Also See:
A. J. Thompson. Winfield and Walnut Township
Captain Charles G. Thompson and Family, Arkansas City
Who Were The Three Thompson Brothers?

In searching for the "three Thompson brothers" who built someof the earliest structures in Arkansas City along with Channell, I cameacross the following family in the book Cowley County Heritage, publishedin 1990. Instead of Thomson, this family could have started out initiallyas "Thompson." Carl Thomson could have been the son of R. A. Thompson.See below.

R. A. & Wm. S. Thompson. Bolton Township in 1875.

Kansas 1875 Census, Bolton Township, Cowley County. (3/1/1875)

Name Age Sex Color Place/Birth Where From

R. A. Thompson 39 m w Canada Canada

Clarissa Thompson 35 f w Canada Canada

Carlos F. Thompson 14 m w Canada Canada

Herbert A. Thompson 12 m w Canada Canada

Clarence E. Thompson 7 m w Canada Canada

Lydia H. Thompson 67 f w Canada Canada

Wm. S. Thompson 31 m w Canada Canada


I believe the newspaper referred to "R. A. Thompson"as Adam Thompson.

The Carl Thomson Family.

Carlos Franklin Thomson came to ArkansasCity from Canada in 1870, at the age of 10, to help his father in the lumberbusiness. They were among the early builders in Arkansas City.

As a young man, Carlos, shortened to Carl,worked for Ranney-Davis Wholesale Company as a freighter. He carried foodinto Indian Territory as far south as Edmond, Oklahoma. Later, he marriedElizabeth Andrews to which union was born seven children: Clara, Clarence,Ernie, Myra, Robert, Dick, Ira.

Their daughter, Myra, was a teacher in CowleyCounty rural schools and Clara and Ira died at a young age.

Elizabeth died in 1900 and Carl marriedEmma Drew, who had two daughters from a previous marriage: Lena and Beulah.Lena taught special education in Winfield and Beulah worked for the ArkansasCity Traveler.

Carl and Emma had five children: Myron,Edith, Nina, Helen and William. In 1910, the moved from Oklahoma to ArkansasCity and for many years lived on a farm on east Kansas Avenue. Carl andEmma lost two children: Helen and William.

Myron, nicknamed Mike, attended the ArkansasCity schools and in 1922 went to work as an apprentice for the Santa FeRailroad. After finishing his apprenticeship, he worked for the Santa Fein Shawnee, Seminole, and Oklahoma City. He died in 1982.

Edith graduated from the Arkansas City schools.In 1938, she married James H. Shipp. She received a life certificate toteach from Pittsburg State Teachers College and in 1960 graduated from SouthwesternCollege in Winfield. She taught school in Cowley County and Sumner County,Kansas, Kay County, Oklahoma, and Henry County, Iowa. She retired from theArkansas City schools in 1971. In 1988, Jim and Edith retired from farmingand moved to 1430 North A Street in Arkansas City, Kansas. They have nochildren.

Nina attended the Arkansas City schools.In 1929, she married Fred Gee and parented three children: Bette, Janelland Ronal. Nina worked at the Newton Memorial Hospital in Winfield for tenyears. In 1977, she retired from the Arkansas City Memorial Hospital. Sheand Fred, also retired, are living east of Arkansas City in the same homewhere they set up housekeeping in 1929.

Bette graduated from Arkansas City schoolsin 1950 and Kansas State College in 1957. Bette married Marvin Cranstonin 1955 and produced two children. She currently works in a bank in Derby,Kansas.

Janell graduated from Arkansas City HighSchool in 1955. Janell and Max Burton were married in 1955 and have twochildren. They reside in Newton where Janell sells real estate.

Ronal graduated from the Arkansas City HighSchool in 1957 and the Junior College in 1959. Ronal married Charlotte Dickermanin 1958 and they have three children. Ronal owns and operates the Ark CityMirror and Glass Company in Arkansas City.

Carl Thomson died in 1929. He was buriedin Parker Cemetery near Arkansas City. Emma died in 1939 and was buriedin the Newkirk Cemetery near Newkirk, Oklahoma.

Edith (Thomson) Shipp

[It would be of interest to thoseinterested in history and genealogy to learn if the above family was connectedto the early builders of Arkansas City: the three Thompson brothers.]


Kansas 1875 Census Ninnescah Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

Adaline Thompson 65 f w New York Wisconsin

Estella Thompson 21 f w Wisconsin Wisconsin

Addison Thompson 19 m w Wisconsin Wisconsin

Sherman Thompson 15 m w Wisconsin Wisconsin


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

On last Saturday morning a baby about twoweeks old was found in a basket on the front steps of the Brettun House.With it was the following note, written in a neat feminine hand, withoutaddress or signature. "I leave the little babe with you because I thinkyou will select someone that will be kind to it and raise it. I was marriedand deserted. He was a fine looking and talented man. I don't know wherehe is and I'm too poor to care for it, unless I had a home. It breaks mypoor heart to give it up. Keep a record of it in the clerk's office, andif I get work, I will reclaim it, unless someone takes it to raise as theirown. Its name is James Garfield, after our lamented President. I have someproperty coming to me eventually, but my people know nothing of my sad fate.They tried to keep me from marrying, and that is why I will not appeal tothem. May the good Lord forgive me and watch over my darling child and blessthose that give it sympathy."

Mrs. Chas. Harter took the little one inand cared for it until Sunday morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Addison Thompson,from near Seeley, a childless couple, heard of it and asked permission totake the babe, care for and raise it, which they were allowed to do.



Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.

MARRIED: At the residence of D. W. Pierce,on Sunday last, by Squire G. L. Cole, Mr. Sherman Thompson and Miss MaggieSeehorn, all of this township.


From records, it appears that AlexanderThompson was 49 years of age in 1878. His spouse was "M. K." Thompson,age 46. Their post office address was "Winfield."

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

We call attention to Mr. Alexander Thompson,a candidate for Register of Deeds. Mr. Thompson is one of the best farmersof Liberty township, has been a resident of this county for nine years,and is therefore one of the earliest settlers. He has been unfortunate inthe loss of his left arm by an accident from a threshing machine at MapleCity in this county.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

Vote for register of deeds.

1st ballot 2nd ballot 3rd ballot

I. H. Bonsall, 15, 13, 14

E. P. Kinne, 18, 14, 14

Jacob Nixon, 25, 43, 48

D. S. Wilkins, 18, 15, 15

Alex. Thompson, 1st ballot, 8

C. W. Roseberry, 2nd ballot, 3

Thompson withdrew after the first ballot.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.


Delegates entitled to seats.

Liberty: H. C. Catlin, J. H. Mounts,Alex. Thompson.

Listed below is what little I haveon David or David T. Thompson. Some of the entries might really pertainto David Thompson (father of the three Thompson boys who built the firststructures in Arkansas City) or else Rev. David Thompson, who came to ArkansasCity in 1874. I just do not know...MAW


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Marriage Licenses.

List of marriage licenses issuedduring the month of May.

David Thompson to Diantha T. Wetherbee.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Commissioners' Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, Sept.7th, 1874.

Board met in regular session. Present: R.F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.

And now comes David Thompson in pursuanceof an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal propertyassessment for the year 1874, and after hearing the evidence of the saidThompson under affirmation, it is ordered by the board that the county clerkincrease the assessment of said Thompson $700 on the tax roll of 1874 inaddition to that already returned by the assessor.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

No. 465. Diantha T. Thompson, vs.David Thompson.
No. 517. David Thompson vs. E. B.Kager, et al.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

465. Diantha T. Thompson, vs. David Thompson,dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.

FIRE. On last Wednesday night, at about12 o'clock, during the rain, flames were seen in the direction of JudgeMcIntire's house, and a rush was made for the scene by those who chancedto be up at the time. On arriving at the fire, it was found to be the onejust vacated by the widow of Jas. Barr, and owned by David T. Thompson.Mrs. Barr had moved out of the building in the morning, and no fire hadbeen left, and no one was seen about in the evening until it was in a blaze.No cause can be assigned for the fire, except that it was the work of anincendiary. It was burned so completely that not a shingle or scrap of boardcould be seen afterwards.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

FOR SALE. One blacksmith's shop and stablewith two lots, across the street from Finney's livery stable, and four lotsall together near James Benedict's; 160 acres of land with 30 acres improved,near Goff's, 3 miles north of town; five acres adjoining town site, on thenorthwest, sown in wheat, will be sold cheap for cash or on time.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

27½ yards blue rag carpet at 38 centsper yard. MRS. D. T. THOMPSON.

Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.

Civil Docket, Third Day: D. Thompsonv. A. H. Buckwalter.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

All persons indebted to Mrs. D. T. Thompson,or having any business transactions, can settle the same with J. L. Huey.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.

David Thompson vs. Nathan Hughes.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A Young Man AccidentallyShoots Himself.
And Dies Almost Immediately.

We are indebted to Dr. Thompson, of Tisdale,for the following particulars of a most distressing accident. A young manby the name of William Patterson, in the employ of Mr. Newland, who livesnear Silver Creek, was out hauling rock last Saturday, having with him aloaded gun for the purpose of killing chickens. Having loaded his wagon,he started for the house, standing on the load, holding the gun by the barrelwith the breech resting on the edge of a rock. By some means, a jolt orsomething of that kind, the gun slipped off the stone and down through therails used as a rack. It is supposed that the hammer struck one of the railsin going through, anyway, the gun was discharged. The contents entered atthe pit of the stomach, passing inward and upward through the stomach, andlodged in the right lung. The poor man was knocked off the wagon and laywhere he fell, until found a few moments afterwards by Mrs. Newland. Hebreathed a few times after being found and expired. A post mortem examinationwas held on the body on Sunday morning by Coroner Sim Moore, and the factsfound substantially as above narrated. Mr. Patterson was a young man about20 years of age, and had lived but about a year in the county. He was fromIndiana.

There seems to be a sort of fatality aboutMr. Newland's farm, as it will be remembered that some two months ago ayoung man was killed in a well on the same farm.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Dr. Thompson has found a vein of coal oneinch thick on his farm two miles south of Tisdale. In hopes of finding athicker vein deeper down, he has bored two feet into the hard rock, andbroke his drills. He will commence boring again in a few days, and eitherfind coal or convince himself that there is no coal there. He reports theindications for a thick vein are good, and feels confident of success.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Tisdale News.

Dr. Thompson will commence boring for coalagain this week. BEATUS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1874. Front Page.


"Mr. Scott, at the Independent conventionheld at Tisdale, stated to Ed. Millard, secretary of the convention, inthe hearing of John Mark and Justus Fisher, that C. R. Mitchell was an Independentman, and insisted on them giving him the nomination; stating that Pyburnwould not accept, as he had too good a thing already. We all know now thathe did accept, and gained his election by the unprinciples of C. M. Scott.

"Mitchell being defeated, Scott passedDr. Thompson and stated to him that Mitchell's name was used entirely againsthis (Mitchell's) will, and that he should not have accepted the office evenif nominated. How quick to turn his coat. . . .

"Again, at the Republican convention,held in Winfield, he (Scott) went to Dr. Thompson and asked him in the hearingof Capt. Harellson and Seth Chase, to support Mitchell, stating if the Tisdaledelegates would vote for Mitchell that the Arkansas City delegates wouldsupport Moore. They refused to support him, and then of course the nomineeswere incapable, and men unfit for the office. Capable enough, to fill theoffice at the convention, but not degraded enough to be led by Scott, andhence he had to turn his back on them. . . ."


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

The Independent Order of Good Templars heldtheir exhibition in the schoolhouse last evening, and was, upon the whole,a grand success. We noticed among the number present, our efficient Countyclerk, M. G. Troup and wife, with the interesting little face of the youngerTroup, Cap. Harrelson, Dr. Thompson and daughters, and J. A. McGuire andfamily, and many others too numerous to mention.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

TISDALE, Dec. 10th, 1874.

Meeting called to order by the Trustee,Philip Hedges, who was elected Chairman, E. P. Young was elected Secretary.The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, viz: To appoint acommittee of three to cooperate with the County Relief committee.

Committee was appointed consisting of J.J. Johnson, Philo Hedges, Q. Hawkins. Motion made and carried that the committeebe increased to five: A. Thompson and J. A. McGuire, were appointed additional.P. E. HEDGES, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1875.

TISDALE, Jan. 4th, 1875.

Another relief meeting was held last Wednesdaynight, electing three additional committee members, viz: Seth Chase, Dr.Thompson, Mr. Whittaker.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Alexander Thompson had been charged withreceiving 400 pounds of flour, and distributing the same among his needyneighbors without first hauling it to the north part of the township andturning it over to the chairman of the committee, Mr. J. J. Johnson, andallowing him to distribute the same among some of his neighbors who werealso needy and who had been troubling him by intruding on his business andpremises, by applying to him for rations, when he--like the devil on themount--had nothing to give. A motion was carried that the committee makea statement of what they had done with the sufferers of the township. Mr.Thompson was called and stated that he had received 400 pounds of flourand some clothing, and had also distributed the same to the needy, and hadthe papers to show who and what amount each had received, and further thathe had visited thirty-two families and taken a list of their wants, andreported the same to the county committee.

Mr. Johnson was next called, and while scratchinghis head, stated that he knew there were some families in the north partof the township who were suffering but he had done nothing to assist them.

Other members reported the same except Mr.McGuire; who gave an account of 100 pounds of meat received and distributed.

Other members reported the same except Mr.McGuire; who gave an account of 100 pounds of meat received and distributed.

But as Mr. Thompson was the only memberof the committee who had taken any active part to relieve the needy andfind out the want of the people; and as the Commissioners at their lastmeeting had made a new township off of the south part of Tisdale, it wasmoved and carried that the new township of Liberty take care of itself.As two of the committee lived in that territory, the chairman appointedtwo to fill the vacancy.

A vote of thanks was then given to Mr. Thompsonfor the active part he had taken as a member of the committee, and the goodhe had done in assisting the needy in his part of the township, while hissesloud and long went up against those who had been inactive and done nothing,and who were at the same time trying to censure the only member who hadbeen true to his suffering neighbors.

But there will be no need of quarrelingnow, as one of the newly appointed committee, E. P. Young, has decided totake care of all the relief goods received, and store them away in his finestone dwelling where they will be as safe as the goods he swindled somemen of the east out of a few years ago.

But just now I learn that a request hasbeen forwarded to the County Committee not to issue any relief goods tothe said E. P. Young, as there is another meeting to be called and Mr. Youngrelieved of all the trouble he was about to be put to, in storing away whatthe people need, as the citizens look upon him as a man unfit to handleanything that belongs to a suffering and needy people. I presume they judgethe future by the past. JEFF.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

TISDALE, MAY 5, 1875.

Business is rather lively in Tisdale atpresent. S. S. Moore is busy making out proofs for the land office. J. A.McGuire is doing a fine business and selling cheap. Napier, Smiley &Co., have more work on hand than they can do. A cow, belonging to Mrs. Lawson,living three miles north of Tisdale, was killed by lightning last Fridaymorning. Old Dr. Thompson is about as usual, but judging from the way hehas to ride about, we should judge business was brisk.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.


Mr. Gould, who has been under the care ofDr. Thompson, is able to be about again.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.

Mr. Thompson, of Tisdale Township, we learn,will be a candidate for Registrar of Deeds this fall.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.

Dr. Thompson, a true blue Republican ofTisdale, called Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.

Dr. Thompson, of Tisdale, was in town lastweek courting.

It appears that Dr. Thompson movedto Maple City after the last entry...

Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.

An Occurrence.

Every unfortunate denizen of this mundanesphere, however fortunate he may be, must meet with trials and tribulationsat some period of his existence. Thus has it been with our friend, C. C.Harris. Last Saturday, as on several preceding Saturdays, he drove overto the place, where he could pass the Sabbath day in quiet meditation, farremoved from the busy haunts of men. He arose bright and early in the morning,and observing a crowd gathered curiously around some object, he proceededto investigate and found his buggy standing in the middle of the streetloaded with hay, the wheels gone, and in their places the wheels of Dr.Thompson's wagon, with the general rule as to front and back wheels reversed.A search was instituted and one of his wheels was found in the private officeof W. H. Gould, another back of his dwelling, another in the rear of JohnDrury's, and the fourth at James Wilkie's. Mr. Harris said he didn't mindthe joke, but the disposition of the wheels was more than he could bear.We are not aware of any opposition to Mr. Harris' visits here, except itbe from Mr. O'Hare, who was here Saturday afternoon, but as he was accompaniedby our respected county attorney, we cannot think he had anything to dowith it. DOT. Maple City, April 8th.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

There is much sickness throughout the countryhere now, and Dr. Thompson is on the go almost day and night.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Beaver Ridge Items.

Mrs. W. J. Pointer has quite a painful bone-felonfor which she is being treated by Dr. Thompson, of Maple City.


Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.

There is considerable sickness in this vicinityand Dr. Thompson is kept busy day and night visiting patients. E. E. Howeis building an addition to his livery stable; Frank Gilkey is building anice residence on his farm south of town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Constable H. H. Siverd brought Dr. SamuelThompson in from Maple City, Tuesday, charged with illegally selling theardent. The Doctor plead guilty in Justice Snow's court and got off withone hundred and forty-five dollars fine and costs. Verily, the way of thetransgressor is thorny.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.

Dr. Samuel Thompson of Maple City was arrestedTuesday and taken to Winfield to be tried for the charge of selling liquorillegally. Thompson plead guilty, but all the same it will take within theneighborhood of $150 to settle the matter. He lies in jail now.

Cowley County Bonds. Suit.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.


Suit has been commenced in the U. S. CircuitCourt of the District of Kansas, by one George L. Thompson, for the recoveryof something over $6,000, interest included, for which he holds the warrantsof this county. Who Mr. Thompson is, we know not, neither does it matterfor the purpose of this article. The best legal talent concur in the opinionthat judgment will be rendered against the county, for the amount claimed,and the costs of the suit.

The COURIER is charged with being in someway the remote cause of the action against the county, because it is allegedthat we opposed bonding the debt. Here is what we did say in the COURIERof Feb. 6th, last.


We understand, since our arrival at home,that an effort is being made to have Mr. Martin procure the necessary legislationallowing the Board of County Commissioners to fund or rather bond the countyindebtedness. We do not believe that the people of Cowley County wish thisthing done. Twelve months ago, the circ*mstances were altogether different.Then we had a Courthouse to build, and many thought it necessary to providefunds for that. But now our county buildings are all complete, we can seeno necessity for it. We are very well aware that it would be money in thepockets of a few, for instance, county officials, who have to take mostor all their fees in scrip. But we are now hopeful that the tax next year,with care and economy, will clear the county almost, if not altogether,of debt. In the present state of affairs, we would not favor any bill authorizingthe Board to bond the debt, without first submitting the question to a voteof the people of the county. And we hope that whatever legislation Mr. Martinsecures in that particular will provide that the question be so submitted.We would be glad to hear from our readers on this subject, that we may actunderstandingly in the matter and take such action as will place the countyon the best financial basis, having due regard for those who held the county's'promises to pay.'

It will be seen that the main feature ofthe above article is to submit the proposition to the voters of the county.If the majority of the legal voters think it would be best to bond the debt,they can so express themselves, and then should it turn out to be a badbargain, they can blame no one but themselves.

But it is useless to argue the point now;no enabling act was passed, and consequently, the Board can take no actionin the matter, unless they may proceed under the act of a year ago, andbond $15,000 of the debt, which is all that act will admit. But it is a"leetle" queer that the very argument we made use of last yearin favor of bonding the debt, should be used against us this year, by thosewho opposed the measure, and signed a remonstrance against it last year.

Whatever else the COURIER may be accusedof, ambiguity is certainly not one of our failings; we endeavor to makeourselves understood. The COURIER frankly gives its reasons for the faithit held a year ago. Here they are: "Twelve months ago the circ*mstanceswere altogether different. Then we had a Courthouse to build, and many thoughtit necessary to provide funds for that. But now our county buildings arecomplete, we see no necessity for it." There, gentlemen, are the COURIER'sreasons for its seeming opposition to the proposition to bond the countydebt. Now, gentlemen, you who signed a remonstrance against it last yearand talked, and argued against it, you who denounced those who favored itas being a ring of county officials, to defend the county, what has comeover the spirit of your dreams, that you now so ardently advocate what youdenounced as a steal last year? Did you oppose it because you hadn't allthe scrip you wanted? And favor it now because you have your wallets fullof warrants ready to convert into the bonds of the county? Honest, straightforwardanswers will relieve the public mind wonderfully.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Hon. E. S. Torrance is in attendance uponthe U. S. District Court, at Leavenworth, on behalf of the county in thecase of George L. Thompson, versus Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Before Judge Miller of the U. S. circuitcourt, sitting in Leavenworth last week, G. L. Thompson obtained a judgmentagainst Cowley County upon unpaid county scrip for $6,299.48.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

In the Traveler report of the judgmenttaken against the county by Geo. L. Thompson, it erroneously gives it as"Scrip issued for the building of the courthouse." This is incorrect.It was not the scrip issued to build the courthouse on which the countywas sued.



Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]

Last week the Legislature met in extra sessionto relieve the destitute. Martin went to Topeka. Just before he went totake his seat, he had an interesting interview with members of the "ring."We understand they went in a carriage to his residence in the country andwhat took place at that interview, of course we can't tell, except by whatthe Hon. William did when he reached Topeka. The second bill introducedinto the House was "House bill No. 2 by William Martin to bond thedebt of Cowley County." It is no measure of relief, no stay of law,no postponement of taxes, no appropriation for the needy, no act of anykind for the relief of the poverty stricken of Cowley County, but an actto convert the scrip of Read & Robinson, Geo. L. Thompson, J. C. Horton,et al, into Cowley County bonds. This, too, in the face of the well knownopposition of the taxpayers of Cowley County to bonds of any kind.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Under the law passed in 1872, authorizingthe county board to issue bonds to the amount of $15,000, the board hasissued $9,300--$7,000 of which was delivered to J. C. Horton of Lawrence,in payment of the judgment rendered against the county, and in favor ofGeo. L. Thompson. The $5,400 in favor of M. L. Read, and $300 in favor ofE. C. Haywood, await the signature of the chairman of the board.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.

It appearing to the Board that a warrantwas issued in favor of A. S. Thomas for $40.45, on the 19th day of May,1874, and numbered 861, for costs as Clerk of the U. S. District Court;and that afterward said Thomas was paid by G. L. Thompson, and said Thompsonreceived Cowley County bonds in payment of a certain judgment and said costs:it is hereby ordered that said warrant number 361 be canceled and destroyed.

I do not know if George Thompsonof Silver Creek township was the George L. Thompson who brought suit...

Geo. Thompson. Silver Creek.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.

A pleasant call from Geo. Thompson, of SilverCreek, on Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.

In the storm on the 12th inst., Mr. Hammond,on Silver Creek, lost 16 acres of wheat, some hogs, and all his hens; LeviWeimer, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; James Greenshield, 10 acresof wheat; John Mark, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; J. Fisher, 20acres of wheat, 18 acres of corn nearly ruined; Geo. Thompson, 10 acresof wheat; Isaac Stell, 18 acres of wheat; Mr. Collier, 10 acres of wheat;Sam'l. Alexander, 17 acres of wheat. Mr. Collier's whole farm was submerged,and if it had not been for the timely assistance of neighbors, the familywould no doubt all have perished.


Kansas 1875 Census Cedar Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

Henry Thompson 59 m w Massachusetts Missouri

Margret Thompson 46 f w Ireland Missouri

Isaac Thompson 15 m w Missouri Missouri

Daniel Thompson 13 m w Missouri Missouri

Cathrine Thompson 2 f w Missouri Missouri



Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Since writing the above, I was informedthat the township committee have called a meeting for next Saturday night,the 13th, as they are going to resign.

Your correspondent had this letter readyto mail, but decided to wait and see what was done at the meeting.

Since then the committee received about360 pounds of corn meal and some clothing, which was distributed among thepeople.

The meeting just spoken of was held at theDay schoolhouse and was well attended. William Callahan was called to thechair and J. W. Belles was appointed secretary of the meeting.

Messrs. Willey and Morgan, of the Committee,were present and tendered their resignations, which were accepted by thepeople. Sanford Day made a motion that Mr. Frazee be removed from the committeeand that there be three new committeemen elected; motion carried.

Mr. Willey was then nominated, but utterlyrefused to accept. He said he had had all the honors he desired in thatline at present.

