- Bring Boxes. Pnoi8 983 7069 fcirena JLancho cH-dad. PPLES FROM ESPANOL VALLEY, Golden and cd delicious. 983 6715 after 4.

nytime on weekends. $6 00Bushel LECTRIC STOVE $25., Queen size bed $60. 982-4788. One year spa membership $175. 116 Musical Instru.

NORTHERN M. MUSIC 825 Cerrillos Rd. Check us first for bond Inst, and guitars rentals for the school music program. 983-7993 983-7931 GALLIEN KRUEGER 250 watt base head. $450.

Musicman Stingray base with active elec-tronlcs $450 47 8755or 471-3407. NEW UPRIGHT Plano, 1 year $1000. Cost $1500 new, call 1539. WANTED: Bass player with own equipment to form local rock band. 471-9203 FOR SALE Constellation Trombone, practically new, case Included, $450.

Call 471-7023, afternoon or early evening. ANTIQUE PIANO, very ornate, needs work. $250. Call 471-3800. 117 Pets, Supplies TWO DOG KENNELS.

Medium plastic $15 large wooden $20. Call 47) 3695 after 5 00 p.m. AMERICAN Staffordshire Terrier akcukc pitbull fawn female MOS. Old. Call 1-294-7500, Albq.

A.K C. Black or Yellow Labrador Retreivers. For pets field or show. Champion bloodlines. Great Intelligence good temper-ment.

Reserve early S100-S150. 753 3651. DOG TRAINING. Experience spells the difference. Call Ernie Smith for a free, no obligation, demonstration lesson.

982-8460 evenings. REGISTERED ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies, 7 weeks. Beautiful markings. Negotiable. 982 4136 p.m.

AKC REGISTERED. Great Pyrenees pups. Excellent examples of the breed, champion lines on both dam and sire. Can be seen in Santa Fe. Call 983-1607.

106 Furniture ONF POOL TABLE. CALL 71-172 AFTER 5 P.M MATTRESSE5, CHESTS, TABLES, shelves, brass beds, bunk beds, couches, desks and much more, at Bargain Barn. 2850 Cerrillos (next to flea market). 471 9068 HREE PIECE leather modular sofa, custom made, excellent condition 98? 8019 WATER BEO klngtlze, heater and wood frame $150 00 983 54 107 Fuel WANTED: 1000 cord of ptnon firewood blocked or split. 1 303 589 9 585 FIREPLACE WOOD, one year old, $38 pickup load, delivered none stack.

Also dry wood $40 pickup load Call 988 2035 PECOS VALLEY CO Split plnon haul $60 00 a cord $85 delivered. Short wood and other species available. Don Brown 757 6581. FIREPLACE WOOD 1 year old, nonstack, i ton truck Picked up $70, delivered $75 982 3379. Pi NON WOOD $90 a measured cord.

128 cubic feet. Split delivered and stacked or split yours 471 8302. SPLIT PINON WOOD $85 00 per 4 4 8 cord Delivered. Stacked, and smaller amounts 471 6352. 108 Garage Sales WAREHOUSE SALE- copper tone range, avocado washer.

Two dryers, gas heater, slate bumper pool table, 6' stock tank. 9 and 14' corral gates; electric fencer, -automatic horse trough; cement mixer; bathroom sinks and vanities; vacuum; wrought Iron light fixtures; good carpet and pads; wood windows and shut ters; assorted solid, hollow French, storm and garage doors, stainless bar sink, brass bed; steel drums. Much More Cheapl Cheapl Cheapl Rancho Elisa, 3 Vt miles up Hyde Park Road, Friday and Saturday 12th and 13th 9 A.M. to 4 M. 982 4976.

YARO SALE: La Luz Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind will hold a yard sale Saturday, October 13th, at 329 Buena Vista, beginning at 10 00. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER corning stove, chest 4 mirror, desk, tuner 4 amplifier decorator mirror, coat rack, ski rack, lamps quilting frame, new gas logs, wall hung sinks, weed trimmer, clothes miscellaneous. Saturday 4 Sun day, October 13 4 14 only. 9-4, 121 Alicante NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE Oct. 13, 8 00 A 519 Calle Corvo, off Delgado.

