Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (2024)

Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (1)You know that moment? That moment where you make a dish from a recipe and then feed it to people. While they are eating it you hear “mmmmmm’s” and then the best thing ever happens… they begin asking for the recipe? You know when that person just happens to be your mother-in-law? All the better, right?

Remember, I used to not be able to cook…AT. ALL. Before Nick and I were married, we visited his parents. Always feeling inept in the kitchen, especially surrounded by all of his sisters and his mom, I would try to fit in by chopping this and stirring that. His mom needed to make a jello salad with fruit in it for a function we were going to. Jello salad with fruit in it…how hard could that be to mess up? I volunteered to make it for her and guess what. I messed up a jello salad. Seriously, I know… how freaking hard is it to make a jello salad with fruit in it? Apparently much harder than I had the talent for at the time. His mom was nice about it, but I could tell that she was disappointed.

I don’t think I ever redeemed myself as a cook with his family, until close to 12 years later when every one was gathered at our house after Leah’s baptism. To think that the redeeming dish was these oh so simple, Oven Ham Sammies. After that dinner every single person there asked me for the recipe. Everyone…and yes, that includes my mother-in-law. Thanks to my friend Torree for passing on this recipe and helping me gain a bit of a reputation with the in-laws. Now I”m feeling so confident, I may just go try to make a jello salad!

Oven Ham Sammies

1 12 count package Kings Hawaiian Rolls
1/2 cup butter melted
1/2 tsp ground mustard
1 tsp poppy seeds
2 tsp onion flakes
1 tsp worcheshire sauce
1 package swiss cheese
12-16oz thin sliced ham

Put ham and cheese on sliced rolls
Mix all other ingredients and spoon over sammies. Let set overnight or several hours
Bake on 350 for 15 min before serving

Love sandwiches? Check out these yummy sammie recipes!

Reader Interactions


  1. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (2)Caitlin says

    I really have no idea what a jello salad with fruit in it is so I’m not sure I would be confident to make one! I assume it involves jello and fruit but beyond that…?
    .-= Caitlin´s last blog ..5 tips for the Sahara Festival in Douz, Tunisia =-.

  2. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (3)Maria says

    Looks good! No wonder it was a hit!
    .-= Maria´s last blog ..Recipe for Peach Almond Cake =-.

  3. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (4)SB's Bea says

    These look fabulously simple. I love the sweetness of King’s Hawaiian Rolls (which is why I don’t often buy them…I would eat the entire package by myself). And, don’t feel bad. I didn’t know how to cook either. I could handle the basics, but have learned the other little details on my own as food sparked my curiosity. Cooking is all about learning and enjoying.
    .-= SB’s Bea´s last blog ..Picky Eaters Need Not Apply =-.

  4. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (5)Leah says

    Umm, yah, I will need to make this! I LOVE a good sandwich. 🙂

  5. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (6)Amy J says

    Ooooh, I’ve had these, a few months back but forgot about ’em. They are some good eats fo’ sho’. Thanks for the reminder!
    .-= Amy J´s last blog ..Save Venice! Please. =-.

  6. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (7)Caitlin says

    Impressing the MIL? Nice going! I love the Hawaiian bread – it’s so soft and sweet. What kind/brand of ham did you use? I’m kind of iffy on ham because it sometimes gets slimy. 🙁

  7. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (8)DeAnn says

    I got this recipe awhile back and have not made them. You have just inspired me to finally make them. Thanks!!!

  8. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (9)Pat Wogan says

    These look delish! MMMMM

  9. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (10)Kat - LA Blogger Gal says

    These look yummy and I’m not even a fan of ham (sacrilege, I know).

  10. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (12)Tim says

    I love your blog, but I have to say it’s hard to believe looking at your posts that you were ever less than capable in the kitchen!

  11. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (14)Susan at SGCC says

    Hey, that jello can be pretty tricky stuff! Those little sandwiches, on the other hand, look fabulous! I’m impressed too! 🙂
    .-= Susan at SGCC´s last blog ..Strawberry Marshmallows =-.

  12. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (15)Paula - bell'alimento says

    Your sammie looks great! I love Hawaiian rolls will have to try these out & Thanks so much for including my shrimp avocado summer sammie in your links! Mwah 🙂
    .-= Paula – bell’alimento´s last blog ..Grilled Peaches & Cream =-.

  13. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (16)Cynthia says

    Yayyyyy! Can’t wait to see the jello salad.

    Hon, I have not changed by blog theme, colours or font, apparently there are times when the page does not load properly. The next time that happens can you please refresh the page? That should do the trick. Thanks.
    .-= Cynthia´s last blog ..Haitian Griot (Fried Pork) & Accra =-.

  14. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (17)Michelle says

    We love these little sandwiches. They are great for parties and showers (bridal or baby, not in the bathtub because the bread would get soggy). My husband gets worried when I make them because he thinks some big event is about to happen but sometimes I do make them just because (because they are delicious!)

  15. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (18)Ellie says

    I think I had these at someone’s house a couple weeks ago and they were so tasty! I had asked her for the recipe but she hasn’t gotten it to me – I’m so excited to make these!
    .-= Ellie´s last blog ..My new tote bag…and my first interior zipper =-.

  16. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (20)Lisa says

    What a triumph! I’d have to agree that those sandwiches look amazing and I’m not usually a sandwich kind of gal!
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Meringue That Won’t Weep =-.