After considerable filibustering the followinggentlemen were elected Committee: Sanford Day, Esq., Mr. Henry Thompson,and Wm. Morgan. I believe there was no fault found with Mr. Frazee, buthe had expressed a wish to some of his friends that there would be a reorganizationof the township, and that he be released. Respectfully, CHEROKEE.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

No. 476. Emily J. Houston, vs. H.Thompson, et al.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

MYERS, DAY & THOMPSON, of Cedar Township,have taken a contract to stir 400 acres of land on the Kaw reservation inthe Indian Territory at $2 per acre. The Kaw reserve joins the county onthe south, and east of the Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.

Cedar: W. A. Metcalf, Henry Thompson.

Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.


ED. COURIER. Mr. Henry Thompson is in adangerous condition, suffering greatly from a chronic sore leg. He is afraidhe will lose it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, April 25, 1878.

Mr. A. H. Smith, the genial Otto postmaster,is sowing 80 acres of flax. Flax that if you can! He is also planting tenbushels of hedge seed. Hedge that if you can! Mr. Donald Jay has 160 rodsof the best stone fence I ever saw, just completed. Our Wheat crop is justas nice as nice can be, all headed out finely. Our assessor has completedhis assessment in this township, and has given better satisfaction thanany assessor we ever had, by a big majority.

Mr. W. W. Wills' house was burnt on the23rd, between 12 and 1 o'clock, with all it contained. Mr. and Mrs. Willswere helping Mr. and Mrs. Thompson slaughter, and had left two little girlsalone. The little girls cooked their dinners, and after eating, went outto play, and the entire inside of the house was aflame before they knewof it. Mr. D. W. Willy was the first one on the ground, and succeeded insaving a tub of pork. That was all that was saved. The house was a pinehouse, and burned up quickly. Mr. Wills is a newcomer, and very hard run.This is a fearful blow on him. W. A. METCALF.


Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.


The residence of Mr. W. W. Wills was burnedwith everything it contained. Mr. and Mrs. Wills were helping Mr. Thompsonslaughter and the house was left in charge of two little girls aged abouteight years. The children cooked and ate their dinner, then went out toplay and the house was almost consumed before they knew it was on fire.Mr. D. W. Willey was the first one on the ground and succeeded in savinga tub of meat. This was everything that was saved. The house was of pineand burned like tinder. Mr. Wills is a newcomer and very hard run and thisfalls with crushing weight on him. I GUESS. April 25th, 1878.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.


Business is reviving somewhat down here.The hog men have completely cleaned up the hog crop. There is some demandfor land. Henry Thompson sold his claim of 160 acres, with a double boxhouse, shed corral, peach orchard, and about 40 acres in cultivation for$200.


Daniel Thompson would have beenabout 17 years of age in 1879. Is it possible that the following story appliesto both Henry Thompson and son, Daniel? MAW


Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879 - Editorial Page.

A Sad Accident.

Thursday evening about 6 o'clock one ofthe guys to the derrick in one of the stone quarries southeast of the city[Winfield], now being worked by the bridge men, broke, letting the mastfall. In its fall it struck and brushed under it a young man by the nameof Dan Thompson, who has been working in the quarry. When it fell, an unusuallyfine stone was being drawn up, and the young man, a minute before the accident,had remarked: "What a nice stone that is--I would like to jump on andgo right up to heaven." A companion asked why he didn't, and he madea start as if he was going to get on, moving toward the stone, when theguy broke and he was stricken down. Drs. Ricketts, Wolf, and Cole were called.He received prompt medical attention, but there is no hope of his recovery.

A brother of the young man was killed withinthe last two years, in a well, and his mother died only this spring. Hisfather is a poor man--camping out on the open prairie, and has a hard timeto get along; hence, Mr. Louis, the contractor, with a liberality that iscertainly commendable, has undertaken to pay expenses of the sickness andof his funeral should he die.

LATER. The young man died since the abovewas put in type, and will be buried this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Funeralfrom the residence of Mr. Dodson, on the Howland tract southeast of thecity. Telegram.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

John R. Thompson, of Richland, one of thefarmers in Cowley County, went up to Wichita and brought down two fine importedPoland China hogs this week.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.











#1 #2 #3 #4 #8

RICHLAND JUNE 27, 1871. 70 599 J. R. THOMPSON

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Petit Jury List for Oct.Term of Court.

Wm. Morrow, Sheridan Township; G. S. Story,Maple; J. C. Roberts, Winfield; Rudolph Hite, Dexter; J. R. Thompson, Richland;T. B. Myers, Winfield; Hiram Blenden, Spring Creek; J. C. Campbell, Windsor;D. Francisco, Silverdale; A. S. Capper, Nennescah; S. D. Tolles, PleasantValley; Jas. Aley, Otter.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

John R. Thompson, one of the sterling farmersof Richland Township, left his cattle ranche, upon invitation of SheriffWalker, and is in town serving his country in the capacity of a petit juror.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.

The following is the list of jurymen drawnfor the next term of court.

John R. Thompson, Richland Township.
J. R. Thompson - Floral.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.

From Floral.

ED. COURIER: Floral Grange elected theirofficers at the last regular meeting in December, the 22nd inst. Jolly SamPhoenix, Master; J. R. Thompson, Overseer; R. Thursk, Lecturer; T. Dicken,Stewart; J. H. Howard, Chaplain; C. R. Turner, Treasurer; J. O. Vanorsdal,Secretary; J. Casper, Gate Keeper; Mrs. N. Dickens, Ceres; Mrs. E. Thompson,Pomona; Mrs. M. C. Vanorsdal, Flora; Mrs. Jennie Phelps, L. A. Stewart.

Installation of officers will take placethe second Friday night in January, the 12th prox. Floral Grange is notdead. It holds two regular meetings each month, has good attendance, andpleasant meetings.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.

Republican Convention.

The Republicans of Richland Township, CowleyCounty, met pursuant to call at the Floral schoolhouse Sept. 8, 1877.

On motion N. J. Larkin was chosen chairmanand James Groom secretary.

On motion Samuel Groom and John R. Thompsonwere elected delegates to the county convention by acclamation.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.

Republican Convention.

The following persons are elected delegatesto the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday.

Richland. Daniel Maher, Samuel Groom,John R. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.

Richland: Sam'l. Groom, J. R. Thompson,Daniel Maher.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.


The republicans of Richland Township metin convention Oct. 27th, with D. C. Stevens, chairman, and S. W. Phoenix,secretary, when the following nominations were made.

The following named gentlemen were electedas township republican committee: D. C. Stevens, E. B. Stone, and J. R.Thompson.

Little Thompson and JohnR. Thompson. [Queen Village.]

Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.


Second paragraph has something about LittleThompson having troubles keeping his cattle out of his neighbor's wheat.

John R. Thompson and J. W. Miller startsoon for Kansas City with a carload of fat cattle and another of fat hogs.MORE ANON.

Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.


Miller and Thompson, who started for KansasCity with stock, returned sooner than they were expected. They disposedof the stock at Wichita, getting $3 and $3.40 per hundred for their cattleand $2.50 for hogs.

Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.


DEAR COURIER: The secretary's report ofthe Richland Sunday school was on motion of S. W. Phoenix, ordered to besent to the COURIER for publication. It is as follows.

Organized May 14, 1876, with 52 scholarsin six classes, T. R. Carson, Superintendent. Enrolled during first quarter:71.

Average attendance: 38. Teachers: 6. Averageattendance: 4.

Outlay, $1.50 for Berean lesson; $1.00 forbanner; total $2.50.

It is demonstrated that it is not cash butearnest work which makes a good Sunday school.

Second term commenced Oct. 29, 1876. 23Sundays, less 3 missed on account of the weather. Enrollment: 76. Averageattendance: 35. Teachers: 4. Expenses $2.60.

Third term commenced April 1, 1877. J. R.Thompson, superintendent; T. B. Carson, Asst. Supt.; N. J. Larkin, Sec.;T. D. Givler, Treas.; Mrs. A. L. Phoenix, Chor.

Average attendance scholars: 34. Teachers:5. Expenses $7.80, including express charges on song books and on library$2.65. Had a picnic in the grove which was a success. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge,speaker; refreshment stand by J. W. Groom and assistants of which the netproceeds were $20.80, and devoted to the purchase of a library.

Fourth term commenced Sept. 30, 1877. J.R. Thompson, superintendent; T. D. Givler, assistant; C. Sturm, librarian;T. R. Carson, treasurer; N. J. Larkin, secretary; T. R. Carson, Chor.

Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

RICHLAND, August 9, 1878.

We are going to have a weekly mail directfrom Winfield to Polo; good.

Threshing wheat is the main business herejust now. D. Ginler's upland wheat yielded 19 bushels to the acre. It wasthreshed by Phoenix & Thompson on a Westinghouse Vibrator. They threshedin just five hours 242 bushels of wheat and 181 bushels of oats and cuttwice and when done there was no waste, not a bushel to gather up underor about the machine. The next day they went to H. H. Hookers and threshed520 bushels of wheat in one day and cut three times. They run by horsepowerwith ten horses; in a word, they have an excellent Vibrator and know howto run it.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.


The following are the officers of the CowleyCounty Sabbath School Convention.

President: R. C. Story; Vice President:W. M. Sleeth; Secretary: F. S. Jennings; Assistant Secretary: H. E. Asp;Treasurer: James Harden.

Executive Committee: R. C. Story, F. S.Jennings, T. R. Bryan, Will Mowry, E. W. Jones, John R. Thompson, and A.S. Williams.

Winfield Courier,April 15, 1880.

John R. Thompson, of Richland, delivereda fine lot of fat hogs on Tuesday.

Sons of John R. Thompson- Floral?


Winfield Courier,January 27, 1881.

Two of Mr. Thompson's boys are sick of biliousfever.

Rev. Thompson is holding a protracted meetingat Richland.


Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.

John R. Thompson had some 200 acres of wheatand corn badly damaged, and many of his farming implements used up. Hislarge orchard is almost a total ruin.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.

Below will be found the proceedings of townshipmeetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The lastweek before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls


Richland Township - J. R.Thompson, Navy.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.

Richland Township, Delegates: J. R. Thompson,C. F. McPherson, S. W. Phenix, Dan'l. Maher, L. B. Stone. No alternates.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.


S. P. Strong, Rock, elected temporary chairman;W. D. Mowry, Creswell, secretary.


Credentials: J. L. Parsons, H. Brotherton,P. McCommon, M. Christopher, M. S. Teter, T. A. Blanchard, G. M. Hawkins.

Permanent Organization: C. L. Swarts, NathanBrooks, H. C. Catlin, D. M. Hopkins,

D. S. Haynes, T. M. Dicken, L. K. Bonnewell.

Rules and order of business: H. E. Asp,D. P. Marshall, J. B. Nipp, James Utt, W. J. Wilson, P. T. Walton, BarneyShriver.

Resolutions: T. H. Soward, Frank Akers,W. J. Bonnewell, J. R. Thompson, Evan James, Samson Johnson, Z. Carlisle.

Delegates entitled to seats.

Richland: J. R. Cottingham, WillisWilson, J. R. Thompson, T. W. Dicken.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Committee on credentials reported the followingnamed delegates and alternates for their respective townships.

RICHLAND: Lewis Stephens, H. H. Hooker,Danl. Maher, J. R. Thompson.

Alternates: J. R. Cottingham, S. W. Phoenix,A. Stephens, P. Robins.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. J. R. Thompson brings us two ears ofcorn each thirteen inches long and weighing a pound and a half. These twoears would be about all a horse would want at one feed.

Question: Did J. R. Thompson movefrom Richland Township to Walnut Township or is this another J. R. Thompson?


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Stallion foal of 1883, J. R. Thompson, Walnut,1st premium; M. L. Read, Winfield, second.

Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.

John R. Thompson marketed four Poland Chinahogs Wednesday which weighed 1,010 pounds--an average of 510 each. Mr. Gillelandpurchased them at 5 cents per pound: one hundred and two dollars.

Not certain if this is the sameJ. R. Thompson...

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wilmot Primary Convention.

The primary convention to select three delegatesto the District Convention to be held at Burden on the 20th, met at Summitschoolhouse Friday, August 15, at 2 o'clock p.m.

T. R. Carson was elected chairman; N. J.Larkin, secretary.

The following named delegates were selected:D. C. Stephens, J. P. Groom, and Marion Daniel.

And alternates, to-wit: J. S. Hamilton,J. R. Thompson, and Phillip Stuber.

Again, not certain if this is thesame J. R. Thompson...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Recap: John R. Thompson, Administrator,for the estate of John W. Miller, deceased.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.

We learn that Mr. Holt has rented his grainand stock farm to Mr. J. R. Thompson for a term of one year, and will takeup his abode in the suburbs of Wilmot, having already purchased 5 acresof land from the Wilmot Town company. He expects to erect a residence thereonthis fall.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.

The mail contract from Arkansas City toOsage Agency was let to Mr. M. A. Thompson, of Sedalia, Missouri, for $970per year, to be carried three times each week. The route from this placeto Caldwell three times a week was let for $490.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Miss Nellie E. Thompson, the new music teacher,whose card will be found on this page, is now staying at the residence ofMrs. J. P. Johnson. She has rented music rooms in the Commercial Block,which she will occupy as soon as her piano arrives. The graceful and accomplishedlady is welcomed to our midst and recommended to our patrons.

CARD. Miss Nellie E. Thompson. Teacher ofmusic, painting, and embroidery. Orders filled for china painting, handpainted dresses, bonnet crowns, and fancy work. Sheet music supplied. Callat Mrs. J. P. Johnson's.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

T. D. Richardson traded his resident propertyin the first ward to M. A. Thompson, of Harper County, for 480 acres offarming land yesterday. The consideration of the land was $4,500. Meigs& Nelson made the sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.

Mr. M. A. Thompson, of Harper, Kansas, haspurchased T. D. Richardson's residence and will take possession in abouttwo weeks. He expresses himself much pleased with the stir and hustle thatsurround him here.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.

Meigs & Nelson traded the property belongingto M. A. Thompson, lately owned by T. D. Richardson, to Chas. Bryant, Wednesday,for Mr. Bryant's resident property in the second ward. Judge Bryant willreside in his first ward property.

Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.

M. A. Thompson and family will move herefrom Harper next week and occupy their recent resident property, purchasedof Chas. Bryant. Mr. Thompson is the father of Miss Nellie, with whom ourcitizens have become acquainted in the six months just gone by.

Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.

A Magazine and Review Club was organizedat Mrs. Childs' Wednesday evening. The magazines and reviews taken are Harper'sWeekly, Century Magazine of American History, North American Review, St.Nicholas, The Decorator, Lippencott's Eclectic, Art Journal, and Atlantic.Members are Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Dr. and Mrs. Parsons, Maj. and Mrs. Searing,Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mr. andMrs. Ingersoll, Miss Thompson, Prof. and Mrs. Weir, Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell.Mr. Childs was elected secretary and treasurer.

Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gavetheir concert Tuesday evening in Highland Opera House. A large audiencewas in attendance and thus in every respect the entertainment was made asuccess. The performances bespeak well of the musical talent of ArkansasCity. Our space this week is quite limited, therefore, we cannot mentionthe performers individually in detail. Little Miss Bertha Eddy and MasterGeo. Fairclo rendered the song of the "Little Milkmaid" so charminglythat they captivated the audience. "Come where the Lilies Bloom,"by the quartette (Messrs. Hutchison and Meeker and Mesdames Eddy and Newman)was especially well rendered. Mrs. J. O. Campbell sang the beautiful solo,"When the Tide Comes In," superbly and pleased the audience sowell that they would not allow her to retire without favoring them withanother song. The "Song of Seven" was well rendered by MissesPearl Newman, Mary Love, Mary Theaker, Abbie Hamilton, Flora Gould, NellieThompson, and Belle Everett. The recitation of Miss Lillie Cunningham waspleasing and the lady was long and loudly applauded. All the performersreceived frequent and hearty encores.

Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.

M. A. Thompson went over to Harper CountyWednesday to finish up his business relation there.

Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.

M. A. Thompson is building an addition tohis residence in the second ward.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday's Daily.

Elegant invitations have been issued fora grand reception at the home of Miss Nellie Thompson Wednesday evening,May 26.

Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.

Wednesday night will be remembered by allhaving the pleasure to attend Miss Nellie Thompson's reception, as "apearly in memory's casket." Although following one of the hottest daysof the season, the evening was not extremely warm--thanks to our climate.We will not attempt to describe the costumes of the ladies, indeed, allpresent showed good taste in dress, while many of the trousseaus were elegant.The company was musically entertained by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Meeker, andMrs. Nellie Wyckoff, discoursing waltzes, which were enjoyed by all, andutilized by those who delight in the "mazy."

Following are the parties who were present.

Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker,Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. andMrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Miss Love, MissTheaker, Miss Thompson, Miss Fannie Cunningham, Miss Berkey, Miss Eva Hasie,Miss McMullen, Miss Young, Miss Hamilton, Miss Grosscup, Miss Kingsbury,Miss Walton, Miss Guthrie, Miss Martin, Miss Funk, Miss Beale, Miss Gatwood,Miss Wagner; and Messrs. Adams, Balyeat, Behrend, Burress, Chapel, Coburn,Deering, Gould, Hoover, Hutchison, Hawk, Rhodes, Salisbury, Love, Wagner,Rogers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

Miss Gracie Thompson gave a party at herhome last evening. Her sister, Miss Nellie, and Miss Lizzie Bent, assistedher in doing the honors of the occasion and furnishing the guests with musicand amusem*nt. These ladies have the happy faculty of entertaining and itis needless to say that the guests had a very pleasant time, having no reasonto feel dull and insipid. Games at cards, dancing, and other amusem*ntswere indulged in. The pleasure-seekers were regaled with ice cream, cake,etc. It is, perhaps, indiscreet to say that the party went serenading, sinceGuy and the humble reporter were along, whose soft, melodious voices greatlyexercised the virtuous inhabitants of Arkansas City. They serenaded oneyoung lady by singing "Peek-a-boo." The lady expressed her pleasureat being thus serenaded by saying she was sorry that the water works werenot finished as she would like to turn on the hose.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

The "Where Next," is the nameof a society organization in this city. They meet next Thursday eveningat the home of Miss Nellie Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

F. E. Kelly, a solid man of Harper, spenta day or two in town, with his wife, the guests of M. A. Thompson, our newmail contractor. He is deeply impressed with the business advantages inour city, and intimates a desire to become one of us.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

The "Where Next" met last eveningat the home of Miss Nellie Thompson. A very enjoyable evening was spent.Dancing, games, and "Chestnut Bells" furnished amusem*nts. M.M. Rhodes rendered the "latest" musical production and the societyshowed their appreciation of it by applauding lustily.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.

We were favored on Monday with a visit fromM. A. Thompson, of the city, accompanied by our brother quill, Cad Allsaof The Winfield Tribune. The latter is an experienced newspaperman, and is infusing a good share of spine and variety into his columns.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Monday's Daily.

Cad. Allard, of the Winfield Tribune,came down to the great Sand-hill yesterday to visit his friends, thefamily of M. A. Thompson. This morning Bro. Allard called at the REPUBLICANsanctum and indulged in a few moments of journalistic social chat. Mr. Allardinforms us that he is making the Tribune paying property.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday's Daily.

M. A. Thompson sold his Sumner County farmto E. A. Barron yesterday afternoon for $2,500.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday's Daily.

M. A. Thompson sold his property known asthe Jack Collin place, yesterday, to Major L. E. Woodin for $3,500.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday's Daily.

Maj. L. E. Woodin purchased of E. A. Barronresident property on north 6th street yesterday. The consideration was $2,000.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday's Daily.

Major L. E. Woodin has sold his interestin the Star Livery Stable for $4,000. He will retire from business the firstof next month. M. A. Thompson was the purchaser.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Tuesday's Daily.

Today Maj. Woodin retires from the StarLivery firm and his successor, M. A. Thompson, takes possession. We regretto see the Major retire.


I am not certain about this particularThompson...

First entries in 1879 refer to himonly as M. Thompson or M. M. Thompson.

Later they refer to him as "MajorThompson" or "Major M. Thompson."

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.

Col. Loomis and M. Thompson started forLeadville, Colorado, with a carload of pork last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.

Col. Loomis and M. M. Thompson returnedfrom Leadville last Saturday evening, and report everything booming outthere. They did not sell their pork, but stored it in Leadville to waitfor a rise in prices. They say the roads are lined with wagons going inand footmen coming out, and that there is a general feeling of distrustamong the people who have been lured there by the prospect of getting richin a day, only to find thousands and thousands under the same circ*mstancesas they are, and not getting rich very fast, either.

Winfield Courier,May 29, 1879.

M. M. Thompson has purchased A. T. Shenneman'sinterest in the livery business on Ninth Avenue. Mr. Shenneman will nowdevote his time to harvesting his 150 acres of wheat in Vernon township,and improving his fine farm.

Winfield Courier,June 12, 1879.

Wilson & Thompson are putting on a fortyfoot addition on their livery stable, to be used as a carriage house. Theproprietors intend to make this the "boss" livery stable in thecountry, and they know exactly how to do it.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Our enterprising liverymen, Messrs. Wilson& Thompson, continue making improvements in their barn. The latest additionis a harness room.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

A team standing in front of Dan Miller'sshop got frightened last Monday and went tearing down Main street with thewagon at their heels. They were finally stopped in front of Wilson &Thompson's livery stable with the wagon minus one wheel.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Wilson & Thompson are putting an eightfoot stone pavement in front of their livery stable.

Winfield Courier,December 4, 1879.

Mr. M. Thompson has sold his interest inthe livery business on Ninth avenue to his partner, A. G. Wilson, and isonce more a gentleman of leisure. Mr. Wilson has made additions to the stockequipage of the stable and proposes to make it as near first class as canbe done.


Winfield Courier,January 8, 1880.

Major Thompson has purchased the WinfieldRestaurant from Mr. Hitchco*ck. This is one of the neatest and pleasantestplaces in the city, and under the management of Mr. Thompson, will soonbe a popular resort.

Winfield Courier,January 22, 1880.

Major Thompson has built an addition tohis restaurant.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.

Major Thompson, with his characteristicenterprise, has eclipsed all of his competitors in the way of a sign. Wedid not learn which one of his boarders suggested the idea so artisticallyportrayed by Herrington, but suppose it must have been Judge Brush.

Winfield Courier,March 18, 1880.

Mr. J. W. Leslie, an old resident of thiscounty, has purchased Major Thompson's restaurant property. Mr. Leslie goesin to win.

Winfield Courier,April 1, 1880.

Major Thompson, J. E. Saint, and Geo. Gulley,of Winfield, made a pleasant call yesterday and took a look over our city.Mr. Saint is one of the reportorial staff of the COURIER, one of the mostenterprising journals in the state. Mr. Thompson purchased the corner lotopposite the Medicine Lodge Hotel, of A. W. Little, and will begin the erectionof a brick building on the same in a few weeks. Medicine Lodge Cresset.

Winfield Courier,April 15, 1880.

It has been rumored that Major Thompson,the Winfield capitalist, will be here in a few weeks to purchase some morecorner lots, put up a building, and start a bank. The dimensions of thebank building will be about 3 x 6. Medicine Lodge Cresset.

Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

Major M. Thompson's handsome countenancehas appeared again on our streets. He has been sojourning in Colorado forsome three years. His old friends here are happy to see him.

Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.

Major Thompson left for Pueblo, Colorado,on one of his migratory tours, Tuesday. Major has as much fun to the squareinch as any of the boys and he will be a sad loss to the "corners."


Kansas 1875 Census, Silver Creek Township,Cowley County, 3/1/1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

N. J. Thompson 40 m w Kentucky Missouri

Anna Thompson 34 f w Sacksanvilla? Wisconsin

The Silver Creek township census of 1873lists:

N. J. Thompson, age 39

his wife Annie, age 36

The Silver Creek township census of 1874lists:

N. J. Thompson, age 40

his wife Nanna, age 35. It also lists:

N. J. Thompson, age 43

his wife Annie, age 30

The Silver Creek township census of 1878lists:

N. J. Thompson, age 44

his wife Anna, age 42, Their postofficeis listed as Moscow, Ks.

The Silver Creek township census of 1879lists:

N. J. Thompson, age 45

his wife Anna, age 38, Their postofficeis listed as Winfield, Ks.

The following was written by RKW years ago...

Newton J. Thompson was born in Henry County, Kentucky, May 14, 1834, ason of Amasa and Ruhema (Boone) Thompson.