Furniture, toyota car radio, books household Items, teen clothes, etc. MATURE HOUSEPLANTS for sale, tomatoes In pots. Orchids, bromeiiads Saturday only. 3356 Cerrillos Road across from Warren House. 471 5733 OCTOBER 11, 12, 13 Hernandez 310 mile north Jemez Electric.

Dishes, antiques, calf buckets, cattle ear tags, lots more. Ill HousehldGds 12" SONY COLOR V. Model No. 1204. Used very little, new set cost $425 This one Is $250.

663 Washington Ave Apt 13 or 419 983 8074. Mrs. Smith. 113 Livestock-Pasture HORSE: 3 YEAR OLD Bay Gelding, broken to ride, gentle shod, good ranch prospect. $500.

988 4085 after 6 00 pm. PONY I want to buy an Inexpensive pony for 8 yr. old. Call Deborah evenings. 982-1371.

6' STOCK TANK, 9' U' corral Oates, electric fencer, automatic stock waterer. 982 4976. WINTER PASTURE tor horses on beautiful 80 acre ranch with alfalfa, winter wheat and grass. Two water tanks, dally inspection. November 1st to Mar-oti 832 4315.

HOGS FOR SALE, different sizes, 6 weeks and ud 753 4383. Plaza Motors 1050 1595 Co .6595 Nice. 3000 S3 4395 Co Come see the altnew 1980s at Capitol Ford! 1972 FORD T-BIRD ice 1973 DODGE C-CAB PICKUP Nice 1973 PLYMOUTH DUSTER Sunroof 1374 OLDS RESENCV Loaded 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4 Door, AT FAMILY BUYS 1977 CHRYSLER LEBAROM 4 Door J4UD 1977 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 Door 3495 1995 Thmderbird Thel 1976 DOBE ASPEN Ku WAGON 6 Cylinder fcTvw ASK THE PROFESSIONALS at Canine Enterprises about dog training. Obedience Protection Training. Boarding Facility -Free Demonstrations Brochures.

Obedience Lessons begin at' $150. All work guaranteed. John Bermet year give you bigger payloads (based on comparable GVWs). more leg room and better aerodynamics than last year, all wrapped up in clean new styling. See for yourself! And we've got 1980 LTD's.

Granadas. Fairmonts. Pintos. Mustangs and Broncos ready to dazzle you too, at Capitol Ford, 301 North Guadalupe. 983-6316.

Free coffee and donuts this Friday and Saturday 9-6! Come see the totally redesigned Thunderbird. New space-efficient elegance with the same impressive list of luxury features all standard you expect in a Ford hunderbtrd. Fly one now! Come see the first new trucks of -the 80 s. Our pickups this 7 WEEK OLD chocolate brown poodles. For Sale 351-4622 DOBERMAN PUPPIES pure bred black and rust, red and rust.

Tails clipped, 6 weeks old. $35.00 471 4406. 1979 DODGE ST. REGIS 4 Door 1977 FORD LTD II T1 4 Door 4131 SPECIALTY RIDES 1979 DODGE W150 4X4 Nice 0333 .5950 2795 The H9SMD Pickups IRISH SETTER PUPPY, beautiful AKC Registered. Championship bloodline ready for good home.

983-3806 between 3:00 00. INTELLIGENT LAB mix puppy, female, must spay, to resposible person. 983 9391 or 988 16)7, I AKC TINY TOY Poodle, black, male $100. 982 9195. CANARIES SALE, Singers jung co*ckatlel ready to hand train, $45.

Call after 6:00 p.m. 753-7543. 1979 Z-28 Nice 1971 COUGAR CONVERTIBLE BLACK LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPPIES, AKC. 8 weeks, large male 4 female, 983-7096 after five. 118 Photo.

Equip. i 1978 ROADRUNNER Nice CAMERA AND ACCESSORIES -Asahi Pentax SV, hardcase Sekonlc studio deluxe tight meter, close-up lens set, Tripod, extender mount, flashunif $160 00. Call 982-0950. 121 Sports Equip. DYNASTER-OMESLAS 190 Skis, took 57 bindings, doiemite boots QVi, 1 't.

Call 983-4385 ask for Alan, after 5 00 Call WINCHESTER AUTOMATIC 22 ritle; 8mm Mauser Rifle, good condition. Telephone 983-3777. nr.

The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.