  17. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (21)Kate says

    These look perfect for a busy day with in-laws visiting! LOL, your jello salad story reminds me of the first time I had dinner with my potential in-laws. MIL-to-be had made a cake, and said that the thing she loved about the recipe was that you didn’t have to sift the flour. I bit into my piece and found a bay leaf. A dry one. I ate it. All of it. Later she told me she kept bay leaves in the flour to keep weevils out. I still do that to this day. But I ALWAYS sift my flour. Her son? We never got married. I wonder if it was the bay leaf incident?
    .-= Kate´s last blog ..ITALIAN ALMOND COOKIES =-.

  18. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (22)Tammi says

    I have had this same recipe for many years and LOVE IT! It is a mainstay at all of our at-work pot luck lunches!

  19. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (24)oneshotbeyond says

    That’s what I wanted for lunch today. I didn’t know it, but that is it! Darn

  20. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (25)Gaby says

    looks like a winner – I think this would be a hit with any guests!
    .-= Gaby´s last blog ..Pesto Shrimp Hand Roll =-.

  21. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (27)Jamie says

    Wow, these really look fantastic…I know these would be a hit with my family! 🙂
    .-= Jamie´s last blog ..Peach Blackberry Crumble Tart {Guest Post}… =-.

  22. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (28)Deborah says

    I’d be asking for the recipe, too – and now I have it! (and I have that same plate as well!)
    .-= Deborah ´s last blog ..Zucchini & Yellow Squash Soup =-.

  23. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (29)Simone (junglefrog) says

    Oo poor you, messing up the jello salad (which I also have no idea what that is, btw) It’s always bad when that happens with the inlaws.. Glad you managed to impress them with this lovely sammich! 🙂
    .-= Simone (junglefrog)´s last blog ..Cannelloni with cauliflower and romanesca =-.

  24. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (30)Lockey says

    I have been making this recipe for family get togethers for years. These are probably my all time favorite sandwich!!

  25. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (32)Teanna says

    I don’t believe you were not able to cook! Not for a second! You amaze me with everything you make! And your photography is just to die for!

  26. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (33)Savannah says

    Wow! Thanks for being the first comment on my blog! I just tried this recipe and it was amazing! Thanks for always beings the most amazing food resource on the net!
    .-= Savannah´s last blog ..The SIZZLING CHEF Revealed…. =-.

  27. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (35)Lisa says

    I accidentally found your site while I was on Blue-Kitchen and boy am I glad I did! These sammies remind me of the ones my Grandmother used to make. She always used potato rolls but I never liked all that extra flour – the Hawaiian rolls would be so much better. I can’t wait to try these! And the pita salad – I’m always looking for something new to bring to parties. I’ll be back for more.

  28. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (36)Maris says

    I love how we always go crazy making complicated recipes and it’s the simplest ones that impress people. Of all the things I’ve slaved over from scratch, my family said my saltine cracker candy was the best thing I ever made!
    .-= Maris´s last blog ..To the East side =-.

  29. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (37)Tina says

    I made these last night and there was complete silence at the dinner table as my husband and I ate. That’s how we know it’s good stuff – no talking, just yummy noises!

  30. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (38)Julie says

    that is EXACTLY what I want right now. It would make a fab breakfast, right?
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..Watermelon Salsa =-.

  31. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (40)Les in NE says

    OMG. These look fabulous!! I think they’d be great served with Martha Stewart’s Mac & Cheese or my Cheesy/Dill Potato Casserole. YUM!!
    .-= Les in NE´s last blog ..Tuesday Teaser =-.

  32. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (41)Mellisa W says

    Love, love, love this recipe. I made it Monday and already want it again. Thanks!

  33. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (42)Jenny says

    I want to tell everyone I know about these amazing little sandwiches!! They are amazing. We had them two nights ago and they’re already on the menu for when we have guests this weekend. Thanks so much!
    .-= Jenny´s last blog intro to white balance =-.

  34. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (43)Bridget says

    This is a great recipe! My husband loved it and even my toddler had a sandwich. Perfect size for little hands. I do have a question on how you cooked these. I put them in a glass pyrex dish but the bottom of the rolls were pretty soggy. I would like to get them a little crisper. Is there a different way to bake them or just use less butter?

  35. Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (44)Jennifer Young says

    I made a double batch of these for a family party this weekend, and oh my goodness. What a hit! These are so delicious. I served with a cold pasta salad and pickles. Wonderful recipe–thanks!


  1. […] I met Kristen from Dine & Dish at BlogHer. She is fabulous, and I love her blog. She posted a recipe for Oven Ham Sammies […]

  2. […] found this recipe at a wonderful blog called Dine & Dish. Her sandwich looks much better than mine but I think I captured the flavor just as […]

  3. […] found this recipe on Dine and Dish back in August and since then I’ve made these about 10 times. I just can’t help myself. […]

  4. […] – Oven Ham Sammies, chips, raw veggies and […]

  5. […] – Oven Ham Sammies, veggies and […]

  6. […] aren’t big pickle eaters. Since I absolutely love King Hawaiian rolls when I use them for the Oven Ham Sammies recipe I love, I used them in this recipe and it was a huge hit! I can imagine passing these out the next […]

  7. […] of Dine and Dish promises that this Oven Ham Sammies recipe will be a […]

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  10. […] from Dine and Dish Posted in Appetizers, Main Dish, Sandwiches | Tagged Easy, Kid Friendly, Make-Ahead […]

  11. […] – Oven Ham Sammies, chips, veggies and […]

  12. […] – Breakfast – Apple Cider Doughnus – Dinner – Oven Ham Sammies, sweet potato fries, cinnamon maple […]

  13. […] This recipe. I haven’t yet tried it on my in-laws like the title says, (just wait til your next visit!) […]

Impressing the In-Laws (Recipe - Oven Ham Sammies) (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.