His father, Amasa Thompson, was a farmer andstock raiser of Kentucky, where he spent his entire life. Both he and hiswife were buried in the cemetery of the homestead. In 1851, Amasa Thompsonmoved to Missouri, but remained there only a short time before returningto Kentucky. Ten children were born, of whom only five were still livingin 1901: Mary M. (Artemesa) of Yates Center, Kansas; E. Jane (Browning),of Butler County, Missouri; Newton J.; Kate (Schmidt), of Henry County,Kentucky; and Ophelia Ann (Bobbett), of St. Louis, Missouri. Amasa Thompson'swife, who was a first cousin of Daniel Boone, was first married to a Mr.Sisk.

Newton J. Thompson was reared in Kentucky andeducated at the Masonic college, at La Grange, in that state. He accompaniedhis parents to Missouri in 1851, but soon afterward returned to Kentucky.During the Civil War he was in the service of the government, in Kansas.In 1859 he left Saline County, Missouri, for Kansas, where he lived afterward.For eight years he was a government freighter on the plains. He had chargeof a train consisting of 25 loads and a mess-wagon, and traveled to variousparts of Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.

Newton J. Thompson drove into Cowley County,Kansas, on August 13, 1868, over the old cattle trail from Ellsworth, withthree teams of mules and horses. He built a house on the east bank of theWalnut river, about one mile below the line. Mr. Sales and family, who settledon the Walnut just below Thompson's place in December, 1868, were the firstsettlers with families of whom any evidence can be found. At this time therewas no house on Grouse creek, nor upon the Arkansas river below Wichita.

Newspaper account in 1876...


The Territorial Legislature of 1855 definedthe boundaries of Hunter County, embracing the present territory of Cowleyand twenty miles of Butler. In 1864 the Kansas State Legislature annihilatedHunter County by extending the boundaries of Butler to embrace all the territorysouth of township 21, east of the 6th principal meridian, down to the Stateline and west of range 10. On March 3rd, 1867, the Kansas Legislature definedthe boundaries of several counties, and Cowley was among the number. Itwas named by Gov. S. J. Crawford in honor of Lieut. Mathew Cowley, a soldierof the 9th Kansas regiment, who died at Little Rock, Arkansas, August 1864.

This act made the county thirty-three milessquare, bounded on the north by Butler, on the east by Howard (now Elk andChautauqua), on the south by the Indian Territory, on the west by Sumnercounties. At this time there was not a white settler in the county. It wasthe home of the red man.

In August, 1868, N. J. Thompson, the first whitesettler, ventured within its limits. He built a house on the east bank ofthe Walnut River, about one mile below the line. The fame of its many beautifulstreams, groves of heavy timber, rich valleys, and inviting prairies wasattracting attention in the State. In the spring of 1869 several young mentook claims along the Walnut River and built claim cabins. Judge T. B. Rossand James Renfro came into the county in January of 1869 and commenced workupon claim houses into which they moved with their families in the Marchfollowing. They reside upon the same claims about two and a half miles aboveWinfield on the east bank of the Walnut. These with Wm. Quimby and family,and Mr. Sales and family, who settled on the Walnut just below Thompson'splace in December, 1868, were the first settlers with families of whom anyevidence can be found. At this time there was no house on Grouse Creek,nor upon the Arkansas River below Wichita.

Back to story written up by RKW...

Mr. Douglass, after whom the town of Douglasswas named, persuaded Mr. Thompson to go into the cattle business, and heaccordingly located at the mouth of Rock and Muddy Creeks, where he hada corral, of about 100 acres in extent, in a bend of the Walnut River. (Note:This is about four miles south of the north border of Cowley County. RKW.)The cattle ranged east from this corral, and it was while out hunting them,that he came to the decision to locate where he thereafter lived. In thelatter part of 1869 he preempted the northwest quarter of section 7, township31, range 6 east, and afterward bought the southwest quarter of the samesection. He first lived in a tent, and the Indians subsisted on his cattlefor more than a year. About two years later, he built a stone house, thewalls of which were 18 inches thick, and this later formed a part of hislast residence, a six-room dwelling. At the outset he used a stone shedfor a barn, 40 by 46 feet in dimensions. He was successful in the cattlebusiness for many years, but in later years leased the greater part of hisfarm, and dealt extensively in standard bred horses.

Mr. Thompson was first married, in Brownsville,Missouri, to Miss Berry, deceased, as were also their children. He marriedagain July 23, 1868, at Leavenworth, Kansas, Anna Yakel, born in Germany,April 28, 1838, who had settled in Wisconsin on her arrival to this countryin 1853. They had no children. She received the premium at the first fairheld at Highland Park, Winfield, Kansas.

N. J. Thompson...???

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Fire. An extensive fire swept over several squaremiles of prairie immediately east of town last Thursday, doing a good dealof damage to farmers. It came from Timber Creek before a strong northeastwind. Messrs. Swain and Rice had their houses burned down, and Messrs. Matthewson,Thompson, and others, lost more or less fencing and hay.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

W. Heineken vs. N. J. Thompson, dismissed.

Winfield Courier, January6, 1876.


April 28, 1873, Vernon, the first subordinateGrange, was organized; A. S. Williams, master. In November following Silverdaleand Bolton Grange were organized. We have not been able to learn who werethe first masters.

The following Granges were organized by J. L.Worden, deputy.

Jan. 17, 1874, Omnia, N. J. Thompson, master.


Winfield Courier, September28, 1876. Editorial Page.

Judge McDonald moved that a county central committeebe appointed consisting of one from each township and also a campaign committeeconsisting of five members who should be centrally located. The followinggentlemen comprise the central committee: T. McIntire, W. D. Lester, N.J. Thompson, W. R. Bedell, J. P. Eckels, Wm. Moon, Adam Walk, Jos. Howard,C. C. Krow, J. B. Lynn, K. McClung, J. W. Ledlie, P. W. Smith, Wm. Morrow,Jno. Smiley, Geo. Harris, Jno. McAllister, Wm. Grow, Jno. Bobbitt, DennisHarkins, and Wm. Anderson.

Paper had "M. J. Thompson."Wonder if this should have been "N. J. Thompson?"


Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.

The following is a list of cases that will standfor trial at the May term of the District Court, of Cowley County, to bebegun and held on the first Monday, 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, and havebeen placed on the Trial docket in the following order.

M. J. Thompson vs. S. W. Greer et al.


Winfield Courier, October9, 1879.

The three Short Horn cows and calves, ownedby N. J. Thompson, showed many fine points, and carried the blue ribbon.

The following shows that N. J. Thompsonwas located in Burden...


Winfield Courier, September28, 1882.


This class was well represented, there beingforty-one entries, all a good grade of stock. The exhibit shows a decidedadvance in the quality and grade of our stock.

Messrs. Taylor and Platter exhibited some veryfine stock and captured the sweepstake premium for best cow of any age.S. T. Shepherd took 1st on his 4 year old bull. N. J. Thompson of Burdencarried off four 1st and two 2nd premiums, making six premiums in all onhis herd of nine. R. B. Waite took 2nd on his three year old bull, and Mr.A. Hurst carried off five premiums on his herd of thoroughbreds: 1st forbest bull, best bull calf, and best herd of Kansas raised cattle; also 2ndon heifer calf and cow.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1883.

Best bull 1 year old, N. J. Thompson, SilverCreek, 1st premium; Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 2nd.

Best bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson,Silver Creek, 1st premium; E. Rodgers, city, 2nd.

Best heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson,Silver Creek, 1st premium; A. Hurst, Bolton, 2nd.

Best cow shown with offspring, not less thanfour in number, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium.

By S. W. Phoenix, for the best colt sired by"Lilac," ten dollars, awarded to N. J. Thompson, Burden.

Mr. N. J. Thompson got away with everyone withhis short horn calves. They were beauties in "form and finish."

Winfield Courier, January17, 1884.

The Stockholders Meet and Elect a NewBoard.

Following is a list of Shareholders and Numberof Shares Held.

N. J. Thompson, 1 share.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.


The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationwill hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23to 27, 1884. This Association comes before the public with more attractionsand better facilities than any like Association in the State. It is a wellestablished fact that our grounds are the largest and best in the State,our buildings, stables, and stalls ample and commodious, thus affordingthe exhibitor more comfort, pleasure, and money than any Fair Associationin the State.

The following is a list of the stockholdersof the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.

Listed as a stockholder: N. J. Thompson.


Winfield Courier, October2, 1884.


N. J. Thompson took $89 in premiums in the cattlering with his thoroughbreds. His cattle were very fine.

Colt, one year old and under two: M. L. Read,first; N. J. Thompson, second.

Mare, 1 year old and under 2; N. J. Thompson,first.


Bull, 2 years old and under 3; N. J. Thompson,1st.


Bull 1 year old and under 2, J. Scott Baker,1st.

Bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1stand 2nd.

Cow 3 years old or over, John R. Smith, 1st;N. J. Thompson, 2nd.

Heifer 2 years old and under 3, N. J. Thompson,1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.

Heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson,1st and 2nd.

Heifer under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and2nd.

Best fat cow, Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st;T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Best herd thoroughbreds, John R. Smith, 1st.


Best bull any age or blood, N. J. Thompson,1st.

Best cow any age or blood, Bahntge, Kates &Co., 1st.

Bull with 4 of his offspring, N. J. Thompson.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 24, 1885.

The Third Annual Exhibition of the Cowley CountyFair & Driving Park Association opened this morning.


The display in horses this morning was in the"agricultural" line. The exhibit was large and in excellent form.A. J. Lyon took first premium on a 4 year old stallion and H. C. Hawkinssecond. S. Allison captured another blue ribbon on his 3 year old, and FrankConkright on a 2 year old, with N. J. Thompson second. John McMahan's oneyear old stallion took a blue ribbon, while N. L. Yarbrough got the red.F. B. Evan's stallion colts took both blue and red. In the Gelding ringF. W. Schwantes's fine iron gray took first on 4 year olds. For 2 year oldsM. L. Read's handsome chestnut colt took the blue, and Gene Wilber's finebay second. There was a great herd of mares competing. The first prize waswon by Mr. J. S. Baker, of New Salem, and the second by Mr. E. J. Johnson,of Sheridan. N. J. Thompson's 2 year old mare also got a blue ribbon andJ. R. Smith's the red. L. Stout got away with the yearling first prize andJoseph Hahn second. The colt prize was won by R. W. Stephens, N. L. Yarbroughsecond. In mule colts Henry Hahn took premiums.


Kansas 1875 Census Dexter Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

Peter Thompson 41 m w New Jersey Missouri

Melissa A. Thompson 31 f w Missouri Missouri

Geo. M. Thompson 12 m w Illinois Missouri

Sarah H. Thompson 10 f w Illinois Missouri

Dora O. Thompson 8 f w Missouri Missouri

John E. Thompson 6 m w Missouri Missouri

Elvira Thompson 2 f w Kansas

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

District Convention.
DEXTER, September 28, 1878.

Convention met pursuant to call, and wascalled to order and the call read by W. A. Metcalf, secretary of the CentralCommittee. R. R. Turner was appointed chairman and W. A. Metcalf secretary.The following committee on credentials was appointed:

Peter Thompson, Dexter.

The following gentlemen were admitted toseats:

Dexter: Peter Thompson, J. R. Fleck,R. Hayworth.


Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.

Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. vs.Peter Thompson et al.


Cowley County Courant, Thursday, December 1, 1881.

The decision of Judge Torrance in the caseof the Wheeler & Wilson manufacturing company against Peter Thompsonand wife, is of great interest to the public generally, and we thereforegive a synopsis of it: The defendant, Thompson, bought a Wheeler & Wilsonsewing machine, No. 8, of their local agent, N. Wimber, who was then sellingsewing machines for D. F. Best, of this city.

The price was $75; of this amount Thompsonpaid $30 down and gave two notes signed by himself and wife, one for $25payable in six months, and the other for $20 payable in one year. Thompsonclaimed that Wimber warranted the machine to do good work, and at the trialoffered to prove the warranty, and also to prove that the machine neverdid do good work and was worthless to him as a sewing machine.

This Judge Torrance refused to let him do,and decided that the notes made by Thompson and wife were the contract betweenthem and the sewing machine company, and that nothing else could be provenas part of the contract except what was in those notes. That is, that thoughthe agent might have warranted the machine when he sold it, still the companywould not be liable for such warranty unless it was included in the writtencontract made at the time with the two notes in this instance. Purchasersof sewing machines, or anything else for that matter, with warranty, shouldsee that the warranty is contained in the written contract if one is made,or else it may be void.


Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.

1472. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg.Co. V. Peter Thompson.

Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.

Court convened Monday. The first case upwas the old sewing machine business in which Peter Thompson is defendant.It is still going on.

Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.

Court Notes.

The cost in the Peter Thompson case amountto about $400. Mr. Thompson is fortunate in the case.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 27, 1884.

Entitled to seats in the convention:

Dexter: H. R. Branson, Thos. McDonough,James Nicholson, Peter Thompson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.

The case of the Wheeler & Wilson ManufacturingCompany against Peter Thompson and wife, which was taken up some time agoupon error, has been reversed by the Supreme Court and remanded for newtrial. This case is rather peculiar. It was commenced in January, 1880,tried twice before Justice Kelly, three times in the District Court, andtwice in the Supreme Court, and now it will go through the mill again. Letthe good work go on, and cursed be he who first cries enough. S. D. Pryoris the attorney for the plaintiff and McDermott & Johnson for the defendant.

Peter Thompson not mentioned againuntil in 1887 an entry appears that might pertain to him...

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

Johnson, the colored man, up for sellingintoxicants, was convicted this morning on two accounts in Judge Kreamer'scourt. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined $200. The followingare the names of jurymen: E. W. Vaughn (colored), A. Dodd, P. B. Andrews(colored), A. G. Lowe, Geo. W. Spruill, Bradford Beal, Geo. Allen, G. W.Herbert, P. Thompson, J. C. Pickering, C. Atwood, and S. J. Rice. Therewas talk of appealing, but at time of going to press the necessary bondhad not been filed.


George M. Thompson, son of PeterThompson, aged 12 in 1875 census, might be the husband of Mrs. Thompson,mentioned in the following items. MAW


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.

Mrs. George Thompson died Friday last ather home in Dexter township.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.

Mrs. Ella Thompson was taken violently illlast Thursday morning at her home in Dexter, and died at half past twelvethat night. Her sudden death was a sad blow to her family. She leaves ahusband to mourn her loss; she was about twenty-two years old. Her funeralwas preached from the M. E. church Friday afternoon, and about 4 o'clock,her remains were laid to rest in the Dexter cemetery. The husband and familyhave the sympathy of the people in this vicinity in their sad bereavement.


The Traveler gave the name of Rev."McClanahan" to a minister who came to Arkansas City and latermarried one of Rev. David Thompson's daughters. Later, they began to spellhis name as "Rev. McClenahan." Talk about confusion.

Rev. Thompson had a son, R. J.,who also became a minister. He had a daughter, Anna Y., who became a missionary.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Real Estate Transfers.

The following are the transfers of realestate, as handed us by Curns and Manser of this city.

William M. Sleeth and wife to Rev. DavidThompson, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block 42, Arkansas City.

The following could pertain to Rev.David Thompson and wife...just do not know.

Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

David Thompson 38 m w Canada Canada

L. F. Thompson 37 f w Canada Illinois


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

James Allen will build on a lot near Rev.Thompson.

It appears that Rev. David Thompson'sson, Rev. R. J. Thompson, was in Arkansas City for a short time...


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

United Presbyterian.
R. J. Thompson, Pastor.
Meets regularly every Sabbath atthe ringing of the bell.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.

Rev. Thompson is making an effort to introduceEnglish sparrows in this section.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Wichita District Conference, held at ArkansasCity, Kansas, April 19, A. D. 1876, was opened by Brother Wrenn by readingand prayer. Brother Wingar, at 10-1/2 o'clock, moved that, in the absenceof Rev. Buckner, Brother Oakly be appointed temporary chairman, and M. C.Green, secretary; carried.

Rev. S. B. Fleming, of the First PresbyterianChurch; Rev. David Thompson, of United Presbyterian Church; C. M. Scott,and Rev. P. W. Matthew were introduced to the Conference.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

MISS MATTIE H. THOMPSON, daughter of Rev.David Thompson, has arrived from Ohio, with the design of residing withher parents. His son, Rev. R. J. Thompson, of Halsey, Oregon, has latelyfound a helpmeet for himself. May this prove a happy union.

This could pertain to another DavidThompson...


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

David Thompson, pauper bill, $15.00

Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.

REV. THOMPSON's house on a claim east ofthe Walnut was burned by the prairie fire Monday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.

LAND FOR SALE OR RENT. The undersigned hasfive quarter sections of land at his disposal which he will sell or renton favorable terms. Three of the above tracts have houses on them. For furtherparticulars, apply to Rev. David Thompson, of this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.

In the race for Mayor last Monday, H. D.Kellogg received 72 votes, Major Sleeth 40, and Rev. Thompson 1.

For Police Judge, James Christian received112 votes, and Rev. David Thompson 1.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.

A tenant house belonging to Rev. D. Thompson,near the Parker schoolhouse, with forty bushels of corn belonging to histenant, W. H. Sims, was burned on the night of the 26th, through the recklessnessof some persons who set fire to the grass near said dwelling.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.

Rev. David Thompson supplied the pulpitof the First Church last Sunday evening.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877 -FRONT PAGE.

But I have scarcely referred to my notes.Rev. McClanahan, a new preacher, began the exercises with prayer. The Declarationwas then commendably read by Mr. Parvin, of our side; then the brass bandof your place, after a series of toots, and yells for "Charley,""Frank," "Ret," "where's Lyman Herrick?" and"where's Ed. Thompson?" worked up a tune. We supposed "Charley"and "Frank" and "Ret" to be single men, and imaginedthey might be promenading with someone's sister, but we do notknow it. Yes, they worked up a tune finally. I would give you the name ofit, if I could, but I could not find anyone who knew it.

I also want to say that the visit paid usby your most estimable ladies, Mrs. and Miss Revs. Thompson, Mrs. Fleming,Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. McMullen, and a number of others,will be returned, as they added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. Ialso desire to thank the band boys, for they meant well in their heads,but their hearts, I fear, troubled them. There were a number of young ladies,also, whom I would be gratified to have call on me at any time, and theyoung boys know they are all cherished and loved by AUNT MARY.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.

County Commissioners' Proceedings.

Judge of Election: R. Hoffmaster, $5.20;A. Buzzi, $2.00; A. J. Fullerlove, $2.00; Jas. M. Sample, $5.10; L. Small,$2.00; A. J. Kimmell, $2.00; W. V. Sitton, $3.80; W. D. Lester, $2.00; M.S. Roseberry, $2.00; T. McIntire, $4.50; D. Thompson, $2.00; E. J. Fitch,$2.00; W. B. Weimer, $4.20; J. M. Barrack, $2.00; and Hiram Fisk, $2.00.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877. Front Page.

ELLSWORTH, July 4th, 1877.

Rev. David Thompson: DEAR SIR: Your letter of inquiry of the 22nd ult.,received. I will say for your information that I am doing all I can to havethe streams of Kansas stocked with fish. I have procured for the State 100,000young shad which were, contrary to my intention, deposited in the Kaw River.I expect to get Solomon this fall. I shall visit your portion of the Statesome time this fall. I find that it will be impossible to stock any butthe principal streams this year, but hope in time to see all the streamsstocked with fish that will thrive in our waters; the most we can do atpresent is to protect the fish now in our streams and introduce such varietiesas are known to do well in streams of the same latitude.

Yours Respectfully, D. B. LONG.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.

REV. DAVID THOMPSON goes to Elk County,this week, by request of the members of the United Presbyterian church ofLongton. The good people of Elk County will find Rev. Thompson a gentlemanof extended experience and remarkably well read.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.

REV. DAVID THOMPSON's address for Augustand September will be Union Center, Elk County, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.

Rev. David Thompson has returned from ElkCounty, where he has been for several weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.

MARRIED. October 22nd, at the residenceof the bride's father, in Bolton Township by the Rev. David Thompson, E.C. Henderson, of Richmond, Kansas, and Miss Laura Turner. After the ceremony,the happy couple started for Franklin County, this State, the home of thebridegroom. They take with them the best wishes of their many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.

THURSDAY evening, prayer meeting at theFirst Church, Friday evening, Literary Society meets at First Church, andschool exhibition in the afternoon; Saturday evening is the regular meetingof the Free Masons. Sunday morning, preaching at the First Methodist andUnited Presbyterian churches; in the evening at the First and Methodistchurches. Revs. Fleming, Swarts, and Thompson officiate.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.

UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE. There will bea union Thanksgiving service held in the First Church at 11 a.m., on the29th. Programme: Invocation and announcement of hymn by Rev. S. B. Fleming;reading of scripture and prayer before sermon, Rev. B. C. Swarts; sermonby Rev. R. S. McClanahan; closing prayer and benediction by Rev. David Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.

PROCEEDINGS of the U. P. congregation onSaturday, Nov. 24, 1877. After sermon by Rev. David Thompson, he, in accordancewith Presbyterial appointment, moderated in a call for a pastor. Rev. R.S. McClanahan was the only candidate nominated, and he received the unanimousvote of all the members present. An election was then held for two additionalmembers of session. The vote for these was taken by ballot, and the resultwas that Leander Findley and Robert Marshall received nearly all the votescast. The ladies of the above congregation have ordered another chandelierin the place of the one which some time ago was broken by a fall.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

PRAYER meeting at the residence of Rev.David Thompson at 7 o'clock this evening. The U. P. Presbytery of Neoshowill meet at the brick church in this place at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, the9th inst., for the purpose of organizing and installing Rev. R. S. McClanahanas pastor of the U. P. congregation in Arkansas City, and it is expectedthat some of the brethren will remain to assist at the dispensation of theLord's Supper on the following Sabbath. All are respectfully invited toattend.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

REV. R. J. THOMPSON has moved to El Paso,and will preach at that place two-thirds of the time, and the other thirdin this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.


NW 1/4 sec 27, tp 34, S R 4 E. Thirty acresin cultivation; price $1,200. Inquire of Rev. David Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

[For the Traveler.]
The U. P. Congregation ofArkansas City.

About five years ago this congregation wasorganized with a membership of eleven in full communion. Wm. M. Sleeth andW. Shaw were elected ruling elders. In 1874 the congregation, with aid fromthe Board of Church Extension, and the generous assistance of friends ofreligion here and elsewhere, erected a fine church edifice at a cost ofabout $3,000. Under the fostering care of the Presbytery of Neosho, in furnishingsupplies of gospel ordinances, the congregation has increased in numbersand wealth so as to justify them in calling one to take the charge and oversightof their spiritual interests.

Their choice fell on R. S. McClanahan, alicenciate of Monmouth Presbytery, after they had had a trial of his qualificationsto edify them for upwards of eight months. The presbytery having ordainedand installed him as pastor, it is hoped that the pleasure of the Lord willprosper through his instrumentality. He has the confidence of the congregationand the community, as a man of fair gifts and decided piety. May the relationlately formed between him and them be prosperous and happy.

Two good men, Mr. Leander Finley and Mr.R. L. Marshall, were added to the session or eldership of the congregationlast week, and a comfortable communion was held here yesterday, Rev. J.A. Collins, of Americus, assisting.

A good Sabbath school and weekly prayermeeting are kept up in the congregation. The congregation, being in suchgood working order and situated in one of the best parts of the State, witha fair prospect of new accessions of members, it is hoped that the congregationwill take root downward and bear fruit upward, to the praise of God andthe salvation of man.

Revs. David Thompson andR. J. Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The Presbytery of Neosho, of the UnitedPresbyterian Church, met in Arkansas City last week. The principal objectfor meeting was to ordain and install Rev. R. S. McClanahan as pastor ofthe U. P. church here. On account of this place being so far distant fromthe majority of the members of the Presbytery, only a few of them were present.Dr. Barnett, for thirty years a missionary in Syria and Egypt. was the Moderator.Mr. McClanahan was received by letter from the Presbytery of Manmouth, Illinois.A unanimous call, addressed to him by the congregation here, was sustained,presented, and accepted. Two trial discourses were delivered by Mr. McClanahan,which were unanimously approved, and he was solemnly ordained accordingto the usual order of the church, and the pastoral relation established;Mr. McClanahan receiving the cordial greeting of the members of the Presbyteryand congregation. The people of this church seem much encouraged, now thatthey have a settled pastor among them. Revs. Dr. Barnett, Collins, D. Thompson,and R. J. Thompson, participated in the exercises. In the evening insteadof the usual prayer meeting, Rev. Dr. Barnett delivered a lecture on thecustoms of Syria and Egypt, as illustrative of the truth of scripture, toa large and very attentive audience. CLERK.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Revs. Fleming, Thompson, and McClanahanhave returned from the Presbyteries.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

REV. THOMPSON is at Cambridge, Ohio, attendingthe Presbytery held at that place. He will be absent about two months. Rev.Thompson is one of the oldest members of the ministry, is thoroughly versedin the scriptures, and a man who has probably read more extensively thanany other member in the West.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Mrs. Rev. Thompson lost a brochureshawl, with a green center, at the picnic grounds last Thursday; and thefinder will confer a favor by returning it to this office, or to her residence.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Rev. Thompson, who has been in Ohio forsome time past, returned to his home last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Rev. R. S. McClanahan has been attendingthe meeting of the Presbytery of Neosho at Americus, and the Synod of Kansasat Garnett, during the last two weeks, but is expected back here this week.Rev. David Thompson has supplied his pulpit on the last two Sabbaths. Prayermeeting is to be held at Dr. R. H. Reed's at 7 o'clock this evening.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.


McCLENAHAN - THOMPSON. In the United PresbyterianChurch, on the evening of 21st inst., by the Rev. S. McClung, assisted bythe bride's father, the Rev. R. S. McClenahan and Miss Mattie H. Thompson,daughter of Rev. David Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.

Rev. McClenahan and wife, nee Miss MattieThompson, returned last Wednesday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.

Creswell Township SabbathSchool Convention.

The first meeting of the Creswell TownshipSabbath School Association is to be held in the 1st Presbyterian church,Arkansas City, Kansas, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24th and 25th. Exerciseto commence Friday evening at 7½ o'clock, of which the followingis a programme.


Rev. McClung, Rev. Laverty, Dr. Reed, W.J. Harris, W. Spray, Rev. McClanahan, J. P. Henderson, Rev. Thompson, A.Saray, Rev. Swarts, Dr. Carisle [?], J. J. Broadbent, and C. W. Terwilliger.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.

The ladies' temperance society will meetat Rev. Thompson's residence next Thursday afternoon.

Anna Y. Thompson - Daughterof Rev. David Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.

By a letter dated Cairo, Egypt, March 30,Miss Anna Y. Thompson informed her father of this city that she expectedto start on the railroad to Suez the day following, where she would be joinedby returning missionaries of the U. P. Church from Northern India, and thenproceed homeward to her native land, after an absence of eight years anda half as missionary under the United Presbyterian Church. As she has manyfriends on the way, and as the General Assembly of the above denominationmeets this year at Xenia, Ohio, and desire verbal reports from returnedmissionaries, it is probable that she will not arrive here before the firstweek in June.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.

The home of Rev. David Thompson was gladdenedon last Saturday, by the arrival of his daughter, Anna Y. Thompson, whohas been a missionary in Egypt since November, 1871. Besides a number ofArabic books and papers, she has brought home a number of Egyptian curiosities.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.

Rev. Thompson's horse was unhitched fromthe fence surrounding Mr. Sherburne's lots south of the Presbyterian churchduring service last Sunday, and put in the livery stable. The Reverend wasput to considerable trouble hunting the animal, and did not find him forsome time. We would suggest that if the owners of property were to postnotices against hitching thereto, it would save considerable bad feelingand trouble to all concerned.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.

We have received a letter from J. H. Sherburne,of Ponca Agency, in which he says he was the party who unhitched Rev. Thompson'shorse from the fence surrounding his lots on a recent Sabbath. Mr. Sherburnesays he has built a fence around those lots twice, only to have it pulleddown by horses hitched thereto during church services. He closes by saying:

"I have kept a notice posted therenine months out of each year for the past two years--long enough for anybut a blind man to see. But, then, there are none so blind as those whowon't see. I am tired of putting up signs of which no notice will be taken,and put this where all can see it. If you will please be kind enough notto hitch to my fence any more, you will have no trouble in finding yourhorses. J. H. SHERBURNE."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.

A foreign missionary meeting will be heldin the United Presbyterian church tomorrow (Thursday) evening, at whichstatements of the foreign mission work in connection with the various religiousdenominations represented in this city will be given by Miss Anna Y. Thompson,daughter of Rev. Thompson of this city. Miss Thompson has for some eightyears been engaged in missionary work in Egypt, and will give an accountof her work, with information and illustrations of the manners and customsof that country. All are cordially invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.


The Sabbath schools of Beaver, Bolton, Silverdale,and Creswell Townships will hold their first district convention in Godfrey'sgrove, on Thursday, August 5, at 10 o'clock a.m.

Participants: Convention to be called toorder by W. D. Mowry, Vice President of District. Prayer by Rev. D. Thompson.

Topic: "What Hath God Wrought? or OurSabbath School Centennial," by Rev. F. P. Berry, Wellington.

Topic: "Purposes of the Sabbath School,"by Revs. Laverty, McClenahan, and others.

Topic: "Relation of the Temperance'Cause to the Sabbath Schools," by Revs. Fleming, Swarts, and others.

Benediction by Rev. Harris.

First meeting of the district. Will meetat the M. E. church at 9-1/2 o'clock a.m., not forgetting to bring GospelHymns. No stands allowed on the grounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.

Mrs. Rev. David Thompson has been sick forseveral days with a bad cold, but is now convalescent.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.

The U. P. Church held their annual dinnerand sociable on Christmas day this year for the benefit of their Sabbathschool. Recitations by the little folks, an essay by Miss Anna Y. Thompson,and addresses by Dr. Reed and the pastor were first heard, when a dinnerof no mean proportions was enjoyed by all, followed by a genuine sociable--goodmusic adding variety throughout. We hope these meetings will become an establishedcustom among our good people, as they are productive of good if wisely conducted.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.

A large and respectable meeting of the citizensof Arkansas City and vicinity was held in the Presbyterian Church on Saturdayevening, January 29th, for the purpose of listening to an address by Hon.C. R. Mitchell in explanation of the various temperance bills now beforeour Legislature.

The provisions of the several bills werediscussed by the meeting as fully as time would permit, and the undersignedcommittee appointed to prepare a report embodying the prevailing sentimentthere expressed. The committee would respectfully report as follows.

We favor the prohibition of the USE as abeverage of intoxicating liquors, provided Constitutional Law will permit.

Also, we are emphatically in favor of alaw that will prohibit the giving away of the same, or the formation ofClub Rooms or any other associations for sale, giving away, or using intoxicatingdrinks. The desire was also strongly expressed that provision may be madeauthorizing the right of search, and the destruction of intoxicating liquorswhen found to be kept illegally.

It was the sentiment of the meeting thatstringent regulations with regard to sale of intoxicating liquor for legitimatepurposes by druggists, and with regard to prescriptions by physicians, isquite desirable.

Further, that persons and property shouldbe held for damages arising from the illegal disposition or use of suchliquor.

A unanimous vote of thanks to Hon. C. R.Mitchell was expressed by a rising vote for his address at the meeting,and the interest he manifests in furthering proper temperance enactmentsby our Hon. Legislature. Respectfully submitted.

T. H. McLAUGHLIN, Chairman.

Winfield Courier,February 3, 1881.

Anna Y. Thompson, daughter of Rev. DavidThompson, of Arkansas City, a lecturer of considerable note and for severalyears a missionary in Egypt, is visiting her friends in this county. Toshow that she is a lady of good practical sense, we will mention that shehas invested her surplus funds in stock of the Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier,March 10, 1881.

Miss Anna Y. Thompson, late missionary toEgypt, lectured at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening. She is a fluentspeaker and her lecture was very interesting. Miss Thompson is a daughterof Rev. Thompson of Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.

There will be a foreign mission meetingin the United Presbyterian church next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.Rhea, of the Presbyterian Board, and Miss A. Y. Thompson, of the U. P. Board,are expected to be present and present the cause.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.

A farewell meeting will be held, in theU. P. church, on this evening, June 1st, in view of the final departureof Miss A. Y. Thompson, on her way to her missionary field in Egypt. Allare invited.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.

Rev. D. Thompson has returned from Edgerton,Johnson County, where he preached four Sabbaths for Rev. J. N. Smith, whois in feeble health. Mr. Thompson reports the wheat crop, east of Cowley,as almost a failure, owing partly to the hard winds and partly to the chinchbug. The corn crop, however, is very large and looks remarkably well. Healso saw fine fields of flax and timothy in Anderson and Johnson counties.Peaches scarce, but apples and all other small fruit a moderate crop.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.


The above named Presbytery met at Sunnydale,in Sedgwick County, on the 1st inst., and was constituted in the usual formby the moderator--the undersigned.

Five ministers and five ruling elders werepresent. The meeting was harmonious and pleasant. The principal businesstransacted was the disposition of the resignation of the pastoral chargeof the U. P. Congregation of this place. As Brother McClenahan had notifiedhis congregation sometime previous to the meeting of Presbytery, and asthe congregation had held a meeting to consider his reasons for his intendedresignation, and had acquiesced in his wish in this matter, the Presbyterywithout much discussion granted his request. While the congregation didnot remonstrate against the dissolution of the pastoral relation, they passedresolutions expressive of their appreciation of his piety, diligence, andsuccess among them for nearly four years.

Rev. Clinton Riddle, a young man of goodpromise, is to supply the vacant pulpit for the present quarter of the year,so that public services may be expected in the U. P. church as usual.

It is the custom in our church for the retiringmoderator, at the end of the term for which he is elected, to open witha sermon, the meeting at which his term of office expires. The undersigned,by order of presbytery, is to preach a discourse on the observance of theSabbath, at 10 a.m., on the third Wednesday of March, next, in Stirling,Rice County, Kansas. A conference on Sabbath Schools is to be held at thesame time and place.

A special meeting of presbytery was appointedto be held in the Chikaskia congregation, in Sumner County, to transactsome business relating to that congregation, on the first Monday of November,at 11 a.m. Rev. E. C. Cooper, of Reno County, was appointed Superintendentof Missions and Sabbath Schools in place of Rev. R. S. McClenahan, resigned.DAVID THOMPSON.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881. Editorial Page.

At a meeting of some of the citizens ofCreswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas, at the White Church, in ArkansasCity, on the 3rd day of November, 1881, Mr. S. E. Maxwell was appointedchairman and S. B. Adams, secretary. Short speeches were delivered by thefollowing gentlemen: R. H. Reed, S. E. Maxwell, Rev. D. Thompson, Rev. S.B. Fleming, and A. J. Burrell. After which a motion was offered and carried,that a township society should be organized to be composed of all the citizensof Creswell Township who wish to become members. On motion, a committeewas appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, to be presented for approvalat the next meeting, on the first Saturday in February, 1882, at this placeat 2 o'clock p.m. On motion, a vote of thanks was extended to the membersof the Presbyterian Church for the use of their house to hold the meetingsin. On motion, the secretary was to furnish the DEMOCRAT and TRAVELER eacha copy of these proceedings for publication. On motion, the meeting adjourned,to meet again on the first Saturday in February, next, at 2 o'clock p.m.S. B. ADAMS, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.

A large amount of miscellaneous personalproperty is offered at private sale in this issue by Rev. Thompson. Thelist embraces nearly everything useful in a home.

Sale of Personal Property.

The undersigned intending shortly to leavethe city, will sell, at PRIVATE SALE, from this date until the 30th of December,and on the following day, December 31st, at PUBLIC SALE, a variety of HouseholdGoods, among which are chairs, tables, bedsteads; a Bismarck Cooking Stove,and a Mansard Heating Stove, both in good condition; a Webster's UnabridgedDictionary, latest edition and nearly new; a good Corn Sheller; a Grindstone;a Wooden Pump; a Buffalo Robe; a Patent Churn; two Washing Machines; a goodFamily Horse, without blemish, and will work any place; harness and coveredBuggy; two saddles and two bridles; a good Milk Cow, that will shortly befresh, together with a variety of articles too numerous to mention. TERMSOF SALE CASH for sums under $10; for $10 and upwards, three months credit,with approved security. DAVID THOMPSON.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.

Rev. D. Thompson and wife left last Mondayfor Garnett, Kansas, where they will probably stay a short time, and thengo on to Monmouth, Illinois, at which place it is intended to reside forthe future. Mr. Thompson has been a resident of this city for several years,and it is with regret we chronicle his departure.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Perhaps it is not known tomany of our people that we have a highly accomplished missionary in theland of the Pharaohs from Cowley County in the person of Miss Anna Y. Thompson,who is a graduate of one of our best eastern seminaries. When we hear ofwhat she and others have done, and are doing, to raise fellow humanity inother lands--spending the best years of their lives working for the elevationof their race upon unfriendly shores, we can realize how meager our yearlyofferings are in comparison to their life-works. As the influence of theCOURIER is always on the side of right, perhaps some of its many friendswill desire to contribute something in addition to what is asked for, asthat sum has already been secured. M.

CAIRO, EGYPT, February 13, 1882.

DEAR FRIEND: Last mail I received from mybrother-in-law, Mr. McKitrick, word that he had sent the $25. The same daya letter came from the American Exchange Bank in New York, enclosing a drafton London for 5 pounds. Please accept my thanks for your kindness to mein the past, and also at this present time. It may seem bad policy to sendhome for the money, but I had a good many expenses last fall, and it seemednecessary to keep me from running into debt here. I will try now to be moreeconomical.

I reached Cairo safely Sept. 28th, the sameday we landed in Alexandria. We sailed from Philadelphia August 31st, andwe only spent one night in Liverpool, as a steamer was to sail the nextday to Alexandria. We anchored for some hours at Gibraltar, Algiers, andMalta, and in Alexandria we had a short time after getting through the CustomHouse to see our missionaries there, and in Ramleh before coming to Cairoon the night train.

There were several changes for the betterduring my absence. One of them was the completion of our church, and thisis much more suitable for our Sabbath services than the lecture room whichhad been used for some time. Some of the larger class of girls in our boardingschool had left it while I was in America. One of these was married to oneof our best native church members, and two had gone to other towns to teachin our schools. One of these was a pupil whose father was not able to payall the tuition required including boarding. I had helped to educate her,and still send her about the same amount, $2.50 a month, to support heras a teacher and manager of a girls' school in her native town, where sheis doing a good work. Miss Conner, the lady who is with me in this school,went with me during the vacation at the beginning of the year to visit thetown Sinneria, which is not far from the celebrated ancient labyrinth inthe Fayoum, a place about 70 miles from here. I was formerly stationed therewith one of our mission families, who are cousins of mine, and of courseI feel interested to see the school I once had charge of successfully carriedon by one of our pupils. Two of her former classmates are pupil teachersin this school, and one is in a town called Mansura in the old land of Goshen,where she gives satisfaction. We have now twenty-four boarders, besidestwo teachers, and we have ten or eleven different nationalities, one ofthem being a black girl, who was once a slave, but is now handsomely supportedby a Swiss gentleman here, and another is a white slave from Constantinople,whose master is a Mohammedan boy. We have 80 day scholars this month, andthey are mostly Mohammedans and Copts. Some of our boarders are supportedby friends in America, either individually or S. S. Classes, and they payon each, $50, for a school year of ten months. We have some few girls whopay a part, but not all of the tuition required, and some pay all. MissConner and I visit among the homes as much as we can, and quite a largework is carried on by Bible women, or "Zinana workers," as somecall them, who go from house to house teaching the women to read the Bibleand explain it to them, and in this way many women are taught who neverattend our church services from various reasons.

When we were in a part of Cairo called Bonlacon last Saturday, our Bible woman there again begged of me to open a schoolin that neighborhood for girls. She offered her court, which is partly covered,as a place where the children could meet, and she thought we could securethe services of one of our former pupils as teacher for the sum of $4 amonth. Her talk had considerable effect on me, but I said to her, "Wherewill we get the money to carry it on?" When we hear the missionarygentleman say that the mission is doing all that it can afford for educationin Cairo, and there is not much money to spare from private funds, it seemsrather discouraging, but it occurred to me that this might be a good wayof spending something over $14, which is being sent to me from a SabbathSchool in Pennsylvania. That being only enough to carry on the school fora short time, I remembered that I was intending to write to you for today'smail, and it seemed to me proper to ask you if you would not be willingto give a donation, however small, towards this object. Did you not askme to write to you if I saw something that needed extra funds to carry iton, or is this all a dream on my part? You may think it strange, but itnever occurred to me to write to ask you for anything until last Saturdaynight, and now you can use your discretion, and I would not wish to interferewith any of your benevolent work at home.

Our mission opened a boarding school forboys last September, in connection with the large boys' day school herein another part of this building, and it promises to do well and be self-supporting.They pay $12 a month each. We have also a large day school for girls inanother part of Cairo called "Haret es Sakkaeen," which is superintendedby Mrs. Watson.

I am afraid you will weary of my long letterand talk about our work. I would indeed rejoice if you could bring Mrs.McMullen and visit us some time in this strange old land.

I hope you are all quite well. How is yourmother now? It makes me very sad sometimes to be so far away from my fatherand mother in their advanced years, but it seemed to be my duty to returnto the work to which the church had sent me, and which requires sometimeto acquire the language before a person is fitted to do anything, owingto the language and customs of the people. I was very sorry to hear in mylast letter from home that father was not well, but trust he is better.

Please remember me to the Baptist minister.Give my kind love to Mrs. McMullen and the children and your mother. Hopingto hear from you soon even if only by a postal card, I am Yours sincerely,ANNA Y. THOMPSON.


Kansas 1875 Census Omnia Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

R. S. Thompson 43 m w Ohio Iowa

C. E. Thompson 37 f w Arkansas Iowa

A. Thompson 17 m w California Iowa

G. F. Thompson 14 m w California Iowa

W. O. Thompson 12 m w California Iowa

H. R. Thompson 10 f w California Iowa

E. J. Thompson 7 f w California Iowa

C. H. Thompson 4 m w California Iowa

J. S. Thompson 1m m w Kansas

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877. Editorial Page.

Notes from Upper Grouse.

Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Baltimore, holds semi-monthlyservices at the Armstrong schoolhouse.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

List of the petit jurors for the May termof the District Court.

Rev. R. S. Thompson, Omnia township.

For some time George F. Thompson,son of Rev. R. S. Thompson, became a correspondent for the WinfieldCourier and was known as "Caesar." He later became prominentlyknown for his connection with the state college (now Manhattan University).


Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.


A subscription school commenced here onthe 13th inst., to continue four months. G. F. Thompson is teaching it.

MARRIED. Mr. Leonard Harned and Miss KatieWingert were married Sunday, the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride'sparents, Rev. R. S. Thompson officiating. The young couple receive the heartycongratulations of their many friends around Baltimore, and we hope theywill live happily and as long as Methuselah did.

"Alexander" tells of the naturalwell on A. N. Henthorn's place being so nice. I have seen the well and wouldlike to tell him that there is a frog on R. S. Thompson's place that canjump to the bottom of it the first jump. The frog measures 16½ inchesin length from tip to tip. Is there a larger one in the county? CAESAR.


Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.

The following is the regular jury for Mayterm of the District Court: G. W. Martin, James Jackson, R. S. Thompson,John Harden, S. P. Channell, John M. Gates, J. M. Mark, Thessius Mayginnis,B. B. Vandeventer, J. H. Mounts, Stephen Elkins, Abijah Howard.

R. S. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.

His Majesty, the Frog.

Caesar, in the Baltimore items of April25, tells of a frog on R. S. Thompson's farm that measures 16½ inchesin length and wants to know if there is a larger one in the county.

We take pleasure in stating that Queen Villagecan beat him on the frog question, there having been one caught in R. W.Stephens' spring house which measured 18 ½ inches. He had for sometimemade a practice of sliding the milk lids and helping himself to cream--

eventually becoming such a nuisance thatthey lay in wait for him and captured his frogship. Wishing to put him onexhibition for the benefit of some of their neighbors who had heard of him,they placed him in a washtub half full of water and covered it over witha piece of plank four feet long, two feet wide, and one-half inch thick,and weighted it with a milk crock. Next morning his majesty had helped himselfout and departed for regions unknown and has not been seen or heard of since.This is a frog story founded on facts. Can anyone beat it?

While C. L. Tanner is frog hunting, JakeCoe is Crane hunting. May 17, 1878. M. O. S.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

R. S. Thompson, of Baltimore, has left atour office a sample of syrup, which he has manufactured from cane of hisown raising, not sorghum, but of an excellent southern variety which hasproved with him a success. The syrup is equal to the best New Orleans.

George [George F.] Thompson.

Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.

On the Wing.

EDITOR COURIER: In a trip lately made throughthe eastern and northern part of Cowley, I was pleasantly struck with thevim and enterprise displayed by the farmers in that section. In Harvey,Omnia, and Rock Townships, the plow is busy turning the prairies into farms.Orchards are growing, promising abundant fruit, forest trees are showingtheir green tops, and stone and hedge fences, and new dwellings are beautifyingthe lovely country in which they are seen.

Mr. George Thompson is teaching a privateschool at Baltimore, and has a good attendance of boys and girls.

Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.

George Thompson. Dist. 18, Baltimore.

Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.

George Thompson, of Baltimore, was in WinfieldSaturday.

Rev. R. S. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.

From Baltimore.

MARRIED. Mr. P. S. Loy has been readingthe good book, and there learned that it is not good for man to be alone,so he went to Harvey Township, found favor in the eyes of one of its fairdaughters, asked the old folks for her like a little man, went twenty milesto Winfield to get Judge Gans' consent for a small consideration, returnedand consulted Rev. R. S. Thompson, and now Mr. P. S. Loy and Miss ParthenaSmith have become man and wife. They have moved to their new home, justwest of Baltimore, with the best wishes of their many friends.

George F. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.

Good for Omnia Township! Charles Messenger,George Thompson, and Will S. Tarrant, of Omnia, are now enrolled as studentsin the Agricultural College at Manhattan. This school is a practical one,and offers to the young men and women of Kansas an opportunity to acquirea thorough, complete, yet practical education, and at the least expensepossible to the student. Boys and girls of pluck and nerve will improvethis golden opportunity.


Winfield Courier,Thursday, June 12, 1879. - Front Page.

Corn looks very well, although a good rainwould not hurt it. The chinch bugs are in most of the wheat, and to somepieces are doing considerable damage. Harvesting will be in full blast inanother week. Elisha Harned will begin cutting his wheat today. Severalof the young people of this part are having the ague. Miss Mary Jacksonand Mr. Frank Smith were bitten by rattlesnakes last week, but both areconvalescing. Baltimore can again boast of a Sunday school: J. C. Stratton,superintendent.

Mr. Frank Haycraft has purchased Mrs. Dillsaver'splace, and Mr. Calvin Haycraft has purchased Mrs. Monk's place; both farmslying north of Baltimore. The two ladies have moved to Winfield.

Miss Bolcourt is teaching a summer schoolat the Baltimore schoolhouse now.

Charles Messenger and George F. Thompsonreturned from Manhattan on the 25th of May, where they have been attendingcollege since last September. Both are well pleased with their first yearin college, and will probably return again in the fall.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

On June 29th Mr. L. A. Daniels and MissNettie Stolp were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the aid of ElderR. S. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

Mr. Geo. F. Thompson, Mr. Messenger, andone other young man whose name we have forgotten, of Baltimore, in thiscounty, have gone to Manhattan to attend the State Agricultural College.The two former have been students at that college heretofore.


Winfield Courier,March 18, 1880.

A council convened on Sunday last at theSummit schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing an independent regularmissionary Baptist church, what has been known as the Richland arm of theFloral church. This new church consists of 33 members holding letters fromthe Floral church, and 2 others, making in all 35 members. The council wasorganized by electing Elder J. Cairns, of Winfield, Moderator, and DeaconL. M. Brown, of Baltimore, as clerk. After a thorough investigation of allthe circ*mstances: their ability to support a pastor, articles of faith,covenant, etc., the council voted unanimously to recognize them as the RichlandBaptist church, which was done with the following exercises commencing at11 a.m.

Sermon by Elder Cairns, prayer and chargeby Elder D. Thomas, hand of fellowship by Elder R. S. Thompson.

The following resolutions were adopted asthe sense of the council:

Resolved, Thatin the judgment of this council, it is unadvisable to organize new churchesonly where they are at sufficient distances from each other, and in suchcenters of population as will give reasonable assurance of their being permanentlysustained.

Resolved, Thatwe earnestly recommend the Richland and Floral Baptist churches mutuallyto agree upon some central location, unite their funds, and building a meetinghouse as their future church home.

Resolved, Thatin our rapidly developing county, we recommend churches near new stationson our railroads, to have an eye to the honor and glory of God, in plantingthe standard of the cross by moving their churches and building meetinghouses at the same.

The following delegates were present: FromWinfield church, Rev. J. Cairns, Elder D. Thomas, and Deacon Stevens. Baltimorechurch, Rev. R. S. Thompson, Rev. J. M. Haycraft, Deacon L. M. Brown, andA. Thompson. Maple Grove church, George R. Stevens. Rock church, Susan M.Curd. REV. J. CAIRNS, Moderator.

L. M. BROWN, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.

Having returned from Manhattan, where Ihave been for some time, I will give you a few items from this place again.

Eld. R. S. Thompson and wife will startfor the Eureka Springs some time next week.


Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.

Mr. R. S. Thompson and wife, accompaniedby "Caesar," started for Arkansas, for their health, on the 4th.



Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The Omnia Township Association was organizedlast Wednesday, with the following officers.

President, Eld. R. S. Thompson; Vice President,Jno. L. Parsons; Secretary, Geo. F. Thompson; Treasurer, A. L. Crow.

Eld. R. S. Thompson and wife returned fromMissouri about one week ago.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Elder R. S. Thompson was called to preachthe funeral sermon of Mrs. Wm. tit*worth of Grouse creek, last Friday. Forsome time Mrs. tit*worth has been a great sufferer, and death only couldrelieve her of the pain. She leaves a bereaved husband and a large circleof friends and relatives who deeply mourn her loss.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The Omnia Township Sunday School Conventionmet at the Omnia schoolhouse on Friday, July 7th. Elder Thompson and Mr.F. E. Williamson were re-elected president and vice-president; Mr. JohnHenry, elected treasurer. The secretary, Dr. G. V. Cadwallader, was permanentlyelected at the organization last April.


Winfield Courier,August 5, 1880.

Note: George F. Thompsonwas "Caesar" during this time span.

Mr. H. E. Asp met with the Republicans atthe Baltimore schoolhouse last Monday evening, and after a pleasant littlespeech, proceeded to organize a Garfield club. Mr. L. A. Daniels was electedpresident; John L. Parsons, vice-president; Geo. F. Thompson, secretary;Wm. Jenkins, Treasurer. X. Y. CAESAR.

July 24, 1880.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.

Elder R. S. Thompson and R. W. Pester haveeach begun making sorghum.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.

George Thompson, of Omnia, has gone backto Manhattan to attend school. George is one of Cowley's promising youngmen.


Winfield Courier,March 24, 1881.

Mr. Belknap is building a house and Mr.R. S. Thompson is putting up a sod blacksmith shop.


Winfield Courier,April 14, 1881.

R. S. Thompson is now prepared for workin his shop. Those wishing work done in his line will do well by callingon him.


Winfield Courier,April 28, 1881.

A Sunday school was organized at this placelast Sunday. The officers elected were as follows: Superintendent, R. S.Thompson; assistant superintendent, A. L. Crow; secretary, Alice Stolp.JULIUS.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. John McClung and Miss Mollie Moore weremarried the 27th of last month, by Elder R. S. Thompson.


Winfield Courier,October 27, 1881.

R. S. Thompson has built him a new corn-crib.

Winfield Courier,November 3, 1881.

Rev. R. S. Thompson, of Omnia township,made us a pleasant call Tuesday. He is the father of our old correspondent,"X. Y. Caesar." His letters first came to us from Omnia and latelyfrom Manhattan, having appeared in the COURIER during the past two or threeyears. George Thompson has been a student at the Agricultural College forsome time, has advanced steadily, and was lately chosen to preside overthe printing department of that institution. This is a most deserving promotionand we take great pleasure in recording it. George Thompson is one of Cowley'srising young men and will yet win his way to fame. One by one our correspondentskeep stepping to the front.

Excerpt from a very long article...


Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.

Notes by the Way Side.

EDS. COURIER: After a cessation of hostilitiesfor two weeks in Dist. No. 75, trouble again began this week. Ye pedagoguemade a tour, during the holidays, of Elk, Chautauqua, and western and northernCowley counties, ostensibly in search of the picturesque, but more especiallyfor rest and recreation, and the recuperation of wasted energies. The formerhe found in unstinting attendance, the latter he enjoyed beyond his mostsanguine anticipation, and finally returned with three pounds additionalavoirdupois. It would be a pleasure to give a detailed description of hisfestive rambles and the mirth, jollity, and hilarity that were crowded intothese brief two weeks with friends, acquaintances, and old school companions.Particularly is he indebted to Messrs. Zerger of Grenola. Aley of CedarVale, Hargrove of Cloverdale, J. J. Johnson of New Salem, Hall; and J. W.Tull of Grouse Valley, and Rev. Thompson of Baltimore, for their kind treatment,generous hospitality, and excellent entertainment. The Aley brothers hefound in the enjoyment of much felicity and prosperity, and to say thatthey do not deserve it would be doing them an injustice. If success is thestandard of merit, these gentlemen are certainly entitled to much worldlyhonor, and are destined to win victories at every undertaking in the raceof life. T. S. is heavily engaged in the stock business, Prof. Jim is busilyoccupied in sprouting ideas at Grenola, while Frank is delving deep downinto Blackstone and Kent, and trying to lose himself in the labyrinth ofmeshes of the legal profession. He will take a course at the Chicago lawschool in the spring. C. M., who has frequently entertained the COURIERcircle with descriptions of his wanderings in the West, and his views andopinions of men and measures in the East, is permanently located at ColoradoSprings, in the office of the Rio Grande R. R. as short hand reporter ata good salary. And last but not least, Rev. A. is accomplishing much goodfor the cause of Christianity in Montana and Idaho territories.


Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.

Mr. R. S. Thompson had a severe attack ofneuralgia of the head last Thursday night, but is better now.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: It has been a long time sinceany of the productions of CAESAR have appeared in the columns of the COURIER;but, as I am at Baltimore for a day or two only, "Dad" has prevailedupon me to send you a few notes.

R. S. Thompson was taken severely ill onFriday, March 3rd, with inflammation of the spleen, and for some time hislife was despaired of. His sons, George and Orator, who were at the agriculturalcollege, were sent for, and arrived on last Friday night. George had beenaway about eighteen months, and finds things changed but little since heleft. Orator began attending the college in January, and was well satisfiedwith the institution; but as the father will not be able to do any workthis spring, he will have to remain at home.

Geo. F. Thompson returned to his post atthe college on Tuesday last.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. R. S. Thompson is able to be out again,but is not able to do any work yet.

Mr. George Thompson made a short visit toBaltimore during his father's sickness, but has returned to his post atManhattan. DAD.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.

Rev. Thompson, of Baltimore, called Tuesday.It is the first time we have seen him since his severe illness. He is muchimproved but not in good health.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

A Ride and a Picnic.

ED. COURIER: On Thursday the 6th inst.,in company with E. A. Henthorn, senior editor of the Burden Enterprise,I started for the Sunday school picnic convention in North Richland.We drove west to New Salem, past springing corn and numerous stacks of splendidwheat, to the "Gunn quarter," where Mr. Jas. Barr was threshinghis wheat. Mr. Henthorn being agent for the rental, we stopped, and thereI saw as fine wheat as ever threshed. The berry is full and plump, and theyield estimated at twenty bushels per acre.

From here we drove to the city of Salemand then to the picnic in "Groom's grove," on Dutch Creek, arrivingthere at 11 o'clock. As the morning had gathered quite lowery the crowdgathered slowly, and we had the pleasure of seeing how they came to suchplaces. Some on foot, some in wagons, some on horseback, and some in buggies.

Through the courtesy of Mr. Henthorn, Iwas soon on a talking basis with the leading men of Richland, Rock, andOmnia townships. Nearly all the good-looking candidates were present Forrepresentative were E. A. Henthorn, Washington Weimer, father of his country,and John Maurer. For county superintendent were Mrs. Caton, Mr. A. H. Limerick,and--well, I was there, too.

After greeting old and new acquaintances,I looked for E. A., but he was putting in big strokes among old friends,so I went to work for myself. Finding very soon that Mr. Limerick was wayahead of any other candidate for superintendent, I rested until after dinner.As soon as that interesting ceremony was ended, I found myself too fullfor utterance, but managed to ask a few men if Mr. Henthorn could safelyexpect anything in that vicinity; and on being told more than a dozen timesthat he was solid, I borrowed his pencil and a cigar, went to the buggy,and began taking notes with this result.

Called to order by Capt. Stephens; singingby the Richland Sunday School. I have forgotten the title of the song, butthe little ones did well both in singing and acting. Following the songwas a speech by Rev. Thompson, of Omnia; then we were treated with a finesong by the Floral Sunday School, after which Prof. Limerick, of Rock, deliveredan interesting address on the general work and conducting of Sabbath Schools.

After another song by Floral, Mrs. Caton,of Winfield, made the neatest little speech it was ever my fortune to hear.The exercises concluded by singing, and music from the Richland martialband, of which Mr. H. H. Hooker is leader.

I arrived home at sundown feeling that itwas good to be there, even if I did not make a vote. E. A. M.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Our old correspondent, "Caesar,"is home for a visit and made the COURIER a pleasant visit Tuesday. He hasrecently been appointed Superintendent of printing at the State AgriculturalCollege, a very responsible position. The honor is worthily conferred, forGeorge F. Thompson is one of Cowley's brightest boys.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


Mr. Geo. F. Thompson returned home to spendthe vacation.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.

Our locality last week was favored by avisit from one of the distinguished dignitaries of the State AgriculturalCollege, E. A. Popenoe, professor of botany, etymology, horticulture, andzoology. The Professor is perhaps the best informed man on these specialsciences in the State, and I speak from the practical experiences of a pupil,in the days of yore.

Another representative of our State College,in the person of Geo. F. Thompson, Supt. of the College printing department,also spent a portion of his vacation in our midst. While the writer cherishespleasant memories of George as a genial chum during his life at the abovenamed institution, still he does not heartily approve of the object of suchvisits; for George, unlike the Arab, after securing as bosom companion oneof Cowley's fairest charmers, very quickly hied himself back to headquarters.However, we succeeded in drugging him with Geuda mineral water, which hadthe desired effect of wrecking his gastronomical apparatus.

With your permission, Mr. Editor, I wouldlike to impress upon the minds of all ambitious young men and women desirousof obtaining a sound, sensible, and practical education the fact that ourState college, located at Manhattan, Riley County, has excellent facilitiesfor imparting instructions in the practical, and therefore valuable sciences,together with a thorough and extensive course in history, rhetoric and Englishliterature.

In addition to these, it is one of the fewsimilar institutions in the United States that is successful in teachingthe industrial arts whereby sufficient skill and dexterity may be acquiredas to enable one to master some of the many useful trades thereby makingof him an honorable, independent, and useful citizen. There are also amplefacilities for the teaching of vocal and instrumental music, by efficientinstructors on the most reasonable terms to be found in the State.

Young women who pursue a course at thisinstitution of learning acquire a vast fund of valuable knowledge beneficialto them in all the details of practical every day life, and do not havetheir heads crammed with the cumbersome and worthless lore of "Ladies'Seminaries," but become useful members of society instead of uselessbutterflies of fashion. The capacity of the college has been increased bythe completion of a fifty-two thousand dollar addition to the main buildingthe past summer, making it one of the pleasantest as well as the best andcheapest institutions of learning in the State. Fall term opens the 14thof this month. For catalogue address Pres. Geo. T. Fairchild, Manhattan,Kansas, or further information will be cheerfully given to any addressingthe undersigned at Constant, this county. MARK.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: We have again hunted up ourpencil to jot down a few items from this corner. After the weeks of wet,rainy weather, we are once more having nice, clear weather, and we thinkwith the sun, moon, and comet to illuminate the heavens above us and theintellectual light streaming forth from some of our Greenback orators toenlighten the world about us, the people of this community should considerthemselves the most fortunate and enlightened people of the present age.Notwithstanding the report of the Greenbackers that Omnia Township containedbut three Republican voters, we had a Republican meeting at Baltimore andan excellent speech from Mr. T. H. Soward of Winfield, whereupon the Greenbackelement became much offended and a leading member of that organ yelled outfor all Greenbackers to leave the house. We noticed that we had quite arespectable congregation remaining; and let me say, Mr. Editors, that weare not going to be bulldozed by a majority, if they are Greenbackers.

We suppose this will never be a land flowingwith milk and honey, but from the amount of sweetness extracted from sorghumby Messrs. Sargeant Henthorn, Pester Herring, and Thompson, we should judgethis to be a mighty sweet place in the future.

David Nicholson was here visiting his parentslast week.

Will Leonard, Steve Elkins, Mr. Wilson,and others have gone for apples.

The season for prairie chickens, hunters,and sewing machine agents has returned and we have the usual amount to disturbthe peace of the community. ELIZA.


Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.

Baltimore Items.

The Baptists have called Eld. Thompson topreach for them for the present.

MARRIED. On the 17th inst., Mr. R. L. Emersonand Miss Mary Smith called on Elder Thompson as two. After a short staythey went away as one. May that oneness always exist.

Another Thompson also mentionedby "DAD."

Mrs. P. F. Thompson arrived from Manhattanlast Saturday to spend a few weeks with her parents and friends.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Friend George F. Thompson, a Cowley Countyboy in days of yore, but now identified with the State Agricultural Collegeat Manhattan, in the capacity of Superintendent of the Printing Department,sends your reporter a sample of an ingenious advertising card which he hasjust patented. It is in the form of portrait author cards, and the ideais a capital one for businessmen. He has already been offered a handsomesum for the exclusive right of the patent. George is a very fortunate youngman in more ways than one, and richly deserves success.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Peter Loy and family, Charlie Burden, andJake Wingert left Monday for the Pacific slope, Washington Territory beingtheir destination. Dr. Samuel Daniels and his son, A. L., and their familieswill start on the same route in the near future, and Rev. R. S. Thompsonand family on or about the 15th inst. The doctor and preacher will be seriouslymissed by the people of this section: the former for his skill in relievingthe ills to which flesh is heir to, and the latter for his good social andChristian qualities. His school district in losing Mr. Thompson will losethe main wheel in their school machinery, one that never failed to revolve,and but seldom to force the rest to move. CHAFF.

About the Farmers Institute.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

It would probably have an encouraging effecton the parties who wish to take part in the much agitated "FarmersInstitute" to learn that, in response to a letter of inquiry relativeto dates of holding said Institute, the chairman of the Farmers Institutecommittee of the college faculty has notified me that the professors canmeet the farmers of the county on the 29th and 30thof this month. These are the only dates they can hold for this county thiswinter. Every farmer interested in the progress of agriculture attend themeeting called for the 10th inst., and make arrangements forholding the institute the last of the month. If the necessary arrangementsare made, they will be with us four strong: Profs. Shelton, Popenoe, Tallyerand Supt. Thompson. M. H. Markum.

Program of Farmers' Institute,to be Held at Opera House,
Winfield, Kansas, Thursdayand Friday, January 29 and 30.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

FRIDAY, 2:00 P.M.

Tame Grasses: J. A. A. Williams. Discussion.

Important Suggestions: Supt. Geo. F. Thompson.Discussion.

Small Fruits: D. F. Armstrong. Discussion.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.


A few wide awake farmers were found at theopera house about 10 o'clock, and after some discussion effected an organizationas follows.

J. F. Martin was elected chairman; F. A.A. Williams, secretary; Dr. Perry, treasurer, and J. S. Baker and Mr. Foster,vice-presidents.

The morning programme was postponed.

The following committee on reception andentertainment was appointed: F. A. A. Williams, J. S. Baker, D. M. Adams,R. I. Hogue. After instructing the committee to meet the professors at theSanta Fe depot at noon, the meeting adjourned to two p.m.

At the afternoon session there was a verygood attendance. We were glad to notice a number of ladies, and some farmersfrom distant parts of the county. Profs. Shelton and Fallyer and Supt. Thompsonof the agricultural college were on hand--also Mr. Heath of the Kansas Farmer.The exercises were opened by President Martin in a paper on forestry, whichexcited a good deal of interest and discussion. In the discussion Mr. Adamsfavored the improvement of school grounds by the planting of trees--suggestingthat each child plant a tree.

Mr. Markham offered the following resolution,which was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED, Thatit is the sentiment of the Cowley County Farmers' Institute, held at theWinfield Opera House Jan. 29 and 30, 1885, that the services of Profs. Shelton,Fallyer, and Supt. Thompson of the Kansas State Agricultural College havebeen highly appreciated and for which they have the hearty and sincere thanksof the members of the Institute.

Prof. Shelton, on behalf of the faculty,very gracefully thanked the meeting for this expression of their appreciationof their services and expressed his belief from what he had seen of thefarmers of Cowley County that they had the material to form a permanentand successful farmers' institute which would be of lasting benefit to thepeople of the county.

Supt. Thompson then read his paper containingmany timely suggestions worth heeding. The following is a summary.

Note: If there was a summary,it was not given in article.
Paper referred to appearedlater. See below.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The excellent paper on "Important Suggestions,"read before the Farmers Institute by Prof. Geo. F. Thompson, reached ustoo late for publication with the regular report, but will appear next week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Geo. F. Thompson, one of the Professorspresent at our Farmers Institute, from the State Agricultural College, isan old Cowley County boy. He went to Manhattan six years ago from his homenear Baltimore, this county, graduated, and is now superintendent of theprinting department and going right up. Cowley boys always "get there."

Many Points of Value toCowley's Wide-Awake Farmers.
Paper Read Before the Farmers'Institute at the Opera House
On January 29 and 30 byProf. Geo. F. Thompson of the State Agricultural College.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The suggestions which I shall offer arenot new or untried ones. You may think this a good reason why they shouldnot be given. But they have been proven by the experience of thousands tobe indispensable with the most successful farmers; and so long as they areneeded just so long will they demand recognition. New theories are alwayssubject to discussion; but experience and proof have placed these thingsbeyond the pale of theory, and established them as facts.

Certainly no one will deny the importanceof agriculture in the United States. It is the greatest industry of ournation, and the one that has made it in point of prosperity the first amongthe nations of the earth. Of course, there are many things which make ournation preferable, but that industry upon which our prosperity is principallybased is agriculture. Now this being the case, it is to the interest ofthe nation as well as every individual citizen to see that we maintain thissupremacy. If, then, agriculture is of so much importance, we must not letit decline. The nation can and does do much to favor this industry, yetit is mainly left with the farmers themselves to see whether they will sufferit to advance or retrograde.

We all desire to see agriculture promoted;but this cannot be unless men are capable of promoting it. Hence a farmermust be educated for his calling--must think, plan, and read in order tokeep pace with his industry. He cannot enjoy perfect success without this.There are men at the helm now who are pushing agriculture above and beyondthe position it once occupied--that time when so many farmed because theywere obliged to. In farming, as in every other calling, there is no standstillposition, we must either go forward or backward. It is gratifying to knowthat we are now going forward. The day is already past when the anxiousfather will say to the mother that they will have to make a farmer of theirson, as Nature has not fitted him for any of the professions.

There was a time when the idea was popularthat it took more intelligence to successfully manage a corner grocery thanit did to manage a farm. Now the "tables are turned," and menof intelligence run the farms, while invalids and men who have no naturaltaste for manual labor manage the grocery.

Farmers have not become intelligent withoutan effort on their part. They became so by constant reading and thinking.The popularity of newspapers has been a strong factor in this. One of themost important items in the rapid stride ahead which agriculture has madeof late years is due to the agricultural press. Certain it is, judging fromits present importance, farming would not have attained its present highstanding without its aids. It is safe to presume that the man in any callingwho does not read is not a very flattering success. It is true that in thewestern country, where the soil is naturally so fertile and crops are soeasily grown, men who do no reading and little thinking succeed in a measure,as manual labor alone will insure a fair crop; for this, you know, is theland which if "tickled with a hoe will laugh with a harvest."But this state of things cannot always exist. We know by the experienceof others that years of cropping on any soil, if it is not replenished,will reduce one of these laughing harvests to a smile, and finally to afrown. Then will the manual laborer get a back-set, and more intelligencebe required; for the farmer will have to deal and act with the forces ofnature in order to make the land produce. He must understand the compositionof his soil; and the means by which it may be kept from exhaustion. Hereis where the agricultural press, laden with the experiences of many, helpsmightily in one's work. We learn there how to save time and money, and howto improve what we have.

Agricultural papers are a thing of recentdate. The first one on this continent was published in 1818 by John S. Skinner,and was called the "American Farmer." The rapid increase in agriculturalliterature since 1818 shows very perfectly the degree in which the industryhas prospered. Let me compare that date with the present. Thenwe had one agricultural paper; now we have 87, or the establishmentof one for each year since the first, and twenty over. We have in Kansasmore than half a dozen devoted exclusively to agriculture; and all Kansasnewspapers have their agricultural columns. The most valuable feature ofthis kind of journalism is the contributions from practical farmers. Thesegive the experience and incidents of farm life. In this way one writer maygive a bit of experience which may be beneficial to thousands. The agriculturalpress has done much to make farming a favorite pursuit. It has done muchto make it an attractive one to the wealthy classes, as well as to the laborerin the field. See what has been accomplished in the creation of the numerousagricultural colleges throughout the country, and in keeping the young menhome on the lands of their fathers. Many of our journals such as the "AmericanAgriculturist," "Country Gentleman," and "Prairie Farmer,"have become household words in many rural districts. These papers are teachers;they are the business educators of the farmers. They bring to their noticeall the improvements in tools and tillage; they tell lovers of good cowsall about the best breeds; they elevate the farm and make the labor thereona learned profession. Art, and science, and taste, and the resulting increasedwealth are the work of these newspapers. All this is seen in the reapingmachines, splendid barns, better breeds of cattle, better horses, superiorbutter, drained lands, and more grass outside the mansion, andmusic, and books, and beauty, and comfort and happiness inside thefarm house. It has been a task to accomplish this; old farmers would notbe convinced that there was any value in book or newspaper farming. Theybelieved in the old dunghill, they were ignorant of the compost heap; oldprejudices are hard to overthrow, with many they are not yet overthrown.A few years ago, farmers carried on their farms as their ancestors had donefor generations before; there was no progress except in raising more cornand more hogs for the increase of population. Soon there was visible improvement,and now the agricultural press has about four million readers. The resultof this is to be seen along every railroad, on the banks of every stream,in the vicinity of every city--in a word, everywhere. At the present dayno farmer can keep abreast with his calling unless he reads the agriculturaljournals. In order to succeed one must have a thorough knowledge of hiswork, and this knowledge can more easily and profitably be acquired throughthe farmer's paper than in any other way.

The discussion of the agricultural pressnaturally leads to the consideration of the


We all believe that the farmers should beeducated. We are glad that the nation has acknowledged the importance ofour educating them in the creation and endowment of agricultural colleges.The rapid progress in farming brought about by the few has made the educationof the many absolutely necessary. Classical institutions are not adaptedto the wants of the farmer; they did not educate many men for the farm,and many farmers looked upon them as being the enemy of their industry.The agricultural colleges of the country have been established especiallyfor the benefit of the farmers, and the courses of study are arranged withthat object in view. I am glad to say that wherever these colleges havebeen tried longest, there they have succeeded best.

There are some people who claim that ignorantmen often make as good farmers as educated ones. It is true they may beilliterate, yet they are not ignorant; they are shrewd, observing men, andhave accumulated a vast amount of information by experience, that most expensiveof all schools. Such men will agree with me, I think, that a course of studyadapted to their calling together with the reading of farm literature wouldhave placed them far beyond their present condition. Experience may be convincing,but it is better when possible to let some other person have it, and letus profit by their mistakes. It is a part of the business of a man in anycalling to profit by the mistakes of others. No farmer can afford to neglecthis education; time and wealth can be saved by preparing for our work.

As farmers constitute a majority in thiswestern country, they ought to educate their children with the idea of farmingin view. I do not believe that everybody should learn a trade; it is possibleto have too many artisans. An overproduction of mechanics means lower wagesfor them, and as an outgrowth of this, poorer work by them. Our countryis too new, and our farms too large to even consider the overproductionof farms. The children of our district schools ought not to have it instilledinto their minds that farming is a business that men engage in because theyare not capable of entering the professions. This is often done. Too manyof them get the idea that to be successful or great, one must either bea lawyer, a politician, or a merchant. They are told how our presidentsentered the professions and toiled earnestly for fame; but it is studiouslykept from their young minds that the majority of these presidents retirefrom the chair to the seclusion of a farm for pleasure and contentment.Let the education of the future farmer begin in the common schools, andit will be quite certain to end in the proper school. Take from before theboy the gilded glory in the professions, for this glory is like the will-o'-the-wisp.Show him the beauty of that industry which is all important, and by whichthe whole human family and its humbler auxiliaries are fed. Children aretoo often impressed with the idea that farmers are ignored because theyare farmers. This is a mistake. That man who thinks farming beneath hisstation will find on trial that it is above him. In this country peopledo not care what profession a man follows as long as it is an honorableone. We take the fittest men for our rulers, let them come from whateverwalk in life they may. We take the rail-splitter from the backwoods, thetanner from the tannery; and the mule-driver from the canal, and make thempresidents. It is intelligence that commands respect in this country, notposition. Farming as a profession is honored or dishonored as its followersare intelligent or ignorant. It is what a man does that makes him what heis: brown hands and face are no disgrace, for they were made so by the samesun that causes vegetation to spring into life and mature, and without whichnothing could exist.

My second suggestion to farmers, then, wouldbe that they pay more attention to the proper education of their childrenthan they do to the dollars and cents which might be immediately availableby their labor. It will pay in the end, and will be fulfilling a duty allparents owe to their children.

Another suggestion would be that we


There is an error common to the pioneerfarmers of any country, and that is they endeavor to farm too much land;they try to cultivate more than they can do justice to. They are not contentto "make haste slowly." I have myself seen farmers in Kansas,less than ten years since, who were so anxious to plow just so much landthey would "cut and cover" in order to get along faster. Thiswasn't cultivation, it was aggravation! After this kind of plowing was done,the land was planted to corn; and of course there was so much of it thatit could not be cultivated but once or twice during the season, and in consequenceweeds took the field, and what little corn matured was not nutrious. Itwould be better to cultivate less land, do it thoroughly, and more corncan be raised with the same amount of work. This is not only true of cornraising but of wheat raising or of any other crop. It is not often thatfarmers strike "bonanzas," as miners sometimes do in the mountains,that they should undertake the cultivation of more land than they can handle.It is foolish to think that some providential occurrence will cause a fieldto produce a hundred bushels of corn to the acre without cultivation, andat the same time raise no weeds. All a farmer's years of experience proveto him that the better the cultivation the better the crop. In New Englandthe soil is not as rich as is Kansas soil, yet farmers there with less thanhalf the land that most of our farmers have are able to support large familiesand are prosperous all the time.

A German woman near Port Jervis, New York,finds six acres enough for the comfort of a family of seven persons anda cow and a horse beside a money return of $600 to $700 a year from salesof vegetables and fruits raised in great variety. Of course, every footof land is compelled to do its best service, but there is no neglect ofany possible home resource of fertility, and even the fences serve as supportfor grapevines.

Those who think they have a small farm unlessthe number of acres runs up into hundreds should note how they practicefarming in France. This is what a correspondent of the New York Sunfound out in his travels: When I asked a French farmer how his farmhappened, like all the rest, so long and narrow, he said: "It has beendivided up so often. When a French farmer dies, he divides his farm, andeach one of his children has an equal share. He always divides it lengthwise,so as to give each one a long strip. The long strips are easily cultivatedbecause we plough lengthwise. These strips always run north and south sothat the sun can shine into the rows." "How large is your farm?"I asked. "My father's farm was 300 feet wide and 2,000 feet long. Whenhe died, my brother had half. Now my farm is 150 feet wide and 2,000 feetlong. It is quite a large farm. There are many farms much smaller than mine.""What do you plant in it?" I asked. "See over there,"he said, pointing to what seemed to be a gigantic piece of striped carpet."Is a piece of wheat 30 feet wide. Then comes a strip of potatoes twenty-fivefeet wide, then comes forty feet of oats, then ten feet of carrots, twentyfeet of alfalfa (luzerne), ten feet of mangel-wurzels, five feet of onions,five feet of cabbage, and the rest in flowers, peas, currants, gooseberries,and little vegetables." "Can you support your family on a farm150 feet wide and 2,000 feet long?" I asked; for the narrow strip seemedlike a man's doorway in America. "Support my family!" he exclaimed."Why the farm is too large for us. I rent part of it now."

I believe this is due solely to systematicand thorough work. It is evident that nothing is gained, but considerablelost by cultivating too much land. That old maxim--"whatever is worthdoing at all is worth doing well--" is as true in farming as in anyother calling

Our farm should be subdivided and


practiced. The importance of mixed husbandryin this country cannot well be overestimated. I believe a farmer ought toraise more of those products which he himself can consume. If he makes wheata specialty, and buys the other necessaries, he may suffer failure, in whichcase he would have nothing to depend upon; and, if not failure, his wheatwould, of course, be subject to fluctuation of prices, and he might not.Mixed husbandry has many advantages, and I know of no disadvantage. In thematter of crops, it enables the farmer to practice rotation, which is veryessential. When the market is low on one crop, he is not forced to sell,but can subsist on others which he may have, or may sell those which docommand fair prices. Various crops and their rotation will enrich the land:cattle, hogs, and chickens will gather up a great deal of feed which wouldotherwise be wasted. All feeders of cattle now realize that there is profitin having hogs to follow their cattle. Pork can be made very cheaply inthis way.

Raising one crop alone would seem to meto be very unsatisfactory at best; it would be undesirable even if a cropwere assured each year. Such a merchant doing business in a Dakota townthe other day: "There are not twenty farmers in this country. Theyare all nothing but wheat-raisers, and that is a long way from being a farmer.A large number of farmers in Dakota, who own quarter sections of land, seldomhave a drop of milk in the house, and the butter they eat is bought at thenearest store. They don't even keep a cow or pig, or try to raise vegetablesenough to provide for the winter."

A model farmer, in my judgment, is one whoraises wheat, oats, corn, and potatoes, and all kinds of fruit possible;raises some cattle and hogs and poultry. Hardly a year passes without thefailure of some crop; but seldom does a year come when all crops fail. Ithas always seemed to me that such a man farms for the enjoyment there isin it; he makes it a business for a lifetime, and not for a few years--expectingafter a few years to live in a city--blessed with affluence. One thing iscertain, he doesn't run the risk that "specialty" farmers do;and I am not certain that in the long run he makes more money with lesswork.

The historian, Jared Sparks, speaks of Washington'spractice of farming. An excerpt is worth reading.

"He began a new method of rotationof crops, in which he studied the particular qualities of the soil in thedifferent parts of his farms, causing wheat, maize [corn], potatoes, oats,grass, and other crops to succeed each other in the same field at statedtimes. So exact was he in this method that he drew out a scheme in whichall his fields were numbered, and the crops assigned to them for severalyears in advance. It proved so successful that he pursued it to the endof his life, with occasional slight deviations by way of experiment."

If we had smaller farms, we could give moreattention to the condition of the soil. I have already remarked that theland cannot always maintain its native fertility, and every year producea crop, without being replenished. Notwithstanding the evidence of generations,too many of our farmers show, by their practice, that they believe the soilis exhaustless. Yet we often hear them complain that the soil is not asproductive as it once was, and they did not consider for a moment why itis so. Let me borrow an illustration from a Michigan farmer.

"What would you think of the wisdomof the man having say $4,000 invested at interest, who, in addition to usingthe interest yearly, should also use a part of his principal? You wouldsay at once, he will soon have neither interest nor principal; he will bebankrupt. A farmer has a farm worth $4,000. The farm is his principal. Theproducing power of his farm is his interest. As the person having the moneyat interest will become bankrupt, if he persists in using a part of hisprincipal yearly, besides his interest, just so surely will the farmer becomebankrupt, if he allows the producing power of his farm to become impaired.The analogy between the capitalist and the farmer is in this respect perfect."

This farmer sums the whole matter up ina nutshell. But I shall add, as further proofs, a few statistics. I knowstatistics are dry, yet they are the basis from which we determine our prosperityor our adversity. I shall give figures to show how rapidly land will deterioratein fertility if not replenished with some kind of fertilizer; and, to dothis, western states are taken, as they have had very little manure spreadupon them.

Statistics show in Iowa the spring wheatcrop in 1870 averaged 13 bushels per acre, while in 1880 it was but 10.21bushels: a reduction in yield of three bushels per acre. In Minnesota in1870 the average yield was 1¾ bushels, which, in 1880, had decreasedto 11.33 bushels: a loss of 7.42 bushels per acre, or nearly 40 percent.In Wisconsin the average in 1870 was 15 bushels; in 1880 12.82 bushels:a decrease of nearly 15 percent. Let us apply these figures to our own state.Kansas had, in 1882, 1,465,745 acres of winter wheat, which gave a yieldof 33,943,398 bushels, valued at $22,977,906.72 (about 68 cents per bushel).If her soil should lose her fertility between 1882 and 1892 as rapidly asIowa did between 1870 and 1880, the same number of acres would produce in1892 4,396,235 bushels less than they did in 1882--or $2,989,219.80 worth.If as rapidly as did Minnesota during the same period, the same number ofacres would yield 10,875,828 bushels less: or $7,375,533.04 worth. If asrapidly as Wisconsin, 3,171,920.32 worth. Can the farmers of Kansas affordthis?

Can the farmers of Kansas afford to thusdiminish the productivity of the soil, especially when the materials bywhich it may be maintained are so abundant? Certainly not. Let it neverbe said of Kansas that her land is as unproductive as the rock-covered hillsof New England. The figures just given show that the western states arerapidly tending that way, and it remains with the farmers to arrest thistendency.

The next hint refers to a matter which goesthe rounds of the press once a year, and like the "old, old story"is still in demand. I refer to


If western farmers generally can ever beaccused of being "penny wise and pound foolish," it is in thematter of providing shelter for their stock. While it is difficult to finda farmer who will not admit that shelter is essential, it is not seldomthat when going through the country in midwinter we see thousands of headof stock with nothing to shelter them from the rigorous blasts of winterbut barbed-wire fences or stone walls. A good wall is better than nothing,but not a great deal better. In one of the oldest counties in the state,I have seen large herds of cattle in December in yards with nothing forshelter but a wire fence and a windmill; the nearest shed to one herd wastwo miles, and the cattle had not been any nearer to it for two months.In the yard were two dead animals, and I was informed that the average wastwo dead ones a week. It ought to be plain to any man, especially one ableto own a herd of cattle, that the cost of one of these dead animals, witha few days work, would have paid for shelter for a hundred: for it was evidentthat they died from exposure. Even if there was no money directly realizedfrom humane treatment, people ought to have a sufficient regard for thesufferings of dumb animals to provide comfortable quarters for them duringwinter. But there is money in sheltering stock. Carefully conducted experimentsand the testimony of men of experience everywhere, prove this. It may bemany years before all farms are provided with large barns; but straw orhay stables are very comfortable, and are sure to be occupied by stock ifthey have the opportunity.


It is as difficult to answer this questionas it is to tell why people in any other calling do not succeed. It hasbeen my aim in the preceding suggestions to give some of the reasons whythe farmer's efforts are not always successful. I shall now very brieflypoint out more reasons.

A farmer is not pushed to every act as abusinessman is; many businessmen succeed because of this fact alone. Theyare forced by the exigencies of their business and by their associationwith other men of business to be prompt and economical. Farmers too seldomhave their work systematized, and hence "take their time" abouteverything, forgetting that "procrastination is the thief of time."There is no class of people whom capitalists trust more than they do farmers.They feel happy with a mortgage in their hand bearing ten or twelve percentinterest. If the interest ceases to come, the farm is taken. Money lendershave so much confidence in farmers that they use every means possible inorder to loan them money, and I sometimes think that farmers borrow themoney simply to accommodate the lenders. He must be a very successful farmerindeed who can afford to pay ten percent interest. Borrowing money is ofmore detriment to a farmer than a drought; he pays what would be his profitsover to the capitalist in the shape of interest. Going in debt for machinerydoesn't pay; and after it is purchased, leaving it outdoors, exposed toall kinds of weather, doubles the misfortune. A great many of our Kansasfarmers have more machinery on their farms than they have grain. The follyof purchasing machinery on the strength of an assured crop has been fullyshown during the last season; farmers are too prodigal as a general rulewith their time; they waste too much of it at the end of the field on whichthey are ploughing. We all admire a man who is courteous and neighborly;but a farmer owes it to himself to waste as few hours as possible when cultivatingcorn or harvesting wheat. Any idler who may be wandering around has no claimto an hour or two of any man's time. Two hours conversation in the fieldwill give the weeds such a start as four will not overcome. You may thinkthis is a small matter, but if you stop to consider how much it amountsto in a season, I think you will conclude that it doesn't pay. Your neighborsmay think you uncongenial and avaricious, but full cribs and bins afterharvest will prove your wisdom. It is the man full of business who has thefull purse.

That maxim "never put off 'til tomorrowwhat you can do today," is a good one; but I notice that the customis to put off until tomorrow all that doesn't have to be done today. Donot wait until the harvest is ripe before the reaper is repaired; or untilthe time has arrived for plowing before the plows and harness are put inreadiness. If those farmers who spend their winter days in the country storeswould improve them in fixing things on the farm, they would be making goodwages. How often is a machine broken in the midst of a pushing harvest,when a few hours of overhauling before it went into the field would haveprevented it! A Chicago editor said: "We know a very prosperous farmerwho says his idle winter months are the most profitable of the year. Duringthe cold weather, when his neighbors go to town and loaf around the stores,shops, and saloons, he employs his time in a small shop in a corner of hisbarn, in repairing and repainting his plows, wagons, and other machinery,in building sheds and repairing fences. In the spring he is ready for activework in the field while his neighbor is either delayed or must hire an extrahand on account of repairs that must positively be made."

This lack of care and foresight can be extendedto many other things about the farm: the care of growing crops, of orchards,small fruits, etc. It was a reckless habit our earlier settlers had of breakingtheir land, putting out orchards, and then leaving them to the mercy offire and stock. This practice resulted not only in the loss of the treesbut in the use of the land, and caused a delay in putting out an orchardwhich would be taken care of. Many of our orchards and forest trees aretaken care of in the same way yet. There are few things on a farm as profitableas a well-kept orchard. It is a constant source of pleasure, health, andwealth.

In conclusion, I would observe that if thefarmer would take a lesson from a prosperous merchant and systematize hiswork, be prompt in everything, practice economy, and keep abreast with hiscalling, he would enjoy the farm as he had never enjoyed it before. We shouldsee better homes, better farmers, and better farms; well filled bookshelveswould lure the boys from loafing places, and cause them to love farm life.


Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.

Geo. F. Thompson, superintendent of thenew printing department of the Kansas State Agricultural, at Manhattan,was the guest of Mr. M. H. Markum, during the holding of the farmers' Instituteat Winfield, a few days ago.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Since his last contribution, "Mark"enjoyed a week's recreation at the State Capital and Manhattan, returningby way of Kansas City. Were he to give a description of the sights, scenes,and pleasures incident to his trip, the columns of the COURIER would betoo much crowded. During his sojourn at Topeka he was the recipient of manyvaluable favors and appreciated courtesies from Representatives Greer andKing and Senator Jennings, for which they have his hearty thanks. Havingspent much time in the House part of the Legislature, he was pleased tonotice the active part Hon. Greer took in the debates of that August assembly.Hons. King and Maurer, although more conservative, appeared none the lessinterested and solicitous concerning the disposition of bills. Senator Jenningsseemed to have but few, if any, superiors in the Senate, and was quite fortunatein accomplishing what he undertook. "Our boys," with possiblyone single exception, made as clean and clear a record as legislators asany county delegation in the State. The fact that they finally secured theImbecile Institution after a close and sharp contest, entitles them to thejust recognition of our people in the future. The "boys" are nowacquainted and could exert a more powerful influence in the next Legislature.At Manhattan, "Mark" enjoyed a "feast of reason and a flowof soul," as the guest of Prof. Thompson, of the State College. Prof.Shelton, of the Farm Department, kindly placed himself at ye scribe's serviceand a rich treat was enjoyed in the agricultural line, which space forbidsdescribing. Many valuable improvements have been made in and to the Collegeand farm since "Mark" was an honored student three years ago.The only regret that his visit occasioned was the fact that he is not nownumbered among the four hundred students who are daily enjoying its delightfulcomforts and advantages. This institution is rapidly becoming, and deservedlytoo, the most popular school in the State. It is now more thoroughly equippedthan ever before, with comfortable buildings well lighted and heated, neatlycarpeted and artistically decorated. A corps of able instructors who haveno superiors in their special fields, in or out of the State, and all necessaryapparatus for the education of mechanical and scientific subjects. The IndustrialDepartment of the College is a grand success. Every student is not onlytaught theory, but practice is compelled in some one of the several usefultrades taught and fostered by the institution, thus laying the ground workof an honorable and useful career of its alumni.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.

The winter term closed last Friday, witha well delivered and instructive lecture by Geo. F. Thompson, Supt. of theprinting department. His subject was "Some elements of success."

[Believe the census waswrong. Thomson should be Thompson. MAW]

Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from


S. Thomson 43 m w Scotland Canada

Sarah Thomson 14 f w Canada Canada

Ada Thomson 13 f w Canada Canada

Tisdale Township 1873.

Thompson, Samuel, age 40. Spouse, nonementioned.

Tisdale Township 1874.

Thompson, Samuel, age 40. Spouse, Margaret,age 42.

[Samuel Thompson does not appearon later listings in Tisdale Township.]

Unknown whether "Sandy Thompson"and "Samuel Thompson" are the same man...


Winfield Courier, October14, 1875.

Sandy Thompson, living near Tisdale, lost hisarm in a threshing machine last Friday morning. He was in the act of oilingthe cogs when his sleeve was caught and his arm torn off below the elbow.Dr. Graham was called and found amputation just below the shoulder necessary.This is the second accident of exactly the same kind in the same family,a brother of Sandy having lost an arm under similar circ*mstances a fewyears ago in Canada.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877. Front Page.

No Parsons Narrow Gauge forTisdale.
TISDALE, April 16, 1877.

Editor Traveler:

A meeting was held in Tisdale on Saturday, the14th inst., to take an expression of the people with reference to votingbonds on the Parsons east and west railroad.

With the exception of two individuals,whom we were informed at the time, were promised a station at theirdoors, the meetingwas unanimous against the bonds.

Many speeches were made, and many whowere never known to make a public speech in their lives, gave vent to theirfeelings on this occasion, and held the floor for some time.

On the same evening a meeting was held in theJarvis schoolhouse in the north part of Sheridan Township. The floor washeld the greater part of the evening by a man named Thomas. This man Thomaslives near Mount Contention, and whether he spoiled the Mount or the Mountspoiled him, we were unable to tell; but one thing we do know--he was verycontentious. From the amount of information we could obtain, even as farnorth as that locality, the greater part were against the humbug.

It is the full opinion of the community, asfar as I have heard, that the company is not a responsible one, that theirman never was worth anything in his life, and is reported to be worth nothingnow, and is a mere railroad adventurer.

The matter is hurried upon us without givingus any opportunity of judging for or against it, and this is done for apurpose.

Never were truer remarks penned by man, thanthose of Rev. Platter, of Winfield, in writing from Philadelphia last summerto the Winfield Courier. He stated that eastern capitalists andrailroad companies looked upon the people of Kansas as a people who wishedto make their living by their wits, and not by solid industry. So it isat the present time. Some sharpers wish to make a pile by their wits, andnot by any honest principle.

As we have no confidence in the company; aswe have no certainty that the road would be built even if the bonds werevoted, but perhaps bring us into a disagreeable litigation without any return;and as the whole matter seems to be rotten, let us by all means vote itdown, and when the time comes to vote bonds for a road, let them at leasthave a better appearance of value than the present proposition. SAMUEL THOMPSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.

District Court Docket.
James Napier vs Samuel Thompson


Winfield Courier, November25, 1880.

Trial docket for December term, commencing onthe first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880:

Samuel Thompson vs. William tit*worth


Winfield Courier, July24, 1884.

PAUPER CLAIMS. Houghton & Kirkpatrick, Jas.Armstrong, Ware & Pickering, H. R. Rude, M. N. Sinnott, Richard Courtright,Samuel Thompson, J. N. Harter, T. W. Wood, Emily Wooden, L. S. Downs, S.B. Gailey, J. H. Sparrow, J. B. Lynn, S. B. Park, J. W. Jenkins, McGuireBros., C. H. Staten, R. H. Moore.

Abstract of County Auditor'sReport.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,January 1, 1885.

The following is an abstract of the report ofthe claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D.,1884.

[Report Showed To Whom/For What/Claimed/Allowed.]
Samuel Thompson. Pauper bill.
Members of Thos. ThompsonFamily.

Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

Thos. Thompson 40 m w Pennsylvania Missouri

Ella Thompson 30 f w Missouri Missouri

Floyd Thompson 9 m w Missouri Missouri

Lizzie Thompson 7 f w Missouri Missouri

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Wolf Hunt.

The citizens of Vernon Township and vicinityassembled January 5, 1874, for the purpose of organizing for a wolf hunt.D. Hopkins was chosen chairman of the meeting. A committee was appointedto draft a programme for the hunt consisting of Dr. A. S. Capper, E. D.Skinner, and T. Thompson. The place of closing the circle is the northeastquarter of the 16th section of Vernon Township, the boundary lines as follows.

The Walnut River on the east, the Arkansason the west, the south line of Vernon Township on the south, two miles northof the north line of Vernon Township on the north.

The day designated for the hunt: January15, 1874. Time of starting at the boundary lines 10 o'clock A.M. The menare allowed to carry fire-arms, but no shooting is allowed inside of thering. Dogs are not allowed to run loose when the ring is closed. The ChiefMarshal gives the signal when the dogs are to be loosed. The proceeds ofthe hunt to be donated to the Cowley County school fund. T. A. Blanchardis Chief Marshal. There shall be a marshal for each line and he shall callas many aides as needed; everyone having a horn or bell is requested tobring it. The chief marshal shall wear a blue scarf; the marshal on thelines and their aides shall wear a red scarf or ribbon.

A general invitation is extended to all,and a special one to the editors of the Oxford and Winfield papers. By orderof Committee.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.


To the Union Soldiers of the late War:

We, the undersigned, your comrades and survivorsof the late rebellion, believe that a reunion of the old soldiers now residentsof Cowley and surrounding counties, would meet your approval and serve torenew and strengthen a patriotic and brotherly feeling in the hearts ofall old soldiers and lovers of the Union, we would, therefore call a reunionat Island Park, Winfield, Kansas, for the 7th and 8th of October, 1881.

For a more complete organization and thesuccessful carrying out of this plan, we would ask all old soldiers residingin the limits above named, to meet at Manning Opera House, on Saturday,July 23rd, at 2 o'clock p.m., at which time to effect a permanent organization,and the appointment of such general and local committees as the meetingmay deem proper, essential for the ultimate success of this--an old soldiers'reunion--at the time and place above mentioned. The county papers are requestedto publish this call.

One of those who signed: T. Thompson.

Winfield Courier,October 6, 1881.

Vernon township.

At a meeting of the soldiers of Vernon township,held Oct. 4, Mr. P. M. Wait in the chair, on motion A. Beswick was selectedSec. pro tem. The question of organizing a company being canvassed on motionof Mr. Millspaugh, it was moved and seconded that we organize as a companyfor the purpose of attending the Soldiers' Reunion at Winfield. Mr. J. W.Millspaugh nominated on motion of Mr. Bonnewell. Declined and Mr. Wait nominated.Carried. Mr. B. J. Bonnewell, First Lieut. Carried. Mr. B. J. Bonnewell,First Lieut. Carried. Mr. J. M. Householder Second Lieut. Carried. Mr. ThomasThompson act as Orderly Sergeant. Carried. Mr. G. J. D. Cole to act as ColorBearer. Carried. On motion it was agreed that we meet for drill Friday evening.A. BESWICK, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier,October 20, 1881.







Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Vernon never has shown greater signs ofreal permanent prosperity than those to be observed at present. Many fineresidences have been erected, costing from six to fifteen hundred dollars.Among those who have built a residence are Mr. Jackson, Mr. John Dunn, Mr.Isaac Wood, Mr. Corson, Mr. H. H. Martin, A. J. Worden, Albert Hawkins,T. Thompson. Mr. Ed Allen and Mr. M. Croco have built themselves nice littlebarns.

Unknown whether the following appliesto Thomas Thompson of Vernon Township or not....Seeley is location mentioned.

Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.

SEELY, KANSAS, January 13, 1882.

The Crooked Creek Library Association heldtheir third annual meeting January 4th. House called to order by the Secretary,Mr. D. W. Pierce, chosen Chairman pro tem.

Treasurer's report read and adopted, andLibrarian's report read and approved.

Officers elected for the coming year: Mr.D. W. Pierce, President; Mr. George S. Cole, Vice President; Bert Copple,Secretary; Mr. S. A. Hood, Treasurer; Mrs. J. N. Hood, Librarian; Mr. Geo.B. Cole, P. J. Copple, and Jacob Hopkins, Library Committee; and AlbertPierce, L. H. Senseny, and Mr. T. Thompson, Trustees.

Adjourned to meet the first Wednesday afterthe first Monday in April.

BERT COPPLE, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Thos. Thompson of Vernon planted sixteenacres of corn last week.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.

Vernon Township, Delegates: P. M. Waite,Thos. Thompson, W. L. Homes, H. O. Wooley. No alternates.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


EDS. COURIER. Upon visiting our neighborHiram Hopkins, we found him with one leg broken twice, the other brokenonce, and one of his arms twice. The accident occurred in a grist mill,about ten miles north of Winfield and the Walnut River. His coat tail wascaught by a shaft. Seeing the condition he was in, we felt it a duty aswell as a pleasure to contribute to his wants. So we started with two papers.L. A. Millspaugh canvassed the south half of Vernon Township and H. H. Hawkinsthe north half. We give the names with the amount opposite.

T. Thompson: $2.00

Not certain the following covers"T. Thompson" of Vernon Township...


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

We are becoming noted for organs as we nowhave 7 in the district. Mr. T. Thompson has a "Patterson," Mr.F. W. Schwantes a "Beatty," and the Sabbath school organ cameon last week. It is a "Cornish." Several of the young ladies aredevoting their time and talents to music.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As the first item of interest,I will insert the minutes of the Vernon Pioneer's Reunion, as furnishedme by the Secretary.


Minutes of the first reunion of the Pioneersof Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

Pursuant to a previous call, the old settlersof Vernon Township met at Riverside Park at 10 o'clock a.m., and Mr. HenryHawkins was called to the chair and M. L. Martin was chosen temporary secretary.After which all the old settlers who immigrated to Vernon previous to January1st, 1873, were requested to come forward and sign their names to the roll,or have the secretary to do so, as by a previous motion, and vote it wasdecided that all who settled in Vernon previous to that time should be consideredold settlers.

The secretary then called the roll, afterwhich a permanent organization was affected by electing officers for theensuing year as follows: J. W. Millspaugh, president; T. A. Blanchard, vice-president;H. H. Martin, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was then adjourned until2 o'clock, to give all a chance to partake of a bountiful dinner preparedfor the occasion, and to which old settlers and friends did ample justice.

At 2 o'clock p.m., the meeting was calledto order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh, who made a short address statingthe object of the afternoon session. A number of old settlers were thencalled to the stand, and short and appropriate addresses were made by T.A. Blanchard, A. Hetrick, J. B. Evans, Albert Werden, M. L. Martin, andF. W. Schwantes.

T. A. Blanchard stated that Benj. F. Murphywas the first white man that settled in Vernon Township, and that MotherBlanchard was the first white woman who died in the township, a martyr tothe trials and privations of pioneer life.

P. M. Waite claims the honor of haulingand offering for sale the first load of wheat in the city of Winfield.

Mr. T. B. Ware claims the honor of raisingthe seed wheat from which Mr. Waite raised his load of wheat.

M. L. Martin has the honor of having plantedthe first shrubs and rose bushes set in Vernon soil, from which hundredsof bushes have been taken and are now blossoming around the homes of others.

Moved and carried that our next reunionbe held on May 31st, 1883. On motion a committee of five were appointedon program by the chairman. They were: T. A. Blanchard, chairman of committee,J. H. Werden, H. H. Martin, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, and Mrs. J. H. Werden.On motion a committee of three on arrangements were appointed by the chair.

H. C. Hawkins, T. Thompson, and T. B. Warewere the committee appointed, after which the meeting adjourned to meetone year from date, May 31st, 1883.

J. W. MILLSPAUGH, President.

H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.

I failed to get the roll of the old settlers,but I think I can give them by memory; at least all those who answered totheir names.

Messrs. Ives, Brown, A. Beaman, Bud Bernard,F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, Wm. Schwantes, Fahnestock, Thos. Thompson,E. C. Martin, D. S. Beadle, J. H., A. J., and F. A. Werden, H. C. Hawkins,Benj. Dougherty, D. G. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, J. W. Millspaugh, L. A. Millspaugh,N. Millspaugh, R. Millspaugh, M. L. Martin, James Foster, T. B. Ware, N.C. Clark, P. M. Waite, Charles McClung, Ile McClung, Milt Rhodes, and J.B. Evans.

It was moved and carried that at the nextreunion we should have a book and record the names of both males and females,and all children who were with or born to their parents prior to January1, 1873. There was as good a turn-out of citizens, both new and old, ascould have been expected, considering the inclemency of the weather andshort time of notice. There were several hundred present, and everythingwent off pleasantly. We are sorry the editor of the COURIER failed to bethere to give us an address. Hope he will be sure and attend our next.

I will forbear making any remarks aboutthe address, as it has been hinted to me that I am capable of telling allI know and a little more, and I have a sincere desire to write nothing butthe truth. Anything from Vernon needs no high coloring, no extra touchesor polishing, for she stands forth in grandeur and beauty; an honor to herself,and the county.

Robert Taylor has returned from Kentucky,and says he washed about one-half of the state with the washing machinehe is selling, and made some money. He will return to Kentucky again afterharvest.

Considerable damage was done the wheat byhail on Saturday morning, May 27, but the area of damage was small.

Mr. Tharp lost a horse last week with inflammationcaused by a bad spell of colic. It is a pity so many horses die with thisdisease when a little knowledge of proper treatment would save them. W.W. Painter had a fine mule get loose in his wheat and it was taken withthe same disease. He took the mule to Winfield to his brother, Charles Painter,to see if he could relieve the animal, but he soon returned home, leavingword with his brother to have the mule buried as soon as it died. On returningto Winfield the next day, he found the mule alive and worth more than acat with nine lives, $150, at least. Charles Painter is becoming famousas a horseman. M. LEWIS.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Who doesn't enjoy Saturdayafternoon, especially when it is one of rest and pleasure; and as this oneis my own, I shall remain at home and give you a few facts and fancies fromour quiet vicinity--I say quiet, because everyone is busy at their respectiveduties, some working at and with the steam thresher helping it shell outand measure the bright golden grains that have been harvested, and thatare so necessary to our physical want, while others are working equallyas hard in the culinary department preparing the dainty and substantialdishes for the present, and looking forward to the near future, by canningand preserving the fruits for the winter. With the exception of richness,it would be quite a relief to have a little sensation of some kind--suchas parties, picnics, and the like, for it seems as if all are of one mindon one subject, at least that of single blessedness, hence no weddings

--but stop! We heard one young man remarkthat when he sold his wheat he intended to marry--wheat is the great standfor the farmer.

Some twenty of our neighbors attended thepicnic at Arkansas City on the Fourth.

Mr. J. F. Martin has had the land feverfor several days past, but is all right now, having purchased the adjoining80 acre piece on the east of him formerly owned by Mr. Fahnestock.

Mrs. Appleton and daughter, of Missouri,are now the guests of Mrs. F. Thompson.

It is reported that a young man of our districthas a pet snake almost three feet in length; we do not admire snakes althoughsome do.

Mr. T. Carter has purchased a new familycarriage--see what wheat is doing.

Early one morning of last week Mr. Craigwas minus his mules; after canvassing the country until dark they were foundat one of the neighbors.

A library for the Sabbath School and districtis now being talked up.

Rev. Mr. Snyder has been absent for severalweeks, but is expected home soon.

We heard, but doubt the assertion that Mr.T. Blanchard has his farm for sale.

Mr. Tom Isnogle was sick on the Fourth.

Mrs. McMasters is visiting at her old homein Illinois.

Mr. F. W. Schwantes has been selling offmore of his swine.

We heard quite recently that Mr. Lou Robertswas expected home to remain but a few days--a load stone at valley briofor him.

With blackberries accompanies "Chiggers"for dessert and like "Olivia," we have plenty of the latter andto spare.

We have been having very growing weatherlately and the prospect for a large yield of corn is indeed flattering.BOBOLINK.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.


Thos. Thompson, Co. A, 6th Cav.,Mo. Vol.

The other entry [October 20, 1881]...


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Vernon Township Republican Nominations.

For Trustee, E. D. Skinner; for Clerk, P.B. Lee; for Treasurer, Thos. Thompson; for Justices, T. B. Ware, Oscar Wooley;for Constables, W. L. Holmes, W. S. Wooley; Road Overseers--1st Dist., D.S. Cole; 2nd Dist., Moses Nixon; 3rd Dist., N. C. Clarke; 5th Dist., G.W. Kielhols [?Kielholz?].

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

A Protest.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, Feb. 6, 1883.

To the Editor of the Winfield Courier:

SIR: We, the undersigned residents of VernonTownship, solemnly and sincerely enter our protest against such proceedingsas were held in Winfield on the morning of Feb. the 1st, viz.: the hangingof Charles Cobb by a mob. We are in favor of punishing crime, but not infavor of mob law.

E. D. Skinner, Henry Hawkins, W. W. Painter,J. T. Prewitt, J. M. Householder, P. Hill, M. Gesler, L. F. Hess, A. H.Miller, Joseph Astor, J. S. Baker, F. H. Werden, T. Thompson, I. B. Corson,P. B. Lee, J. W. Millspaugh, R. Wellman, M. Nixon, L. E. Gault, M. W. Brown,W. L. Pennington, M. Nicholson. George Wilson, L. Gibson, T. B. Ware, Wm.Carter, H. G. Woolley, J. S. Ward, S. E. Case. W. S. Woolly, J. E. Wooley,W. L. Holmes, E. C. Martin.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Township Elections.

The following township officers were declaredelected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.

VERNON: E. D. Skinner, trustee; P. B. Lee,clerk; Thos. Thompson, treasurer; H. H. Martin, J. P.; W. L. Holmes andScott Wooley, constables.


Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.

Office of the County Clerk, Winfield,Kansas, February 12th, 1884.

BOARD met in regular session agreeable toadjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton,Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.

Among other proceedings the following claimswere allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paidfrom $2.00 to $6.00.


Judges: H. H. Martin, T. B. Ware, T. Thompson.

Clerks, J. M. Householder, F. H. Werden.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. W. M. Thompson, postmaster of UpperSandusky, Ohio, Jim McLain's old home for eleven consecutive years, arrivedlast Thursday and is visiting his brother, Mr. Thos. Thompson of Vernon.He will probably locate in Cowley. This is the sixth man from WyandotteCounty, Ohio, in the last two weeks, and they are all substantial and well-to-do,just such men as are always heartily welcomed by Cowley people.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Winfield will be represented at the MinneapolisReunion by the following persons, so far as we have been able to ascertain:C. Ferguson, J. E. Snow, R. Amrine, L. B. Stone, A. R. Wilson, M. G. Troup,J. B. Schofield _____ Smith, T. J. Harris, N. A. Haight, A. G. Wilson, Thos.Thompson, S. C. Smith, and S. Cure. Delegations from other sections of thecounty will congregate in this city and all take a special train Sundaymorning.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Thos. C. Thompson, of Vernon, comes forwardthis week with more evidence that Cowley is a grand fruit county. He hasleft us a branch on eight inches of which are twenty-two finely shaped Genatonapples.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.

Republican County Committee Meeting.

All members of the Republican county committeenamed at the convention held in Winfield on Saturday, August 23rd, 1884,are requested to meet at the Courier office in Winfield, Saturday,August 30, at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of effecting a permanent organizationand such other business as may come before said committee. The followingare members of said committee.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Republicans of Vernon will hold a primaryfor the nomination of township officers on Saturday evening, the 31stinst., at the Werden schoolhouse, at 7 o'clock.

Thos. Thompson, Chairman.


The Program Entire as Adoptedby Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.

Post commander and comrades of WinfieldPost No. 85, G. A. R.: Your committee appointed to report to the Post aprogram for memorial and decoration services submit the following as theirreport.

Decoration of Vernon Center Cemetery: H.H. Siverd, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, Thos. Thompson, J. M. Householder.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.

The executive committee, "Grand Armyof the Republic," have appointed the undersigned committee to decoratethe graves of soldiers buried at Vernon cemetery, May 30, 1885: H. H. Siverd,W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh; J. M. Householder, and Thomas Thompson.Comrade W. W. Painter will receive flowers and make all necessary arrangements,and friends are requested to furnish him the names, rank, and regiment ofdeceased soldiers. The public are invited to meet the committee at the abovenamed cemetery not later than 9 o'clock a.m., May 30. H. H. Siverd, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

The Republicans of Vernon township willmeet at Vernon schoolhouse on Saturday, September 12th, at 7o'clock p.m. T. Thompson, Chairman.

Possibly a son of Thos. Thompson...


Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.

Mr. John Thompson, a young man from VernonTownship, had a run-a-way Saturday. He was driving a team of colts and oneof them got his head under the cheek and began to run in a circle. Thompsonjumped out, grabbed the bits, and was trying to stop them when the off coltgave him a heavy kick on the leg. This was more than he bargained for andhe let the colts go. The buggy was picked up in a demoralized condition.



PAGE 306.

T. L. Thompson.

Thomas Lewis Thompson came to Americawith his family from Stavanger, Norway, in 1857. He was eight years old.He came with his father and mother, Lars and Dorotea Thompson, and his brotherMathias, and sister Martha. The family name at that time was Nygaard, butafter moving to the United States they changed it to Thompson.

The Thompson family landed in Quebec,Canada, and then went on to Dayton, Illinois. None of the family could speakEnglish. Tom's mother sent him to play with the neighbor children each dayso he could learn to speak English and then teach the family. After learningto speak English, Tom attended school. He went to work in a woolen millat age 12. He was so short that he had to stand on a box to do his work.He worked in the mill ten years.

In 1870, when Tom was 22 years old,he heard of the land in Kansas which was being homesteaded. He and a friendwent to Kansas and Tom took a claim six miles northwest of Cedar Vale onOtter Creek in Cowley County. The nearest land office was at Augusta, whichwas approximately 70 miles away. Tom herded sheep for nearby ranchers andhe also was a carpenter. He helped build the first store in Cedar Vale.It was called Early & Bishop.

In 1871 Tom went back to Illinoisand when he returned he brought his father Lars and the other members ofLars' family. The end of the railroad at the time was at Humboldt, Kansas.At Humboldt they met Randolph Hite and John Radcliff, who were emigratingto Dexter. They hauled their baggage to Dexter, which had three stores atthe time. Lars secured 120 acres on Otter Creek for his farm.

On February 24, 1877, at Sedan,Kansas, Tom married Cassie Jane Lowe. Three children were born at the farmon Otter Creek: Walter Lars, Ross Mathias, and Winnie Dorothea.

In 1882, when Winnie was six monthsold, Tom bought an 80 acre farm on Plum Creek, about three miles northeastof Dexter. The other four children were born on the farm. They were: SarahMina, Madelsa Jane, Stephen Victor, and Warren Dean. All of the childrenattended the Plum Creek School.

Tom built a large nine room, two-storyhouse for his family. Cassie Jane passed away in 1925. Tom lived on thefarm until he passed away at the age of 97 years. In 1959, having purchasedthe property from the other children, Ross sold it to Byron Radcliff, whotore down the house and barn.

Lars, Tom's father, dedicated asmall parcel of land as a burial place for himself and Dorothea. In 1874,L. M. Henery, and his wife, Bonnie, purchased a farm, which was known asthe Gammon place. Bonnie discovered the small cemetery and restored it.She cleaned up the brush and debris and had a fence put around it. She namedthe little cemetery the Otter Creek Cemetery. It is now a beautiful place,thanks to Bonnie. The Thompson family owes her a debt of gratitude.

Lucille Thompson Horn.

Kansas 1875 Census Otter Township, CowleyCounty, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from

L. Thompson 65 m w Norway Illinois

Maggie Thompson 63 f w Norway Illinois

T. L. Thompson 24 m w Norway Illinois

S. M. Thompson 21 m w Norway Illinois

M. Thompson 18 f w Norway Illinois

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.


Otter--A. B. Shaver, Trustee; C. R. Myles,Treasurer; E. J. Edwards, Clerk; J. J. Smith, J. McDonough, Justices; F.M. Ross, T. Thompson, Constables.

Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.



Among other proceedings had by the Boardthe following claims were acted upon as follows.

Name. Kind of Service. Amount.


E. H. Rogers, Judge: $6.00

A. A. Mills, Judge: $2.00

N. W. Parkin, Judge: $2.00

T. L. Thompson, Clerk: $2.00

John Stockdale, Clerk: $2.00


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Otter Creek News.

T. L. Thompson has moved on his new farmon Plum Creek. He is very well satisfied with his purchase. Mr. Harper hasmoved into T. L.'s old house.


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.

Mr. F. G. Wilson, from Barnard County, Illinois,has been visiting in this city with his uncle, Mr. W. H. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Miss Katie Rush, of Wichita, and Miss AliceThompson, of Jacksonville, Illinois, are visiting in the city with the familyof Mr. W. H. Thompson. Miss Thompson is a niece of W. H., and will spendthe summer here.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Whirlpool Near the Tunnel MillUshers Another Soul Into Eternity.

DIED. Our community was shocked Tuesdayafternoon by the drowning, in the whirlpool near the Tunnel Mill, of FrankG. Willson, one of the most promising young men of the city and a memberof the real estate firm of Harris & Willson. He and C. C. Harris wentto the river to bathe about three o'clock that afternoon and had been swimmingin the water for some time when the accident occurred. The water in thispool is very deep and swift, though, with a little care, is not considereddangerous when the river is in a normal condition. It has several currentsin a depth of fifteen feet and flows with a whirling motion, the currentcontinually eddying around the pool. Frank and Mr. Harris had started downthe current to swim around, the latter considerably ahead. When Frank gotabout half way through, he called for help and immediately went under. Thecurrent prevented Mr. Harris from swimming upstream to his rescue and theonly thing to be done was to circle around and come down to him. But thebody was held down by the undercurrent and only rose once after the firstsubmersion, making all efforts at rescue fruitless. The alarm was immediatelygiven and in a few minutes many willing hands were searching for the body.The swift, deep, and eddying water shifted the body in such a manner asto prevent its recovery until it had been submerged fifty minutes. Drs.Wright, Pugh, Taylor, and Wells were on the ground and everything withinhuman possibility was done to resuscitate the body, but in vain. Its spirithad flown to the inevitable and voiceless Eternity. It is supposed thatcramp or strangulation by a back-water wave caused the terrible result.Those acquainted with the water at this place don't attribute it to thesuction, though this undoubtedly increased the helplessness of the victim.It is hard to estimate the number of persons that have been drowned in thispool--fifteen or twenty. This alone is sufficient to brand this place asdangerous, and should warn people to go elsewhere to bath.

Frank G. Willson was about twenty-five yearsof age. He came to Winfield some seven months ago and associated himselfwith T. J. Harris in the real estate and loan business. During his shortresidence among us he won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact.His only relatives here are the family of his uncle, Mr. W. H. Thompson.His parents reside in Jacksonville, Illinois. They were immediately telegraphedthe fate of their son and answered, requesting his remains to be sent homefor interment, which was done yesterday. The father is a prominent bankerof Jacksonville. Frank was one of those bright, progressive, and substantialyoung men whose future indicates great usefulness and advancement. The writerhad many pleasant conversations with him and found him possessed of thosefiner feelings which indicate morality and refinement and are always agreeable.Nothing is sadder than the snatching away of a life buoyant with brighthopes for the future. Truly "in the midst of life we are in death."

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, of thiscity, were called upon by the angel of death, on Wednesday of last week,to part with their only daughter, little Bernice, three years old. She wasa very sweet child and the blow falls heavily upon the parents. Mr. Thompsonhad accompanied the remains of his nephew, F. G. Willson, to Illinois, whenhe was called home by telegraph to the bedside of his sick child.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.

Miss Alice Thompson has returned from Jacksonville,Illinois, and will probably spend the summer with her uncle and aunt, Mr.and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. She is a charming young lady and made many friendsduring her visit here last summer.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.

It used to be said that about the driestand most unsocial gatherings one could attend was a church social. It isn'tso, by any means, of church socials now-a-days, at least not those givenin Winfield. There is a generous rivalry between our church organizationsas to which can give the pleasantest entertainments--preserving that highplane of moral excellence that all exhibitions in the name of a church shouldhave. Of course the double purpose of these meetings is to secure fundsfor contingent church expenses and to give those in attendance a pleasurableevening. In addition to this they afford an opportunity for the ministersand flocks to meet and converse with members of their churches on otherthan strictly church topics, and also to extend their acquaintance amongthose who, while not always "believers," are often "supporters"of churches. It is at these gatherings that the real genuine minister ofthe gospel sows the seeds of charity, courtesy, and kindred virtues fromwhich a hopeful harvest may afterward be reached. The world dislikes thepinch-faced, over-particular and ever sanctimonious person about as muchas the truly good hate the sniveling hypocrite. And it goes without sayingthat the most popular minister and the most influential one for good ishe who can occasionally lay aside the "robes of priestly office"and mingle among his neighbors much like other men. Not that he should forgethis calling, and engage in amusem*nts the nature of which brings him intodispute among his followers, but he may, with perfect propriety, take ahand in any one of the half a hundred pastimes which please the young folksand entertain "children of larger growth." THE COURIER notes withpleasure that Winfield pastors belong to that school which refuses to crucifythe body because it enjoys a hearty laugh, or condemns the soul to everlastingperdition because it finds convivial spirits while on earth. But we havewandered somewhat from our text--the Methodist social. It was one of themost enjoyable. Men and matrons, belles and beaux, girls and boys, wereall there in full force, with their winsome smiles and pretty array. Ofcourse, the main attraction, aside from the congeniality of those present,were the ice cream, raspberries, etc. There were six tables presided overby Mrs. C. D. Austin and Mrs. Dr. Pickens; Mrs. W. R. McDonald and MissesMaggie Bedilion and Nina Conrad; Mrs. W. H. Thompson and Mrs. J. W. Prather;Mrs. A. H. Green and Misses Anna Green and Hattie Andrews; Mrs. G. L. Rinkerand Mrs. James Cooper; Mrs. S. G. Gary, Mrs. N. R. Wilson, and Miss HattieGlotfelter, and a very busy and attentive bevy they were. The cream ranout long before the crowd was supplied--though they started in with twentygallons or more. The Methodist orchestra, Messrs. Crippen, Shaw, Bates,Roberts, and Newton, with Miss Kelly at the organ, furnished beautiful musicduring the evening. It was a most enjoyable entertainment throughout. Theseats having been removed, awaiting the placing of the new ones, the churchmade an excellent place for such an entertainment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.

W. H. Thompson returned Saturday from Illinois.We are glad to see him back.

Not sure this is the same man asnoted above...


Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.

This morning Mr. Canada, of Winfield, shippeda car-load of hogs from this point to Kansas City. He purchased the wholenumber from W. H. Thompson, of this locality.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886.

W. H. Thompson shipped his fifty head ofsteers last week to Kansas City.


Rock Creek.

1875. Thompson, Wm., 59. Spouse,Lydia, 56.


1882. Thompson, Wm., 66. Daughters:Charlotte, 28, Mattie, 22.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.

Township--ROCK CREEK:






"Uncle Billy"Thompson - Rock Township.


Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.

Our worthy postmaster and his deputy atRock, think they are safe, if President Tilden is inaugurated. Cause why?Geo. voted for Hudson and John voted for Samuel J., and that lets UncleBilly Thompson out. The school at Darien has woodbined, and Tom Dawson wageswarfare upon the prairie chicken and the timid hare.

Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.

Mr. Thompson, of Rock, was with us lastweek.


Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.

W. O. Baxter, M. L. Hollingsworth, W. L.White, G. M. Turner, F. G. Szirkowsky, Mr. Thompson, J. M. Harcourt, JohnHolmes, Mr. Bailey, and Sam Strong are among the most successful farmersof that township.



Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.

Items from Rock.

Rock is booming. Our school numbers 64 andis progressing finely.

Wm. Thompson has gone to Indiana to spenda few weeks with his children. He has not been back since he left over sixyears ago.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Rock Items.

Miss Mattie Thompson, daughter of Wm. Thompson,has been quite sick, but is now better.

Archie Thompson is constructing a drainon his home place. This will drain several acres of very wet land and makeit tillable. The drain will be 220 rods long, and several feet deep, walledin with stone, costing about $250.

The officers of our Sunday school for theensuing quarter are: Supt. Thos. Harp; Assistant Superintendents, C. H.Leavitt and Mrs. Lydia Thompson; Secretary, Mrs. Wilson; Assistant Secretary,Geo. Harcourt; Librarian, Miss Maggie Holmes; Treasurer, Miss Lotta Thompson.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. Lydia Thompson and daughter are visitingfriends in Geuda.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mrs. Thompson and daughter have returnedhome from their visit in the east. MAY.

Note...It appears that there wasa different Thompson family living in Rock, unless Quincy [Quinton] Thompsonwas related to Wm. Thompson.


1882. Thompson, Quenton, 65. Spouse,Lidia, 63.



Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.


Mr. Hoober living above here has sold hisfarm of 80 acres to Quincy Thompson for the sum of $1,150.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Quinton Thompson has bought the 1/4 sectionjust east of him, belonging to Scott, of Illinois. Price paid, $2,400 cash.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.

A. Q. Thompson and E. E. Myers were in fromRock Monday.

[Thompson Individuals andFamilies I could not trace.]

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Tuesday morning Mr. James Baldwin, accompaniedby his friends, Joseph Henderson and A. H. Thompson, left for VermillionCounty, Illinois. They have been all over south-western Kansas, and theypronounce Cowley the best county they have seen. They will return this fallwith a large flock of sheep, purchase land in the Grouse Valley, and gointo sheep raising extensively. We wish them a safe journey home and a speedyreturn to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.

County Commissioners' Proceedings.

Juror Fees: B. M. Terrill, $.75; J. J. Bair,$.75; J. E. Allen, $.75; A. H. Thompson, $.75; E. B. Pratt, $.75; and F.S. Jennings, $.75.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.

SISTER DIED. Miss Thompson, who has beenemployed in the family of Mr. J. E. Miller, of this city, was called toher home, near Maple City, on Saturday last on account of the death of alittle sister from the effects of rattlesnake poison.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Died. A little 14 year old daughter of AlexanderThompson died last week from the effects of snake bite. She was herdingcattle and slid off her horse to the ground, lighting on top of a huge rattle-snake.Before she could get away from the snake, she was bitten nine times on thefoot and ankle. She went home immediately and in less than half an hourliquor was secured and she was kept under its influence. The remedies seemedto do no good and the little girl died next day.

ANDREW THOMPSON - LocationUnknown [Possibly Winfield]

Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.

Real Estate Transfers.
A. H. Buckwalter to Andrew Thompson,n. w. 11 35 3, 159 acres, $1,100.


Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.

Andrew Thompson started for California lastFriday.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.

DIED. Died, in this city, at the residenceof his mother, Mrs. J. W. Patterson, on Friday last, of typho-malarial fever,after an illness of three weeks, Clarence Thompson, in the 18th year ofhis age. The funeral took place the following day, conducted by Rev. S.B. Fleming, when the remains were laid to rest in the Riverview Cemeteryin the presence of sorrowing relatives and friends.


Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.

Doctor Thompson, of Silver Creek, was inthe city Saturday.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Cowley has a new post office named "Eli,"three miles south of Dexter, with Eli Thompson postmaster.



Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.


MARRIED. A wedding to which the people ofVernon Township have been looking with great interest was held at the residenceof the bride's father, Thursday evening, June 7th, at 9 o'clock. The contractingparties were Mr. William Schwantes, son of Mr. Fred W. Schwantes, and MissEmma Martin, daughter of James F. Martin. The ritual ceremony was performedby the Rev. James Cairns, of Winfield, on the lawn under a group of treesdecorated with Chinese lanterns. The wedding march rendered by Mr. Albertsmade the scene very impressive. The bride looked lovely in a steel coloredsilk trimmed with black Spanish lace. Her hair was dressed with beautifulflowers a la bretzel. The groom wore the conventional black andlooked proud and happy. The friends of the bride and groom remembered them,as the following list of presents will testify.

Glass water pitcher, Mr. Floyd Thompsonand his sister, Miss Lizzie.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.



Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Messrs. Geo. Thompson, P. Funkhouser, andPhilip Peck, of eastern Cowley, returned last week from Oklahoma, escortedas far as Hunnewell by a squad of blue-coats. The old adage, "Fieldslook green at a distance," is being indelibly impressed upon the mindsof all these boomers.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.

T. E. Balyeat, C. R. Fowler, and Geo. W.Thompson were up from A. C. last Monday.


Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.

See the new card of H. Thompson in anothercolumn. Mr. Thompson is a first-class stonemason and bricklayer.


Stone Mason and Plasterer.

Does work in his line according to contract,and guarantees satisfaction or no pay.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.

[This issue listed Courier advertisers.]
THOMPSON, H., is one of the beststone masons in the country.

Not certain if the H. Thompson mentionedabove was "Henry" Thompson, mentioned below, showing that he wasliving in Walnut Township in 1881...



Winfield Courier,Thursday, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.

H. C. Thompson last week sold a bunch of50 head of mixed cattle to Jos. Gierson, of Newton, at the rate of $35 forcows and calves, $25 for dry cows, and $30 for two-year-olds.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Wednesday's Daily.

The family of Isaac Thompson, in the Firstward, are down with an attack of the measles.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday's Daily.

Madame Jeffries and daughter have rentedfront rooms over C. R. Sipes' hardware establishment, and have been holdingforth there for some weeks. Friday night they had a big racket. Jim Thompson,a man who abides with the aforesaid women as their protector, went in andfound a traveler by the name of Webb. Thompson ordered him to "getout," but for some reason Webb did not go as rapidly as was desiredand the consequence was he was knocked down the stairway by Thompson. Hegathered himself together as soon as he regained his senses and sought hishotel. Saturday Thompson, Webb, the madame, and her daughter were arrested.Thompson was fined $25 and costs, total $36.00, for the part he took inthe fracas; and Webb $17. The two women plead guilty to running a houseof prostitution and were each fined $10 and costs; total each $14. The entireparty paid all the assessments in full.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Police Court Doings.

There was a disturbance in a bagnio on SummitStreet on Friday night, which led to the arrest of all the inmates, andtheir appearance in the police court the next day. Fred J. Webb was thefirst offender tried, the charge against him being unlawful cohabitation.His story was that he had treated one of the inmates of the house to a carriageride, had had a social time with her, and when he arrived at her rooms wentto bed to sleep off his debauch. While in the house he was assaulted byJ. J. Thompson and driven out into the street. Fined $10 and $7 costs.

J. J. Thompson was next arraigned for unlawfulcohabitation and assault. His assessment was $25 fine and $6 costs.

Mrs. Jeffries, for keeping a house of illfame, was mulcted $10 and $4 costs; and her daughter, Miss Jeffries, forbeing an inmate of a disorderly house, was assessed in the same amount.



Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interestedthat the following described tracts of land and town lots, situated in theCounty of Cowley and State of Kansas, sold in the year 1873 for the taxof 1872, will be deeded to the purchaser on the 5th day of May, A. D., 1876,unless redeemed prior to that date.

Given under my hand this 27th day of December,1875.

E. B. KAGER, County Treasurer.
Living in Arkansas City: J. L. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.

Minutes of meeting held at Bethel schoolhouse,district 37th, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.

1. On motion B. McCann was appointed presidentof society.

2. On motion Peter Paugh was appointed vicepresident.

3. On motion John Mentch was appointed secretary.

4. On motion M. J. Ross was appointed treasurer.

5. Resolved, That this societybe called the Murphy Temperance Society.

6. Resolved, That the meetingsof this society be held on Tuesday evenings of each week.

7. Resolved, That we appoint acommittee of five on program.

8. Committee on program: Henry Weekly, QuinPaugh, M. J. Ross, Julia Anderson, and Frank Weekly.

9. Vote of thanks to J. L. Rushbridge.

10. On motion the secretary be requestedto furnish the county papers with the proceedings of this meeting, and thenames of those who have signed the pledge.

Minutes read and approved. J. L. Rushbridge,Secretary pro tem.

One of those who signed: J. M. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.

Mr. John Thompson, a young man from VernonTownship, had a run-a-way Saturday. He was driving a team of colts and oneof them got his head under the cheek and began to run in a circle. Thompsonjumped out, grabbed the bits, and was trying to stop them when the off coltgave him a heavy kick on the leg. This was more than he bargained for andhe let the colts go. The buggy was picked up in a demoralized condition.


Winfield Courier,February 10, 1881.

Ike Davis and John Thompson had a little"jamboree" on the streets Saturday night. They got under the influenceof liquor and attempted to stand off the marshal with a knife. It is needlessto say that they languished over Sunday in the cooler, and their spare changefound its way into the city treasury.

JOHN C. THOMPSON - ArkansasCity?

Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.

John C. Thompson and Ches. Dolsberry havejust returned from Colorado. They say Kansas is good enough for them fromthis time on, and don't want any more Colorado in theirs.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. R. L. Millspaugh and Miss MaryO. Yeoman were united in Marriage last Thursday evening at the home of Mr.and Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, parents of the bride, in Vernon Township, Rev. J.M. Thompson, conducting the ceremonies. Friends and neighbors were presentin full force, some of them from abroad, and the occasion was one of thepleasantest. The presents were numerous, useful, and elegant. The groomis the son of J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, and one of the sturdy, most industrious,and frugal young men of the county, and in every way worthy of the sterlingyoung lady who consents to share the joys and sorrows of life. The congratulationswere many and hearty. The COURIER extends thanks for as fine a variety ofcake as ever tickled the palate. May peace and prosperity ever attend thislaunch upon the matrimonial sea.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfersfor the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished theCOURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.

M. J. Swarts and B. C. Swarts to J. S. Thompson,lots 15, 16, 17, blk 187, Arkansas City. $130.00


Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.

Real Estate Transfers.
L. W. Thompson to W. O. Wright,n. ½ sw. 8, 32, 6; 80 acres, $200.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday's Daily.

M. S. Thompson returned to his Missourihome last evening. He will come back here in about one month, bringing withhim a car-load of fine driving horses.


Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.

N. Thompson purchased through the agencyof Lowe, Hoffman & Barron the Fred Farrar property in the first ward.He paid $3,200 therefor.

Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.

N. Thompson sold to A. G. Lowe a sectionof land of which he is owner in Ford County this week. The considerationwas $6,400.

Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.

N. Thompson, who recently located here fromHarper County, purchased 80 acres of land in Sumner County from A. G. Lowe.The consideration was $2,500.


Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.

Probate Court.

First annual settlement of the estate ofDaniel Weaverling, deceased, was made this week. Administrator to pay alldebts which have been allowed. N. C. Thompson was allowed his demand offifty dollars against the estate. Report of sale of real estate of JohnB. Daniels, deceased, approved and deed altered. David C. Beach was appointedadministrator of the estate of Wm. B. Carr; C. A. Roberts, administratorof the estate of Mary Davenport; and Edna [?] U, Smyth, administratrix ofthe estate of Wm. H. Smyth.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Quite an agreeable surprise occurred atthe residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bovee, at New Salem, on the evening ofJune 23rd. A company of twenty-one ladies and gentlemen called on them justas they were about to retire for the night and put them in remembrance ofthe fact that it was the 25th anniversary of their wedding and they hadcome to help them celebrate it. While Mr. and Mrs. Bovee were receivingand making their guests comfortable, a few of the ladies were in the diningroom preparing a wedding feast from their well filled baskets, which theyhad prepared and brought along for the occasion. By the time the host andhostess had their guests comfortably seated, the dining room door was swungopen and Mr. and Mrs. Bovee were invited to supper, and acquainted withthe fact that they were expected to be the guests of their friends for theevening. The bride and groom of the occasion were placed at the head ofthe table, and when the company became seated at the table, Mrs. W. C. Douglass,in a neatly fitting speech, presented them with the following presents.We give the names of the donors.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.W. C. Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher, Mr.and Mrs. E. I. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Pixley, and Messrs. W. McEwenand Ed. Christopher were the donors of a beautiful silver cake basket andset of silver napkin rings. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Thompson, silver sugar spoon;Mr. Frank Pixley, silver mustard spoon; Miss Alice Johnson, silver sugarspoon; Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mrs. M. C. Porter, of Biggsville, Illinois, silverbutter knife. W. C. D.



Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.

R. G. Thompson vs. S. J. Thompson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Thompson, of south Walnuttownship, were made the happy parents of a bouncing girl prattler Monday.Dr. Marsh thinks with careful nursing, the old gentleman will pull through.



Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.








Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Township Elections.

The following township officers were declaredelected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.

SPRING CREEK: Geo. Easton, trustee; Robt.Haines, clerk; Albert Gritkey, treasurer; Samuel Thompson, J. P.; Robt.Shinn and Frank Schofield, constables.

Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.

Office of the County Clerk, Winfield,Kansas, February 12th, 1884.

BOARD met in regular session agreeable toadjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton,Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.

Among other proceedings the following claimswere allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paidfrom $2.00 to $6.00.


Judges: T. S. Parvin, R. J. Mead, SamuelThompson.

Clerks: F. Chaplin, G. F. Gilleland.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Patrick is shelling out his cribs ofcorn, will have about 80 car loads. S. S. Thompson is also shelling his,will have about 40 car loads. This gives our town a lively appearance andtakes the energy of Harvey, the R. R. Agent, to keep them in cars, as wellas the other shippers.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


S. S. Thompson will start for Chicago ina few days on grain business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

S. S. Thompson and family start for Chicagotoday, the 5th. We are sorry to lose Mr. Thompson and family,but sincerely trust that prosperity and happiness will follow them to theirnew home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.

Dr. Mudgett purchased the S. S. Thompsonproperty last week. The Dr. is becoming quite a landed proprietor, hencehe recognizes a good bargain at all times.

Morphine Carries Away AnotherVictim, A Bright Little Girl.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

One of those sad accidents which forciblyillustrate the brittleness of human life occurred at the Ohio House on SouthMain Wednesday night of last week. The bright, little two-year-old girlof Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson had been ailing slightly and was very restless.Late in the night she seemed to defy all efforts to quiet her, though therewere no signs of serious illness, and the mother went to a large open mouthedmorphine bottle, dipped the spoon in it, and gave the child what she thoughtwas a small dose. But the spoon was damp, and it is supposed as much clungto the bottom as there was in it. The child immediately went to sleep andnothing more was thought of her until the father heard very hard breathing.Efforts were made to arouse her, without avail. A physician was summoned,but when he reached there, the little soul had fled, and the father andmother were wringing their hands in despair. It was a terrible blow to theparents.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Udall Sentinel Items.

DIED. Victor Thompson, formerly a residentof this county and a brother-in-law of Marion Fitzsimmons, of Udall, wasinstantly killed in Shasta County, Colorado, by the caving in of a mineon the 23rd of last month. He had sold his property, and in a few days wouldhave been en route for his old home had this sad catastrophe not happened.


[UDALL. "O"]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Webb Thompson and his sister, Clara, returnedto Emporia to school on the 3d inst.


Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.

Wm. F. Wise has bought the Wm. Thompson80 in Pleasant Valley Township for $1,500.

W. L. Thompson???


Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.

N. E. Darling has sold his store at Akronto Mr. Thompson, and will change his location to Grand Summit, Cowley County.Mr. Darling and E. E. Rogers will set up a general store at that place.They will build immediately. The short time Mr. Darling has been our merchant,he has worked up a good trade and has done an honest business. While weare sorry to lose Mr. Darling as a merchant, we wish him and his partnerunlimited success in their new location.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.

Friend "Mike," who writes fromAkron to the Telegram, seems jubilant over getting a Democrat PostMaster. You must bear in mind, "Mike," it was not because Mr.Thompson is a Democrat that he is Post Master. It was because the locationsuited the majority of the people and was recommended by the Republicansas well as the Democrats.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.

Oliver of Akron Observes.

That Mr. Thompson has added new goods tohis store and is doing a good business.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. Thompson of the Akron store is verysick.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. Thompson is again able to attend toduties in his store.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. W. L. Thompson will haul his freighthereafter on a spring wagon.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Thursday's Daily.

Messrs. Thompson and Croft purchased fourlots this morning out in Swarts' addition, through the real estate agencyof Meigs & Nelson. The consideration was $500. Both gentlemen will erectresidences.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

Messrs. Thompson and Hilliard sold P. Petersan acre northwest of the city this morning or $675.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.

Uncle Billy Thompson's brother is visitinghim from Allen County. They got separated 35 years ago, and each supposedthe other dead until a few days ago. They killed the fatted calf and hada good time over their meeting.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfersfor the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished theCOURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.

R. Thompson and wife to C. M. Scott, lots25 and 26, block 1, Arkansas City. $10.00


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

The gravel train on the Fort Scott &Gulf railroad ran over Michael Millaty, a laborer, 7:30 Wednesday morning,mangling and crushing his leg in such a manner that he died almost instantly.He was about forty years old, and is said to have a family in Chicago. Dr.Thompson, the coroner, was telegraphed for, and an inquest held at about11 o'clock. The jury returned a verdict of accidental killing, with no blameattached.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

Capt. Stevens, Messrs. Carson, Phenix, andThompson were down from Richland Friday, looking after the interests oftheir township in the new railroad proposition.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfers,filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.

C M Scott et ux to Nancy J Thompson, lots19 and 20, blk 195, Ark City: $70

Nancy J Thompson and husband to Sallie GVawter, lots 19 and 20 blk 105, Ark City: $175

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfersfiled in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.

Frances M Howey et ux to Nancy Jane Thompson,lots 21 and 22 blk 7, Arkansas City: $200.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.

Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Thompson were upfrom Arkansas City last Friday.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.

Liberty township comes up with the latestcase of misplaced confidence. Maggie Thompson, a girl of eighteen, has hadSteven Carver arrested, charging him with being the father of her unbornbabe. Constable Siverd brought him before Judge Buckman Tuesday, and theexamination was set for the 14th inst. Steven is a young manof twenty-three, with some property. He don't look bad, but his reputationindicates differently. He gave bond for his appearance.

Stephen Carver, ConfrontedWith the Gravity of His Crime,
Ends All in Matrimony.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

A week ago Stephen Carver was brought beforeJudge Buckman, charged with being the father of Maggie Thompson's unbornbabe. Both reside in Liberty township. He is a young fellow of twenty-fourand she a girl of twenty. He has always been considered a tough one. Sheis of a good family, one upon whom no stain has ever before fallen. He wooedMaggie, got her confidence and love, and under the guise of a matrimonialengagement, took her virtue--a woman's all. That he never intended to marryher is evident. His property was put in the name of another, and he gotin readiness to "skunk" out. But the girl realized her misplacedconfidence--her terrible mistake--and brought a criminal action. The trialwas set for Monday. A day or so ago County Attorney Asp got Carver in tow,and talked to him like a Dutch Uncle, showing up the devilishness of Steve'scrime--how he had ruined a promising, innocent girl, to be thrown on a coldand unsympathetic world with an indelible brand on her brow, and the legalpenalty to pay himself. Steve "caved," and consented to end allin matrimony, and yesterday the climax came. The relatives on both sidesappeared in the County Attorney's office, Judge Gans and a marriage licensewere sent for, and the ceremony pronounced. The Judge's preliminary advicemelted everyone present. He told of the mistakes of life and their remedies;the solemn obligations of the marriage vow, admonishing the young coupleto retrieve their mistakes with a determination unshakeable. It was a peculiarlypathetic scene--in wonderful contrast to the usual jollity of a wedding.The bride and groom cried like children. Those who know the couple bestthink their marriage will "stick," and their lives be happy. Sheloves him with an ardent devotion that will go a long ways toward this result.His late actions exhibit manhood, capable of blotting out this mistake ina long and happy wedded life. That such will be the case is the earnestwish of all.

The Social Arena of LibertyTownship Again Shaken--Too Much Lothario.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

Liberty township again stirred from centerto circumference, right on the heels of the Carver-Thompson case. This timethe social disarrangement embraces numerous families whose male guardianshave wandered from the straight and narrow path of virtue. The origin ofthe affair is with Mrs. Jake Davis. It is reported that Jake had been watchingher suspicious actions from the corner of his left eye for some time, andat a Holiness meeting night before last, her Lotharios' made themselvesentirely too officious. Reaching home Jake began to tear up hades, and hiswife, instead of penitently pleading, told him to go to "thunder."Warmer and warmer grew the melee until household furniture flew like hailstones. The old lady, with furious anathemas, "got up and got,"leaving the old man the field. She declares her determination to come toWinfield, hire out as a domestic, and shuffle him forever. Jake is forty-fiveyears old, and they have six children, the oldest twenty-one, and the youngesta baby. The affray has caused intense excitement in the neighborhood, andthe gossips are rolling morsels of unusual sweetness under their tongues.Our informant was unable to say what would be done with the children. Anumber of married men have an unenviable interest in the row--their betterhalves' in their wool in a manner that beckons a divorce court. Jake don'tkick on his wife's precipitate flight--is glad of it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfersfiled in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.

Fleazer Baldwin to Alice I Thompson, lot16 and s hf lot 11, blk 165, Leonard's ad to A C: $500


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

CHILD BURNED. Last Monday a child of Mr.Thompson's, living on Grouse Creek, was so badly burned by fire that itdied during the night. We were unable to get full particulars.




Noticing a number of wagons coming fromthe south on the evening of our arrival, we went to where they were campedand found them to be Arkansas City freighters on their return from FortSill, namely: E. D. Bowen, A. A. Davis, R. B. Scott, Gardner Mott, JohnnyMott, Brown, Provose, Thompson, Dilworth, Belknap, and Campbell. The latterthree were on their way down. After leaving the last TRAVELER and tellingall we could think of, we left them for the night.



Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Vernon Township.

Mr. Croco has moved out and Mr. Thompsonfrom Indiana, who purchased his farm, has moved in. Mr. Thompson paid $3,000for 80 acres. Vernon farms when sold bring the stamps.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

PUBLIC SALE. We, the undersigned, havingshipped for our own use a car load of Yearling Bulls from Morgan County,Illinois, and having more than we need, we will offer for sale on Monday,June 16, 1884, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m., at John Bobbitt's sale stable,9th avenue, Winfield, the following described property: 10 or 12 high gradeshort horn yearling bulls. Also 1 thoroughbred exported Poll-Angus bulland one of his get 6 months old. Terms: six months time on approved securitywithout interest. If not paid when due, 10 percent interest from date. HOOVER& THOMPSON, Winfield, Kansas.

Walter Denning, Auctioneer.


Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.

Hon. Henry Harbaugh sold his two quartersection farms last week to one Mr. Thompson, of Illinois. Consideration:$13,250. Mr. Harbaugh has been one of the oldest inhabitants of this sectionbesides a public spirited man and his removal will be much regretted bythis community. By energy, industry, and intelligently directed efforts,his residence quarter section is one of the nicest, neatest, and most convenientlyarranged farms in this township.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.

Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of Emporia,arrived in our city last Friday, and visited their old friends, U. Sprayand family.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.

Tom Gilbert, the Kaw trader, was in townlast Saturday. Upon his return he was accompanied by Mrs. Thompson and daughter,of Emporia, who intend spending several weeks visiting Mrs. Gilbert.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Emporia, are inthe city and will spend the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. T. J. Gilbert.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Saturday's Daily.

Frank J. Hess, who has just returned froma trip to Ft. Smith and Little Rock, informs us that at the first namedcity he met Frank Greer, Col. J. C. McMullen, H. G. Fuller, and Thompson,the real estate man, all of Winfield, down there speculating in town lots.Greer is going to start a real estate office. He has left Winfield and goneto a booming town. Col. McMullen says they have endeavored to work up aboom in Winfield, but that it was an utter impossibility to do so. Mr. Hessconsidered Little Rock the best town for investment. Property was not sohigh there and the town was booming. A man from Kansas is dubbed a "Kansasboomer," and his acquaintance is courted by all. He was pleased withthat country, but in his estimation Arkansas City was far ahead of any townhe visited for investments in real estate. Therefore, he did not buy.



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